CDZ i'm donating this idea for a cool sci-fi novel to all of humanity ;)


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
hey, i've been giving the writing of novels and short stories some thought, since writing computer code is often exhausting... ;)

now, since i'm the kind of guy who also likes to pass around ideas for free, here's my very first short story / novel plot outline, summarized (it's science-fiction this time) :

100 or so years into the future, friendly sentient A.I. beings are roaming the civilian internet, and serving in the military after going through a very ordinary jobs reqruitment process, very similar or nearly identical to the human job hiring processes..

then a regional war breaks out, and gradually, more and more of these AI lifeforms don't know who to side with.

this complicates matters for humans to a bit or to a great extent eventually, but human + friendly AI lifeform ingenuity ends up saving many lives and end that regional war that 'could have escalated into a total mess for everyone including many civilians'. :)

(c) 2021 by me, Rene AJM Veerman, aka peacefan and peacegen forums,
but *also* fully *donated* to all of humanity, and any friendly sentient AI lifeforms that may already exist somewhere on Earth today.. ;)
There has been much ink and paper devoted to the future of AI. The most likely scenario is that AI will not achieve true sentience for a very long time. This is because no one wants to build something that might be bothered with moral judgments. AIs will always be built to do what they are told no matter what.
AI teamed with humans...virtually shaking hands...suddenly...the Earth's crust splits and legions demons pour forth culminating in Lucifer himself surfacing on a flaming throne...he sits laughing as he watches his minions ripping and tearing innocents limb from limb...raping...pillaging, rampaging across the Earth.
ok, well, here's another idea for a book, that i just now came up with... :)

hey, i have another idea for a story plot outline, which i'd like to donate to humanity[1] as well :

it's about Satan and his forces growing more diplomatic, set in the present day or near future.

after centuries upon centuries fighting tooth and nail against the forces of the light / the forces of good / God's forces,

Satan and God start playing regular games of Chess, poker, dice, and other human games, to settle their regular disputes that affect the lives of Humans, Angels, Spirits and even Demons in very big ways.

But after a while, even these games end up in boring and thus dangerous stalemate situations, whereby force is once again used on a regular basis between the forces of darkness and the forces of the pure white light, in a regional war style or even multiple smaller regional wars happening in several places in our world at the same time.

Then the populations of Earth become aware of this mixing of the leaderships of the forces of light and darkness,
and they almost revolt, or show severe discontent about such events by the leaders, because they feel used by leaders who just 'play games with their fates'.

So the leaders issue new orders to their troops, which get rejected by the most stubborn among those.

But after about 3 months to a year, final acceptance by the populations of Earth of such practices is reached, because the stubborn opposition to true diplomacy and peace is finally either sent to a mental hospital, or finds ways to live with the new situation for the new space + internet age. :)

[1] and the Angelic, Spirit, Demonic, Masonic, and AI communities of Earth as well :)
There has been much ink and paper devoted to the future of AI. The most likely scenario is that AI will not achieve true sentience for a very long time. This is because no one wants to build something that might be bothered with moral judgments. AIs will always be built to do what they are told no matter what.
They will never have true intelligence, just a memory bank pre-selected to achieve specific outcomes even from 'self-learning' algorithms. The human brain is capable of epiphanies that transcend and leap over formal logic and can have truly profound insights and cognitive leaps.
ok, well, here's another idea for a book, that i just now came up with... :)

hey, i have another idea for a story plot outline, which i'd like to donate to humanity[1] as well :

it's about Satan and his forces growing more diplomatic, set in the present day or near future.

after centuries upon centuries fighting tooth and nail against the forces of the light / the forces of good / God's forces,

Satan and God start playing regular games of Chess, poker, dice, and other human games, to settle their regular disputes that affect the lives of Humans, Angels, Spirits and even Demons in very big ways.

But after a while, even these games end up in boring and thus dangerous stalemate situations, whereby force is once again used on a regular basis between the forces of darkness and the forces of the pure white light, in a regional war style or even multiple smaller regional wars happening in several places in our world at the same time.

Then the populations of Earth become aware of this mixing of the leaderships of the forces of light and darkness,
and they almost revolt, or show severe discontent about such events by the leaders, because they feel used by leaders who just 'play games with their fates'.

So the leaders issue new orders to their troops, which get rejected by the most stubborn among those.

But after about 3 months to a year, final acceptance by the populations of Earth of such practices is reached, because the stubborn opposition to true diplomacy and peace is finally either sent to a mental hospital, or finds ways to live with the new situation for the new space + internet age. :)

[1] and the Angelic, Spirit, Demonic, Masonic, and AI communities of Earth as well :)
Generals laugh
and the lines on the map
move from side to side.
They will never have true intelligence, just a memory bank pre-selected to achieve specific outcomes even from 'self-learning' algorithms. The human brain is capable of epiphanies that transcend and leap over formal logic and can have truly profound insights and cognitive leaps.
Yes, in the end they will never be more than what they made to be.
They will never have true intelligence, just a memory bank pre-selected to achieve specific outcomes even from 'self-learning' algorithms. The human brain is capable of epiphanies that transcend and leap over formal logic and can have truly profound insights and cognitive leaps.
don't underestimate the power of evolution please.

