I'm Having A Row With Facebook


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
I posted something political they did not like, so they banned me like they did to Donald Trump.

2 days later, they started sending me messages other people left for me. Since I could not answer, I told FB to blow off.

They kept sending them, so I filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission, claiming harrassment.

I'll see what happs.
I posted something political they did not like, so they banned me like they did to Donald Trump.

2 days later, they started sending me messages other people left for me. Since I could not answer, I told FB to blow off.

They kept sending them, so I filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission, claiming harrassment.

I'll see what happs.
I don't care what you said to get banned,(wouldn't be surprise if you deserved it) but if they ban you, I totally see your point, they have no business sending you messages from other people if you are not allowed to respond.
Good luck with your complaint, but doubt it goes anywhere.
Facebook is a delivery system for Attention Deficit Disorder...

It is highly addictive and intentionally made to be so.

If I were you...I'd see this as light leaking from under the door and use it as a means of escape. Facebook jail is freedom.
FB sent me a message at the beginning of August this year, that a message I posted, ELEVEN YEARS AGO. . had upset them. They told me it went against "community standards."


"Wow. I remember we had that argument over and over again in my philosophy classes at MSU.
If you could create a perfect world, Utopia, but, in order to do so, you had to do it on the tears of the sacrifice of one innocent child? Could you do it?
I don't think I could. . . But then, I am not the Almighty.
Fear and Trembling. . .

"About your comment
No one else can see your comment."

. . . and then, come around to a week ago, I get this message.. . . .

"Your comment is back on Facebook
We're sorry we got this wrong."

wtf?! (Now keep in mind, I never filed a complaint, I didn't care, nor do I now. It just struck me as supremely odd.)

Not like I care. It is about something, a conversation had, over a decade ago, I can't even locate the original conversation.

Dumb algorithms and automation just going about doing their thing and folks adjust them.

In any situation, given the number of users, and the number of complaints, that both the platform and the government get? I honestly would be surprised if anything happens. I really would.

Facebook is a delivery system for Attention Deficit Disorder...

It is highly addictive and intentionally made to be so.

If I were you...I'd see this as light leaking from under the door and use it as a means of escape. Facebook jail is freedom.
The problem is when I see a politician do something obnoxious, I got to tell them off. I still have twitter and a new thing called Gab,
I posted something political they did not like, so they banned me like they did to Donald Trump.

2 days later, they started sending me messages other people left for me. Since I could not answer, I told FB to blow off.

They kept sending them, so I filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission, claiming harrassment.

I'll see what happs.

That is very courageous of you. I've spoken to zuck and your compensation cheque is in the mail.
Dumb algorithms and automation just going about doing their thing and folks adjust them.

I've come to realize recently, Mr. B., that today, we literally have machines and algorithms running the world, running business, and people's lives, except at the highest levels (the CEOs).

Most companies today and the people working in them simply consult what some machine program tells them to do and they do it.

Then they enlist a small group of people to deal with the problems and mistakes caused by their own software.

A lot of mistakes are made and damage done, but these are deemed "acceptable losses" to no longer actually having to hire real people to think and act. :smoke:
I've come to realize recently, Mr. B., that today, we literally have machines and algorithms running the world, running business, and people's lives, except at the highest levels (the CEOs).

Most companies today and the people working in them simply consult what some machine program tells them to do and they do it.

Then they enlist a small group of people to deal with the problems and mistakes caused by their own software.

A lot of mistakes are made and damage done, but these are deemed "acceptable losses" to no longer actually having to hire real people to think and act. :smoke:
Yeah, I learned a long ass time ago about government and industry using cost saving measures when ever they can.

It is why I make a conscious effort to, when ever I am footing the bill for anything, to interact with a human if I can.

I posted something political they did not like, so they banned me like they did to Donald Trump.

2 days later, they started sending me messages other people left for me. Since I could not answer, I told FB to blow off.

They kept sending them, so I filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission, claiming harrassment.

I'll see what happs.
You put in a 'complaint'? What?

It is Facebook dude ..just stick to talking about sports and posting photos of your family and stuff. Its not meant to be a place where you change the world and expose the global conspiracy.

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