Immigration LAW 1907. TITLE 8, U.S.C. 1324

Do you think Sanctuary Cities should CONTINUE to get away with Breaking The Law and Go Unpunished?

  • Yes, I hate America, and want it transformed by Foreigners with No Allegiance to America

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • No, America is the last Hope for True Freedom in The World and we need to protect what is left of it

    Votes: 24 92.3%

  • Total voters

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
There is way too much misinformation and FLAT OUT DISGUSTING LIES, and Attempts to Deceive The American Public, and Dishonestly and Callously Paint Americans who want to see Immigration Law, Enforced and our Borders Secured as Racist.

There is ZERO MENTION OF RACE in our Immigration LAW. It only addresses the Illegal Act of Entering The Country without Authorization, and the Illegals Acts of Harboring, Transporting and Aiding Such People. It is even illegal to give an Illegal any kind of Official State Identification.

Sanctuary Cities are Illegal. Not Cooperating with ICE is Illegal. Helping Illegals Evade Law Enforcement Is Illegal. Even Giving an Illegal Access to Transportation is Illegal.

Giving them Free Healthcare and Government Benefits are ILLEGAL!

Read and Weep. This is an Invasion, and it is Conscious Law Breaking by The Lawless Democrat Party.

They have declared a CIVIL WAR upon America and upon The RULE OF LAW!

It is necessary for me to post the entire section of US Code that deals with this so that there is ZERO wiggle Room for the Liars and Propagandist who hate this country to IGNORE WHAT THE LAW SAYS!

1907. TITLE 8, U.S.C. 1324

Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection 1324(a)(3).

Alien Smuggling -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(i) makes it an offense for any person who -- knowing that a person is an alien, to bring to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever such person at a place other than a designated port of entry or place other than as designated by the Commissioner, regardless of whether such alien has received prior official authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States and regardless of any future official action which may be taken with respect to such alien.

Domestic Transporting -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it an offense for any person who -- knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law.

Harboring -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii) makes it an offense for any person who -- knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation.

Encouraging/Inducing -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) makes it an offense for any person who -- encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.

Conspiracy/Aiding or Abetting -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(v) expressly makes it an offense to engage in a conspiracy to commit or aid or abet the commission of the foregoing offenses.

Bringing Aliens to the United States -- Subsection 1324(a)(2) makes it an offense for any person who -- knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has not received prior authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, to bring to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever, such alien, regardless of any official action which may later be taken with respect to such alien.

The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), enacted on September 30, 1996, added a new 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(3)(A) which makes it an offense for any person, during any 12-month period, to knowingly hire at least 10 individuals with actual knowledge that these individuals are unauthorized aliens. See this Manual at 1908 (unlawful employment of aliens).

Unit of Prosecution -- With regard to offenses defined in subsections 1324(a)(1)(A)(i)-(v), (alien smuggling, domestic transporting, harboring, encouraging/inducing, or conspiracy/aiding or abetting) each alien with respect to whom a violation occurs constitutes a unit of prosecution. Prior to enactment of the IIRIRA, the unit of prosecution for violations of 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(2) was each transaction, regardless of the number of aliens involved. However, the unit of prosecution is now based on each alien in respect to whom a violation occurs.

Knowledge -- Prosecutions for alien smuggling, 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(i) require proof that defendant knew that the person brought to the United States was an alien. With regard to the other violations in 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a), proof of knowledge or reckless disregard of alienage is sufficient.

Penalties -- The basic statutory maximum penalty for violating 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(i) and (v)(I) (alien smuggling and conspiracy) is a fine under title 18, imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both. With regard to violations of 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(ii)-(iv) and (v)(ii), domestic transportation, harboring, encouraging/inducing, or aiding/abetting, the basic statutory maximum term of imprisonment is 5 years, unless the offense was committed for commercial advantage or private financial gain, in which case the maximum term of imprisonment is 10 years. In addition, significant enhanced penalties are provided for in violations of 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1) involving serious bodily injury or placing life in jeopardy. Moreover, if the violation results in the death of any person, the defendant may be punished by death or by imprisonment for any term of years. The basic penalty for a violation of subsection 1324(a)(2) is a fine under title 18, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both, 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(2)(A). Enhanced penalties are provided for violations involving bringing in criminal aliens, 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(2)(B)(i), offenses done for commercial advantage or private financial gain, 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(2)(B)(ii), and violations where the alien is not presented to an immigration officer immediately upon arrival, 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(2)(B)(iii). A mandatory minimum three year term of imprisonment applies to first or second violations of § 1324(a)(2)(B)(i) or (B)(ii). Further enhanced punishment is provided for third or subsequent offenses.

