Impartial press lamenting the lack of effect "wall to wall impeachment coverage" is having.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
What is wrong with America? We are not letting the ultra-enlightened mainstream media elites coerce us into supporting the impeachment of Donald Trump. No matter how many times they scream and try to browbeat us with IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH, we aren't buying it. It must be all those ignorant, racist, non-college educated rural whites trying to hang onto their white privilege.

Quotes from the article:

"Wall-to-wall impeachment coverage is not changing any minds. Here’s how journalists can reach the undecided."

"The diplomats have been inspiring, the legal scholars knowledgeable, the politicians predictable.

After endless on-air analysis and written reporting, pundit panels and emergency podcasts, not much has changed.

If anything, weeks into the House of Representatives’ public impeachment hearings, Americans’ positions seem to have hardened on whether President Trump should be impeached and removed from office."

You would think Democrats would have impeached trump like 3 times already.

It's like "orange man bad" isn't enough to get America behind it.
The women are pissed that their afternoon soaps are preempted by the Schitt show. They will vent their anger in November.

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