In Vegas ,I meet every ethnic group


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
At my franchise job in central Vegas I meet them all

3/4 of the blacks are very polite and nice . Many are very ghetto but they just want to be treated fairly . I don’t sense any racial problems
The other 1/4th I can’t elaborate on !!Very violent and dangerous

The Mexicans are the best . So full of energy and great manners !!! I love them !!

Whites - Half are very polite and nice and the other half are absolutely utterly insane !! Complete trash !! Aggressive ,rude and disgusting
Very unstable psychopaths. ! Completely “
genetically damaged “ Half are leftist and other half full Trump

I only get few Asian customers and they never spend any money
I meet them all and I wanted to share !!
I have nothing to gain or lie about
How were you able to determine their ethnicity - Did they just come out and tell you???

Did they tell you what gender they were?

How about their sexuality???

Did you ask them about their politics, or religion?

Did you invite them to USMB?
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How were you able to determine their ethnicity - Did they just come out and tell you???

Did they tell you what gender they were?

How about their sexuality???

Did you ask them about their politics, or religion?

Did you invite them to USMB?
Clearly I can tell their race lol
Politics is harder but I can extrapolate based on personality, dress and other factors

Whites are the worst and it’s not even close!!

What makes them very dangerous is that many carry concealed guns
At my franchise job in central Vegas I meet them all

3/4 of the blacks are very polite and nice . Many are very ghetto but they just want to be treated fairly . I don’t sense any racial problems
The other 1/4th I can’t elaborate on !!Very violent and dangerous

The Mexicans are the best . So full of energy and great manners !!! I love them !!

Whites - Half are very polite and nice and the other half are absolutely utterly insane !! Complete trash !! Aggressive ,rude and disgusting
Very unstable psychopaths. ! Completely “
genetically damaged “ Half are leftist and other half full Trump

I only get few Asian customers and they never spend any money
Bullshit! Anyone, and i mean ANYONE who has EVER worked in the service industry knows god damn well that black customers are the most difficult and dangerous customers BY FAR. They also dont tip. I can think of few qualities a person can have that is worse than being a cheapskate. Its such a terrible look.

By the way, white gays are the best tippers and the most behaved customers you can have at a club, though they can tend to get handsy. Its not uncommon to have a gay dude grab your ass in at club, which isnt the most fun thing in the world for a heterosexual, but overall they are still the best customers.
3/4 of the blacks are very polite and nice . Many are very ghetto but they just want to be treated fairly . I don’t sense any racial problems
The other 1/4th I can’t elaborate on !!Very violent and dangerous
It's a casino town. An armed mob pursued me from that place and attempted to murder me on the highway. At least one of them was caught, I believe, by Mexican police on the other side of the border from San Diego.
The Mexicans are the best . So full of energy and great manners !!! I love them !!
I hate the lip-service and the subservience, with all the "sir" shit, and the way they work "undocumented" under assumed names, and traffic other people's identity papers and valuables, and send money and valuables "home" to Mexico or Central/South America. Otherwise there are plenty of people born and raised in USA who appear Latino or Hispanic and/or speak Spanish.
Whites - Half are very polite and nice and the other half are absolutely utterly insane !! Complete trash !! Aggressive ,rude and disgusting
Very unstable psychopaths. ! Completely “
genetically damaged “ Half are leftist and other half full Trump
We really, really need an Auschwitz-style death camp for all psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health workers, counselors, and therapists, and even the damned pharmicists, nurses, and technicians who fill the damned prescriptions they write against their patients' will.
I only get few Asian customers and they never spend any money
Asians are for the most part "allowed" or "encouraged" by their local Asian-only "community" to keep and save their money. If any of the rest of us try to do that, all our goods are seized, confiscated, stolen, robbed, and taken from us by force, and we are run off the property under the threat of criminal trespass orders if we are even allowed to avoid jail time for "hoarding rice" or saving money.
Bullshit! Anyone, and i mean ANYONE who has EVER worked in the service industry knows god damn well that black customers are the most difficult and dangerous customers BY FAR.

You just don't like the fact you have a shitty job flipping burgers Mickey d's and that you have to serve blk ppl, some of whom have more money than you.

That's the real issue here.

They also dont tip. I can think of few qualities a person can have that is worse than being a cheapskate. Its such a terrible look.

Why should blk ppl tip you ....white man ? Stop your begging. You minimum wage fk

white gays are the best tippers and the most behaved customers you can have at a club

Man. Gimme your paypal. I throw some change in there lol.. you're embarrassing yourself. Nothing wrong being poor. It happens. Matter of fact growing up we had to save up to be poor but dont act like a bum.

Here's a tip : Why dont you spread your cheeks wide open for them if your that hard up for cash ?

Its not uncommon to have a gay dude grab your ass in at club, which isnt the most fun thing in the world for a heterosexual, but overall they are still the best customers.

What energy were you giving off ? Because a gay person wouldn't even think of trying that sh*t on me. I don't give off that gay energy.

For him to risk grabbing the ass of a staff member, knowing he could be kicked out, barred or even physically attacked means that you must have been giving off major gay vibes and approach signals yourself
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