Immigrant in Germany blocks car, gets smacked by Polish driver

he got lucky. he did not get run over by the people in the vehicle. may he learned something
Yep. Some pedestrian with an attitude blocks your car and smacks the hood, thinking he can make you stop, for whatever he has in mind? BS. Don't let it happen, to you! You don't know how it might end.
I love the random guy who kicked him.

I guess time for them to answer some questions of the police. And I hope the police speaks very very very slow in their case and likes to know a lot of things. "Birth date of the grandmother? What do you think what she will say to you now? ..."

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What has this to do with Germany? Nothing or nothing?

Silly goose. Because in journalism, every story should have the five Ws: Who, what, when, where, and why. And this story has a "where", which was in Ravensburg, Germany.

No. Is it too much to expect intelligible English?

In Germany? We call "mobiles" "handies" - and speak it out in a middle-age German dialect ('händi') and/or English ("handy") what sounds the same in this case. And if you will say to a German "hang on the line please" then he will normally hang up the phone because he thinks you will need a free phone-line. And if someone speaks really good German then the English language feels to be like a jail. The German language knows in average 50% exceptions from all rules.
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Silly goose. Because in journalism, every story should have the five Ws: Who, what, when, where, and why. ....
And what shows this video in the beginning? Some stupid Americans in the USA, isn't it? I never saw anyone in Germany with the behavior of this studid people. I am tired about that "politcians" in the USA - or howelse we should call this damned assholes like Donald Trump - generate votes in the USA with hate on Germany in a wide
bandwidth of stupid prejudices, wrong information and intentional lies.

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And what shows this video in teh begenning? Some stupid Americans in the USA, isn't it? I never saw anyone in Germany with the behavior of this studid people.

Well you've seen it now. :laughing0301:
In Germany? We call "mobiles" "handies" - and speak it out in a middle-age German dialect ('händi') and/or English ("handy") what sounds the same in this case. And if you will say to a German "hold the line please" then he will normally hang up the phone because he thinks you will need a free phone-line. And if someone speaks really good German then the English language feels to be like a jail. The German language knows in average 50% exceptions from all rules.
I have very little interest in the German people and none at all in the German language. Particularly idioms.

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