In the Middle East, Obama's chickens are coming home to roost


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
According to President Obama’s narrative, the murder of four Americans in Libya is a story of “senseless violence” provoked by an anti-Islam video. According to his Praetorian Guards in the media, the story is how Mitt Romney rudely criticized Obama’s foreign policy.

Here’s the real story: The murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others is the most important terrorist attack on American civilians since 9/11. And it happened on the 11th anniversary of that day of infamy, on Obama’s watch.

There were no Marines on guard, and there are reports that the Benghazi embassy had been warned of an Al Qaeda assault, yet there were no precautions. It is likely the organized attackers, some carrying rocket-propelled grenades, had inside information about a “safe house,” where they killed two of the Americans.

Obama, after offering condolences and vowing to find those responsible, flew off to a campaign event in Vegas.

If that were all, it would be reason enough to doubt his competency and character. But it’s not all.

The crisis, including riots at our embassies in 20 countries, is the full flowering of a policy predicated on appeasement and apology. To borrow a phrase, the Obama chickens are coming home to roost.

The essence of his doomed approach is revealed in Obama’s refusal to meet with the prime minister of Israel while finding time to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt. The choice raises a fundamental question: Whose side are you on, Mr. President?

To ask is to concede despair. Starting with his Cairo speech in 2009, Obama promised a “new beginning” in our relations with Muslims. Had the comment been a marketing tool for a new administration, it would have been understandable. But the speech was far from benign. It foretold the ruinous path he would follow.

In Cairo, Obama insisted that, after 9/11, America “acted contrary to our ideals,” by using torture — a libel against his own country and the warriors who defend it. Under the Obama “ideals,” we follow a “kill or release” protocol, blasting terrorist leaders with drones while freeing all others without interrogation. So death is now more humane than waterboarding.

He suggested in Cairo that Americans harbor bigotry against Muslims, saying, “We cannot disguise hostility towards any religion behind the pretense of liberalism.” That, too, was a slander, and the policy corollary is that he says nothing about the slaughter of Christians in Arab lands.

He misstated Mideast history to draw a moral equivalency between Israelis and Palestinians. His portrayal of a “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza was spun of whole cloth, as was his claim that Israeli settlement activity “violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace.” As a result, there have been no direct negotiations during his term.

On Iran, he talked as if the mad mullahs and the US are equally responsible for the 30-year rupture, even though Iran was at that moment helping to kill our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. He said, “No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons,” a tip-off to his feckless policy.

The central idea of that speech is that America and Israel are largely to blame for radical Islam. The same instinct drips from the statement issued by Obama’s Cairo representative last Tuesday.

Utterly craven, the statement “condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions . . . we firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”

Deciphering the childish gibberish leads to the conclusion that free speech is OK only until Muslim feelings are hurt. Then we surrender our values to the mob.

Read more: In the Middle East, Obama's chickens are coming home to roost | Fox News
According to President Obama’s narrative, the murder of four Americans in Libya is a story of “senseless violence” provoked by an anti-Islam video. According to his Praetorian Guards in the media, the story is how Mitt Romney rudely criticized Obama’s foreign policy.

Here’s the real story: The murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others is the most important terrorist attack on American civilians since 9/11. And it happened on the 11th anniversary of that day of infamy, on Obama’s watch.

There were no Marines on guard, and there are reports that the Benghazi embassy had been warned of an Al Qaeda assault, yet there were no precautions. It is likely the organized attackers, some carrying rocket-propelled grenades, had inside information about a “safe house,” where they killed two of the Americans.

Obama, after offering condolences and vowing to find those responsible, flew off to a campaign event in Vegas.

If that were all, it would be reason enough to doubt his competency and character. But it’s not all.

The crisis, including riots at our embassies in 20 countries, is the full flowering of a policy predicated on appeasement and apology. To borrow a phrase, the Obama chickens are coming home to roost.

The essence of his doomed approach is revealed in Obama’s refusal to meet with the prime minister of Israel while finding time to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt. The choice raises a fundamental question: Whose side are you on, Mr. President?

