In this time of great economic woes what are the liberal plans to make things better?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
1. Frank/Dodd which over regulates the banks to the point that they won't make loans. Then sue said bank for not making loans and giving people a free pass on their mortgage.

2. Maxine Waters and other top Democrats want another trillion dollar stimulus. Didn't work the first time but hey, its someone else's money!

3. Extend unemployment beyond the ridiculous current 99 weeks. Paying someone to sit at home doesn't create new jobs it just pays their basic bills. (with someone else's money).

4. Offer tax credits that don't last and can't come close to competing with the risks of the new hire their intended to help. It's estimated that with taxes and required benefits that a 40k a year employee costs about 65k to sustain.

5. All of the above costs money, money WE DON'T HAVE.

6. In an attempt to divert attention from these failed policies liberals have begun to incorporate the following ideas.

7. If you disagree your a racist.

8. If you disagree your an obstructionist.

9. Whitey wants to hang blacks.

10. We are terrorists.

11. Were barbarians at the gates.

12. Were hostage takers.

13. We can go straight to hell.

14. Liberals admit to being at war with us.

15. They're going to "take us out"

16. Demand civility but offer none.

17. Maxine Waters calls us gangsters.

18. Play games with the supposed "jobs plan". "were gonna release it slowly throughout the fall".

MR OBAMA, over 70% of Americans disagree with the policies and plans you have for our economy. So essentially your also calling all of them all of those names your trying to label us with.


His lack of experience and innability to reflect on his own failures are destroying our great nation.
1. Frank/Dodd which over regulates the banks to the point that they won't make loans. Then sue said bank for not making loans and giving people a free pass on their mortgage.

2. Maxine Waters and other top Democrats want another trillion dollar stimulus. Didn't work the first time but hey, its someone else's money!

3. Extend unemployment beyond the ridiculous current 99 weeks. Paying someone to sit at home doesn't create new jobs it just pays their basic bills. (with someone else's money).

4. Offer tax credits that don't last and can't come close to competing with the risks of the new hire their intended to help. It's estimated that with taxes and required benefits that a 40k a year employee costs about 65k to sustain.

5. All of the above costs money, money WE DON'T HAVE.

6. In an attempt to divert attention from these failed policies liberals have begun to incorporate the following ideas.

7. If you disagree your a racist.

8. If you disagree your an obstructionist.

9. Whitey wants to hang blacks.

10. We are terrorists.

11. Were barbarians at the gates.

12. Were hostage takers.

13. We can go straight to hell.

14. Liberals admit to being at war with us.

15. They're going to "take us out"

16. Demand civility but offer none.

17. Maxine Waters calls us gangsters.

18. Play games with the supposed "jobs plan". "were gonna release it slowly throughout the fall".

MR OBAMA, over 70% of Americans disagree with the policies and plans you have for our economy. So essentially your also calling all of them all of those names your trying to label us with.


His lack of experience and innability to reflect on his own failures are destroying our great nation.

And what all knowing person do you plan to replace him with?

Perry? Social Conservative.

Bachmann? Social Conservative, more interested settling religion into government than helping the country back up onto its feet.

Ron Paul? The ONLY Fiscal Conservative running, and most seasoned politician who will ever run for the office. But he's very old, and possibly crazy.

Obama? Well, we all know where he stands now. I'm surprised so called "conservatives" (Who aren't really conservatives but fuck, what the hell) aren't hopping up and down with joy at most of his policies, which favor the republican party over the democratic party. Shit he's pretty much a republican who ran as democrat.

God fuck this election, we are so boned.
1. Frank/Dodd which over regulates the banks to the point that they won't make loans. Then sue said bank for not making loans and giving people a free pass on their mortgage.

2. Maxine Waters and other top Democrats want another trillion dollar stimulus. Didn't work the first time but hey, its someone else's money!

3. Extend unemployment beyond the ridiculous current 99 weeks. Paying someone to sit at home doesn't create new jobs it just pays their basic bills. (with someone else's money).

4. Offer tax credits that don't last and can't come close to competing with the risks of the new hire their intended to help. It's estimated that with taxes and required benefits that a 40k a year employee costs about 65k to sustain.

5. All of the above costs money, money WE DON'T HAVE.

6. In an attempt to divert attention from these failed policies liberals have begun to incorporate the following ideas.

7. If you disagree your a racist.

8. If you disagree your an obstructionist.

9. Whitey wants to hang blacks.

10. We are terrorists.

11. Were barbarians at the gates.

12. Were hostage takers.

13. We can go straight to hell.

14. Liberals admit to being at war with us.

15. They're going to "take us out"

16. Demand civility but offer none.

17. Maxine Waters calls us gangsters.

18. Play games with the supposed "jobs plan". "were gonna release it slowly throughout the fall".

MR OBAMA, over 70% of Americans disagree with the policies and plans you have for our economy. So essentially your also calling all of them all of those names your trying to label us with.


