CDZ Impeachment for Gitmo Giveaway?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I have not been on the impeachment bandwagon, but what if Obama gives away or abandons Gitmo without Congressional authority? Would this be a legitimate basis for impeachment?
Are you aware of the SOP for GITMO? Along with all the laws that are associated with it at the Congressional level?
The fact that we even have a GITMO is more offensive than the possibility that the POTUS will shut it down.

Our USMB nutters sure do love them some congressional authority...these days.
The fact that we even have a GITMO is more offensive than the possibility that the POTUS will shut it down.

Our USMB nutters sure do love them some congressional authority...these days.
Let's just pull our troops out and drone it...problem solved.
The President has no authority to give away anything to a foreign Government. Any attempt would be illegal and would not be allowed.
"Illegal" has not even slowed Regime Obama heretofore.

So why now?

What's gonna come down (a prediction) is that He will vacate Gitmo and give it back to The Brothers Castro but keep making rent payments.

The Castros will rent it to Russia - hey, it's a ready-to-move-in base and will collect double rent.

Impeachment over this? And have a guaranteed 6, probably 10, years of Joe Biden as president?

Not on.
The President has no authority to give away anything to a foreign Government. Any attempt would be illegal and would not be allowed.

Do you think that would stop him? What if he releases the detainees and abandons the base?

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