Imagine What the USa Would Be Like Under a President Biden....

Antifa running the Department of Justus.

His VP running everything in background like Cheney did for Bush.

China having free reign across the USA, buying everything that isnt welded down and moving it to China.

The entire fossil fuel industry mothballed to comply with the re-entry of th eParis Accords.

Riots and unrest in every major urban center with people afraid to leave their homes due to a lack of police.

Confiscatory tax rates.

New Green Deal running the economy back into the 19th century.

Everything bleak, ugly, alien and hostile to the American people.

Imagine all the people, living life in fear and misery.

So giving up on Trump is any good, lets just invent shit to scare people...

How Gobbles propaganda machine of you...

When your guy is shit then go for the other guy and try and drag him into the shit...

Sorry but Biden has more credibility in his left pinkie than Trump will ever have...

You are just looking like a fool here..
Antifa running the Department of Justus.

His VP running everything in background like Cheney did for Bush.

China having free reign across the USA, buying everything that isnt welded down and moving it to China.

The entire fossil fuel industry mothballed to comply with the re-entry of th eParis Accords.

Riots and unrest in every major urban center with people afraid to leave their homes due to a lack of police.

Confiscatory tax rates.

New Green Deal running the economy back into the 19th century.

Everything bleak, ugly, alien and hostile to the American people.

Imagine all the people, living life in fear and misery.

Wow, it sounds like you'd be pretty unhappy....just as you have been for the past 3 years.

I'd be happy with is VP running everything BTW. Biden has my support for one reason and one reason only; he's not your blob.
And that is the best reason to re-elect Trump, warts and all the likes of you and the rest of the rioting left wing mob.

I haven't done any rioting yet. I'm always amazed that the rioters seem to be focusing on low-end retail. I'd be hitting the Land Rover dealerships. Anyway.... when is the blob going to do something about the rioting?

The "blob'' is not going to stop the rioting until the weak, pussified Mayors and Governors beg for Federal involvement. If Trump has to send in troops it won't be nice.
Hossfly, I agree. Unfortunately after watching the counterfeit money passer become deified at his Houston funeral, and the subsequent time after with 100 cops being harmed by "peaceful protesters" who have tried to destroy them in numerous different cities, I believe we are facing a political war at this time as the Democrats, who failed to convict our innocent President Trump of their nidus of lies, and are now using their operatives in Antifa to kill and maim as many policemen as they can following staged provocations and chant about dismantling police precincts nationwide, to ease Democrats into unlawful power with no police to protect American taxpayers in general.
Antifa running the Department of Justus.

His VP running everything in background like Cheney did for Bush.

China having free reign across the USA, buying everything that isnt welded down and moving it to China.

The entire fossil fuel industry mothballed to comply with the re-entry of th eParis Accords.

Riots and unrest in every major urban center with people afraid to leave their homes due to a lack of police.

Confiscatory tax rates.

New Green Deal running the economy back into the 19th century.

Everything bleak, ugly, alien and hostile to the American people.

Imagine all the people, living life in fear and misery.

Wow, it sounds like you'd be pretty unhappy....just as you have been for the past 3 years.

I'd be happy with is VP running everything BTW. Biden has my support for one reason and one reason only; he's not your blob.
And that is the best reason to re-elect Trump, warts and all the likes of you and the rest of the rioting left wing mob.

I haven't done any rioting yet. I'm always amazed that the rioters seem to be focusing on low-end retail. I'd be hitting the Land Rover dealerships. Anyway.... when is the blob going to do something about the rioting?

The "blob'' is not going to stop the rioting until the weak, pussified Mayors and Governors beg for Federal involvement. If Trump has to send in troops it won't be nice.
Hossfly, I agree. Unfortunately after watching the counterfeit money passer become deified at his Houston funeral, and the subsequent time after with 100 cops being harmed by "peaceful protesters" who have tried to destroy them in numerous different cities, I believe we are facing a political war at this time as the Democrats, who failed to convict our innocent President Trump of their nidus of lies, and are now using their operatives in Antifa to kill and maim as many policemen as they can following staged provocations and chant about dismantling police precincts nationwide, to ease Democrats into unlawful power with no police to protect American taxpayers in general.
Fantastic post, beautress. You are VERY wise AND kind. A great combination.
What the USA Would Be Like Under a President Biden....