To ask is to concede despair. Starting with his Cairo speech in 2009, Obama promised a “new beginning” in our relations with Muslims. Had the comment been a marketing tool for a new administration, it would have been understandable. But the speech was far from benign. It foretold the ruinous path he would follow.

In Cairo, Obama insisted that, after 9/11, America “acted contrary to our ideals,” by using torture — a libel against his own country and the warriors who defend it. Under the Obama “ideals,” we follow a “kill or release” protocol, blasting terrorist leaders with drones while freeing all others without interrogation. So death is now more humane than waterboarding.

He suggested in Cairo that Americans harbor bigotry against Muslims, saying, “We cannot disguise hostility towards any religion behind the pretense of liberalism.” That, too, was a slander, and the policy corollary is that he says nothing about the slaughter of Christians in Arab lands.

He misstated Mideast history to draw a moral equivalency between Israelis and Palestinians. His portrayal of a “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza was spun of whole cloth, as was his claim that Israeli settlement activity “violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace.” As a result, there have been no direct negotiations during his term.

On Iran, he talked as if the mad mullahs and the US are equally responsible for the 30-year rupture, even though Iran was at that moment helping to kill our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. He said, “No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons,” a tip-off to his feckless policy.

The central idea of that speech is that America and Israel are largely to blame for radical Islam. The same instinct drips from the statement issued by Obama’s Cairo representative last Tuesday.

Utterly craven, the statement “condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions . . . we firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”

Deciphering the childish gibberish leads to the conclusion that free speech is OK only until Muslim feelings are hurt. Then we surrender our values to the mob.

Read more: In the Middle East, Obama's chickens are coming home to roost | Fox News
See my post...............

It's getting worse. So much for the "spontaneous reaction" to a video excuses.
According to President Obama’s narrative, the murder of four Americans in Libya is a story of “senseless violence” provoked by an anti-Islam video. According to his Praetorian Guards in the media, the story is how Mitt Romney rudely criticized Obama’s foreign policy.

Here’s the real story: The murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others is the most important terrorist attack on American civilians since 9/11. And it happened on the 11th anniversary of that day of infamy, on Obama’s watch.

There were no Marines on guard, and there are reports that the Benghazi embassy had been warned of an Al Qaeda assault, yet there were no precautions. It is likely the organized attackers, some carrying rocket-propelled grenades, had inside information about a “safe house,” where they killed two of the Americans.

Obama, after offering condolences and vowing to find those responsible, flew off to a campaign event in Vegas.

If that were all, it would be reason enough to doubt his competency and character. But it’s not all.

The crisis, including riots at our embassies in 20 countries, is the full flowering of a policy predicated on appeasement and apology. To borrow a phrase, the Obama chickens are coming home to roost.

The essence of his doomed approach is revealed in Obama’s refusal to meet with the prime minister of Israel while finding time to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt. The choice raises a fundamental question: Whose side are you on, Mr. President?

To ask is to concede despair. Starting with his Cairo speech in 2009, Obama promised a “new beginning” in our relations with Muslims. Had the comment been a marketing tool for a new administration, it would have been understandable. But the speech was far from benign. It foretold the ruinous path he would follow.

In Cairo, Obama insisted that, after 9/11, America “acted contrary to our ideals,” by using torture — a libel against his own country and the warriors who defend it. Under the Obama “ideals,” we follow a “kill or release” protocol, blasting terrorist leaders with drones while freeing all others without interrogation. So death is now more humane than waterboarding.

He suggested in Cairo that Americans harbor bigotry against Muslims, saying, “We cannot disguise hostility towards any religion behind the pretense of liberalism.” That, too, was a slander, and the policy corollary is that he says nothing about the slaughter of Christians in Arab lands.

He misstated Mideast history to draw a moral equivalency between Israelis and Palestinians. His portrayal of a “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza was spun of whole cloth, as was his claim that Israeli settlement activity “violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace.” As a result, there have been no direct negotiations during his term.

On Iran, he talked as if the mad mullahs and the US are equally responsible for the 30-year rupture, even though Iran was at that moment helping to kill our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. He said, “No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons,” a tip-off to his feckless policy.

