I'm starting to worry..


May 26, 2004
Dallas, TX
Dubya is trying like the dickens to stay composed but SLICK Kerry I'm afraid is gonna win this one again on appeal. He keeps saying "I HAVE A PLAN...." ..Yah and so what IS that plan??? Scary thing is that that is all the undecideds need to hear. So typical of liberal politicians, they promise the world, while throwing in dubious figures and names of unknowns who offer their support. We know our country will be in peril if Kerry is elected. We need to pray..and HARD!!!
GWBfan said:
Dubya is trying like the dickens to stay composed but SLICK Kerry I'm afraid is gonna win this one again on appeal. He keeps saying "I HAVE A PLAN...." ..Yah and so what IS that plan??? Scary thing is that that is all the undecideds need to hear. So typical of liberal politicians, they promise the world, while throwing in dubious figures and names of unknowns who offer their support. We know our country will be in peril if Kerry is elected. We need to pray..and HARD!!!

I liked Bush's answer to "I have a plan".

Answer: "Yeah, it is called the Bush Plan."

Edited for spelling only.
GWBfan said:
Dubya is trying like the dickens to stay composed but SLICK Kerry I'm afraid is gonna win this one again on appeal. He keeps saying "I HAVE A PLAN...." ..Yah and so what IS that plan??? Scary thing is that that is all the undecideds need to hear. So typical of liberal politicians, they promise the world, while throwing in dubious figures and names of unknowns who offer their support. We know our country will be in peril if Kerry is elected. We need to pray..and HARD!!!
Bush is strong and resolved, and we should strive to do the same. Tough times require tough leadership and steadfast courage from everyone. Do not be lead astray by mindless accusations.
GWBfan said:
Dubya is trying like the dickens to stay composed but SLICK Kerry I'm afraid is gonna win this one again on appeal. He keeps saying "I HAVE A PLAN...." ..Yah and so what IS that plan??? Scary thing is that that is all the undecideds need to hear. So typical of liberal politicians, they promise the world, while throwing in dubious figures and names of unknowns who offer their support. We know our country will be in peril if Kerry is elected. We need to pray..and HARD!!!

Don't worry--Bush said it all and did it well !!!
GWBfan said:
Dubya is trying like the dickens to stay composed but SLICK Kerry I'm afraid is gonna win this one again on appeal. He keeps saying "I HAVE A PLAN...." ..Yah and so what IS that plan??? Scary thing is that that is all the undecideds need to hear. So typical of liberal politicians, they promise the world, while throwing in dubious figures and names of unknowns who offer their support. We know our country will be in peril if Kerry is elected. We need to pray..and HARD!!!

I thought the President did very well. Especially pointing out that John Kerry's so called plan is exactly what the President has been doing.
GWBfan said:
Dubya is trying like the dickens to stay composed but SLICK Kerry I'm afraid is gonna win this one again on appeal.

Not a chance. Any rational undecided chooses the President this time. The Senator offered nothing. The President was energetic, eager to answer, straightforward, personable. This is his format.
Zhukov said:
Not a chance. Any rational undecided chooses the President this time. The Senator offered nothing. The President was energetic, eager to answer, straightforward, personable. This is his format.

Well said, Zhukov. One of the President's greatest strengths is his willingness to speak the truth of his heart in sraightforward, everyday English. It stands in stark contrast to Kerry's contrived pseudo-intellectualism.
musicman said:
Well said, Zhukov. One of the President's greatest strengths is his willingness to speak the truth of his heart in sraightforward, everyday English. It stands in stark contrast to Kerry's contrived pseudo-intellectualism.

Bush was much more energized during this debate. Kerry looked terrible, too, very Lurch-like. Perhaps his spray tan had worn down and his Botox injections are due.

Keep in mind that there is a LOT of spin going on out there. I got one of those emails from a liberal friend of mine (who assumed, because she's a pseudo-intellectual, that I will vote for Kerry because she knows I have a brain--hahaha!!) asking me to vote in the online polls right after the debate. Did anybody else get one of these from a "well-meaning" friend? Ticked me off!

The pundits spin like mad and use these stupid online polls as if it were actual data. Try it--you can vote in the www.cbsnews.com poll an infinite number of times if you want. Bogus!
Zhukov said:
Not a chance. Any rational undecided chooses the President this time. The Senator offered nothing. The President was energetic, eager to answer, straightforward, personable. This is his format.

