Immigration Reform... SIRP


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
I am an honest guy, so I will preface this post by saying I may have had one to many tonight, however, I have an idea that sounds good right now… It may not sound good when I read it tomorrow but screw it, lets see if it stirs a good discussion.

Here is Slades Immigration Reform Plan… AKA. SIRP

Clear the Line - Open the gates and allow anybody in who wants to be here. Larger workforce equals a larger economy. We allow all current undocumented living in the US and all new immigrants to register under one of 3 pathways: Financial, Intellectual, Physical

Financial - Pay an entry/citizenship fee and prove you have the means to be able to pay enough taxes to contribute positively to the US Economy

Intellectual - Show the Intellectual aptitude to contribute to the development of technology, science, arts, or any other industry via top level positions with private companies or as developers for our academic institutions

Physical - Serve in the military or domestic military

Domestic Military - (New idea) Will be a federal and state run program that operates similar to the current military except it will focus on building America from within and not on our nations defense.

We currently have a wealth of land and resources available in our great country but we are overpopulated in our cities… So lets build new cities. Start with small, self sufficient communities that immigrants and US Citizens can build from scratch. Workers can learn trade skills, education, and learn the culture of the USA while in the program. They can receive the opportunity to own their own homes and businesses in the communities that they are a part in building. This program would have a model that would require an initial investment from the tax payers but will be modeled to evolve so that each community that is built produces a net positive to the economy

Security - There is a probation period and we reserve the right to fine and/or deport anybody who does not follow the law. We also fine or deport people who sneak in unregistered

Its a young idea with lots of holes but perhaps it is something to stir a good discussion. So what do you like or hate about it? Go!
Clear the Line - Open the gates and allow anybody in who wants to be here. Larger workforce equals a larger economy. We allow all current undocumented living in the US and all new immigrants to register under one of 3 pathways: Financial, Intellectual, Physical
How many?
when do you and how do you say that's enough? our cities are too overcrowded....our schools are over run....our prisons are full...our welfare programs are stretched to the limit....with open borders...
Are you even thinking?
Do you have any idea how many people would come here if you opened the door???
you can say goodbye to your government subsidized education you idiot.....and your medicare...and your sic programs.....
Intellectual - Show the Intellectual aptitude to contribute to the development of technology, science, arts, or any other industry via top level positions with private companies or as developers for our academic institutions
That is or was a requirement for entry until Obama took over....
Security - There is a probation period and we reserve the right to fine and/or deport anybody who does not follow the law. We also fine or deport people who sneak in unregistered
Already have that and its unenforced.....
Domestic Military - (New idea) Will be a federal and state run program that operates similar to the current military except it will focus on building America from within and not on our nations defense
Not a new idea...Obama started his domestic is the deep state...Brennan...Clapper...Comey...McCabe...Rosenstein...etc etc
Clear the Line - Open the gates and allow anybody in who wants to be here. Larger workforce equals a larger economy. We allow all current undocumented living in the US and all new immigrants to register under one of 3 pathways: Financial, Intellectual, Physical
How many?
when do you and how do you say that's enough? our cities are too overcrowded....our schools are over run....our prisons are full...our welfare programs are stretched to the limit....with open borders...
Are you even thinking?
Do you have any idea how many people would come here if you opened the door???
you can say goodbye to your government subsidized education you idiot.....and your medicare...and your sic programs.....
Did you happen to read beyond the first point? The system would be designed to pay for itself and contribute to our economic growth.
Domestic Military - (New idea) Will be a federal and state run program that operates similar to the current military except it will focus on building America from within and not on our nations defense
Not a new idea...Obama started his domestic is the deep state...Brennan...Clapper...Comey...McCabe...Rosenstein...etc etc
You’re obviously not understanding the idea. Thanks for trying though

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