In 2017 Dr. Shi from Wuhan Institute of Virology Claimed She Kept a Large Reservoir of Bat Viruses and Related Vaccines


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
In 2017 Dr. Shi from Wuhan Institute of Virology Claimed She Kept a Large Reservoir of Bat Viruses and Related Vaccines

23 Apr 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
We first mentioned China’s Dr. Shi Zhengli weeks ago on April 9th, long before other news publications. About a week after our first post, Dr. Shi’s name was finally breaking into the mainstream media reports. Professor Shi Zhengli was even discussed on Tucker Carlson’s show as well.
Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team that worked on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors in 2014 before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky.
After the US research project was shut down, Dr. Shi continued her coronavirus research in Wuhan, China.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: In 2017 Dr. Shi from Wuhan Institute of Virology Claimed She Kept a Large Reservoir of Bat Viruses and Related Vaccines
Doctor Shi Zhengli from China was part of a team, including Doctor Ralph S. Baric, that published an article in a 2015 edition of Nature Medicine.
In the article they discussed bat coronaviruses that showed potential for human emergence. The article was published in 2015.

After the work stopped in the US, the Chinese moved forward with the project and ran research and development in Wuhan at the Wuhan Virology Center. From Shi Zhengli’s papers and resume, it is clear that they successfully isolated the virus in the lab and were actively experimenting with species <-> specie transmission.
It’s also important to note that back in 2017 we had solid intelligence about a viral leak in a high security Chinese virology R&D center that resulted in the SARS virus getting out and killing people.
This information provides a basis that contradicts the theory that COVID-19 is a variant that just magically mutated in a bat in the wild and then jumped to a human when they ate bat soup.
Today we have obtained an article from the past where Dr. Shi was interviewed on her work related to the coronavirus that was obtained from bats.
The article was in Chinese but has been translated. In the article from December 2017, Dr Shi was interviewed and shared the following:

1.Shi Zhengli and others are called “virus hunters”. They search the world for viruses that have not yet infected humans. Before they wreak havoc, they study them clearly to prevent new infectious diseases.
2. The bat is the source for SARS
3. Viruses from bats generally require an intermediate host, such as the SARS virus.
4. The SARS virus in 2002-2003 was detected in civets (wild cats) sold to the Guangdong market.
5. From 2011 to 2015, Shi Zhengli’s research team took continuous samples from a small cave in Kunming, Yunnan.
6. All the genetic components of the SARS virus strain that caused human outbreaks were found in the bats in this cave.
7. Over the past five years [through 2017], the viruses they received were collected into a large “reservoir”.
8. The prevention and treatment of SARS epidemic is mainly through the direct report system of infectious diseases in hospitals: once the patients suspected of SARS are reported, they will report it. There are already diagnostic techniques and vaccine reserves. If the diagnosis is a case of SARS virus infection, isolate it immediately.
9. For these viruses that are easy to infect humans, we developed diagnostic techniques and even developed some vaccines for storage.
Based on Dr. Shi from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, she and her team had collected a large reservoir of viruses and even developed some vaccines for storage.

Covid-19 was identified nearly a decade ago and was studied extensively because of SARS and MERS. Accordingly, throughout the work that was done both in the U.S. and China a vaccine was created.
The question is how did this virus was released from the Wuhan Level 4 laboratory? Was it accidental and just coincidental that it occurred just as the new trade agreement was signed with China and the U.S.?
One has to consider the main villains in China and its leadership --- the Chinese Communist Party and the minions on their payroll throughout the world - namely Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and Leftist Media Outlets such as CNN and MSNBC.
Then there's Dr. Shi's working with these deadly viruses is insane. Kind of like Doctor Frankenstein - to create something good, something evil must be done. Unfortunately, the evil creation has no morality and when it escapes, creates havoc and despair among all it encounters.
There's little doubt in my mind that we're in a battle to save our country, freedom and souls. Good versus evil; moral versus amoral. We're all going to have to choose a side.
Prior to 2007, I never believed in political conspiracies. It began for me when the NY Slime printed their famous full page "General Betray Us" (
Then Obama was elected and proclaimed there would be a "Fundamental Transformation of America". The horrible behavior from the formerly unseen huge mass of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Radical Democrats that he unleashed upon America is astounding. It solidifies and absolutely validates the existence of conspiracies created by the PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats and China.
In 2017 Dr. Shi from Wuhan Institute of Virology Claimed She Kept a Large Reservoir of Bat Viruses and Related Vaccines

