In the defense of white folks

He didn’t murder anyone.

Your racism against whites is so pronounced that you’re on the side of criminals trying to kill a kid, simply because the criminals were destroying property and businesses in the name of Burn, Loot, Murder. Anyone on the side of the terrorist BLM gets your support.
I don’t like the guys Kyle murdered or kyles bad behavior, or his moms.

I bet you defend the michigan parents behavior too. Every position you have is right....wing
I don't go to women doctors. I think they laugh at me. I prefer Asians for specialists cause I want the smartest.
And even Asians are somehow not making it to the executive boardrooms. That suggests a good old white boys network exists. Rich white kids go to elite private schools, then top colleges, then get plucked out of those colleges by their white fathers. Not really their kids, but kids who look like their kids.

And these white men have bias’. Undeniable.

Im lucky. I’m Greek. Basically white. My brother was plucked. VP. Not a lot of women or minority VPs in America. And in a country as diverse as America?
I don’t like the guys Kyle murdered or kyles bad behavior, or his moms.

I bet you defend the michigan parents behavior too. Every position you have is right....wing
Why is someone’s issue someone else’s. You want the parents, then I want DA in Wisconsin charged! Let’s go. Let’s start charging prosecutors for letting out murderers
I don’t like the guys Kyle murdered or kyles bad behavior, or his moms.

I bet you defend the michigan parents behavior too. Every position you have is right....wing
As I said, Kyle did not murder anyone.

The Michigan parents’ behavior was despicable.

Unlike you, I can make a distinction. For example, while you falsely accuse Kyle of murder, where is your outrage for the BLM black scumbag racist who did indeed MURDER 6 people. But, he was black, and his victims white, so let’s go back to making up lies about an innocent white teen who broke no laws.
Why is someone’s issue someone else’s. You want the parents, then I want DA in Wisconsin charged! Let’s go. Let’s start charging prosecutors for letting out murderers
That seems to be the main gop talking point. Blaming liberals for letting murderers out. Republicans had a chance to change the laws. And there are many conservative legislature, judges and cities that can change the laws. Also, prosecutors aren’t liberal dumb fuck. They charge violent criminals with lower crimes to cop a deal and get a slam dunk win. Guarantee 10 years rather than expensive trial where he might walk.

Your argument is bullshit. Mom and dad are responsible for the Michigan kid who murdered 4 white kids, you fuck. Even they are just collateral damage in your political war.
Maybe your ignorant friends don't know what correlate means but I do and it doesn't mean cause. Maybe you'd like to debate why you think that correlation is relevant.

And what about ignoring that facts of racist policies from slavery to segregation and red lining to denying black Americans the benefits of the New Deal. Those are obvious contributors to enormous wealth gap. In fact so much so that black families that married and earn high incomes still have less wealth on average than middle income white families.

You racist whites can only deny facts so long.

Deny these facts;

Despite the grand myth that black economic progress began or accelerated with the passage of the civil rights laws and “war on poverty” programs of the 1960s, the cold fact is that the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent by 1960. This was before any of those programs began.

Over the next 20 years, the poverty rate among blacks fell another 18 percentage points, compared to the 40-point drop in the previous 20 years. This was the continuation of a previous economic trend, at a slower rate of progress, not the economic grand deliverance proclaimed by liberals and self-serving black “leaders.”

Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%]. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a “legacy of slavery” there.

If we are to go by evidence of social retrogression, liberals have wreaked more havoc on blacks than the supposed “legacy of slavery” they talk about.

Kristof’s other “overwhelming” evidence of the current effects of past slavery is that blacks do not have as much income as whites. But Puerto Ricans do not have as much income as Japanese Americans. Mexican Americans do not have as much income as Cuban Americans. All sorts of people do not have as much income as all sorts of other people, not only in the United States, but in countries around the world. And most of these people were never enslaved.
But you look at black people funny because you think aa helped them. Why don't you look at white women the same way? AA has helped them more than any other group. So chances are if you have a woman doctor, AA helped them. Do you look funny at white women for benefitting from AA?

So then you doing that to black people is another illustration of how you are a racist and treat blacks differently than you do whites.

You're train of thought left the tracks, bro.
We know most white conservatives are. You just pretend you aren't and deny it. But then if we looked at your emails to friends we'd see that just like John Gruden, you are racist homophobic mysoginistic assholes.
The last bastion of someone losing an argument........insults.
Voting status: Independent voter. Didn't vote for Trump in 2016. Having said that, the way he was vilified for four years and even now, I made a conscious decision to vote Republican in 2020.
Political candidates "most often" chosen in local and national elections: Green Party.
Philosophy on gays and lesbians: You live your life and I live mine. If you want to get married and adopt kids, more power to you.
My emails: They would largely bore someone seeking to snoop on them. I'm largely a loner and thus, most of them are issues on products I have purchased.

So, now you can continue to rant on, generalizing about me and others you don't know.
The last bastion of someone losing an argument........insults.
Voting status: Independent voter. Didn't vote for Trump in 2016. Having said that, the way he was vilified for four years and even now, I made a conscious decision to vote Republican in 2020.
Political candidates "most often" chosen in local and national elections: Green Party.
Philosophy on gays and lesbians: You live your life and I live mine. If you want to get married and adopt kids, more power to you.
My emails: They would largely bore someone seeking to snoop on them. I'm largely a loner and thus, most of them are issues on products I have purchased.

So, now you can continue to rant on, generalizing about me and others you don't know.
Can’t squeeze them all in categories but they are always allowed. Trust me
sealybobo America is the most racially diverse country in the world. Of course there are racists among the 330 million people who live here. That does not make America a racist country and America is not a racist country. That is totally different than America having SOME racists. And those racists come from every ethnicity.
sealybobo America is the most racially diverse country in the world. Of course there are racists among the 330 million people who live here. That does not make America a racist country and America is not a racist country. That is totally different than America having SOME racists. And those racists come from every ethnicity.
So true. Some of these people think if there are racists in this country, then the country itself is racist.

Analogy: There is no shortage of antisemites in this country. (In fact, a Jew is more likely to be a victim of a hate crime than a black person.) Does that mean that America is an antisemitic country? Of course not.
That seems to be the main gop talking point. Blaming liberals for letting murderers out. Republicans had a chance to change the laws. And there are many conservative legislature, judges and cities that can change the laws. Also, prosecutors aren’t liberal dumb fuck. They charge violent criminals with lower crimes to cop a deal and get a slam dunk win. Guarantee 10 years rather than expensive trial where he might walk.

There are no GOP legislatures where we are talking about in places like Chicago and San Francisco. Most of the Walgreens are closing down there because that idiot prosecutor lowered the penalty for shoplifting to a misdemeanor which the police won't even come out for unless they stole more than $950.00. Then we look at that animal in Wisconsin that some liberal judge let out when the guy had a rap sheet 50 pages long, and he ran over 46 white people killing 6 of them.

This is something the GOP cannot control, it's something local people control. They have the chance when they vote. They tried to recall Newsome in CA and the morons voted to keep him. One of the first things Elder would have done is fire these prosecutors and replace them with hard nosed prosecutors that would have put these people away for a long time.

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