In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

Congress has always acted when called upon to raise the debt limit...

And they have always put a limit back upon themselves. They are tired of having to go through the motions of approving a new increase in view of the public and are tired of getting hammered by Americans for MASSIVE record-setting deficit-spending and addition of new debt...yeah, I get it. They just did away with all that new frustration and inconvenience.

1. that is a lie.
2. the debt ceiling pays for things already voted upon by congress.
3. it was purely a ministerial matter until the rightwingnut teatards got hold of it to use it as extortion.
4. Reagan raised taxes 8 times and the debt ceiling, I believe, 13.

now try getting your facts straight.

why does an extremist group of wingers think they can hold up everyone else in congress and hold this country hostage?

grow up.

Princess Jillian

Sit down, I have some bad news for you:

The DEMOPUBLICANS love to BUY votes using US treasury funds

In our Constitutional Republic they can only spend those monies which are specifically authorized

99.9 % - possibly more - of the items in the federal budget are UNconstitutional .



It is not unconstitutional unless and until the court says it is unconstitutional. And you certainly aren't in any position to make those assessments.


Princess Jill

You are wrong.......again.

WE THE PEOPLE are the natural guardians of the Constitution.

It was NOT adopted to protect the bureaucrats ...federal judges are nothing more than bureaucrats in black robes ...each with a different fascistic agenda.

In 1942 former Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds declared :

" A nation which elect Roosevelt 4 times deserve no protection"

And it appears that is still their position now. The Numeorus UNconstitutional laws enacted by Congress demanded that Americans marched onto DC and kick ass. SCOTUS has taken judicial notice of the fact that AMericans have been narcotized and rendered disarmed by welfare state goodies.


Who cares what one winger justice said? His opinion means as much as yours --which is to say not at all.
Get our military out of the middle east
Do away with Bush tax cuts...All of them
Push more people that are capable into work...

Keep our investments that strengthen our economy and help us pay it down.

The idea of austerity across the board is retarded.
Very Interrrrrrresting

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?


Proportional to GDP, our founding fathers had much more debt than we do

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?

What was the national debt in 1820?

The founding fathers had no debt limit, they borrowed up to the point of bankruptcy and then a little beyond that

France carried us economically


The national debt became a fpermanent fixture after the US became a welfare/warfare state circa, 1914 during scumbag Woodrow Wilson's administration.


What was our national debt at the founding of our country in 1790?
We had a negligible GDP yet carried a massive debt. Our founding fathers never objected to borrowing money
Our country was founded on debt

A debt incurred by national emergencies which were substantially erased by 1835.

It was never considered an emergency the fact that Princess Jill and rightwinger needed to have their food stamp allowance increased.

Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?
80 BILLION and an unlimited Ceiling with a pen and a phone.........

Where the hell have you been.............Nothing........Your an idiot.

80 billion over two years is slightly over a one percent increase in spending. Stop your whining

If we have passed a budget, we don't need a ceiling
BS................They pass more laws with FUNDING's an endless check................

Thanks for playing.

Poor baby shouldn't get his info from the rightwingnuts blogosphere. It keeps you ignorant.
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?
80 BILLION and an unlimited Ceiling with a pen and a phone.........

Where the hell have you been.............Nothing........Your an idiot.

80 billion over two years is slightly over a one percent increase in spending. Stop your whining

If we have passed a budget, we don't need a ceiling
BS................They pass more laws with FUNDING's an endless check................

Thanks for playing.

You have no concept of a budget do you?
Proportional to GDP, our founding fathers had much more debt than we do

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?

What was the national debt in 1820?

The founding fathers had no debt limit, they borrowed up to the point of bankruptcy and then a little beyond that

France carried us economically


The national debt became a fpermanent fixture after the US became a welfare/warfare state circa, 1914 during scumbag Woodrow Wilson's administration.


What was our national debt at the founding of our country in 1790?
We had a negligible GDP yet carried a massive debt. Our founding fathers never objected to borrowing money
Our country was founded on debt

A debt incurred by national emergencies which were substantially erased by 1835.

It was never considered an emergency the fact that Princess Jill and rightwinger needed to have their food stamp allowance increased.

Which disproves your fallacy about the founding fathers and debt doesn't it?
And they have always put a limit back upon themselves. They are tired of having to go through the motions of approving a new increase in view of the public and are tired of getting hammered by Americans for MASSIVE record-setting deficit-spending and addition of new debt...yeah, I get it. They just did away with all that new frustration and inconvenience.

