Zone1 I'm not religious, but .......

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
I liked this message...............thought I would post it for you guys.

Calls to mind Saint Teresa of Avila (lived in the 1500s). She was traveling through a heavy storm when a bridge gave way and she found herself thrown into a stream. She came up for air and saying, "God, why me?" The voice of God came into her mind saying, "Ah, Teresa--I treat all my friends this way." Teresa said she snapped back, "No wonder you have so few!"
Calls to mind Saint Teresa of Avila (lived in the 1500s). She was traveling through a heavy storm when a bridge gave way and she found herself thrown into a stream. She came up for air and saying, "God, why me?" The voice of God came into her mind saying, "Ah, Teresa--I treat all my friends this way." Teresa said she snapped back, "No wonder you have so few!"
There was still a great apostasy going on then. So, there were few friends of God and the Savior. Suggesting that God threw her into the stream is wrong. God didn't throw her. She was where she should not have been. The storm did that all by itself and she was responsible because she should not have been there. Yet, she blamed God anyways. No, God did say he treated anyone that way. She made that up because she was hiding her mistake.
"We are hard pressed on every side
But not crushed
But not in despair
But not abandoned
Struck down
But not destroyed..."

2 Corinthians 4:8-9

they, the desert religions -


have suffered so, uninterrupted throughout history ... ss92.
Its just excuses as to why people that believe in their god and do good, still get crapped on.
You blame god for the good things. You dont blame god for the bad. Or they say he is doing it for your own good.
Not sure how your 5 year old dying from cancer is good but whatever :dunno:
Its just excuses as to why people that believe in their god and do good, still get crapped on.
You blame god for the good things. You dont blame god for the bad. Or they say he is doing it for your own good.
Not sure how your 5 year old dying from cancer is good but whatever :dunno:

In your world a five year old dying of cancer is meaningless. It might temporarily hurt your feelings. Yes. It might even permanently hurt your feelings.


The five year old is bound for worm food. So are you. We are a collection of space junk floating around on an outbound rock.

Your worldview. Not mine. Better put, "eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die".
In your world a five year old dying of cancer is meaningless. It might temporarily hurt your feelings. Yes. It might even permanently hurt your feelings.


The five year old is bound for worm food. So are you. We are a collection of space junk floating around on an outbound rock.

Your worldview. Not mine. Better put, "eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die".
umm ok? :dunno:

It's very easy to "sit in God's lap to smack His face".

Naysaying is easy.

Much more difficult to own the consequences of your worldview. No "God's face" to smack. We are just evolved bags of meat spinning out our 80 years--if we're lucky--on some outbound rock.

Like I said. Meaningless. If you believe it, you should own that.
Its just excuses as to why people that believe in their god and do good, still get crapped on.
You blame god for the good things. You dont blame god for the bad. Or they say he is doing it for your own good.
Not sure how your 5 year old dying from cancer is good but whatever :dunno:
What is your view of God? What are your expectations of Him? Or, if you hold no belief in God, how do you think others view God? What do you think others expect of God?
What is your view of God? What are your expectations of Him? Or, if you hold no belief in God, how do you think others view God? What do you think others expect of God?
Which one? Yours? He is a blood thirsty, jealous tyrant.
Nothing now. He disappeared lol
Depends on the person.
Depends on the person.
He is a blood thirsty, jealous tyrant.
You did pique my interest with the word 'jealous'--an English word that did not come into use until the 1200s. It does use the same root as the more ancient word, 'zeal', meaning great energy and enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause. God's cause is love of us, and in teaching us to love unreservedly and enthusiastically.

So a 'zealous' love/God (going back to the more ancient meaning and usage) is someone who lets nothing get in the way of this love.

Learning to love like this is the most exacting, demanding task we face in this life. Cancer was mentioned earlier. Try loving through this or any number of other diseases or maladies. In living through this, try loving life, loving God, loving the burdens it places on everyone. Tough lesson, incredibly difficult assignment is it not? Why not forget the lesson not to mention the One who is responsible for it.
You did pique my interest with the word 'jealous'--an English word that did not come into use until the 1200s. It does use the same root as the more ancient word, 'zeal', meaning great energy and enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause. God's cause is love of us, and in teaching us to love unreservedly and enthusiastically.