23 Apr 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
We first mentioned China’s Dr. Shi Zhengli weeks ago on April 9th, long before other news publications. About a week after our first post, Dr. Shi’s name was finally breaking into the mainstream media reports. Professor Shi Zhengli was even discussed on Tucker Carlson’s show as well.
Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team that worked on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors in 2014 before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky.
After the US research project was shut down, Dr. Shi continued her coronavirus research in Wuhan, China.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: In 2017 Dr. Shi from Wuhan Institute of Virology Claimed She Kept a Large Reservoir of Bat Viruses and Related Vaccines
Doctor Shi Zhengli from China was part of a team, including Doctor Ralph S. Baric, that published an article in a 2015 edition of Nature Medicine.
In the article they discussed bat coronaviruses that showed potential for human emergence. The article was published in 2015.

After the work stopped in the US, the Chinese moved forward with the project and ran research and development in Wuhan at the Wuhan Virology Center. From Shi Zhengli’s papers and resume, it is clear that they successfully isolated the virus in the lab and were actively experimenting with species <-> specie transmission.
It’s also important to note that back in 2017 we had solid intelligence about a viral leak in a high security Chinese virology R&D center that resulted in the SARS virus getting out and killing people.
This information provides a basis that contradicts the theory that COVID-19 is a variant that just magically mutated in a bat in the wild and then jumped to a human when they ate bat soup.
Today we have obtained an article from the past where Dr. Shi was interviewed on her work related to the coronavirus that was obtained from bats.
The article was in Chinese but has been translated. In the article from December 2017, Dr Shi was interviewed and shared the following:

1.Shi Zhengli and others are called “virus hunters”. They search the world for viruses that have not yet infected humans. Before they wreak havoc, they study them clearly to prevent new infectious diseases.
2. The bat is the source for SARS
3. Viruses from bats generally require an intermediate host, such as the SARS virus.
4. The SARS virus in 2002-2003 was detected in civets (wild cats) sold to the Guangdong market.
5. From 2011 to 2015, Shi Zhengli’s research team took continuous samples from a small cave in Kunming, Yunnan.
6. All the genetic components of the SARS virus strain that caused human outbreaks were found in the bats in this cave.
7. Over the past five years [through 2017], the viruses they received were collected into a large “reservoir”.
8. The prevention and treatment of SARS epidemic is mainly through the direct report system of infectious diseases in hospitals: once the patients suspected of SARS are reported, they will report it. There are already diagnostic techniques and vaccine reserves. If the diagnosis is a case of SARS virus infection, isolate it immediately.
9. For these viruses that are easy to infect humans, we developed diagnostic techniques and even developed some vaccines for storage.
Based on Dr. Shi from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, she and her team had collected a large reservoir of viruses and even developed some vaccines for storage.

Covid-19 was identified nearly a decade ago and was studied extensively because of SARS and MERS. Accordingly, throughout the work that was done both in the U.S. and China a vaccine was created.
The question is how did this virus was released from the Wuhan Level 4 laboratory? Was it accidental and just coincidental that it occurred just as the new trade agreement was signed with China and the U.S.?
One has to consider the main villains in China and its leadership --- the Chinese Communist Party and the minions on their payroll throughout the world - namely Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and Leftist Media Outlets such as CNN and MSNBC.
Then there's Dr. Shi's working with these deadly viruses is insane. Kind of like Doctor Frankenstein - to create something good, something evil must be done. Unfortunately, the evil creation has no morality and when it escapes, creates havoc and despair among all it encounters.
There's little doubt in my mind that we're in a battle to save our country, freedom and souls. Good versus evil; moral versus amoral. We're all going to have to choose a side.
Prior to 2007, I never believed in political conspiracies. It began for me when the NY Slime printed their famous full page "General Betray Us" (
Then Obama was elected and proclaimed there would be a "Fundamental Transformation of America". The horrible behavior from the formerly unseen huge mass of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Radical Democrats that he unleashed upon America is astounding. It solidifies and absolutely validates the existence of conspiracies created by the PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats and China.
Not wanting to nitpick but where does it say that COVID-19 was identified years ago?
There are apparently hundreds of bat coronaviruses and they are mutating all the time.
In 2017 Dr. Shi from Wuhan Institute of Virology Claimed She Kept a Large Reservoir of Bat Viruses and Related Vaccines

23 Apr 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
We first mentioned China’s Dr. Shi Zhengli weeks ago on April 9th, long before other news publications. About a week after our first post, Dr. Shi’s name was finally breaking into the mainstream media reports. Professor Shi Zhengli was even discussed on Tucker Carlson’s show as well.
Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team that worked on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors in 2014 before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky.
After the US research project was shut down, Dr. Shi continued her coronavirus research in Wuhan, China.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: In 2017 Dr. Shi from Wuhan Institute of Virology Claimed She Kept a Large Reservoir of Bat Viruses and Related Vaccines
Doctor Shi Zhengli from China was part of a team, including Doctor Ralph S. Baric, that published an article in a 2015 edition of Nature Medicine.
In the article they discussed bat coronaviruses that showed potential for human emergence. The article was published in 2015.

