In one area there is NO Difference between Trump and Obama... narcissism!

Well for the first thing I unlike you have never watched "Jersey Shores" so I have no idea what it is other than some TV series that people like you waste time watching.

One does not need to watch something to know what it contains. I have never seen Debbie Does Dallas, but I know it is a porn flick.

I guess you by dint of your "Jersey Shores" passion has a poor reading comprehension as the FACTS I've met probably 1,000s more people than you with your simply programming job working for someone else limits your exposure to all sorts of successful people. As a result you didn't comprehend the "major" lesson I've learned i.e. don't make assumptions based on subjective, and especially uninformed sources as it appears you have.

It is a ridiculous claim to make and one that has no basis in fact and is just your own subjective view of the situation. In order for you to have met 1,000s more people than I you would have to have met more than 100,000,000 people. I do not believe that you have met 100,000,000 people.

I worship no one. So when you make the statement "I understand fully what Trump is doing" I have to laugh at how you jumped to that conclusion because you are so wrong when you say I worship him! Once again you have proven the point about how people like you make poor assumptions based on poor information.

your words suggest otherwise.

As I've said Trump's prime motivation is to make America Great again... because people like Cuomo who says America 'was never that great' and evidently you don't seem to comprehend that America was Great but moving in a negative direction under people evidently like you, Cuomo,

I understand this is your opinion of Trump, I disagree with it. I also disagree with both Cuomo and Trump, not only was America great, it is great and was great when Trump was running for office, it never quit being great.

This is where you go the most wrong, the assumption that the country was not great on Nov 6 2016.

The fact is the country has been great no question.
Trump like any GOOD salesperson to get their point across exaggerated when the statement "Make America Great...again"... was made and I agree.
The problem was with statements and actions like the below Obama was tearing our country apart.
One simple illustration of Obama's inability to trust the people that worked for him (AS TRUMP does and sometimes is penalized for question..) Obama pushed through a lot of "politically correct" policies one of which was part of the military's "Rules of Engagement" ROE.

Read what one of our soldier's had to say about this "policy" that really hamstrung the military ...UNTIL Trump came in to let them do what they do best.

A laminated card ROE with the following text was distributed to all U.S. Army and Marine personnel in Iraq.
Policies about limiting civilian casualties have soldiers complaining they can't effectively fight;
one showed author Michael Hastings a card with regulations including:
"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests.
“Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
In Afghanistan, a New General -- But An Old Strategy

Now really be honest. With Obama's INTEREST being Global and being politically correct and being an Angry black man (which I'll show you where he admits that).
Dreams from My Father

Read pages 94 and 95... and you will see what I mean.

What kind of "greatness" was our country GOING to be with mentalities exhibited by Obama's statements and actions like below?
All of which Trump would NEVER say or do!

View attachment 216862

One thing that you fail to seem to grasp, no matter what a piece of shit Obama was, that has no bearing on what Trump is. It truly seems your only defense of Trump now is "well, he is better than Obama".

That is akin to someone saying "well, lung cancer is better than pancreatic cancer".
Well for the first thing I unlike you have never watched "Jersey Shores" so I have no idea what it is other than some TV series that people like you waste time watching.

One does not need to watch something to know what it contains. I have never seen Debbie Does Dallas, but I know it is a porn flick.

I guess you by dint of your "Jersey Shores" passion has a poor reading comprehension as the FACTS I've met probably 1,000s more people than you with your simply programming job working for someone else limits your exposure to all sorts of successful people. As a result you didn't comprehend the "major" lesson I've learned i.e. don't make assumptions based on subjective, and especially uninformed sources as it appears you have.

It is a ridiculous claim to make and one that has no basis in fact and is just your own subjective view of the situation. In order for you to have met 1,000s more people than I you would have to have met more than 100,000,000 people. I do not believe that you have met 100,000,000 people.

I worship no one. So when you make the statement "I understand fully what Trump is doing" I have to laugh at how you jumped to that conclusion because you are so wrong when you say I worship him! Once again you have proven the point about how people like you make poor assumptions based on poor information.

your words suggest otherwise.

As I've said Trump's prime motivation is to make America Great again... because people like Cuomo who says America 'was never that great' and evidently you don't seem to comprehend that America was Great but moving in a negative direction under people evidently like you, Cuomo,

I understand this is your opinion of Trump, I disagree with it. I also disagree with both Cuomo and Trump, not only was America great, it is great and was great when Trump was running for office, it never quit being great.