The central idea of that speech is that America and Israel are largely to blame for radical Islam. The same instinct drips from the statement issued by Obama’s Cairo representative last Tuesday.

Utterly craven, the statement “condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions . . . we firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”

Deciphering the childish gibberish leads to the conclusion that free speech is OK only until Muslim feelings are hurt. Then we surrender our values to the mob.

Read more: In the Middle East, Obama's chickens are coming home to roost | Fox News
See my post...............

It's getting worse. So much for the "spontaneous reaction" to a video excuses.

like the article said it's all perfectly consistent with the last four years...
Shitty hit piece... From Fox New, officially the most mis-informed news outlet.

Not one person is now refuting that Libya was pre planned, however it happened during the riots. Nobody is trying to use them as an excuse. :lol:

If Fox news actually did some real investigative reporting and talked to people who are rioting like MSNBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and BBC has, they would get a sense of why people are upset and rioting. They are upset because they dont think the US is doing enough to punish the person who disgraced their "prophet", they want him dead.

Couple riots with already deep seated hatred for America and you have the perfect "brew" for the good ole' mob mentality, which is now what happened, I bet most of the people do not know what is going on other than something about America.. But, it all started with a video, that has been proven, all the way down to the graffiti they painted the embassy and the banners they tout around during the protests.

This has nothing to do with Obama policies, one can make the argument that they embassy was short staffed.. However, Obama is not at full blame for that (as much as some would like), remember he has generals and others that are in charge of allocating forces in that sense. I am not saying they are at fault either or that they are "bad" people, but more that they may have assessed the risks and made the call to not ramp up.

The rest of the article is just rhetorical crap. :lol:

This one made me laugh: "The essence of his doomed approach is revealed in Obama’s refusal to meet with the prime minister of Israel while finding time to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt. The choice raises a fundamental question: Whose side are you on, Mr. President?"

It is so misinformed that it reads like Obama blew of the Isreali Prime Minister to go hang out with the. These things happened at COMPLETELY different times.
Shitty hit piece... From Fox New, officially the most mis-informed news outlet.

Not one person is now refuting that Libya was pre planned, however it happened during the riots. Nobody is trying to use them as an excuse. :lol:

If Fox news actually did some real investigative reporting and talked to people who are rioting like MSNBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and BBC has, they would get a sense of why people are upset and rioting. They are upset because they dont think the US is doing enough to punish the person who disgraced their "prophet", they want him dead.

Couple riots with already deep seated hatred for America and you have the perfect "brew" for the good ole' mob mentality, which is now what happened, I bet most of the people do not know what is going on other than something about America.. But, it all started with a video, that has been proven, all the way down to the graffiti they painted the embassy and the banners they tout around during the protests.

This has nothing to do with Obama policies, one can make the argument that they embassy was short staffed.. However, Obama is not at full blame for that (as much as some would like), remember he has generals and others that are in charge of allocating forces in that sense. I am not saying they are at fault either or that they are "bad" people, but more that they may have assessed the risks and made the call to not ramp up.

The rest of the article is just rhetorical crap. :lol:

This one made me laugh: "The essence of his doomed approach is revealed in Obama’s refusal to meet with the prime minister of Israel while finding time to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt. The choice raises a fundamental question: Whose side are you on, Mr. President?"

It is so misinformed that it reads like Obama blew of the Isreali Prime Minister to go hang out with the. These things happened at COMPLETELY different times.
Perhaps you should check the news if you think that no one is refuting that this was a planned attack.
WASHINGTON - The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations says the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was spontaneous.
Susan Rice says the current U.S. assessment shows it was not a co-ordinated, premeditated attack.

UN ambassador says no reason to believe Libya attack was co-ordinated or premeditated - Yahoo! News
Shitty hit piece... From Fox New, officially the most mis-informed news outlet.

Not one person is now refuting that Libya was pre planned, however it happened during the riots. Nobody is trying to use them as an excuse. :lol:

If Fox news actually did some real investigative reporting and talked to people who are rioting like MSNBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and BBC has, they would get a sense of why people are upset and rioting. They are upset because they dont think the US is doing enough to punish the person who disgraced their "prophet", they want him dead.