His lack of experience and innability to reflect on his own failures are destroying our great nation.

Liberals have always had but 1 Plan to deal with anything.

Spend more Money!

That is why they are ill suited to deal with problems brought on by TO MUCH SPENDING!
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1. Frank/Dodd which over regulates the banks to the point that they won't make loans. Then sue said bank for not making loans and giving people a free pass on their mortgage.

2. Maxine Waters and other top Democrats want another trillion dollar stimulus. Didn't work the first time but hey, its someone else's money!

3. Extend unemployment beyond the ridiculous current 99 weeks. Paying someone to sit at home doesn't create new jobs it just pays their basic bills. (with someone else's money).

4. Offer tax credits that don't last and can't come close to competing with the risks of the new hire their intended to help. It's estimated that with taxes and required benefits that a 40k a year employee costs about 65k to sustain.

5. All of the above costs money, money WE DON'T HAVE.

6. In an attempt to divert attention from these failed policies liberals have begun to incorporate the following ideas.

7. If you disagree your a racist.

8. If you disagree your an obstructionist.

9. Whitey wants to hang blacks.

10. We are terrorists.

11. Were barbarians at the gates.

12. Were hostage takers.

13. We can go straight to hell.

14. Liberals admit to being at war with us.

15. They're going to "take us out"

16. Demand civility but offer none.

17. Maxine Waters calls us gangsters.

18. Play games with the supposed "jobs plan". "were gonna release it slowly throughout the fall".

MR OBAMA, over 70% of Americans disagree with the policies and plans you have for our economy. So essentially your also calling all of them all of those names your trying to label us with.


His lack of experience and innability to reflect on his own failures are destroying our great nation.

And what all knowing person do you plan to replace him with?

Perry? Social Conservative.

Bachmann? Social Conservative, more interested settling religion into government than helping the country back up onto its feet.

Ron Paul? The ONLY Fiscal Conservative running, and most seasoned politician who will ever run for the office. But he's very old, and possibly crazy.

Obama? Well, we all know where he stands now. I'm surprised so called "conservatives" (Who aren't really conservatives but fuck, what the hell) aren't hopping up and down with joy at most of his policies, which favor the republican party over the democratic party. Shit he's pretty much a republican who ran as democrat.

God fuck this election, we are so boned.

I'm not sure who I like just yet. I want to hear every candidates ideas and see how they act on the campaign trail. Romney just released his 65 (not sure on the number) point plan for jobs and our economy. Yet Obama needs the rest of the fall? Give me a fucking break.
1. Frank/Dodd which over regulates the banks to the point that they won't make loans. Then sue said bank for not making loans and giving people a free pass on their mortgage.

2. Maxine Waters and other top Democrats want another trillion dollar stimulus. Didn't work the first time but hey, its someone else's money!

3. Extend unemployment beyond the ridiculous current 99 weeks. Paying someone to sit at home doesn't create new jobs it just pays their basic bills. (with someone else's money).

4. Offer tax credits that don't last and can't come close to competing with the risks of the new hire their intended to help. It's estimated that with taxes and required benefits that a 40k a year employee costs about 65k to sustain.

5. All of the above costs money, money WE DON'T HAVE.

6. In an attempt to divert attention from these failed policies liberals have begun to incorporate the following ideas.

7. If you disagree your a racist.

8. If you disagree your an obstructionist.

9. Whitey wants to hang blacks.

10. We are terrorists.

11. Were barbarians at the gates.

12. Were hostage takers.

13. We can go straight to hell.

14. Liberals admit to being at war with us.

15. They're going to "take us out"

16. Demand civility but offer none.

17. Maxine Waters calls us gangsters.

18. Play games with the supposed "jobs plan". "were gonna release it slowly throughout the fall".

MR OBAMA, over 70% of Americans disagree with the policies and plans you have for our economy. So essentially your also calling all of them all of those names your trying to label us with.


His lack of experience and innability to reflect on his own failures are destroying our great nation.

And what all knowing person do you plan to replace him with?

Perry? Social Conservative.

Bachmann? Social Conservative, more interested settling religion into government than helping the country back up onto its feet.

Ron Paul? The ONLY Fiscal Conservative running, and most seasoned politician who will ever run for the office. But he's very old, and possibly crazy.