This is where you go the most wrong, the assumption that the country was not great on Nov 6 2016.

You wrote: "It is a ridiculous claim to make and one that has no basis in fact and is just your own subjective view of the situation. In order for you to have met 1,000s more people than I you would have to have met more than 100,000,000 people. I do not believe that you have met 100,000,000 people."

So you are saying you have worked with, met with, talked with, did business, with, been with, 99,000,000 people? Because I said I've probably met 1,000s more people than you have.
You've met 99,000,000 people?

First of all I've worked for 100 different companies, businesses etc. in 6 distinct industries. I've traveled overseas. Lived in several states and visited most of them.

In those companies I would meet fellow co-workers, meet with customers, speak at conventions, meet and greet thousands.

So for me to say I've met 1,000s more people than you who have ADMITTED you have worked for a few bosses and that even now you sit behind a dinky computer checking on some simply algorithm that probably provides porno material is based on things you have said, IS accurate.

To meet "1,000s" more people than you would be for me to have met just 3,000 more than you i.e. if you met 1,000. See that is "1,000s"!

But see this is where you get bogged down.
You made assumptions( and I'm using your assumption technique) and you brag about how on "company" time you write on this forum.
That to me says a lot about your character. That and your really feeble observations.
It also tells me that you do have a very limited circle of people you can say you know.
Tell me if you know a person that knows another person that KNOWS John McCain's first wife?
For you I'm sure you've never heard the term "six degrees of separation".
I've played ball with Major league baseball players. I knew the former coach of the Boston Celtics.
And again done what the vast majority of people including you haven't done. And I can prove it.
So my statement about knowing 1,000s of more people than you is valid because in YOUR limited world of sitting behind a dinky computer and in your shrift 38 years of working,
I'm 100% confident you have NOT even MET 10,000 people.
You wrote: "It is a ridiculous claim to make and one that has no basis in fact and is just your own subjective view of the situation. In order for you to have met 1,000s more people than I you would have to have met more than 100,000,000 people. I do not believe that you have met 100,000,000 people."

So you are saying you have worked with, met with, talked with, did business, with, been with, 99,000,000 people? Because I said I've probably met 1,000s more people than you have.
You've met 99,000,000 people?

Whoops, was thinking you meant 1000's times more people. My bad for misreading your post.

First of all I've worked for 100 different companies, businesses etc. in 6 distinct industries. I've traveled overseas. Lived in several states and visited most of them.

In those companies I would meet fellow co-workers, meet with customers, speak at conventions, meet and greet thousands.

So for me to say I've met 1,000s more people than you who have ADMITTED you have worked for a few bosses and that even now you sit behind a dinky computer checking on some simply algorithm that probably provides porno material is based on things you have said, IS accurate.

To meet "1,000s" more people than you would be for me to have met just 3,000 more than you i.e. if you met 1,000. See that is "1,000s"!

100 different companies in 62 years, holy fuck dude, what a crappy employee you are. You left every job after not much more than a year and a half on average.

But, putting that aside..

In 20 years in the Marine Corps i was attached to 10 different units in 4 states and 3 countries. The units ranged in size from 150 Marines to 2000 Marines. Each of those units also had constant turnover as Marines changed units, some left new ones came. At 3 of of the units I was the Operations/Training Chief,and as such I dealt with each member of the squadrons/units at least a few times.

Other times I was the Base Operations Chief for a Marine Corp Air station dealing with the pilots from each of the squadrons as well as all the transient aircrew.
On two different Air Stations I was deeply involved with putting on the air show for the station, dealing with both military units and civilian performers as well as vendors and designing and scheduling the mass casualty drill.

I was deployed to more than a half a dozen countries meeting new people in each of them.

I was the MEPS Liaisoin for the Marine Corps for 20 months, dealing with hundred of applicants each month as well as the people at the MEPS. There are/were over 2000 Marines that have my signature on their contracts, that does not include the one's that were not qualified.

I do not think it would be a stretch to say that I meet more than 10,000 people just in my time in the Marines.

After the Marine Crops I spent two years with WalMart, being recruited by them to be in their Manager Training program. I worked in 3 different stores and literally met 1000s of people in that time, dealing with many of them in a manner that was more that just a simple meeting. Let's say I met only one new person an hour, which is vastly under stated, I met more than 7000 people in just two years at WalMart alone.

