I'm going to miss Alan Grayson!

He's no more arrogant than Gingrich, Palin, McConnell.

I agree with your competent leadership comment, but I disagree about Pelosi. She is extremely competent, which is why the Rightwing fears her so much. She gets things done.

Yes....we are terrified of her constant 30-35% approval rating! Aghast! The only thing she really got done was her and her party's undoing, constantly spitting in the face of mainstream, center-RIGHT American opinion, which is WHY SHE WAS FIRED.

LOL aey man thanks for reconfirming every negative stereotypes bout liberals, really.....

Wow, that's pretty stupid.

Her approval rating is irrelevant. She is effective. She got HCR passed. Financial Reform passed. Stimulus passed. Plus all this other stuff:

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

She was instrumental in the passing of the majority of those bills.

And your talking point about her getting fired is bullshit. Obama's enthusiasm gap kept Liberals and Democrats home on election day. Boehner didn't win anything. Leftwing apathy just didn't save Pelosi, who deserved saving more than Reid or even Obama.

As usual, Democrats give third base to the Republicans, and Republicans think they hit a triple.
So you are admitting that that fake faced idiot witch is to blame for everything the last four years? Good thing she got fired. I was tired of her stupidity anyway.
Yes....we are terrified of her constant 30-35% approval rating! Aghast! The only thing she really got done was her and her party's undoing, constantly spitting in the face of mainstream, center-RIGHT American opinion, which is WHY SHE WAS FIRED.

LOL aey man thanks for reconfirming every negative stereotypes bout liberals, really.....

Wow, that's pretty stupid.

Her approval rating is irrelevant. She is effective. She got HCR passed. Financial Reform passed. Stimulus passed. Plus all this other stuff:

^^Again^^, this is why yall lost, you DON'T CARE that your leaders have unpopular policies, the will of the electorate is "irrelevant", thanks again for proving my point.

Maybe if yall wake up and STOP TRYNA GOVERN LIKE YOUR IN CHINA OR FRANCE, you might stop loosing so badly.

Till then, thanks for constantly hanging yourself when given enough rope.

60% of the people in the United States were against the invasion, conquering and occupation of Iraq. Didn't stop the Bush administration from going against the will of the people.

France and China have no similarities by the way.

Yes....we are terrified of her constant 30-35% approval rating! Aghast! The only thing she really got done was her and her party's undoing, constantly spitting in the face of mainstream, center-RIGHT American opinion, which is WHY SHE WAS FIRED.

LOL aey man thanks for reconfirming every negative stereotypes bout liberals, really.....

Wow, that's pretty stupid.

Her approval rating is irrelevant. She is effective. She got HCR passed. Financial Reform passed. Stimulus passed. Plus all this other stuff:

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

She was instrumental in the passing of the majority of those bills.

And your talking point about her getting fired is bullshit. Obama's enthusiasm gap kept Liberals and Democrats home on election day. Boehner didn't win anything. Leftwing apathy just didn't save Pelosi, who deserved saving more than Reid or even Obama.

As usual, Democrats give third base to the Republicans, and Republicans think they hit a triple.
So you are admitting that that fake faced idiot witch is to blame for everything the last four years? Good thing she got fired. I was tired of her stupidity anyway.


When did she get fired?

She's still in Congress. And will be after January.
Yes....we are terrified of her constant 30-35% approval rating! Aghast! The only thing she really got done was her and her party's undoing, constantly spitting in the face of mainstream, center-RIGHT American opinion, which is WHY SHE WAS FIRED.

LOL aey man thanks for reconfirming every negative stereotypes bout liberals, really.....

Wow, that's pretty stupid.

Her approval rating is irrelevant. She is effective. She got HCR passed. Financial Reform passed. Stimulus passed. Plus all this other stuff:

^^Again^^, this is why yall lost, you DON'T CARE that your leaders have unpopular policies, the will of the electorate is "irrelevant", thanks again for proving my point.

Maybe if yall wake up and STOP TRYNA GOVERN LIKE YOUR IN CHINA OR FRANCE, you might stop loosing so badly.