So a 'zealous' love/God (going back to the more ancient meaning and usage) is someone who lets nothing get in the way of this love.

Learning to love like this is the most exacting, demanding task we face in this life. Cancer was mentioned earlier. Try loving through this or any number of other diseases or maladies. In living through this, try loving life, loving God, loving the burdens it places on everyone. Tough lesson, incredibly difficult assignment is it not? Why not forget the lesson not to mention the One who is responsible for it.
the word might have but the emotion isnt.
Why would something so powerful and intelligent be jealous? Makes no sense at all.
I dont doubt a creator but if that is how we came to be, they wouldnt be jealous.
Suggesting that God threw her into the stream is wrong. God didn't throw her. She was where she should not have been. The storm did that all by itself and she was responsible because she should not have been there. Yet, she blamed God anyways. No, God did say he treated anyone that way. She made that up because she was hiding her mistake.
No one, not even Teresa, suggested God threw her into a stream. Most will understand that life events threw her into the water. You seem to think that Teresa should have consulted her iphone for the current weather update before setting out in her horse and buggy. Further, a forlorn "Why me?" in any difficult situation any day throws at us, is not blaming God. Most of all, it is unfortunate you cannot see God's humor in this story.

There was still a great apostasy going on then. So, there were few friends of God and the Savior.
Here is one of the lessons that came first from St. Teresa of Avila. Tell us why you disagree with it and see it as apostasy.

Christ has no body now, but yours…

“… No hands, no feet on earth, but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ looks compassion into the world. Yours are the feet with which Christ walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which Christ blesses the world.”

“Always think of yourself as everyone’s servant; look for Christ Our Lord in everyone and you will then have respect and reverence for them all.”
the word might have but the emotion isnt.
Why would something so powerful and intelligent be jealous? Makes no sense at all.
I dont doubt a creator but if that is how we came to be, they wouldnt be jealous.
What has always been a given in the Hebrew faith is love is the driving force of God. Hebrew is not a subjective language, but one of pictures. Authors use emotions and actions humans understand to sketch out a human understanding of God.

So, back in Old Testament times, we hear prophets compare human enthusiasm and passions (zeal) to God's words and actions. It has already been noted that 'jealous' didn't come into use until at least a thousand years after Christ. The word was closer to zealous or zeal. So tell me, would a creator be passionate and enthusiastic (have zeal) for His creation?

English does the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) an immeasurable injustice.
What has always been a given in the Hebrew faith is love is the driving force of God. Hebrew is not a subjective language, but one of pictures. Authors use emotions and actions humans understand to sketch out a human understanding of God.

So, back in Old Testament times, we hear prophets compare human enthusiasm and passions (zeal) to God's words and actions. It has already been noted that 'jealous' didn't come into use until at least a thousand years after Christ. The word was closer to zealous or zeal. So tell me, would a creator be passionate and enthusiastic (have zeal) for His creation?

English does the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) an immeasurable injustice.
He was jealous. Just because there wasnt a word for it doesnt mean the emotion didnt exist.
No one, not even Teresa, suggested God threw her into a stream. Most will understand that life events threw her into the water. You seem to think that Teresa should have consulted her iphone for the current weather update before setting out in her horse and buggy. Further, a forlorn "Why me?" in any difficult situation any day throws at us, is not blaming God. Most of all, it is unfortunate you cannot see God's humor in this story.

Here is one of the lessons that came first from St. Teresa of Avila. Tell us why you disagree with it and see it as apostasy.

Christ has no body now, but yours…

“… No hands, no feet on earth, but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ looks compassion into the world. Yours are the feet with which Christ walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which Christ blesses the world.”

“Always think of yourself as everyone’s servant; look for Christ Our Lord in everyone and you will then have respect and reverence for them all.”
Of course she did blame God. It's clear as a bell. I said that the great apostasy was still going on. Not the story as apostasy. Christ has a body now. He was resurrected. He sat with disciples and ate with him. There is nothing in the Bible that suggests Jesus took off His resurrected body.

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