Couple riots with already deep seated hatred for America and you have the perfect "brew" for the good ole' mob mentality, which is now what happened, I bet most of the people do not know what is going on other than something about America.. But, it all started with a video, that has been proven, all the way down to the graffiti they painted the embassy and the banners they tout around during the protests.

This has nothing to do with Obama policies, one can make the argument that they embassy was short staffed.. However, Obama is not at full blame for that (as much as some would like), remember he has generals and others that are in charge of allocating forces in that sense. I am not saying they are at fault either or that they are "bad" people, but more that they may have assessed the risks and made the call to not ramp up.

The rest of the article is just rhetorical crap. :lol:

This one made me laugh: "The essence of his doomed approach is revealed in Obama’s refusal to meet with the prime minister of Israel while finding time to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt. The choice raises a fundamental question: Whose side are you on, Mr. President?"

It is so misinformed that it reads like Obama blew of the Isreali Prime Minister to go hang out with the. These things happened at COMPLETELY different times.
Perhaps you should check the news if you think that no one is refuting that this was a planned attack.
WASHINGTON - The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations says the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was spontaneous.
Susan Rice says the current U.S. assessment shows it was not a co-ordinated, premeditated attack.

UN ambassador says no reason to believe Libya attack was co-ordinated or premeditated - Yahoo! News

Strange.. I was just watching the news and they were saying it officially was a pre-planned attack.

That is a day old, so, behind the times (I guess).
Shitty hit piece... From Fox New, officially the most mis-informed news outlet.

Not one person is now refuting that Libya was pre planned, however it happened during the riots. Nobody is trying to use them as an excuse. :lol:

If Fox news actually did some real investigative reporting and talked to people who are rioting like MSNBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and BBC has, they would get a sense of why people are upset and rioting. They are upset because they dont think the US is doing enough to punish the person who disgraced their "prophet", they want him dead.

Couple riots with already deep seated hatred for America and you have the perfect "brew" for the good ole' mob mentality, which is now what happened, I bet most of the people do not know what is going on other than something about America.. But, it all started with a video, that has been proven, all the way down to the graffiti they painted the embassy and the banners they tout around during the protests.

This has nothing to do with Obama policies, one can make the argument that they embassy was short staffed.. However, Obama is not at full blame for that (as much as some would like), remember he has generals and others that are in charge of allocating forces in that sense. I am not saying they are at fault either or that they are "bad" people, but more that they may have assessed the risks and made the call to not ramp up.

The rest of the article is just rhetorical crap. :lol:

This one made me laugh: "The essence of his doomed approach is revealed in Obama’s refusal to meet with the prime minister of Israel while finding time to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt. The choice raises a fundamental question: Whose side are you on, Mr. President?"

It is so misinformed that it reads like Obama blew of the Isreali Prime Minister to go hang out with the. These things happened at COMPLETELY different times.

so all those rioters are just fucking movie critics......?

Obama's pattern of apology and appeasement is at fault here.....not one formerly unknown youtube video....give me a break....

the rioters already killed 4 Americans including an Ambassador......but they want us to kill the youtube guy as well......?

and you agree with that sentiment......? :eusa_hand:
so all those rioters are just fucking movie critics......?

Obama's pattern of apology and appeasement is at fault here.....not one formerly unknown youtube video....give me a break....

You are not familiar with religious fanaticism?

Fanaticism: (n) wildly excessive or irrational devotion, dedication, or enthusiasm

There is nothing rational about religion. Of course this makes no sense, they are fanatical.
the rioters already killed 4 Americans including an Ambassador......but they want us to kill the youtube guy as well......?

and you agree with that sentiment......? :eusa_hand:

Did I say I agree or appease their sentiment? I have already commented on this topic like 5 times (once to you) stating that they want us to kill him and that was "laughable".

The truth is that the riots in a greater scale were cause be the video, but more directly what the Muslim community viewed as as the "issue" was the fact that we were not parading around the body of the man who made the video. The deaths in Libya were cause by a pre-planned attack DURING riots for that video.