Just those two jobs alone I am betting you cannot touch.

That does not include my jobs before the Crops or all the activities after work such as church at every new duty station, coaching youth soccer, baseball and T-ball.

But see this is where you get bogged down.
You made assumptions( and I'm using your assumption technique) and you brag about how on "company" time you write on this forum.
That to me says a lot about your character. That and your really feeble observations. It also tells me that you do have a very limited circle of people you can say you know.

I do so with the full knowledge and consent my those over me. It seems that someone that worked for 100 companies in their lifetime should never question the character of another person, since clearly loyalty is not one of your stronger traits.

Tell me if you know a person that knows another person that KNOWS John McCain's first wife?
For you I'm sure you've never heard the term "six degrees of separation".

I do not, but I do know a person that is well acquainted with his second wife.

I've played ball with Major league baseball players. I knew the former coach of the Boston Celtics.

I was in boot camp with a former NFL player. I can match your tit for tat if you would like to play along.

And again done what the vast majority of people including you haven't done. And I can prove it.
So my statement about knowing 1,000s of more people than you is valid because in YOUR limited world of sitting behind a dinky computer and in your shrift 38 years of working,
I'm 100% confident you have NOT even MET 10,000 people.

My current position is only 5 years old, and I meet way more people that you would realize, dealing with operators and other data users and data providers.

I would put my experiences up against yours any day of the week, starting with spending 4.5 year growing up in Iran.
You wrote: "It is a ridiculous claim to make and one that has no basis in fact and is just your own subjective view of the situation. In order for you to have met 1,000s more people than I you would have to have met more than 100,000,000 people. I do not believe that you have met 100,000,000 people."

So you are saying you have worked with, met with, talked with, did business, with, been with, 99,000,000 people? Because I said I've probably met 1,000s more people than you have.
You've met 99,000,000 people?

Whoops, was thinking you meant 1000's times more people. My bad for misreading your post.

First of all I've worked for 100 different companies, businesses etc. in 6 distinct industries. I've traveled overseas. Lived in several states and visited most of them.

In those companies I would meet fellow co-workers, meet with customers, speak at conventions, meet and greet thousands.

So for me to say I've met 1,000s more people than you who have ADMITTED you have worked for a few bosses and that even now you sit behind a dinky computer checking on some simply algorithm that probably provides porno material is based on things you have said, IS accurate.

To meet "1,000s" more people than you would be for me to have met just 3,000 more than you i.e. if you met 1,000. See that is "1,000s"!

100 different companies in 62 years, holy fuck dude, what a crappy employee you are. You left every job after not much more than a year and a half on average.

But, putting that aside..

In 20 years in the Marine Corps i was attached to 10 different units in 4 states and 3 countries. The units ranged in size from 150 Marines to 2000 Marines. Each of those units also had constant turnover as Marines changed units, some left new ones came. At 3 of of the units I was the Operations/Training Chief,and as such I dealt with each member of the squadrons/units at least a few times.

Other times I was the Base Operations Chief for a Marine Corp Air station dealing with the pilots from each of the squadrons as well as all the transient aircrew.
On two different Air Stations I was deeply involved with putting on the air show for the station, dealing with both military units and civilian performers as well as vendors and designing and scheduling the mass casualty drill.

I was deployed to more than a half a dozen countries meeting new people in each of them.

I was the MEPS Liaisoin for the Marine Corps for 20 months, dealing with hundred of applicants each month as well as the people at the MEPS. There are/were over 2000 Marines that have my signature on their contracts, that does not include the one's that were not qualified.

I do not think it would be a stretch to say that I meet more than 10,000 people just in my time in the Marines.

After the Marine Crops I spent two years with WalMart, being recruited by them to be in their Manager Training program. I worked in 3 different stores and literally met 1000s of people in that time, dealing with many of them in a manner that was more that just a simple meeting. Let's say I met only one new person an hour, which is vastly under stated, I met more than 7000 people in just two years at WalMart alone.

Just those two jobs alone I am betting you cannot touch.

That does not include my jobs before the Crops or all the activities after work such as church at every new duty station, coaching youth soccer, baseball and T-ball.

But see this is where you get bogged down.
You made assumptions( and I'm using your assumption technique) and you brag about how on "company" time you write on this forum.
That to me says a lot about your character. That and your really feeble observations. It also tells me that you do have a very limited circle of people you can say you know.

