Inequality. Is it that bad?

OP- It's an un-American horror, and won't be fixed until we end incredible corporate shill/demented actor Reagan's tax rates and policies, and perhaps his BS RW propaganda machine...The New BS GOP is a catastrophe, for greedy a-holes and hater dupes only...

I love the sound of loser liberals crying about inequality...
It sounds like ...victory.

Laughing.....unless you're super wealthy, you're not winning shit with inequality.

Yep...still sounds like victory.
Do you believe we should do something about social inequality? I believe it is really necessary and it is necessary right now. The question is how we get to the point when middle class will be able to control the country once again, both American economy and political system.


So you think government controlling the economy equates to the "middle class" controlling it? You're delusional
OP- It's an un-American horror, and won't be fixed until we end incredible corporate shill/demented actor Reagan's tax rates and policies, and perhaps his BS RW propaganda machine...The New BS GOP is a catastrophe, for greedy a-holes and hater dupes only...

I love the sound of loser liberals crying about inequality...
It sounds like ...victory.
You're a brainwashed moron/dupe of the greedy idiot rich. When one family has more wealth than 40% of the country and 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% and consumer demand is THE problem, and your care is making intelligent people complain, you need some fresh air, hater dupe. Change the channel.
Do you believe we should do something about social inequality? I believe it is really necessary and it is necessary right now. The question is how we get to the point when middle class will be able to control the country once again, both American economy and political system.


So you think government controlling the economy equates to the "middle class" controlling it? You're delusional
Only when Dems control the gov't duh...See the greedy idiot rich GOP run wild and wreck the world 1929 AND 2008...
OP- It's an un-American horror, and won't be fixed until we end incredible corporate shill/demented actor Reagan's tax rates and policies, and perhaps his BS RW propaganda machine...The New BS GOP is a catastrophe, for greedy a-holes and hater dupes only...

I love the sound of loser liberals crying about inequality...
It sounds like ...victory.
You're a brainwashed moron/dupe of the greedy idiot rich. When one family has more wealth than 40% of the country and 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% and consumer demand is THE problem, and your care is making intelligent people complain, you need some fresh air, hater dupe. Change the channel.

I'm doing just fine thanks...
It's just that I get sick of hearing liberals cry about jobs and stagnant wages while their president floods the country with immigrants.
It's like the whole racist shit...getting sick of hearing it.
OP- It's an un-American horror, and won't be fixed until we end incredible corporate shill/demented actor Reagan's tax rates and policies, and perhaps his BS RW propaganda machine...The New BS GOP is a catastrophe, for greedy a-holes and hater dupes only...

I love the sound of loser liberals crying about inequality...
It sounds like ...victory.
You're a brainwashed moron/dupe of the greedy idiot rich. When one family has more wealth than 40% of the country and 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% and consumer demand is THE problem, and your care is making intelligent people complain, you need some fresh air, hater dupe. Change the channel.

I'm doing just fine thanks...
It's just that I get sick of hearing liberals cry about jobs and stagnant wages while their president floods the country with immigrants.
It's like the whole racist shit...getting sick of hearing it.
I'm doing fine too duh. The difference is I care about people and the country and you're going to hell at this rate.
Inequality isnt a big deal to those that dont face it. Thats why it can continue on and make the people with money believe that all their problems exist because of the poor

You've got that backwards. It's the left that tells the poor that it's the rich people's fault that they are in poverty.

Remember Obama telling people that he was going after the rich to return the wealth to it's rightful owners? It was the left that arranged bus tours to the AIG execs homes so the people could get even angrier that some were living better than they were. Obama wants to spread the wealth around by taking from some and doling out to others.

The left seems to think that wealth redistribution will solve everything. Problem is that they will have to continually do that so everyone has equal amounts. And the wealthy would stop creating more wealth till eventually the well would dry up.

Government doesn't create wealth. Politicians love the wealthiest people and will never bite the hand that feeds them. We get a lot of lip service, then the middle class takes another hit.

Why does the left claims that it's the wealthy people's fault that someone is unemployed and completely unqualified for a good job? Did the wealthy people stop others from seeking an education? We've pour a lot of money into schools, mostly to shore up teacher's unions, but yet all that money didn't make the students want to learn or give a crap about their own future. So, why do so many not even bother? Maybe it has something to do with all the talk of entitlement and redistribution. If people are waiting till they are given something, maybe that takes away their desire and need to take steps on their own.