See! There are more than just one problem make the issue as a "whole".
Shitty hit piece... From Fox New, officially the most mis-informed news outlet.

Not one person is now refuting that Libya was pre planned, however it happened during the riots. Nobody is trying to use them as an excuse. :lol:

If Fox news actually did some real investigative reporting and talked to people who are rioting like MSNBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and BBC has, they would get a sense of why people are upset and rioting. They are upset because they dont think the US is doing enough to punish the person who disgraced their "prophet", they want him dead.

Couple riots with already deep seated hatred for America and you have the perfect "brew" for the good ole' mob mentality, which is now what happened, I bet most of the people do not know what is going on other than something about America.. But, it all started with a video, that has been proven, all the way down to the graffiti they painted the embassy and the banners they tout around during the protests.

This has nothing to do with Obama policies, one can make the argument that they embassy was short staffed.. However, Obama is not at full blame for that (as much as some would like), remember he has generals and others that are in charge of allocating forces in that sense. I am not saying they are at fault either or that they are "bad" people, but more that they may have assessed the risks and made the call to not ramp up.

The rest of the article is just rhetorical crap. :lol:

This one made me laugh: "The essence of his doomed approach is revealed in Obama’s refusal to meet with the prime minister of Israel while finding time to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt. The choice raises a fundamental question: Whose side are you on, Mr. President?"

It is so misinformed that it reads like Obama blew of the Isreali Prime Minister to go hang out with the. These things happened at COMPLETELY different times.


Any so-called "PROPHET" who instructs his pathetic followers to kill, kill, kill, kill, already debased and disgraced himself. Nobody - ever, be it this movie, or the Danish cartoons, or Salman Rashdie's book - disgraced and disrespected the Prophet Mohammed as his unruly mob ever did. To these savages the words "civilized", "decent", "tolerant" and "sane" are totally unknown, unknowable and reasonable.

No cartoon no book, no new paper article, no nothing justifies the riots we are seeing.

Those who justify these riots would be outraged if Christians were set to kill the jerks who placed the Crucifix in urine or spread cow dung on the image of the Virgin Mary.

This did NOT start with a video that may or may not exist. It started as a test of and the repudiation of the obvious and ridiculous contention by boasting of the least qualified President in history that the Muslim world would view America differently when he is President.

It is debatatable whether it was the most idiotic or the most egotistical statement in the history of diplomacy. Well, not really debatable, in Obama's case, BOTH.
According to President Obama’s narrative, the murder of four Americans in Libya is a story of “senseless violence” provoked by an anti-Islam video. According to his Praetorian Guards in the media, the story is how Mitt Romney rudely criticized Obama’s foreign policy.

Here’s the real story: The murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others is the most important terrorist attack on American civilians since 9/11. And it happened on the 11th anniversary of that day of infamy, on Obama’s watch.

There were no Marines on guard, and there are reports that the Benghazi embassy had been warned of an Al Qaeda assault, yet there were no precautions. It is likely the organized attackers, some carrying rocket-propelled grenades, had inside information about a “safe house,” where they killed two of the Americans.

Obama, after offering condolences and vowing to find those responsible, flew off to a campaign event in Vegas.

If that were all, it would be reason enough to doubt his competency and character. But it’s not all.

The crisis, including riots at our embassies in 20 countries, is the full flowering of a policy predicated on appeasement and apology. To borrow a phrase, the Obama chickens are coming home to roost.

The essence of his doomed approach is revealed in Obama’s refusal to meet with the prime minister of Israel while finding time to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt. The choice raises a fundamental question: Whose side are you on, Mr. President?

To ask is to concede despair. Starting with his Cairo speech in 2009, Obama promised a “new beginning” in our relations with Muslims. Had the comment been a marketing tool for a new administration, it would have been understandable. But the speech was far from benign. It foretold the ruinous path he would follow.