Sane, vs insane with Trump

America First, vs Trump first

Normal, vs chaotic with Trump

Lawful, vs lawlessness with Trump

Being able to finally rest, vs sleeplessness with Trump

Truthfulness vs constant, never ending lies with Trump

And that's just the tip of the ice berg....sigh....

I just hope Trump's ass is grass in the next election... but, there is no guarantee that this will happen.... it's hard to kick an incumbent out....
im stocking up on TP no matter who wins
We already have too!! :lol::lol:

I keep telling you people not to waste money on TP. Get yerself a couple cats. They wash and dry pretty fast.
a Biden win is gonna look like March all over again, especially in Trump states, cause those 135 Million people already know what to expect, problem is, most homes cant hold up to 4 years supply of everything! but TP most important!
What the USA Would Be Like Under a President Biden....

Sane, vs insane with Trump

America First, vs Trump first

Normal, vs chaotic with Trump

Lawful, vs lawlessness with Trump

Being able to finally rest, vs sleeplessness with Trump

Truthfulness vs constant, never ending lies with Trump

And that's just the tip of the ice berg....sigh....

I just hope Trump's ass is grass in the next election... but, there is no guarantee that this will happen.... it's hard to kick an incumbent out....

Damn interesting,
Biden managed to put Biden first when it came to the Burisma deal and the China deal, putting America last...but now Biden is all for America?

Normal vs chaotic, are you suggesting BLM protesters/rioters/looters are Biden supporters?

Lawful vs lawlessness, again are you suggesting BLM protesters/rioters/looters are Biden supporters?

Truthfulness vs constant, WTF, we have video of Bidens lies.
Things are better under democrats. Eight years of Clinton, good times. Bush gets in everything turns to shit. Obama gets in and after awhile the economy that bush crashed, picks up and record full employment and basically good times for everyone. Trump gets in first thing he does is give record taxbreaks for billionaires just like bush jr. Under trump, nothing but his stirring up the pot with his racism and class warfare and then lets the pandemik get ahead of us by his doing diddly squat about it in the first few months. Now everything has turned to shit. Basically, down with republicans. They stink. And I can't think of one thing republicans have EVER done for anybody but the super rich and corporations.
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What the USA Would Be Like Under a President Biden....

Sane, vs insane with Trump

America First, vs Trump first

Normal, vs chaotic with Trump

Lawful, vs lawlessness with Trump

Being able to finally rest, vs sleeplessness with Trump

Truthfulness vs constant, never ending lies with Trump

And that's just the tip of the ice berg....sigh....

I just hope Trump's ass is grass in the next election... but, there is no guarantee that this will happen.... it's hard to kick an incumbent out....
When are you going to return from the parallel plane of Inversion?

:D roflmao
Antifa running the Department of Justus.

His VP running everything in background like Cheney did for Bush.

China having free reign across the USA, buying everything that isnt welded down and moving it to China.

The entire fossil fuel industry mothballed to comply with the re-entry of th eParis Accords.

Riots and unrest in every major urban center with people afraid to leave their homes due to a lack of police.

Confiscatory tax rates.

New Green Deal running the economy back into the 19th century.

Everything bleak, ugly, alien and hostile to the American people.

Imagine all the people, living life in fear and misery.
There will be a huge run on mops for all the humpers crying like little babies.
Antifa running the Department of Justus.

His VP running everything in background like Cheney did for Bush.

China having free reign across the USA, buying everything that isnt welded down and moving it to China.

The entire fossil fuel industry mothballed to comply with the re-entry of th eParis Accords.

Riots and unrest in every major urban center with people afraid to leave their homes due to a lack of police.

Confiscatory tax rates.

New Green Deal running the economy back into the 19th century.

Everything bleak, ugly, alien and hostile to the American people.

Imagine all the people, living life in fear and misery.

Imagine all the people! John Lennin couldnt have said it better himself! but youll have to change the lyrics just a little bit.
We'd all be doing blow off of naked men, having gay orgies, and punching babies.

Biden 2020.
Taxing the rich so we can invest in America and Americans again would be great. a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations would be just horrible..... And hopefully an ID card to end illegal immigration all of which every other modern country has except for brainwashed idiotic GOP America.

Fingers Joe has accomplished nothing in 47 years in washington and suddenly he will get all this done?
Antifa running the Department of Justus.

His VP running everything in background like Cheney did for Bush.