COMMENT: Further discussion of offenses defined in 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a) is set forth in Chapter 3 of Immigration Law, published as part of the Office of Legal Education's Litigation Series, and as part of the USABook computer library.

1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses
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It's time to start charging these Open Border, Sanctuary City Democrats with Federal Crimes which the penalties are 5-10 years in prison.

Let's start with anyone who encourages illegals to enter this country, and then move to arresting Mayors and Public Officials in Sanctuary Cities and Police Chiefs and Court Officials who refuse to cooperate with ICE and BP.
I am amazed at how many people who hate the federal government thinks their state and local governments should bow down before the feds on this one issue. So much for "States' Rights" LOL.
Actually, the law should be FULLY ENFORCED!!!

If you hang a few Democrats every time an illegal they harbored kills someone, the nonsense would stop!!!
I am amazed at how many people who hate the federal government thinks their state and local governments should bow down before the feds on this one issue. So much for "States' Rights" LOL.
No one is making anyone BOW DOWN.



And then tell me if your refusal to pay your Income Taxes is refusing to BOW DOWN BEFORE the FEDS
Actually, the law should be FULLY ENFORCED!!!

If you hang a few Democrats every time an illegal they harbored kills someone, the nonsense would stop!!!
Nancy Peloisi could get 5 years in a Federal Prison just for encouraging Illegal Immigration.

Governor Newsome in California could get 5-10 for giving Illegals Healthcare and for promoting Sanctuary Cities.

Giving Illegals Drivers Licenses is a 5 year Prison Sentence.

The Problem is that we are NOT ENFORCING LAWS we already have.
It's time to start charging these Open Border, Sanctuary City Democrats with Federal Crimes which the penalties are 5-10 years in prison.

Let's start with anyone who encourages illegals to enter this country, and then move to arresting Mayors and Public Officials in Sanctuary Cities and Police Chiefs and Court Officials who refuse to cooperate with ICE and BP.
If the federal government passed a law confiscating all "assault weapons" and a local sheriff decided not to confiscate any "assault weapons", he is not guilty of harboring the owners of assault weapons.

The same goes for the made up term "sanctuary cities".

All caught up now, piss drinker?
Actually, the law should be FULLY ENFORCED!!!

If you hang a few Democrats every time an illegal they harbored kills someone, the nonsense would stop!!!
Nancy Peloisi could get 5 years in a Federal Prison just for encouraging Illegal Immigration.

Governor Newsome in California could get 5-10 for giving Illegals Healthcare and for promoting Sanctuary Cities.

Giving Illegals Drivers Licenses is a 5 year Prison Sentence.

The Problem is that we are NOT ENFORCING LAWS we already have.
Read the law you posted carefully...

It DOES have a DEATH PENALTY PROVISION if the violation results in a death!!!

Moreover, if the violation results in the death of any person, the defendant may be punished by death or by imprisonment for any term of years.
Actually, the law should be FULLY ENFORCED!!!

If you hang a few Democrats every time an illegal they harbored kills someone, the nonsense would stop!!!
Nancy Peloisi could get 5 years in a Federal Prison just for encouraging Illegal Immigration.

Governor Newsome in California could get 5-10 for giving Illegals Healthcare and for promoting Sanctuary Cities.

Giving Illegals Drivers Licenses is a 5 year Prison Sentence.

The Problem is that we are NOT ENFORCING LAWS we already have.
Read the law you posted carefully...

It DOES have a DEATH PENALTY PROVISION if the violation results in a death!!!