1. that is a lie.
2. the debt ceiling pays for things already voted upon by congress.
3. it was purely a ministerial matter until the rightwingnut teatards got hold of it to use it as extortion.
4. Reagan raised taxes 8 times and the debt ceiling, I believe, 13.

now try getting your facts straight.

why does an extremist group of wingers think they can hold up everyone else in congress and hold this country hostage?

grow up.

Princess Jillian

Sit down, I have some bad news for you:

The DEMOPUBLICANS love to BUY votes using US treasury funds

In our Constitutional Republic they can only spend those monies which are specifically authorized

99.9 % - possibly more - of the items in the federal budget are UNconstitutional .



It is not unconstitutional unless and until the court says it is unconstitutional. And you certainly aren't in any position to make those assessments.


Princess Jill

You are wrong.......again.

WE THE PEOPLE are the natural guardians of the Constitution.

It was NOT adopted to protect the bureaucrats ...federal judges are nothing more than bureaucrats in black robes ...each with a different fascistic agenda.

In 1942 former Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds declared :

" A nation which elect Roosevelt 4 times deserve no protection"

And it appears that is still their position now. The Numeorus UNconstitutional laws enacted by Congress demanded that Americans marched onto DC and kick ass. SCOTUS has taken judicial notice of the fact that AMericans have been narcotized and rendered disarmed by welfare state goodies.


Who cares what one winger justice said? His opinion means as much as yours --which is to say not at all.

I fully understand that from your standpointt the parasitic majority can easily overrule the Constitution, the Taxpayers and the producers.

Hopefully soon they will decide to use bullets instead of votes.

What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?

What was the national debt in 1820?

The founding fathers had no debt limit, they borrowed up to the point of bankruptcy and then a little beyond that

France carried us economically


The national debt became a fpermanent fixture after the US became a welfare/warfare state circa, 1914 during scumbag Woodrow Wilson's administration.


What was our national debt at the founding of our country in 1790?
We had a negligible GDP yet carried a massive debt. Our founding fathers never objected to borrowing money
Our country was founded on debt

A debt incurred by national emergencies which were substantially erased by 1835.

It was never considered an emergency the fact that Princess Jill and rightwinger needed to have their food stamp allowance increased.

Which disproves your fallacy about the founding fathers and debt doesn't it?

The guy doesn't understand shit about our founders...Period.

He just believes that we don't need a government and people should be left to die on the street if they get unlucky.
Get our military out of the middle east
Do away with Bush tax cuts...All of them
Push more people that are capable into work...

Keep our investments that strengthen our economy and help us pay it down.

The idea of austerity across the board is retarded.

The way to have stimulated the economy should have been a huge jobs project. We needed people working on our infrastructure. But the lions blocked every effort to stimulate economic growth in their continued effort to thwart the president.

Then they shriek and moan that the economy didn't grow fast enough.

But they'll spend trillions to blow stuff up.
Get our military out of the middle east
Do away with Bush tax cuts...All of them
Push more people that are capable into work...

Keep our investments that strengthen our economy and help us pay it down.

The idea of austerity across the board is retarded.
How about get out of all foreign country's
An opt in or opt out of all socialist entitlement programs
A luxury tax
Repealing all frivolous laws
No required healthcare
Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?
80 BILLION and an unlimited Ceiling with a pen and a phone.........

Where the hell have you been.............Nothing........Your an idiot.

80 billion over two years is slightly over a one percent increase in spending. Stop your whining

If we have passed a budget, we don't need a ceiling
BS................They pass more laws with FUNDING's an endless check................

Thanks for playing.

You have no concept of a budget do you?
You have no concept of our UNSUSTAINABLE FUTURE...............

Tell me about Inversion and why they are hording cash overseas........................
Then compare the tax rates...........Canada, UK, and Ireland versus ours............

Then while your at it..............tell me why under current leadership...........our economy is stagnant.......median incomes are falling....Poverty is increasing..............and the debt is exploding.................

Your ideals will Detroit us all.................
Get our military out of the middle east
Do away with Bush tax cuts...All of them
Push more people that are capable into work...

Keep our investments that strengthen our economy and help us pay it down.

The idea of austerity across the board is retarded.

The way to have stimulated the economy should have been a huge jobs project. We needed people working on our infrastructure. But the lions blocked every effort to stimulate economic growth in their continued effort to thwart the president.

Then they shriek and moan that the economy didn't grow fast enough.