We are all equal under the constitution, but there has never been any promise of equal outcomes. As long as the playing field is level, everyone has the same opportunities. Crony capitalism and a revolving door between Washington and Wall Street is what helped the top wealthiest people in the country. Middle class has always carried the heaviest burden, but when the low income or no income able-bodied people don't meet us halfway, we get what we have now. A struggling and shrinking middle class.

End crony capitalism at the top and expect more effort from those at the bottom.

Even if each person were suddenly made equal right now, it would not stay that way because some will make smarter decisions. You can't dole out common sense and self-respect. And you can't keep redistributing the wealth. Nothing will ever achieve equal outcomes. That is solely on individuals. And liberals need to stop promising people that government can elevate them because it's not possible.
OP- It's an un-American horror, and won't be fixed until we end incredible corporate shill/demented actor Reagan's tax rates and policies, and perhaps his BS RW propaganda machine...The New BS GOP is a catastrophe, for greedy a-holes and hater dupes only...

I love the sound of loser liberals crying about inequality...
It sounds like ...victory.
You're a brainwashed moron/dupe of the greedy idiot rich. When one family has more wealth than 40% of the country and 99% of new wealth goes to the 1% and consumer demand is THE problem, and your care is making intelligent people complain, you need some fresh air, hater dupe. Change the channel.

I'm doing just fine thanks...
It's just that I get sick of hearing liberals cry about jobs and stagnant wages while their president floods the country with immigrants.
It's like the whole racist shit...getting sick of hearing it.
I'm doing fine too duh. The difference is I care about people and the country and you're going to hell at this rate.

Sorry,my tolerance for bullshit has reached it's limit.
You dumbfucks continue to cut your own throats and i'm just getting sick of hearing you cry about it.
Kinda like the plight of the inner city negro. No more fucks will be given until y'all wise up.
I think some of you liberals would be happier living in China where you could be equal and live out your lives working for the communist collective.
Inequality isnt a big deal to those that dont face it. Thats why it can continue on and make the people with money believe that all their problems exist because of the poor

You've got that backwards. It's the left that tells the poor that it's the rich people's fault that they are in poverty.

Remember Obama telling people that he was going after the rich to return the wealth to it's rightful owners? It was the left that arranged bus tours to the AIG execs homes so the people could get even angrier that some were living better than they were. Obama wants to spread the wealth around by taking from some and doling out to others.

The left seems to think that wealth redistribution will solve everything. Problem is that they will have to continually do that so everyone has equal amounts. And the wealthy would stop creating more wealth till eventually the well would dry up.

Government doesn't create wealth. Politicians love the wealthiest people and will never bite the hand that feeds them. We get a lot of lip service, then the middle class takes another hit.

Why does the left claims that it's the wealthy people's fault that someone is unemployed and completely unqualified for a good job? Did the wealthy people stop others from seeking an education? We've pour a lot of money into schools, mostly to shore up teacher's unions, but yet all that money didn't make the students want to learn or give a crap about their own future. So, why do so many not even bother? Maybe it has something to do with all the talk of entitlement and redistribution. If people are waiting till they are given something, maybe that takes away their desire and need to take steps on their own.

We are all equal under the constitution, but there has never been any promise of equal outcomes. As long as the playing field is level, everyone has the same opportunities. Crony capitalism and a revolving door between Washington and Wall Street is what helped the top wealthiest people in the country. Middle class has always carried the heaviest burden, but when the low income or no income able-bodied people don't meet us halfway, we get what we have now. A struggling and shrinking middle class.

End crony capitalism at the top and expect more effort from those at the bottom.

Even if each person were suddenly made equal right now, it would not stay that way because some will make smarter decisions. You can't dole out common sense and self-respect. And you can't keep redistributing the wealth. Nothing will ever achieve equal outcomes. That is solely on individuals. And liberals need to stop promising people that government can elevate them because it's not possible.
No, your greedy idiot party has just made it as difficult and expensive as possible to get education and training for jobs, and taxes the nonrich more than the rich., and giant corps less than anyone. Too bad you mainly racist, bigoted hater dupes have no clue. Change the channel.
The Term Inequality is the left's battle cry. Their version of Robin Hood.........Perhaps they should wear tights and a green suit to rob the rich to give to the poor.............Problem is.......Robin Hood was taking TAXES to give to the poor which is another one of their battle cries.............