I do so with the full knowledge and consent my those over me. It seems that someone that worked for 100 companies in their lifetime should never question the character of another person, since clearly loyalty is not one of your stronger traits.

Tell me if you know a person that knows another person that KNOWS John McCain's first wife?
For you I'm sure you've never heard the term "six degrees of separation".

I do not, but I do know a person that is well acquainted with his second wife.

I've played ball with Major league baseball players. I knew the former coach of the Boston Celtics.

I was in boot camp with a former NFL player. I can match your tit for tat if you would like to play along.

And again done what the vast majority of people including you haven't done. And I can prove it.
So my statement about knowing 1,000s of more people than you is valid because in YOUR limited world of sitting behind a dinky computer and in your shrift 38 years of working,
I'm 100% confident you have NOT even MET 10,000 people.

My current position is only 5 years old, and I meet way more people that you would realize, dealing with operators and other data users and data providers.

I would put my experiences up against yours any day of the week, starting with spending 4.5 year growing up in Iran.

Marine "Crops"? twice? "Liaisoin"?

Speaks volumes to your attention to details. For example the little red dotted line is easy to see for most people and important to show you care about your output.
Which I guess in your current position as a CSR is not that important.
Marine "Crops"? twice? "Liaisoin"?

Speaks volumes to your attention to details. For example the little red dotted line is easy to see for most people and important to show you care about your output.
Which I guess in your current position as a CSR is not that important.

I am glad you gave up on your fantasy you are some how special and that your experiences are so much better than anyone else's.

My level of care on my "output" is directly related the level of importance in my life. So, when dealing with you that is just a little bit above zero.

You can call my job whatever you desire, what you think is unimportant in the grand scheme of things. As long as my boss keeps putting Statistician on my business cards and keep paying me a salary that keeps the wife and I in the top 10%, that is all that really matters.
Marine "Crops"? twice? "Liaisoin"?

Speaks volumes to your attention to details. For example the little red dotted line is easy to see for most people and important to show you care about your output.
Which I guess in your current position as a CSR is not that important.

I am glad you gave up on your fantasy you are some how special and that your experiences are so much better than anyone else's.

My level of care on my "output" is directly related the level of importance in my life. So, when dealing with you that is just a little bit above zero.

You can call my job whatever you desire, what you think is unimportant in the grand scheme of things. As long as my boss keeps putting Statistician on my business cards and keep paying me a salary that keeps the wife and I in the top 10%, that is all that really matters.

Well evidently you had very little regard for the Marine "Crops" and your job as a "liaisoin" was certainly not one that required the least attention to detail.
So the major difference between you and me is YOU have a boss. I am the boss.
Consequently it appears your awareness of what it takes to make "decisions" that affect people's lives, i.e. a "boss" is above your pay grade.
This is the distinction then you don't seem to comprehend when it comes to Trump. For all his faults which many of us agree, we who are "bosses" know the responsibilities
of making decisions that affect people like you. Decisions like providing your "Statistician" business card among other aspects you depend on are made by your boss.
In the meantime health care providers depend on my company's information 10,000+ times a day 24 hours a day for important decisions and almost all depend on
the attention to "details" that we provide.
Well evidently you had very little regard for the Marine "Crops" and your job as a "liaisoin" was certainly not one that required the least attention to detail.

All of your claims of being so worldly and knowledgable of people are refuted by post like this. You and this board is a source of entertainment, nothing more. Thus you get the same level of detail I would give a football game on the TV in the next room while I am making dinner. That you think this somehow equates to how I do my job shows your ignorance of people. Not to mention I have awards, commendations, medals and a 12 grand raise this past Jan that show you are incorrect.

So the major difference between you and me is YOU have a boss. I am the boss.

This is true. I purposefully chose my degree in a field where I could choose to have no leaderships roles if I did not want them. 15 years of being responsible for people 24/7 365 days a year was enough for me.

When I am driving home from work my biggest concern is if I can squeeze in a quick 9 holes and still have dinner ready on time. I choose my current position as it gives me the best work/life balance possible. And I could not be happier with my choice.

Consequently it appears your awareness of what it takes to make "decisions" that affect people's lives, i.e. a "boss" is above your pay grade.

You have this terrible habit of assuming what one is doing now is all they have ever done, which again shows you have very little experience with people.

One does not spend 20 years in the Marines without making thousands of decisions that affect people’s lives in ways you could not even dream of. I am confident your little company does not have 800 employees, which is the number of Marines I was the “boss” of when I retired.