I agree. the problem is are there still more rational people out there or not? we already have a significant part of the population basing their vote on irrational hatred. The time when the people make the irrational decision for who to lead us is the time that leads to trouble.

I think Bush clearly won tonight. The Kerry camp is on the defensive big time tonight. I dont really care what the polls say, i think the momentum has shifted.
Kerry: "The president has presided over an economy where we've lost 1.6 million jobs." :bsflag:

Those were private sector job losses.

Overall, with employment gains in the public sector, the economy has lost 821,000 jobs in Bush's time, according to the last employment report to be released before the election.[/I]factcheck.org
musicman said:
LOL! Vote often, vote well...(answering softwaremania)

Musicman: OK, you want to see something?

This is the email I rec'd the evening before the last debate. These people go so low you can't get under it. Creepy isn't it? And it appears this kind of sleazy stuff works, as the spin docs laid into Bush after the first debate.

Check this out. Take some anti-nausea meds first though, let me warn you.
:usa: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: Softwaremama

Subject: Need your help *after* the presidential debate tonight
>>> <<C.htm>>
>> Not asking for money this time (believe me, I'm sick of me
>> too)...just hoping for a few minutes of your intelligence and effort.
>> The campaign sent out this call to action (below) for the first 10
>> minutes
>> *after* the
>> debate, when various news orgs will be gauging public reaction, e.g.,
>> with
>> online polls. So if you watch tonight and Kerry does well, as we all
>> very
>> much hope he will, please make your voice heard. The campaign is
>> trying to
>> organize people (as the other side surely will) to respond immediately
>> after the debate, so we don't lose the battle for the spin. So
>> please read
>> the below and see if you can help. Thanks.

>> Tonight, don't let W's henchmen steal a post-debate victory, as they
>> did
>> in 2000. We need your online help immediately after the debate, so
>> save
>> this email, print
>> it out, and have it ready with you as you watch the first Presidential
>> debate tonight.
>> Below is a list of all the sites where people can vote on who won the
>> debate. Please forward them far and wide. The Republicans will
>> doubtless be organizing volumes of people to vote, so this is
>> critical.
>> We all know what happened in 2000. Al Gore won the first debate on
>> the issues, but Republicans stole the post-debate spin. We're not
>> going to let that happen again, and you will play a big role.
>> Immediately after the
>> debate, we need you to do three things.
>> 1. Vote in online polls.
>> 2. Write a letter to the editor
>> 3. Call in to talk radio programs.
>> Your 10 minutes of activism in the minutes following the debate can
>> make
>> the difference.
>> Vote in online polls. National and local news organizations will all
>> be
>> conducting online polls during and after the debate asking for readers
>> opinions. Look for online polls at these national news websites, and
>> make sure to vote in every one of them: ABC News:
>> <http://www.abcnews.com/> http://www.abcnews.com/ CBS News:
>> <http://www.cbsnews.com/> http://www.cbsnews.com/ CNN:
>> <http://www.cnn.com/> http://www.cnn.com/ MSNBC:
>> <http://www.msnbc.com/> http://www.msnbc.com/ Fox News:
>> <http://www.foxnews.com/> http://www.foxnews.com/ USA Today:
>> <http://www.usatoday.com/> http://www.usatoday.com/
>> And be sure to check the websites of your local newspapers and TV
>> stations for online polls, and vote in them. It is crucial that you do
>> this in the minutes immediately following the debate.
>> Write a letter to the editor of your local paper. Immediately after
>> the
>> debate, go online and write a letter to the editor of your local
>> paper.
>> If you feel John Kerry commanded the debate and had a clear plan for
>> fixing the mess in Iraq, write the letter. If you feel George Bush
>> dodged tough questions on Iraq and didn't level with voters, then
>> write
>> the letter. With just a few clicks, you can write your letter at our
>> online media center: <http://www.democrats.org/media/Call>
>> http://www.democrats.org/media/Call.
>> Call in to radio and TV talk shows. Do you listen to national or
>> local call in shows on the radio? How about on TV? Call them and let
>> them know what you thought of John Kerry's plan to keep America
>> secure and George
>> Bush's continuing refusal to admit the truth about his record.
>> Find shows in your area on our Speak Out website:
>> <http://www.democrats.org/media/find.html>
>> http://www.democrats.org/media/find.html.
>> Your actions immediately after the debate tonight can make the
>> difference to help John Kerry win on November 2. Make your voice
>> heard tonight!
I think the President should focus more on the unemployment rate. its 5.4 thats lower than when Clinton won in 96.