The Solution, if even possible, is not higher taxation, or redistribution of wealth as they deem necessary.............but to create better paying jobs in America.............Under Free Trade and no tariffs to 3rd World countries we have given them the production edge due to laughable wages and EPA standards. Tariffs were designed to Level the playing field to PROTECT the ECONOMY. To not give FREE TRADE to those countries who are not up to par with production and labor standards................Free Trade needs to go............and Fair Trade with negotiated Trade agreements need to be brought back. It worked for nearly 200 years......... is a TWO EDGED go too far on Protectionism and you will create a Trade War.............and/or RAISE OUR PRICES too HIGH...................Their must be give and take in this process..............and the leaders of this country have SOLD THEIR SOULS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER..................They NO LONGER represent the people..............they serve their own personal gain...........Until they are gone from both parties we will see no change..........

They keep us arguing Dem versus Rep and both LAUGH AT US we are SHEEP............Until they are gone their will be no fix.................

Our Manufacturing side has been slaughtered.................for decades................not just from Free Trade but from cheap labor and lower regulations overseas...............Business who don't move FOLD under this on the World Markets...........because we have to face REALITY.............they are producing products MUCH CHEAPER THAN WE CAN.................

What is the every way we swing the sword............we Lop our own heads off.........................

Do we go Protectionist...........with a DEBT FROM HELL............dependent on the world due to Fiat Currency or do we make strides to buy American products wherever we find them..............Which are harder and harder to find..............

We are heading for a Global meltdown and CURRENCY long as we have the Reserve Currency we keep our heads above water...............when it's gone...............we Drown..................

A Global Reset is coming.................and there will be HELL TO PAY................and those in charge know it...........and they will decide when it folds.
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What is social inequality? The question wasn't about economic inequality despite that was the issue everyone addressed. It was social inequality. What does that mean to you?
One note...............our country has many assets....................a tree is still a tree, a cow is still a cow....................we have the resources to survive any Global Melt down......................but we must first kick these ass hats out of office.............who are positioning themselves to be the Last Standing to make us buy all the REAL assets back after the Crash..................So they will control the Fall and come out on top................

And they have done so with the manipulation of Global Currency.............which is done all over the world.................

Inequality is NOT THE's just a battle cry of propaganda to keep our focus on anything but the real problem.
Inequality is good and necessary. Unless we want to live in a colorless, homogeneous, leftist society.

Yeah, but how much. I agree that not all outcomes should be identical. But the current state of income inequality is pretty extreme. And getting more so.
What is social inequality? The question wasn't about economic inequality despite that was the issue everyone addressed. It was social inequality. What does that mean to you?
The OP addresses economic inequality as well.

All inequality is good. That is, all inequality among those of a kind. Human beings, for example, are equal to one another by virtue of their birth. It's a principle that served to define America once upon a time. As was its vibrant, dynamic society of people occupying different stations.
Inequality is a bad thing because it means most people can never really change their situation. Inequality means you don't afford an education and have no way up and out.

A really excellent is George W. Bush. If he had not been born to money, he would never have gotten the education he did, would not have had businesses and the presidency bought for him. Same with Donald Trump. Its only luck that he was born to so much wealth that he could be the incredibly poor businessman he is and still be rich.

Its very easy to say people should "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" but its rare that people can actually do that.

No it isn't, the largest barrier to the "boot strap" story is what it actually takes to climb that ladder......people do it every day ....but those that do have weighed the personal cost (mot monetarily) to do so.

The time it takes
OP- It's an un-American horror, and won't be fixed until we end incredible corporate shill/demented actor Reagan's tax rates and policies, and perhaps his BS RW propaganda machine...The New BS GOP is a catastrophe, for greedy a-holes and hater dupes only...

Strikingly intelligent , not.
What is social inequality? The question wasn't about economic inequality despite that was the issue everyone addressed. It was social inequality. What does that mean to you?
The OP addresses economic inequality as well.

All inequality is good. That is, all inequality among those of a kind. Human beings, for example, are equal to one another by virtue of their birth. It's a principle that served to define America once upon a time. As was its vibrant, dynamic society of people occupying different stations.

Could you attach a year to this 'once upon a time'. Because all too often these vague 'eras' are scrap work collages of different periods. Not an actual place in time.

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