After the work stopped in the US, the Chinese moved forward with the project and ran research and development in Wuhan at the Wuhan Virology Center. From Shi Zhengli’s papers and resume, it is clear that they successfully isolated the virus in the lab and were actively experimenting with species <-> specie transmission.
It’s also important to note that back in 2017 we had solid intelligence about a viral leak in a high security Chinese virology R&D center that resulted in the SARS virus getting out and killing people.
This information provides a basis that contradicts the theory that COVID-19 is a variant that just magically mutated in a bat in the wild and then jumped to a human when they ate bat soup.
Today we have obtained an article from the past where Dr. Shi was interviewed on her work related to the coronavirus that was obtained from bats.
The article was in Chinese but has been translated. In the article from December 2017, Dr Shi was interviewed and shared the following:

1.Shi Zhengli and others are called “virus hunters”. They search the world for viruses that have not yet infected humans. Before they wreak havoc, they study them clearly to prevent new infectious diseases.
2. The bat is the source for SARS
3. Viruses from bats generally require an intermediate host, such as the SARS virus.
4. The SARS virus in 2002-2003 was detected in civets (wild cats) sold to the Guangdong market.
5. From 2011 to 2015, Shi Zhengli’s research team took continuous samples from a small cave in Kunming, Yunnan.
6. All the genetic components of the SARS virus strain that caused human outbreaks were found in the bats in this cave.
7. Over the past five years [through 2017], the viruses they received were collected into a large “reservoir”.
8. The prevention and treatment of SARS epidemic is mainly through the direct report system of infectious diseases in hospitals: once the patients suspected of SARS are reported, they will report it. There are already diagnostic techniques and vaccine reserves. If the diagnosis is a case of SARS virus infection, isolate it immediately.
9. For these viruses that are easy to infect humans, we developed diagnostic techniques and even developed some vaccines for storage.
Based on Dr. Shi from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, she and her team had collected a large reservoir of viruses and even developed some vaccines for storage.

Covid-19 was identified nearly a decade ago and was studied extensively because of SARS and MERS. Accordingly, throughout the work that was done both in the U.S. and China a vaccine was created.
The question is how did this virus was released from the Wuhan Level 4 laboratory? Was it accidental and just coincidental that it occurred just as the new trade agreement was signed with China and the U.S.?
One has to consider the main villains in China and its leadership --- the Chinese Communist Party and the minions on their payroll throughout the world - namely Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and Leftist Media Outlets such as CNN and MSNBC.
Then there's Dr. Shi's working with these deadly viruses is insane. Kind of like Doctor Frankenstein - to create something good, something evil must be done. Unfortunately, the evil creation has no morality and when it escapes, creates havoc and despair among all it encounters.
There's little doubt in my mind that we're in a battle to save our country, freedom and souls. Good versus evil; moral versus amoral. We're all going to have to choose a side.
Prior to 2007, I never believed in political conspiracies. It began for me when the NY Slime printed their famous full page "General Betray Us" (
Then Obama was elected and proclaimed there would be a "Fundamental Transformation of America". The horrible behavior from the formerly unseen huge mass of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Radical Democrats that he unleashed upon America is astounding. It solidifies and absolutely validates the existence of conspiracies created by the PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats and China.
What a useless rant. If she was creating vaccines to go with the viruses, she must have skipped this one or the Chinese Communists would have given it to their own people, unless your paranoia lets you think of a scenario from the movie "Outbreak" where "they want to protect their weapon." Hint: It was only a movie.
" Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and Leftist Media Outlets such as CNN and MSNBC." "unseen huge mass of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Radical Democrats." Your kinda eat up with it. Do you sleep at night. Can't see how you could.
The Gateway Pundit------------Strikes again. Or in my opinion, strikes out.


