Incongruous History


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
US Army Maj. George Racey Jordan was a Lend-Lease 'expediter' who couldn't understand the volume or priority nature of the shipments to the USSR....including 'secret cargo' hidden under 'diplomatic immunity.'

a. "The President has directed that 'airplanes be delivered in accordance with protocol schedules by the most expeditious means.' To implement these directives, the modification, equipment and movement of Russian planes have been given first priority, even over planes for US Army Air Forces." From the diaries of Maj. George Racey Jordan, supervisory 'expediter' of Soviet Lend-Lease aid, p. 20.

2. A simple businessman, in his 40's, who had flown with Eddie Rickenbacker in WWI, Jordan loved his country more than the Establishment, and became what ex-Socialist Max Eastman called the 'moral aristocracy.'
West, "American Betrayal," p.119.

3. In his capacity, he worked closely with Soviet chief, Col. Anatole Kotikov. With them at their apartment, he noticed Kotikov's wife-secretary pull her huband's "Experimental Chemicals" dossier from "a hiding place under the mattress, while her husband was pulling on his handsome boots of black leather."
Jordan, "From Major Jordan's Diaries, " p.47

a. In the file was a list of everything necessary to produce a 'brand-new and experimental atomic pile, courtesy of Lend-Lease."
West, Op. Cit.


c. "... he was instructed by the White House and State Department to deliver parts for the atomic bomb to the Soviets – at the same time the nation was worried about Russia stealing A-bomb secrets. At first, Congress did not believe him, but his diary filled with dates, shipping manifestos, and names of pilots who flew the missions,..."
Major George Jordan

4. In Jordan's book is a near-complete list of Soviet Lend-Lease material, this event that took place on this date....

1951: Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to death for espionage; two years later they became the first American civilians executed for that crime.

But not Franklin Roosevelt???????
As Obama infamously gloated as the moved society down the road to destruction, "Elections have consequences."

And never more so than the one that put the 32nd President in office.

Some consequences good....but others:

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?
FDR was the archetypal Democrat politician who would say or do anything to maintain his public approval. His greatest disdain for the American people was running for reelection in 1944, despite being terminally ill and dying within the next six months.
FDR was the archetypal Democrat politician who would say or do anything to maintain his public approval. His greatest disdain for the American people was running for reelection in 1944, despite being terminally ill and dying within the next six months.

Well.....see, now you've forced me to put up some of the other FDR.

I'm far from a big fan, but this guy is:

Consider the following pluses for FDR( from “The Hundred Days of FDR”, by Schlesinger)

Who can now imagine a day when America offered no Social Security, no unemployment compensation, no food stamps, no Federal guarantee of bank deposits, no Federal supervision of the stock market, no Federal protection for collective bargaining, no Federal standards for wages and hours, no Federal support for farm prices or rural electrification, no Federal refinancing for farm and home mortgages, no Federal commitment to high employment or to equal opportunity - in short, no Federal responsibility for Americans who found themselves, through no fault of their own, in economic or social distress?

I wonder how his adoring fans compare that, to this:
8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War....and probably no Soviet Union for Reagan to defeat.
There also wouldn't have been as urgent a need to ratify the 20th Amendment: FDR refused to meet with his predecessor (Hoover) for the five month period between his election in 1932 and subsequent inauguration in 1933. This essentially tied Hoover's hands from restructuring Europe's debt from WW1 and exacerbated the world-wide Great Depression.

There also wouldn't have been as urgent a need to ratify the 20th Amendment: FDR refused to meet with his predecessor (Hoover) for the five month period between his election in 1932 and subsequent inauguration in 1933. This essentially tied Hoover's hands from restructuring Europe's debt from WW1 and exacerbated the world-wide Great Depression.

Here's yet another case where 'informative' would be an appropriate button.

1. My study of the evidence indicates that Roosevelt knew exactly how to end the recession that he made into a depression, but saw it the same way Democrat Clyburn sees the Chinesevirus epidemic:
'tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision':

Here is how FDR ran for President:

The basis of FDR's 1932 campaign to win the presidency from Herbert Hoover was his emphatic promise to the suffering American people, that he would balance the budget. Of course, he also promised that he would use the government to create jobs, and that they "had a right to a comfortable living."

3.The part about balancing the budget had a certain resonance as President Harding had veered sharply away from federal spending and solved as big a recession in about one year. Certainly Franklin Roosevelt knew this, as he hammered away at Hoover's spending. October 19, 1932, he nailed Hoover, observing that in recent years federal expenses had increased by $1 billion "and that I may add, is the most reckless and extravagant past that I have been able to discover in the statistical record of any peacetime Government anywhere, any time."

a. Roosevelt went further! The cause: "It arises from one cause only and that is the unbalanced budget at he continued failure of this administration to take effective steps to balance it! If that budget had been fully and honestly balanced in 1930, some of the 1931 troubles would have been avoided. Even if it had been balanced in 1931, much of the extreme dip in 1932 would have been obviated. Every financial man in the country knows why this is true."

b. And this: "... carrying out the plain precept of our Party, which is to reduce the cost of current Federal Government operations by 25 percent." Ibid.

4. begin with, in March of 1933, he didn't fill his cabinet with persons committed to a balanced budget. A pretty much poke 'in your eye.'

a. Nah....instead the bunch put together the huge spending and administrative expansion of his first hundred days.

b. Roosevelt expanded the federal government and ran up deficits much greater than those of Hoover.

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