I'm Not Certain That Challenging Brandon To Go Was Such A Good Idea...

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I continue to be impressed by what Biden has done with the broken down country he was passed. He has fixed covid, fixed employment, fixed GDP, fixed inflation, fixed the supply chain, fixed manufacturing in America, fixed infrastructure, fix our foreign relations, fixed the runaway deficit, fix oil production,... I mean.. what is left to do over the next 51/2 years?
You are deranged.
You sound like a financial professional.
No real financial professional would place blame for high interest rates on the president, nor would they place the credit for reducing inflation in the president's lap. Both are the purview of the Federal Reserve which is completely independent from the executive branch.

Granted, Biden and the Democrats in Congress have managed to pass some decent legislation that has contributed to fixing some of the supply chain problems and encouraged capital investment.

If any president is to be blamed for inflation it has to be Trump. I mean even a financial amateur could have predicted the inflation before Biden ever took office. In the midst of the Covid pandemic, with unemployment at record levels and an economy that had all but ground to a halt, personal incomes INCREASED. Something that had never happened before. Those Covid stimulus checks, those damn loans that didn't have to be paid back, the enhanced unemployment benefits, while necessary to keep the economy going the shotgun approach resulted in a huge amount of pent up demand that was unleashed with the economy opened up. The stimulus checks should have been targeted, the loans should hever have been granted if we had the enhanced unemployment benefit. And better oversight should have been implemented for all those programs, the amount of fraud was at historical levels.
Prices for everything is still sky high.

And they will not come back down in general. Some items have, eggs and chicken for example, but most wont' and never do after a period of inflation.

Lets face it, if you were running the grocery store are you going to lower the prices people have gotten used to paying?

Income will catch back up like it always does
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