Ina LANDSLIDE, House repeals Obamacare

Missed one dipshit...


Believe it or not, due to modern science, many things that would of previously killed people don't anymore. We even have these things called vaccines!
Obviously the insurance companies need to be informed of your little list. They seem to have ACCEPTED many of the conditions and customers with said issues. Fear tactic, nothing more or less.

Links? Never mind the fact the list is compiled from a list of several insurance companies. The major ones at that. This is not ideological bullshit where you can argue that you have some valid point or two. These are the facts you're dealing with.
If it were true, those money grubbing insurance companies would be charging them higher premiums already. So much rings hallow from the left.

Are you ignorant on purpose or accident?

The GOP Solution To Health Coverage For Pre-Existing Medical Conditions - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - Forbes

Their answer is to create government supported high-risk insurance pools, operated by the states and funded with federal financial assistance for those with pre-existing medical conditions.

Still, Republican policymakers argue that moving people with pre-existing medical conditions from the private insurance pools to government operated high-risk programs will dramatically lower the premium costs for everyone because there will be less sick people spending the money of the healthy pool participants.

This would be a darn good result – if it were at all true.

There are no people with pre-existing medical conditions currently admitted into the private market insurance pools. If applicants with a pre-existing condition were able to buy health coverage and join these insurance pools, we would not be having this discussion!

Yes, there are people in the pools who have gotten sick subsequent to their getting their insurance coverage. But that is not the issue being addressed in this instance. That’s a separate matter of prohibiting insurance companies from tossing out people when they get sick. And yes, there is the matter of the cost of treating the medically uninsurable being passed on to the rest of us via higher premium costs, but it is the opponents of our current health care reform law who are quick to point out that insuring everyone will not lower our premium costs.

For goodness sakes, please educate yourself.

BCBS of Michigan accepts everyone on group plans through their employers. What is your malfunction in comprehending that?
uhmmm...stupid...everyone dies...get used to it.

Ah yes, let us just go on paying twice as much per capita for health care, and recieving a vastly inferior product in return. That is the All American Way. Twice as much per capita, and fail to cover tens of millions of citizens.

Just more of the "Greed is good", "I got mine, fuck you" mentality that dominates the present Republican Party.
Oye, you are dense.......such silly emotional appeals only serve to distract from the real issue. The reason for high health care costs in the US is because of the removal of the patient as a major participant in the financial and medical choices. When the medical bills are paid by third-party payers (insurance companies and governments) the costs always increase...always!! Patients overuse medical resources since those resources appear to be FREE!!! or almost free. Everyone jumps on the bandwagon - manufacturers of medical equipment create new and ever more expensive devices, Doctors order unnecessary tests and procedures, and since the invisible "third party" pays....nobody complains.

The solution is to make the PATIENT the central player in the medical marketplace. Patients need to be given the same motivations to economize or save on medical care that they have to economize in other markets.

There is no doubt the patient over uses medical facilities. Medical facilities are overused particular for serious conditions because the people making the big bucks are selling their services to patients who are not capable of evaluation the service in relation to the cost. The more services they sell, the more they make. Patients simply follow their doctors advice. For example:

Family doctor suspects cancer and orders an MRI from Radiology Dept in the clinc. Does the patient do a cost comparison between facilities determining which is better facility for the cost? Hell no, he has something far more important on his mind. Besides he's doesn't have the knowledge to compare the facilities even if he had the incentive.

Doctor orders more tests performed mostly in clinic and labs chosen by the doctor.

Patients gets cancer diagnosis and ask for second opinion. Family doctor refers patient to a specialist in the clinic, who sells a few more tests and confirms the diagnosis. Then the specialist present the options, one of which is an operation which he just happens to perform.

Patient chooses a hospital which of course is recommend by the surgeon. What follows is chemo, radiation, rehab, 2nd operation, and after 2 years hospice.

Cost to insurance company about $250,000. Results failure. The healthcare facilities make the same amount of money weather you live or die. Where is the incentive? The insurace company which should monitor the costs only pay the claims and passes the cost on to policyholders. As long as we have a pay for services system, we have high medical costs and poor results.
Gee I told the truth. Go figure Modbert. Just bite truth off in small bites and it goes down easier.

You didn't provide the full truth. You just gave the parts that framed it in favor of your argument. You still haven't provided any evidence to the prior question I asked links for.

And Reid is saying he won't even allow it onto the Senate floor?

That's gonna make the People happy, huh?

Regardless of Reid or the Senate, kiss the mandate, and almost all of Obamacare goodbye.

you do realize that even if it were to win in the senate... which it won't...

that you didn't even get 2/3...

not quite a 'landslide'... except to nutters, maybe.

and... who cares?

And Reid is saying he won't even allow it onto the Senate floor?

That's gonna make the People happy, huh?

Regardless of Reid or the Senate, kiss the mandate, and almost all of Obamacare goodbye.

you do realize that even if it were to win in the senate... which it won't...

that you didn't even get 2/3...

not quite a 'landslide'... except to nutters, maybe.

and... who cares?

Your the one in a sweat, so I'm going with YOU.
Helping the American people - bad.

Might be to you. But people who actually do want to help Americans are very glad that they voted to repeal the single most destructive bill to pass in the past 40 years.

But then, I guess I understand why you don't like that. You care more about controlling peoples lives then helping them. Otherwise, you'd be opposed to this piece of crap legislation too.

What's so destructive about "ObamaCare"?

What does it "destroy"?

HMM...freedom...the freedom to not purchase health insurance...

It destroys, medical to patient ratios...etc....

And Reid is saying he won't even allow it onto the Senate floor?

That's gonna make the People happy, huh?

Regardless of Reid or the Senate, kiss the mandate, and almost all of Obamacare goodbye.

you do realize that even if it were to win in the senate... which it won't...

that you didn't even get 2/3...

not quite a 'landslide'... except to nutters, maybe.

and... who cares?

Your the one in a sweat, so I'm going with YOU.


You think she is sweating this vote?

Do you regular bet into the nuts at the poker table?

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