Obama? Well, we all know where he stands now. I'm surprised so called "conservatives" (Who aren't really conservatives but fuck, what the hell) aren't hopping up and down with joy at most of his policies, which favor the republican party over the democratic party. Shit he's pretty much a republican who ran as democrat.

God fuck this election, we are so boned.

Reagan was a social conservative, dumbshit. You think social conservatives can't govern?
Frankly Micky the Chimp would do a better job than Obama. Anyone would. He is the most clueless president ever. Commandante Zero.
Reagan was a social conservative, dumbshit. You think social conservatives can't govern?

yeesh, first off whats with the name calling? show some respect for crying out loud.

also, I would like a detailed post on how Reagan was able to take office with the American economy owning the fact of being the largest exporter in the world. Why is it when he left office we had magically become the largest importer of goods. strange how a social conservative would promote such anti American policy. look it up and educate yourself sir.

im not a policy maker, no where near however as your average American I would like to see both GOPers and Dems work close and hammer out a bill, that would make me feel like work is being done for the better meant of all of us.

I would also like to see a lot more respect for labor and govt workers who for all intents and purposes don't have intentions of being "leaches" or what ever the right wing has dreamed up. I would like to see respect for teachers and all the public sector workers. ASAP.

just a change in attitude would be welcomed.

I would also like an answer on how a guy like Norquist who was not voted in by anyone could have so much ppower of the GOP. hes not even an elected official, who the hell is this guy and why does he have so much power over elected officials. this guy is scary.
class warfare is a real concern, the numbers don't lie. past 30 years middle class income has stalled and even been lowered. While the top 2% have raked in the cash to the tune of owning 50% of the nations wealth. this math just is not right and clearly points to a system that is not geared towards the average person, 30-50k a year.

this has to be adjusted or American life as we know it is over. who knows what will grow in its place.
FWIW I don't see any plan that looks to me like its going to work.

Obama doesn't seem to have one.

Clearly the GOP doesn't either.
roads, bridges, parks, a sense of safety and support.

oh, and that oil spill in the gulf, if that had govt safety standards like I do at my radar, we would have never had a spill. thats right, the private sector is not quite as effective in this regard. but don't take my word for it.
roads, bridges, parks, a sense of safety and support.

oh, and that oil spill in the gulf, if that had govt safety standards like I do at my radar, we would have never had a spill. thats right, the private sector is not quite as effective in this regard. but don't take my word for it.

oh brother. so the Guberment is so much better we had 9/11, the first world trade center bombing, the Post office is going broke, Social Security is going broke, they are bleeding the lifeblood out of us citizens THROUGH more and more taxation for all them roads, bridges, parks, and a SENSE OF SAFFTY AND SUPPORT, because just in case you didn't know, THE GOVERMENT DOESN'T HAVE IT'S OWN MONEY TREE..
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Right now the plan is give a speech that is widely panned and then go on the campaign trail and point fingers at the GOP for not implementing the same ole shit.

Obama has nothing but a slobbering press that will help him accuse the Republicans of being roadblocks to progress. It doesn't matter that he doesn't have a new plan because "THE" plan is already in place and doing what it was intended to do.
steph, give me fvcking break. I happen to have spent two TOD's in Iraq. you have no idea why you are being drained but let me enlighten you. your precious tax monies are over there and have been used to fund really stupid sh!t. again, don't take my word for it. you like the anti Obama game, you are too naive to see beyond as much.

wake up.
Right now the plan is give a speech that is widely panned and then go on the campaign trail and point fingers at the GOP for not implementing the same ole shit.

Obama has nothing but a slobbering press that will help him accuse the Republicans of being roadblocks to progress. It doesn't matter that he doesn't have a new plan because "THE" plan is already in place and doing what it was intended to do.

That's it in a nutshell. Same ole BS just a different day. Sucking that 800 billion from us taxpayers WASN'T ENOUGH. now go figure Obama LIED to us..
ya Steph, sucking 800 billion to try and make up for shady operations over 30 years will get you worked up, meanwhile we have spent god knows what over in the sand box to rebuild Muslim infrastructure yet you don't say a word. people like you need to take a TOD in Iraq, like today.
ya Steph, sucking 800 billion to try and make up for shady operations over 30 years will get you worked up, meanwhile we have spent god knows what over in the sand box to rebuild Muslim infrastructure yet you don't say a word. people like you need to take a TOD in Iraq, like today.

yeah. you people had enough PROTESTS during the Bush administration over that, so, just where the HELL are they all now? oh I guess it's because we NOW HAVE DEMOCRAT in office. :eusa_whistle:
In this time of great economic woes what are the liberal plans to make things better?
The same as all liberal plans:


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