Isn't it thoughtful of them to spoon-feed us the correct talking points?

I also love the way they assume Republicans are doing the same thing. Maybe I'm out of the loop or something, but no one's been in touch with me, instructing me on the finer points of loading polls. I've got to get OUT more!
musicman said:

Isn't it thoughtful of them to spoon-feed us the correct talking points?

I also love the way they assume Republicans are doing the same thing. Maybe I'm out of the loop or something, but no one's been in touch with me, instructing me on the finer points of loading polls. I've got to get OUT more!

I know, it's unreal, isn't it? I thought I'd better post it. I got it from somebody I went to grad school with who apparently assumed that because I have a graduate degree I must be a Dem? Ha.

Dude. You have a life, and thus, no time for such pursuits. You have a brain that thinks of its own volition, without prompting. Congrats, you are a Republican.
GWBfan said:
Dubya is trying like the dickens to stay composed but SLICK Kerry I'm afraid is gonna win this one again on appeal. He keeps saying "I HAVE A PLAN...." ..Yah and so what IS that plan??? Scary thing is that that is all the undecideds need to hear. So typical of liberal politicians, they promise the world, while throwing in dubious figures and names of unknowns who offer their support. We know our country will be in peril if Kerry is elected. We need to pray..and HARD!!!

I was thinking and i wanted to add something. Yeah we need to pray hard. but i think its time we worked hard to get the President elected. get your friends to vote. its too late to register people but we can still speak out and campaign for the President. I think President Bush has the intellectual arguments to win. But i also think the President also has the emotional arguments too. Bush connects with the people. 911 has given us a call to arms against evil in this world. This evil is in the form of terrorism. Saddam supported this evil. If Kerry had his way, Saddam would not only still be in power in Iraq, he would be in power in Kuwait as well.

So yeah i think we need to pray hard. its about time we worked hard too
This was from the Cheney Edwards debate. The Dems actually copied the Reps...say it ain't so!

The debate tonight presents a tremendous opportunity for the campaign to attract undecided voters, but people's perceptions are shaped as much by their conversations around the water cooler as by the debates themselves.

The Vice President's goal is to do what he's been doing throughout this election: explain to the American people why the President's policies are right for America and the world we live in today - in fighting the war on terror, in keeping our economy growing and in responding to the new challenges of the 21st century.

After last week's debate, the Kerry campaign spin machine managed to mask their candidate's flip-flops on the war in Iraq, imposition of a "global test" for protecting America, and repeated denigration of our troops and allies.

If we plan to win the election, we must fight back against their spin and make sure our friends and neighbors get the truth.

We need your help tonight!

Visit www.GeorgeWBush.com/DebateFacts tonight during the debate so you will have the facts. Print and share them with your friends.
Immediately after the debate, visit online polls, chat rooms, and discussion boards and make your voice heard. The major news networks will all have internet polls after the debate. Make sure you vote in polls on:
and even CBS.
Make sure swing state voters know why you support the President by sharing your thoughts on message boards in target states.
Call Talk Radio shows in your area.
Write letters to the editors of your local papers.
Visit Chat rooms on AOL, MSN, and Yahoo!
Send this message to 5 friends using the form at the bottom of this page.
Beyond tonight, you should return to these forums in the coming days and make your voice heard and your support for the President known.

If someone asks you a question about the President, direct them to the campaign's website, www.GeorgeWBush.com. It has lots of information on the President's Agenda for America (www.GeorgeWBush.com/Agenda) and the President's record of accomplishment (www.GeorgeWBush.com/Record).

We have said before, there is no better messenger for this campaign than you. There is also no more powerful medium for political discussion. As one of our online activists, you realize that.

Make your voice heard by completing the actions above.


Ken Mehlman

P.S. If we plan to win the election, we must fight back against the Kerry campaign's spin and make sure our friends and neighbors get the truth after tonight's debate. We need you to complete the actions above and send this message to five friends using the form below. Will you help us beat the Kerry spin machine?
softwaremama said:
I know, it's unreal, isn't it? I thought I'd better post it. I got it from somebody I went to grad school with who apparently assumed that because I have a graduate degree I must be a Dem? Ha.

Dude. You have a life, and thus, no time for such pursuits. You have a brain that thinks of its own volition, without prompting. Congrats, you are a Republican.

anyone that didn't see the facade that kerry had put on to make himself look good is just plain blind. GW stammered a bit, but even I didn't mind. He was very straightforward, blunt, honest, and to the point.

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