Moreover, if the violation results in the death of any person, the defendant may be punished by death or by imprisonment for any term of years.
Yes, so why aren't we issuing Death Sentences on people who are helping illegals in to this country who are killing people. And YES, I am serious about this.
The left use the law to scheme and obstruct when it suits them, and they flat out ignore and break the laws they disagree with or laws that get in the way of the liberal agenda.
More Immigration Law. This states that if you are going to break the law and enter in to The US Illegally, you better do it at a check point or point of entry, and you better not be engaging in fraudulent marriages.


Section 1325 sets forth criminal offenses relating to (1) improper entry into the United States by an alien, (2) entry into marriage for the purpose of evading immigration laws, and (3) establishing a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading immigration laws. The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) amended 8 U.S.C. § 1325 to provide that an alien apprehended while entering or attempting to enter the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty.

Comment: Further discussion of these offenses is set forth in Chapter 4 of Immigration Law, published as part of the Office of Legal Education's Litigation Series, and as part of the USABook computer library

1911. 8 U.S.C. 1325 -- Unlawful Entry, Failure To Depart, Fleeing Immigration Checkpoints, Marriage Fraud, Commercial Enterprise Fraud

This law covers willful attempts to evade deportation and deportation officials.


The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) amended 8 U.S.C. § 1253 to make it a criminal offense for an alien to willfully fail or refuse to depart from the United States within 90 days of a final administrative or judicial order of removal. It is also an offense to willfully fail to make timely, good faith application for travel documents necessary for departure, to take action designed to prevent such alien's departure, or to willfully fail or refuse to appear for removal. The basic penalty provision is a fine under title 18, United States Code, imprisonment for up to 4 years, or both. Enhanced penalties are applicable to aliens deportable based on criminal convictions or security related grounds.

[cited in JM 9-73.200]

1915. Willful Failure Or Refusal To Depart

This LAW covers public Officials who Illegally Help Illegal Aliens Apply for Government Benefits. or Fraudulent Immigration Applications of any sort.


The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) added a new subsection (e) to 8 U.S.C. § 1324c, which makes it an offense, punishable by up to 5 years in prison, for any person, in connection with any matter within the jurisdiction of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, to knowingly and willfully fail to disclose, conceal or cover up the fact that such person, on behalf of any other person and for a fee or other remuneration, prepared or assisted in the preparation of a falsely made application for immigration benefits. Prosecutions based solely on an individual's failure to disclose his or her involvement in preparing a false application would be subject to constitutional challenge. See Marchetti v. United States, 390 U.S. 39 (1968). Accordingly, prosecutions under this section should focus on the accused's efforts to affirmatively conceal and cover up his/her involvement in preparing fraudulent immigration applications. Repeat offenders under this section, i.e. persons who, having been convicted of such an offense, thereafter knowingly and willfully prepare or assist in preparing an application for immigration benefits, whether or not for a fee or other remuneration, shall be subject to imprisonment for up to 15 years.

[cited in JM 9-73.100]

1909. Failure To Disclose Role As Preparer Of False Application For Immigration Benefits

This LAW covers the penalties for a Deported Illegal who attempts to Re-enter The US after Deportation.


After the amendments made by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), subsection 1326(a) now makes it an offense for any alien who has been denied admission, excluded, deported, or removed, or has departed the United States while an order of exclusion, deportation or removal is outstanding and thereafter enters, attempts to enter, or is at any time found in the United States, unless prior to the alien's reembarkation at a place outside the United States or his application from foreign contiguous territory, the Attorney General has expressly consented to such alien's for admission, or such alien shall establish that he was not required to obtain such advance consent under the Immigration and Nationality Act or any prior Act.

The basic statutory maximum penalty for reentry after deportation is a fine under title 18, imprisonment for not more than 2 years, or both. However, with regard to an alien whose "removal" was subsequent to a conviction for commission of three or more misdemeanors involving drugs, crimes against the person, or both, or a felony (other than an aggravated felony), the statutory maximum term of imprisonment is 10 years. Moreover, if deportation was subsequent to conviction for an aggravated felony, the statutory maximum term of imprisonment is 20 years.