But they'll spend trillions to blow stuff up.
More Gov't........more Gov't...........more Gov't the battle cry of Liberal Idiots.
What Constitutional proviso defines the "debt limit"?

Which Founding Father defined the debit limit the way you did?

have you considered changing your handle to ZERO instead of Siete?

What was the national debt in 1820?

The founding fathers had no debt limit, they borrowed up to the point of bankruptcy and then a little beyond that

France carried us economically


The national debt became a fpermanent fixture after the US became a welfare/warfare state circa, 1914 during scumbag Woodrow Wilson's administration.


What was our national debt at the founding of our country in 1790?
We had a negligible GDP yet carried a massive debt. Our founding fathers never objected to borrowing money
Our country was founded on debt

A debt incurred by national emergencies which were substantially erased by 1835.

It was never considered an emergency the fact that Princess Jill and rightwinger needed to have their food stamp allowance increased.

Which disproves your fallacy about the founding fathers and debt doesn't it?
On the founding of the United States, the financial affairs of the new federation were in disarray, exacerbated by an economic crisis in urban commercial centers.[3] In 1790, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton pushed for Congress to pass a financial plan, called the First Report on the Public Credit,[4] a controversial part of which involved the federal government assuming state debts incurred during the Revolutionary War.[5] Northern states had accumulated a huge amount of debt during the war, amounting to $21.5 million, and wanted the federal government to assume their burden.


Stop me if you have heard this one before:

In the Middle of the Night While You Were Sleeping, Congress...

NO, I'm NOT talking about Obamacare....NO, I'm not talking about the Trade Deal....NO, I'm not talking about Illegal Amnesty....

You know how much 'hell' Obama and the Democrats for adding almost $6 trillion in new debt, setting new US records for 'monthly', 'annual'. and 'total' deficit-spending records in the process? Well, the Democrats, with Mitch McConnell's help, made sure that won't happen again..... (The 'catching hell' part, NOT the record-setting deficit-spending and massive addition of new debt!)

"While most Americans slept, the Senate early Friday morning passed a massive budget deal suspending the debt limit into March 2017 and increasing federal spending over the next two years...."

You DON'T eliminate the Debt CEILING if you want / to CUT SPENDING and ELIMINATE DEBT. You eliminate the DEBT CEILING if you find it to be a nuisance and plan / intend on ADDING an ass-load of NEW DEBT!

This new 'BUDGET' busts spending caps, engages in accounting “gimmicks” and grants Obama unlimited borrowing power. (Yaaay! Giving the guy who added nearly $7 TRILLION in new debt, more than every US president COMBINED, the authority to 'legally' add as much new debt as he and the Democrats want / CAN in the next year/2 years is such a 'splendid' idea! :rolleyes:)

In essence, Democrats - and 18 RINOs in the Senate - just bent the nation over as it slept.

the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?
80 BILLION and an unlimited Ceiling with a pen and a phone.........

Where the hell have you been.............Nothing........Your an idiot.

80 billion over two years is slightly over a one percent increase in spending. Stop your whining

If we have passed a budget, we don't need a ceiling
BS................They pass more laws with FUNDING's an endless check................

Thanks for playing.

You have no concept of a budget do you?
How many appropriation bills should be passed every year?
None if we stay with CR's............for your FYI..........

Riddle me this................Does Mandatory spending stop if we have a shut down......................
1. that is a lie.
2. the debt ceiling pays for things already voted upon by congress.
3. it was purely a ministerial matter until the rightwingnut teatards got hold of it to use it as extortion.
4. Reagan raised taxes 8 times and the debt ceiling, I believe, 13.

now try getting your facts straight.

why does an extremist group of wingers think they can hold up everyone else in congress and hold this country hostage?

grow up.

Princess Jillian

Sit down, I have some bad news for you:

The DEMOPUBLICANS love to BUY votes using US treasury funds

In our Constitutional Republic they can only spend those monies which are specifically authorized

99.9 % - possibly more - of the items in the federal budget are UNconstitutional .



It is not unconstitutional unless and until the court says it is unconstitutional. And you certainly aren't in any position to make those assessments.


Princess Jill

You are wrong.......again.

WE THE PEOPLE are the natural guardians of the Constitution.

It was NOT adopted to protect the bureaucrats ...federal judges are nothing more than bureaucrats in black robes ...each with a different fascistic agenda.

In 1942 former Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds declared :

" A nation which elect Roosevelt 4 times deserve no protection"

And it appears that is still their position now. The Numeorus UNconstitutional laws enacted by Congress demanded that Americans marched onto DC and kick ass. SCOTUS has taken judicial notice of the fact that AMericans have been narcotized and rendered disarmed by welfare state goodies.