China having free reign across the USA, buying everything that isnt welded down and moving it to China.

The entire fossil fuel industry mothballed to comply with the re-entry of th eParis Accords.

Riots and unrest in every major urban center with people afraid to leave their homes due to a lack of police.

Confiscatory tax rates.

New Green Deal running the economy back into the 19th century.

Everything bleak, ugly, alien and hostile to the American people.

Imagine all the people, living life in fear and misery.

Wow, it sounds like you'd be pretty unhappy....just as you have been for the past 3 years.

I'd be happy with is VP running everything BTW. Biden has my support for one reason and one reason only; he's not your blob.
And that is the best reason to re-elect Trump, warts and all the likes of you and the rest of the rioting left wing mob.

I haven't done any rioting yet. I'm always amazed that the rioters seem to be focusing on low-end retail. I'd be hitting the Land Rover dealerships. Anyway.... when is the blob going to do something about the rioting?

How many bus transfers would it take to get you close to a Land Rover dealership?
Antifa running the Department of Justus.

His VP running everything in background like Cheney did for Bush.

China having free reign across the USA, buying everything that isnt welded down and moving it to China.

The entire fossil fuel industry mothballed to comply with the re-entry of th eParis Accords.

Riots and unrest in every major urban center with people afraid to leave their homes due to a lack of police.

Confiscatory tax rates.

New Green Deal running the economy back into the 19th century.

Everything bleak, ugly, alien and hostile to the American people.

Imagine all the people, living life in fear and misery.

Wow, it sounds like you'd be pretty unhappy....just as you have been for the past 3 years.

I'd be happy with is VP running everything BTW. Biden has my support for one reason and one reason only; he's not your blob.
And that is the best reason to re-elect Trump, warts and all the likes of you and the rest of the rioting left wing mob.

I haven't done any rioting yet. I'm always amazed that the rioters seem to be focusing on low-end retail. I'd be hitting the Land Rover dealerships. Anyway.... when is the blob going to do something about the rioting?

How many bus transfers would it take to get you close to a Land Rover dealership?

I never rode the bus here in Phoenix. I'd be driving home to my condo in my new Land Rover though. ;)
Antifa running the Department of Justus.

His VP running everything in background like Cheney did for Bush.

China having free reign across the USA, buying everything that isnt welded down and moving it to China.

The entire fossil fuel industry mothballed to comply with the re-entry of th eParis Accords.

Riots and unrest in every major urban center with people afraid to leave their homes due to a lack of police.

Confiscatory tax rates.

New Green Deal running the economy back into the 19th century.

Everything bleak, ugly, alien and hostile to the American people.

Imagine all the people, living life in fear and misery.

Wow, it sounds like you'd be pretty unhappy....just as you have been for the past 3 years.

I'd be happy with is VP running everything BTW. Biden has my support for one reason and one reason only; he's not your blob.
so we could get someone even worse ...but as long as it aint trump you are fine.....people with your mindset are part of the problem....

Biden would not be worse than the blob. He is a good, decent man. Trump is a pervert
so what?.....what does the guy stand for?.....outside of bad mouthing trump what the hell is he going to do about the virus and keeping the economy going?.....what about those assholes out there doing violence,what is he going to do about that?......what about the law enforcement situation?.....answer that candy because he sure as hell aint....
Antifa running the Department of Justus.

His VP running everything in background like Cheney did for Bush.

China having free reign across the USA, buying everything that isnt welded down and moving it to China.

The entire fossil fuel industry mothballed to comply with the re-entry of th eParis Accords.

Riots and unrest in every major urban center with people afraid to leave their homes due to a lack of police.

Confiscatory tax rates.

New Green Deal running the economy back into the 19th century.

Everything bleak, ugly, alien and hostile to the American people.

Imagine all the people, living life in fear and misery.

Wow, it sounds like you'd be pretty unhappy....just as you have been for the past 3 years.

I'd be happy with is VP running everything BTW. Biden has my support for one reason and one reason only; he's not your blob.
And that is the best reason to re-elect Trump, warts and all the likes of you and the rest of the rioting left wing mob.

I haven't done any rioting yet. I'm always amazed that the rioters seem to be focusing on low-end retail. I'd be hitting the Land Rover dealerships. Anyway.... when is the blob going to do something about the rioting?
and if he did you would be crying about that.....

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