In Cairo, Obama insisted that, after 9/11, America “acted contrary to our ideals,” by using torture — a libel against his own country and the warriors who defend it. Under the Obama “ideals,” we follow a “kill or release” protocol, blasting terrorist leaders with drones while freeing all others without interrogation. So death is now more humane than waterboarding.

He suggested in Cairo that Americans harbor bigotry against Muslims, saying, “We cannot disguise hostility towards any religion behind the pretense of liberalism.” That, too, was a slander, and the policy corollary is that he says nothing about the slaughter of Christians in Arab lands.

He misstated Mideast history to draw a moral equivalency between Israelis and Palestinians. His portrayal of a “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza was spun of whole cloth, as was his claim that Israeli settlement activity “violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace.” As a result, there have been no direct negotiations during his term.

On Iran, he talked as if the mad mullahs and the US are equally responsible for the 30-year rupture, even though Iran was at that moment helping to kill our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. He said, “No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons,” a tip-off to his feckless policy.

The central idea of that speech is that America and Israel are largely to blame for radical Islam. The same instinct drips from the statement issued by Obama’s Cairo representative last Tuesday.

Utterly craven, the statement “condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions . . . we firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”

Deciphering the childish gibberish leads to the conclusion that free speech is OK only until Muslim feelings are hurt. Then we surrender our values to the mob.

Read more: In the Middle East, Obama's chickens are coming home to roost | Fox News

Barack Obama is just a moron along with his followers. They believed he was the one that would bring the world together and we would all sit around holding hands singing cum-bi-ya. They actually believed he--with his "charming" personality would be able to reach Islamic Extremists aka terrorist's around the world and they would just drop to their knees--throw away their weapons--or at least stop pointing them at us--and what do we have today?

21 COUNTRIES in the middle east -are- all chanting "We're all Osama's--OBAMA"--and "Death to America." Now it's not over some unknown who care's utube video as this administration would like you to believe--it's about a very "weak President" who goes on apology tours--and then his state department apologizes for a video that has been out there since June--that opens their window of opportunity for extremists to attack our embassy's and consulates. These were well planned--orchestrated attacks for the anniversary of 9/11.

Obama did not order beefed up security on the anniversary of 9/11 at our two most recent Muslim hot-spots in the world. Knowing full well that these countries were a hot bed of Islamic extremists.

And if anything has incited Islamic Extremists around the GLOBE it's Obama continually campaigning on the HIT of their poster boy leader--OSAMA BIN LADEN--where we found Joe Biden SCREAMING at the DNC convention that "BIN LADEN IS DEAD-- GOVERNMENT MOTORS IS ALIVE."

[ame=]Biden at DNC: "Bin Laden is dead, General Motors is alive" - YouTube[/ame]

"A terrorist will always seek the least path of resistance"--and they found that path through a very naive and incompetent President in Barack Obama.
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so all those rioters are just fucking movie critics......?

Obama's pattern of apology and appeasement is at fault here.....not one formerly unknown youtube video....give me a break....

You are not familiar with religious fanaticism?

Fanaticism: (n) wildly excessive or irrational devotion, dedication, or enthusiasm

There is nothing rational about religion. Of course this makes no sense, they are fanatical.
the rioters already killed 4 Americans including an Ambassador......but they want us to kill the youtube guy as well......?

and you agree with that sentiment......? :eusa_hand:

Did I say I agree or appease their sentiment? I have already commented on this topic like 5 times (once to you) stating that they want us to kill him and that was "laughable".

The truth is that the riots in a greater scale were cause be the video, but more directly what the Muslim community viewed as as the "issue" was the fact that we were not parading around the body of the man who made the video. The deaths in Libya were cause by a pre-planned attack DURING riots for that video.

See! There are more than just one problem make the issue as a "whole".

fool.....the protests are not really about the video....there are probably thousands of videos and other insults to Islam they could riot about on every fucking day of the week....

the video was only the raw meat to feed the fury of the dumbfuck muslims who become rioting maniacs at the whim of their was all staged by elements within the greater muslim community for internal power reasons.....and to focus the general hate upon the U.S. in order to unite the caliphate they are attempting to they are toying with how far they can push Americans with the appeaser Obama in charge....
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