But the true difference between you and I is that I was never a boss, I was always a leader. Bosses are a dime a dozen, anyone can be a boss. Leaders are a rare breed and people that content themselves with being a boss will never grasp what leadership is or what it means even.

You as the boss of your company are not responsible for what your employees do when they are not at work. You have never been responsible for people 24/7 regardless of their or your location. You have never knocked on a door wearing your dress blues to inform the wife of one of your Marines that her husband had died in a training accident.

Once you have done these things, then we can talk about being responsible for the lives of others.

This is the distinction then you don't seem to comprehend when it comes to Trump. For all his faults which many of us agree, we who are "bosses" know the responsibilities
of making decisions that affect people like you. Decisions like providing your "Statistician" business card among other aspects you depend on are made by your boss.
In the meantime health care providers depend on my company's information 10,000+ times a day 24 hours a day for important decisions and almost all depend on
the attention to "details" that we provide.

What you fail to understand why you are making those life and death decisions about business cards, is that Trump is not the boss of the country, he is supposed to be our leader, not our boss.

Sent from my iPhone using
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

So now you're a psychologist too? WTF?!?!?
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

So now you're a psychologist too? WTF?!?!?

Nope, but I do play one on the Internet.

Let me help you out here, as you seem confused. This is an opinion forum, what I posted above is my opinion.

Sent from my iPhone using
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

So now you're a psychologist too? WTF?!?!?

Nope, but I do play one on the Internet.

Let me help you out here, as you seem confused. This is an opinion forum, what I posted above is my opinion.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yes and in my humble opinion you're insane.
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

So now you're a psychologist too? WTF?!?!?

Nope, but I do play one on the Internet.

Let me help you out here, as you seem confused. This is an opinion forum, what I posted above is my opinion.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yes and in my humble opinion you're insane.

We are each allowed our opinions. People at that time thought Thomas Edison was crazy.

Sent from my iPhone using
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

So now you're a psychologist too? WTF?!?!?

Nope, but I do play one on the Internet.

Let me help you out here, as you seem confused. This is an opinion forum, what I posted above is my opinion.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yes and in my humble opinion you're insane.

We are each allowed our opinions. People at that time thought Thomas Edison was crazy.

Sent from my iPhone using

Truth. I'll give you that. People thought I was crazy too when I told them DJT would win when he first announced his candidacy.
Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

So now you're a psychologist too? WTF?!?!?

Nope, but I do play one on the Internet.

Let me help you out here, as you seem confused. This is an opinion forum, what I posted above is my opinion.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yes and in my humble opinion you're insane.

We are each allowed our opinions. People at that time thought Thomas Edison was crazy.

Sent from my iPhone using

Truth. I'll give you that. People thought I was crazy too when I told them DJT would win when he first announced his candidacy.

You were crazy! Lol

Sent from my iPhone using
Obama did what he felt was good for the country.

Trump does what he feels is good for Trump first and other billionaires second and all of it seems to be from the orders of Vladimir Putin.
Obama did what he felt was good for the country.

Trump does what he feels is good for Trump first and other billionaires second and all of it seems to be from the orders of Vladimir Putin.

This was "good for the country"????? Wow I'd like to see what Obama would do to HARM the country!
I mean seriously... would you really wish bankruptcy on any person or company?
And higher gas prices?? You're in favor of that?
Electricity rates skyrocketing? Really.. By the way UNDER Trump.. 31 states saw electricity rates DECREASE from June 2017 to June 2018. Definitely not SKYROCKET!
Actual highest state increase was Rhode Island.

But again what do the FACTS have to do with idiots' opinions formed by the extremely UNINFORMED and BIASED MSM!
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!
View attachment 216803

View attachment 216802
ALL politicians are narcissists.

ALL of them.

Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!
View attachment 216803

View attachment 216802
ALL politicians are narcissists.

ALL of them.


I do not know, I never got the idea that Bush II was a narcissist

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Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!
View attachment 216803

View attachment 216802

Here's more numbers for your theory.
Donald J Trump is truly the Narcissistic in Chief, closely followed the Barrack Obama.
Obama vs. Trump on referencing himself
I do not know, I never got the idea that Bush II was a narcissist
If you believe he got us into Iraq to get Saddam for trying to assassinate his pappy, you would be force to admit that such a move indicates narcissistic tendencies.

But, of the last 10 POTUS, I agree that he was the least narcissistic.

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