Who cares what one winger justice said? His opinion means as much as yours --which is to say not at all.

I fully understand that from your standpointt the parasitic majority can easily overrule the Constitution, the Taxpayers and the producers.

Hopefully soon they will decide to use bullets instead of votes.


1. I'm going to guess I pay way more in taxes than you do.
2. I vote. And way more people think like me than they do your lunatic fringe.
3. You wouldn't know what was constitutional if it bit you.
4. If the court says it is constitutional, it is, by definition, constitutional.
5. Bullets? Neo-confederate insurrectionists are treasonous and should be jailed if you use bullets.

You want to talk about constitutional, freak? Raising arms against your government is treason and that is the only criminal act defined in the constitution. If you have a problem with that, live elsewhere.
the president added nothing. congress does the budget.

and i'm sorry you wackos can't unfund the things the government really needs to do.

want a tissue?
80 BILLION and an unlimited Ceiling with a pen and a phone.........

Where the hell have you been.............Nothing........Your an idiot.

80 billion over two years is slightly over a one percent increase in spending. Stop your whining

If we have passed a budget, we don't need a ceiling
BS................They pass more laws with FUNDING's an endless check................

Thanks for playing.

You have no concept of a budget do you?
You have no concept of our UNSUSTAINABLE FUTURE...............

Tell me about Inversion and why they are hording cash overseas........................
Then compare the tax rates...........Canada, UK, and Ireland versus ours............

Then while your at it..............tell me why under current leadership...........our economy is stagnant.......median incomes are falling....Poverty is increasing..............and the debt is exploding.................

Your ideals will Detroit us all.................
We have the strongest economy on the planet
80 BILLION and an unlimited Ceiling with a pen and a phone.........

Where the hell have you been.............Nothing........Your an idiot.

80 billion over two years is slightly over a one percent increase in spending. Stop your whining

If we have passed a budget, we don't need a ceiling
BS................They pass more laws with FUNDING's an endless check................

Thanks for playing.

You have no concept of a budget do you?
You have no concept of our UNSUSTAINABLE FUTURE...............

Tell me about Inversion and why they are hording cash overseas........................
Then compare the tax rates...........Canada, UK, and Ireland versus ours............

Then while your at it..............tell me why under current leadership...........our economy is stagnant.......median incomes are falling....Poverty is increasing..............and the debt is exploding.................

Your ideals will Detroit us all.................
We have the strongest economy on the planet

They want to change that!!!!

They'd love to shut our government down and keep blowing money on stupid shit like wars and tax breaks for the super rich.
Get our military out of the middle east
Do away with Bush tax cuts...All of them
Push more people that are capable into work...

Keep our investments that strengthen our economy and help us pay it down.

The idea of austerity across the board is retarded.

The way to have stimulated the economy should have been a huge jobs project. We needed people working on our infrastructure. But the lions blocked every effort to stimulate economic growth in their continued effort to thwart the president.

Then they shriek and moan that the economy didn't grow fast enough.

But they'll spend trillions to blow stuff up.
More Gov't........more Gov't...........more Gov't the battle cry of Liberal Idiots.

So you hate investment? Better then more war and rewards for the very people that offshore most of our jobs.
80 billion over two years is slightly over a one percent increase in spending. Stop your whining

If we have passed a budget, we don't need a ceiling
BS................They pass more laws with FUNDING's an endless check................

Thanks for playing.

You have no concept of a budget do you?
You have no concept of our UNSUSTAINABLE FUTURE...............

Tell me about Inversion and why they are hording cash overseas........................
Then compare the tax rates...........Canada, UK, and Ireland versus ours............

Then while your at it..............tell me why under current leadership...........our economy is stagnant.......median incomes are falling....Poverty is increasing..............and the debt is exploding.................

Your ideals will Detroit us all.................
We have the strongest economy on the planet

They want to change that!!!!

They'd love to shut our government down and keep blowing money on stupid shit like wars and tax breaks for the super rich.
You are both idiots....................If you think we can keep bonding out our debt forever........then I have some Ocean Front Property in Arizona for sale......................

One day, perhaps you can live in the real world............emotions don't pay the bills............and if we destroy our currency you will see hell break loose here in our country as we collapse.......................

Haven't you been noticing other countries making agreements to challenge the dollar...........Countries with Billions of people...................You need to wake the hell up.

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