In Japan Trump Finds Time To Golf Become A National Embarrassment And Betray America

The national shame that is Donald Trump has outdone himself again during his junket to Japan. Ordinarily American leaders will suspend their partisan infighting while traveling abroad. There is an unwritten rule that "politics stops at the water's edge."But Trump has never been one to follow rules - or even bother to learn them. His only guidance is what's in his own selfish best interests. It's a symptom of his malignant narcissism and myriad other psychoses.

In Japan, Trump Finds Time to Golf, Become a National Embarrassment, and BETRAY America

There's nothing you can add to this.

When your expectations are that your US President capitulate, appease, and otherwise be submissive to fellow world leaders as opposed to peers and demand the same respect, Trump is going to disappoint.

Funny how you didn’t find embarrassment when Obama skipped out on meeting with Nethenyahu and made him leave through a side exit at the White House or when he discarded gifts from Great Britain.
He played golf with the PM of Japan. The problem with that is?

Golfing is racist, or haven’t you heard? Did he bring Tiger with him? He’s part Japanese.

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Tiger is Korean

Could have sworn he described himself as a mix including Japanese. I was wrong. He calls himself Cablinasain. His mom describes herself as Thai, Chinese and White, and his Dad refers to himself as half black, American Indian and Chinese. No mention of Korean.

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The murderous, psychopathic thug from North Korea is trustworthy, and it's funny when the murderous, psychopathic thug craps on an American former Vice President and Democratic candidate for President.

This President is like a child. But far worse, his followers are perfectly fine with this kind of thing. Birds of a feather, I guess.


The libs defended the Castro Brothers, as well as Hugo Chavez, when they had disputes with President Bush.

I remember the liberal cackling in delight when Chavez when to New York City to mock Dubya as the devil.

Trump doesn't go by a code that his liberal enemies aren't honoring.
The national shame that is Donald Trump has outdone himself again during his junket to Japan. Ordinarily American leaders will suspend their partisan infighting while traveling abroad. There is an unwritten rule that "politics stops at the water's edge."But Trump has never been one to follow rules - or even bother to learn them. His only guidance is what's in his own selfish best interests. It's a symptom of his malignant narcissism and myriad other psychoses.

In Japan, Trump Finds Time to Golf, Become a National Embarrassment, and BETRAY America

There's nothing you can add to this.

can we add the names of the democrats that have done the same thing?
WHY can't you and your republican friends admit to the shame that is Trump without bringing up the past?? Hill Obama Bill etc weren't perfect but 100% better than the pos there now Getting tired of but obama but hill but bill now it's but Kerry Got a lot of republican butts out there

The “buts” that tire you so are the countless data points supporting the claim that Democrats are full of shit.
Kim seems to be playing Trump

He knows attacking his political opponent will please him. Most would object when a hostile government leader takes sides in our political process

Trump needs to realize that Kim has guns aimed at our troops. He is not a golfing buddy
Wow the Traitorous talk from the Democrats
Why does our president take sides against America?
Not sure if you noticed but republicans are smarter then you, if you can’t understand Real diplomacy take some notes. Maybe your side will win and election some day lol
/——/ You’re talking to someone who got bent out of shape for two scoops of ice cream. You expect them to understand the nuances of negotiations with a dictator like Kim?
Nuances like cowering before a dictator who has guns pointed at our troops?

President Un may be a dictator, but he has the right to free speech. The idea that we should attack him merely because of his observations about Vice President Biden, that we may not agree with, well, that's un-American.
Trump was treated like no other before! And fixing trade! Absolutely amazing.. Obama would be like hmmm what should I eat tonight lol

Like no other before?

And what is your link to a historical source for that matter-of-fact statement?

Knowing you? I ain't holding my breath...since almost everything you say seems based on prejudice/hatred, stupidity and/or flat out lying.
Open your eyes they are honoring trump like he is king of the world. Maybe he should be
The murderous, psychopathic thug from North Korea is trustworthy, and it's funny when the murderous, psychopathic thug craps on an American former Vice President and Democratic candidate for President.

This President is like a child. But far worse, his followers are perfectly fine with this kind of thing. Birds of a feather, I guess.


The libs defended the Castro Brothers, as well as Hugo Chavez, when they had disputes with President Bush.

I remember the liberal cackling in delight when Chavez when to New York City to mock Dubya as the devil.

Trump doesn't go by a code that his liberal enemies aren't honoring.

Liberals go by the code of double standards. Bush, Romney, McCain all cared what Liberals thought of them and allowed Liberals to hold them to standards all the while knowing liberals are devoid of any personal accountability. Trump does not permit the liberals to do that.
The murderous, psychopathic thug from North Korea is trustworthy, and it's funny when the murderous, psychopathic thug craps on an American former Vice President and Democratic candidate for President.

This President is like a child. But far worse, his followers are perfectly fine with this kind of thing. Birds of a feather, I guess.