Till then, thanks for constantly hanging yourself when given enough rope.
Did Regressives abandon Dubya Bush when the vast majority of the public was against the Iraq Quagmire?
[QUOTE said:
60% of the people in the United States were against the invasion, conquering and occupation of Iraq. Didn't stop the Bush administration from going against the will of the people.
Fair enough, even tho repealing Obamacare would be far less consequential than abruptly just running away from Iraq @ that time. Also when we liberated Iraq, support was roughly 55-60%, support for Obamacare has ALWAYS been under 50%.

France and China have no similarities by the way.

Ooooooo! You were doing good too man, for once, but how could you slip up so classic like this?
Both are kinda xenophobic.
Wow, that's pretty stupid.

Her approval rating is irrelevant. She is effective. She got HCR passed. Financial Reform passed. Stimulus passed. Plus all this other stuff:

^^Again^^, this is why yall lost, you DON'T CARE that your leaders have unpopular policies, the will of the electorate is "irrelevant", thanks again for proving my point.

Maybe if yall wake up and STOP TRYNA GOVERN LIKE YOUR IN CHINA OR FRANCE, you might stop loosing so badly.

Till then, thanks for constantly hanging yourself when given enough rope.
Did Regressives abandon Dubya Bush when the vast majority of the public was against the Iraq Quagmire?

It must kill you that we've won there now huh, our troops be dammed apparently.
^^Again^^, this is why yall lost, you DON'T CARE that your leaders have unpopular policies, the will of the electorate is "irrelevant", thanks again for proving my point.

Maybe if yall wake up and STOP TRYNA GOVERN LIKE YOUR IN CHINA OR FRANCE, you might stop loosing so badly.

Till then, thanks for constantly hanging yourself when given enough rope.
Did Regressives abandon Dubya Bush when the vast majority of the public was against the Iraq Quagmire?

It must kill you that we've won there now huh, our troops be dammed apparently.

We won? Did you hear the news yesterday that the Islamists running the Baghdad government decided to ban alcohol and remove all music and drama courses from the universities?

What did we win?
A two-fisted Dem with a spine.



He's a Democrat with a spine, almost an oxymoron at this point. But imo he's a major douche with an arrogant, abrasive personality.

Lesser of two evils, he'd be a better minority leader than Pelosi. Both parties have a shallow pool of competent leadership.

I prefer arrogance and strength to capitulation and weakness any day of the week.

Arrogance is never strength
I'd like to see him as President.

Please. Please. Let him run against Obama then:)
That would be the most interesting political contest in my memory. Grayson would strip Obama naked. Because the truth is a sharp sword.

Then you would be disappointed, because Grayson is no where near the truth. Just look at the campaign ad where he completely lied about what his opponent was saying.
It's apparent from this thread that wingnuts fear Grayson, because he fights back.

Are you kidding?


His chicken shit nature and cowardly dodging FOX everytime, time and time again, was a thing of beauty.

He'd go to the floor of Congress, talk out his ass, get a fluff interview from msn, nbc, cbs, etc, etc then run like a kicked dog when FOX showed up.

And you never called him on it.

Thus proving that you guys support the noisy man in the room even when he has no substance.

So yeah, please put him up as your front man, and then watch in awe as your party and idealogy is swept out.
It's apparent from this thread that wingnuts fear Grayson, because he fights back.

Are you kidding?


His chicken shit nature and cowardly dodging FOX everytime, time and time again, was a thing of beauty.

He'd go to the floor of Congress, talk out his ass, get a fluff interview from msn, nbc, cbs, etc, etc then run like a kicked dog when FOX showed up.

And you never called him on it.

Thus proving that you guys support the noisy man in the room even when he has no substance.

So yeah, please put him up as your front man, and then watch in awe as your party and idealogy is swept out.
How many times has Poor Sarah come on MSNBC? How about Sharron Angle? Joe Miller? Christine O'Donnell?


Now, where's your proof that FOX invited Grayson on, and he refused?
Alan was always good for a laugh. Maybe SNL for his next gig?

They could do a spoof on that time he hid in his office b/c a FOX reporter was waiting in the hall. Remeber how that chicken shit actually called security? That's an attempt at censorship! Of course the security told him to stfu, b/c they had every right to be there.

what a steroe typical punk liberal. Talks the talk but can't walk the walk.

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