In 2017 Dr. Shi from Wuhan Institute of Virology Claimed She Kept a Large Reservoir of Bat Viruses and Related Vaccines

23 Apr 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
We first mentioned China’s Dr. Shi Zhengli weeks ago on April 9th, long before other news publications. About a week after our first post, Dr. Shi’s name was finally breaking into the mainstream media reports. Professor Shi Zhengli was even discussed on Tucker Carlson’s show as well.
Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team that worked on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors in 2014 before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky.
After the US research project was shut down, Dr. Shi continued her coronavirus research in Wuhan, China.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: In 2017 Dr. Shi from Wuhan Institute of Virology Claimed She Kept a Large Reservoir of Bat Viruses and Related Vaccines
Doctor Shi Zhengli from China was part of a team, including Doctor Ralph S. Baric, that published an article in a 2015 edition of Nature Medicine.
In the article they discussed bat coronaviruses that showed potential for human emergence. The article was published in 2015.

After the work stopped in the US, the Chinese moved forward with the project and ran research and development in Wuhan at the Wuhan Virology Center. From Shi Zhengli’s papers and resume, it is clear that they successfully isolated the virus in the lab and were actively experimenting with species <-> specie transmission.
It’s also important to note that back in 2017 we had solid intelligence about a viral leak in a high security Chinese virology R&D center that resulted in the SARS virus getting out and killing people.
This information provides a basis that contradicts the theory that COVID-19 is a variant that just magically mutated in a bat in the wild and then jumped to a human when they ate bat soup.
Today we have obtained an article from the past where Dr. Shi was interviewed on her work related to the coronavirus that was obtained from bats.
The article was in Chinese but has been translated. In the article from December 2017, Dr Shi was interviewed and shared the following:

1.Shi Zhengli and others are called “virus hunters”. They search the world for viruses that have not yet infected humans. Before they wreak havoc, they study them clearly to prevent new infectious diseases.
2. The bat is the source for SARS
3. Viruses from bats generally require an intermediate host, such as the SARS virus.
4. The SARS virus in 2002-2003 was detected in civets (wild cats) sold to the Guangdong market.
5. From 2011 to 2015, Shi Zhengli’s research team took continuous samples from a small cave in Kunming, Yunnan.
6. All the genetic components of the SARS virus strain that caused human outbreaks were found in the bats in this cave.
7. Over the past five years [through 2017], the viruses they received were collected into a large “reservoir”.
8. The prevention and treatment of SARS epidemic is mainly through the direct report system of infectious diseases in hospitals: once the patients suspected of SARS are reported, they will report it. There are already diagnostic techniques and vaccine reserves. If the diagnosis is a case of SARS virus infection, isolate it immediately.
9. For these viruses that are easy to infect humans, we developed diagnostic techniques and even developed some vaccines for storage.
Based on Dr. Shi from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, she and her team had collected a large reservoir of viruses and even developed some vaccines for storage.

Covid-19 was identified nearly a decade ago and was studied extensively because of SARS and MERS. Accordingly, throughout the work that was done both in the U.S. and China a vaccine was created.
The question is how did this virus was released from the Wuhan Level 4 laboratory? Was it accidental and just coincidental that it occurred just as the new trade agreement was signed with China and the U.S.?
One has to consider the main villains in China and its leadership --- the Chinese Communist Party and the minions on their payroll throughout the world - namely Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and Leftist Media Outlets such as CNN and MSNBC.
Then there's Dr. Shi's working with these deadly viruses is insane. Kind of like Doctor Frankenstein - to create something good, something evil must be done. Unfortunately, the evil creation has no morality and when it escapes, creates havoc and despair among all it encounters.
There's little doubt in my mind that we're in a battle to save our country, freedom and souls. Good versus evil; moral versus amoral. We're all going to have to choose a side.
Prior to 2007, I never believed in political conspiracies. It began for me when the NY Slime printed their famous full page "General Betray Us" (
Then Obama was elected and proclaimed there would be a "Fundamental Transformation of America". The horrible behavior from the formerly unseen huge mass of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Radical Democrats that he unleashed upon America is astounding. It solidifies and absolutely validates the existence of conspiracies created by the PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats and China.
What a useless rant. If she was creating vaccines to go with the viruses, she must have skipped this one or the Chinese Communists would have given it to their own people, unless your paranoia lets you think of a scenario from the movie "Outbreak" where "they want to protect their weapon." Hint: It was only a movie.
" Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and Leftist Media Outlets such as CNN and MSNBC." "unseen huge mass of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist Radical Democrats." Your kinda eat up with it. Do you sleep at night. Can't see how you could.
The Gateway Pundit------------Strikes again. Or in my opinion, strikes out.
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