Kim seems to be playing Trump

He knows attacking his political opponent will please him. Most would object when a hostile government leader takes sides in our political process

Trump needs to realize that Kim has guns aimed at our troops. He is not a golfing buddy
Wow the Traitorous talk from the Democrats
Why does our president take sides against America?
Not sure if you noticed but republicans are smarter then you, if you can’t understand Real diplomacy take some notes. Maybe your side will win and election some day lol
/——/ You’re talking to someone who got bent out of shape for two scoops of ice cream. You expect them to understand the nuances of negotiations with a dictator like Kim?
Seems like we are far more respected now then ever before
Another pseudo event brought to you by a moonbat. When they have nothing, they just make stuff up. Trump wiped his rearend wrong, or Trump ate 2 scoops of ice cream.

As with Gnat, I hope this persons relatives and neighbors are preparing for an intervention before he hurts himself!
Trump was treated like no other before! And fixing trade! Absolutely amazing.. Obama would be like hmmm what should I eat tonight lol

Like no other before?

And what is your link to a historical source for that matter-of-fact statement?

Knowing you? I ain't holding my breath...since almost everything you say seems based on prejudice/hatred, stupidity and/or flat out lying.
Open your eyes they are honoring trump like he is king of the world. Maybe he should be

And, as per usual, Jitss617 comes up with no link to back up his (as usual) these claims mean absolutely nothing.

And life goes on....
So far, Trump has 2020 endorsements from Putin and Kim Jong Un

Looks like a winner

Yeah, because he has been so soft on both of them? I swear you guys must get your news from the Cartoon Network.
Trump was treated like no other before! And fixing trade! Absolutely amazing.. Obama would be like hmmm what should I eat tonight lol

Like no other before?

And what is your link to a historical source for that matter-of-fact statement?

Knowing you? I ain't holding my breath...since almost everything you say seems based on prejudice/hatred, stupidity and/or flat out lying.
Open your eyes they are honoring trump like he is king of the world. Maybe he should be

And, as per usual, Jitss617 comes up with no link to back up his (as usual) these claims mean absolutely nothing.

And life goes on....
It’s current events it’s in every news channel, today he is the guest of honor! Amazing
Trump was treated like no other before! And fixing trade! Absolutely amazing.. Obama would be like hmmm what should I eat tonight lol

Like no other before?

And what is your link to a historical source for that matter-of-fact statement?

Knowing you? I ain't holding my breath...since almost everything you say seems based on prejudice/hatred, stupidity and/or flat out lying.
Open your eyes they are honoring trump like he is king of the world. Maybe he should be

And, as per usual, Jitss617 comes up with no link to back up his (as usual) these claims mean absolutely nothing.

And life goes on....
It’s current events it’s in every news channel, today he is the guest of honor! Amazing

They aren't showing it on the Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Bommerang, CNN or MSBNC so they wouldn't know.
The national shame that is Donald Trump has outdone himself again during his junket to Japan. Ordinarily American leaders will suspend their partisan infighting while traveling abroad. There is an unwritten rule that "politics stops at the water's edge."But Trump has never been one to follow rules - or even bother to learn them. His only guidance is what's in his own selfish best interests. It's a symptom of his malignant narcissism and myriad other psychoses.

In Japan, Trump Finds Time to Golf, Become a National Embarrassment, and BETRAY America

There's nothing you can add to this.

I wonder if trump brought up Japans sneak attack on Pearl Harbor?

Why would he?
The national shame that is Donald Trump has outdone himself again during his junket to Japan. Ordinarily American leaders will suspend their partisan infighting while traveling abroad. There is an unwritten rule that "politics stops at the water's edge."But Trump has never been one to follow rules - or even bother to learn them. His only guidance is what's in his own selfish best interests. It's a symptom of his malignant narcissism and myriad other psychoses.

In Japan, Trump Finds Time to Golf, Become a National Embarrassment, and BETRAY America

There's nothing you can add to this.

can we add the names of the democrats that have done the same thing?
Go for it. List away, we will wait.

John Kerry trashes Trump to British media: ‘We cannot have a truculent child president’
Kerry is president?

Good to know.
No, thank God.
can we add the names of the democrats that have done the same thing?

Sure. Go ahaed and name the Democrats that have taken sides with North Korea over a former Vice President.

Take your time.
Trump hasn't taken NK's side on anything, moron.

actually, moron, he took NKs side when he said he had no problem with NK firing those missles

and he took NKs side when they bashed Biden as being low IQ (rather ironic considering how stupid trump is)

Biden tried running for the presidency and failed each time.

He is trying for the third time not realizing that it is doomed to miserable failure. Biden is, indeed, a low IQ moron.

Trump tried once. And succeeded the first time, with no political experience, vanquishing along the way seventeen Republicans in the primaries and beating the most qualified and smartest woman in the world in the general election.

Stupid? Only in the mind of a demented nobody Democrat like you.

I would take Biden over Trump in a IQ test any day

Oh, what a clash of Titans that would be!

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