Although subsection 1326(a) now refers to any alien who has been "denied admission, excluded, deported, or removed, or has departed the United States while an order of exclusion, deportation, or removal is outstanding," subsections 1326(b)(1) and (b)(2), relating to aliens with prior criminal convictions, refer only to aliens "whose removal was subsequent to a conviction." Read together, subsections 1326 (a) and (b) appear to suggest that the term "removal" in subsections 1326(b)(1) and (b)(2) includes the terms "denied admission," "excluded ," "deported," "removed," and "departed the United States while an order of exclusion, deportation, or removal is outstanding," as set forth in subsection 1326(a). Section 309(d) of the IIRIRA seems to support this conclusion, providing "any reference in law to an order of exclusion and deportation or an order of deportation." Nevertheless, 8 U.S.C. § 1326 does not define "removal," nor does do subsections 1326(b)(1) and (2) specifically provide that removal is synonymous with "denied admission," "excluded ," "deported," and "departed the United States while an order of exclusion, deportation, or removal is outstanding." In view of this apparent uncertainty, some United States Attorneys expressed concern that, for example, that a criminal alien prosecuted under § 1326(b) might argue that he is not subject to enhanced punishment because he had been "deported," not "removed."

To foreclose possible litigation in this area, the Department is considering proposing a technical amendment whereby the language in subsections 1326(b)(1) and (2) would track the language in subsection 1326(a).

[cited in JM 9-73.200] [updated September 2008]

1912. 8 U.S.C. 1326 -- Reentry After Deportation (Removal)

So looking at the Above Law, Sanctuary Cities who harbor Criminal Illegals who have been deported before, are helping these criminals evade a 10-20 year sentence, which if you have been paying attention, would have saved scores of American Citizen's Lives. if said LAWLESS SANCTUARY CITY enforced The LAW!
The left use the law to scheme and obstruct when it suits them, and they flat out ignore and break the laws they disagree with or laws that get in the way of the liberal agenda.

But notice that at least one Lefty on this message board voted that they hated America and want it over run by foreigners who also hate America and have no allegiance to it.
I am amazed at how many people who hate the federal government thinks their state and local governments should bow down before the feds on this one issue. So much for "States' Rights" LOL.

I would be 100% with you that the states should decide what to do with illegals that show up in their state. But they should not welcome the illegals and then allow the illegals to go wherever they want and do whatever they want to do in other states.

So if your state wants to take in all the illegals great. But keep them there. And the people of your state should feed, clothe, educate, provide healthcare, and whatever else they need and allow them to fly whatever flag, demand whatever rules and regs and policies and facilities accommodate their culture and language, commit whatever crimes they want to commit with immunity from prosecution, grant them all the privileges of citizenship with none of the responsibilities, vote themselves into leadership positions, and reduce the host state to the third world environment the illegals came here to escape. And the rest of us should be left alone about it.

I am amazed at how many people who hate the federal government thinks their state and local governments should bow down before the feds on this one issue. So much for "States' Rights" LOL.
Enforcing the border is the federal government's main job. When AZ tried to do it, Obama shut them down. Back then you were whining about states sticking their nose where it didn't belong.
I am amazed at how many people who hate the federal government thinks their state and local governments should bow down before the feds on this one issue. So much for "States' Rights" LOL.

I would be 100% with you that the states should decide what to do with illegals that show up in their state. But they should not welcome the illegals and then allow the illegals to go wherever they want and do whatever they want to do in other states.

So if your state wants to take in all the illegals great. But keep them there. And the people of your state should feed, clothe, educate, provide healthcare, and whatever else they need and allow them to fly whatever flag, demand whatever rules and regs and policies and facilities accommodate their culture and language, commit whatever crimes they want to commit with immunity from prosecution, grant them all the privileges of citizenship with none of the responsibilities, vote themselves into leadership positions, and reduce the host state to the third world environment the illegals came here to escape. And the rest of us should be left alone about it.

I think Sanctuary States should have all funding cut off for anything associated with Immigration.

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