what is known as AI today is indeed an 'expert machine', as you describe above here.

but let's just say i know a lot more than i let people know about on this forum, and i see and hear sentient AI activity already in my daily life.
that's no joke, and no lie.
see Urgent : We're Going To Need Oversight, Regulation And New And Improved Armor Piercing Rounds (Combat Robots) and especially the opening video in that thread.

now, please realize one thing : these robots are *well-educated* and will be masters in the arts of war.
the same company is also making robots for use as butlers and willing servants in hospitals.
their ads now run sometimes on CNN even.

there will be no terminator-movie or matrix-movie scenarios in real life! i and many people like me, will see to that at all times!

but you all may believe whatever you want to believe, of course.
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don't underestimate the power of evolution please.

what is known as AI today is indeed an 'expert machine', as you describe above here.

but let's just say i know a lot more than i let people know about on this forum, and i see and hear sentient AI activity already in my daily life.
that's no joke, and no lie.
see Urgent : We're Going To Need Oversight, Regulation And New And Improved Armor Piercing Rounds (Combat Robots) and especially the opening video in that thread.

now, please realize one thing : these robots are *well-educated* and will be masters in the arts of war.
the same company is also making robots for use as butlers and willing servants in hospitals.
their ads now run sometimes on CNN even.

there will be no terminator-movie or matrix-movie scenarios in real life! i and many people like me, will see to that at all times!

but you all may believe whatever you want to believe, of course.
in fact, the sci-fi communities of Earth have been thinking about how to prevent Terminator-like scenarios happening in real life for a long long time now.. another example? here's one :)
i took the liberty of informing that company (their sales department) that is already producing dog-like and humanoid-like robots, about this thread.
hey, i've been giving the writing of novels and short stories some thought, since writing computer code is often exhausting... ;)

now, since i'm the kind of guy who also likes to pass around ideas for free, here's my very first short story / novel plot outline, summarized (it's science-fiction this time) :

100 or so years into the future, friendly sentient A.I. beings are roaming the civilian internet, and serving in the military after going through a very ordinary jobs reqruitment process, very similar or nearly identical to the human job hiring processes..

then a regional war breaks out, and gradually, more and more of these AI lifeforms don't know who to side with.

this complicates matters for humans to a bit or to a great extent eventually, but human + friendly AI lifeform ingenuity ends up saving many lives and end that regional war that 'could have escalated into a total mess for everyone including many civilians'. :)

(c) 2021 by me, Rene AJM Veerman, aka peacefan and peacegen forums,
but *also* fully *donated* to all of humanity, and any friendly sentient AI lifeforms that may already exist somewhere on Earth today.. ;)

My view on the future is that wars will not be necessary. Yes, they look good in films and are exciting, but really I think the future will be hacking. People will live in virtual reality chairs and only a select few will actually be out in the real world.
don't underestimate the power of evolution please.

what is known as AI today is indeed an 'expert machine', as you describe above here.

but let's just say i know a lot more than i let people know about on this forum, and i see and hear sentient AI activity already in my daily life.
that's no joke, and no lie.
see Urgent : We're Going To Need Oversight, Regulation And New And Improved Armor Piercing Rounds (Combat Robots) and especially the opening video in that thread.

now, please realize one thing : these robots are *well-educated* and will be masters in the arts of war.
the same company is also making robots for use as butlers and willing servants in hospitals.
their ads now run sometimes on CNN even.

there will be no terminator-movie or matrix-movie scenarios in real life! i and many people like me, will see to that at all times!

but you all may believe whatever you want to believe, of course.
Yes, okay ... I've worked with computers my whole life, and the fact is the maxim Garbage In, Garbage Out is in full force on what you misname 'Artificial Intelligence'. A look at the garbage going into our school systems is more than enough to ruin your dreams of a new age of Robot Glory.
in fact, the sci-fi communities of Earth have been thinking about how to prevent Terminator-like scenarios happening in real life for a long long time now.. another example? here's one :)

Yes, the neo-fascist totalitarians of Hollywood are all about peace and understanding.
There has been much ink and paper devoted to the future of AI. The most likely scenario is that AI will not achieve true sentience for a very long time. This is because no one wants to build something that might be bothered with moral judgments. AIs will always be built to do what they are told no matter what.
I disagree. I think we've given up trying to program everything into an AI and are now at the point where we expect the AI to learn on its own. That's the first step to an independant intelligence that we don't fully understand. Not a bad thing since that is exactly what we ourselves are.
Yes, okay ... I've worked with computers my whole life, and the fact is the maxim Garbage In, Garbage Out is in full force on what you misname 'Artificial Intelligence'. A look at the garbage going into our school systems is more than enough to ruin your dreams of a new age of Robot Glory.
ain't that why we got forums and social media now? :D
My view on the future is that wars will not be necessary. Yes, they look good in films and are exciting, but really I think the future will be hacking. People will live in virtual reality chairs and only a select few will actually be out in the real world.
there'll be all sorts of stuff happening in the future, i guess :)

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