How democrats cheat and register Illegals

yet only since Donald Trump has it been a problem, yet, when he was president he submitted no bills to vote on the matter and change the situation.
And the "democrats" are getting plenty of help from the

Faux News Zionist 911 W "Biden/Harris Republicans" like McConnell

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's office has been working behind the scenes to get House conservatives to drop their demands that a short-term funding bill include an immigrant voting crackdown

Who wants illegal votes to count?

Zionist 911 JDAAC W Faux News "Biden/Harris Republican" Mitch McConnell

and since he became GOP Senate Leader, what has happened to the US National Debt???
If this is true, it’s treason

It makes a lot of sense

And Republicans in Congress and Texas — do NOTHING!!

Dear Lord Frank.

So much Ignorance, LIES, Fake Information, etc.
How do you sleep at night.
I know I laugh at YOU.
If this is true, it’s treason

It makes a lot of sense

And Republicans in Congress and Texas — do NOTHING!!

Do you prefer the Republican way?
Dear Lord Frank.

So much Ignorance, LIES, Fake Information, etc.
How do you sleep at night.
I know I laugh at YOU.
True, they can buy fake SS cards and IDs before they get here.
If this is true, it’s treason

It makes a lot of sense

And Republicans in Congress and Texas — do NOTHING!!


From the title, apparently there are illegal folks registering to vote.

I would ask the OP what the cops said when he called them. But I’m guessing he’s so upset about this infraction that he...did nothing other than post on a message board.

Am I right?

Of course I am. Right CrusaderFrank ?
The invasion of my states Canadian border has increased 10 fold, there is no 'boarder guards', no paperwork , nothing at all to make any manner of 'declaration'

We are being invaded, because the Dems want us to be invaded, and the first word of English these short brown folks have learned is JOE BIDEN

Ask me how many folks care, and you;ll not like my answer

If this is true, it’s treason

It makes a lot of sense

And Republicans in Congress and Texas — do NOTHING!!

And a whole bunch of stupidity!

They are not issued a social security number....why do you even watch shows that are intentionally LYING TO YOU?

they are issued ITIN #s, ( Individual Tax Identification Number) TIN for work, NOT social security numbers, and another lie from the link is they are let in if asked they came here to work.....those are the ones who are turned away....dufus....the ones allowed in are seeking asylum due to life threats, political persecution, etc....

If any non citizen gets a drivers licence, it is a licence for a non citizen, it is marked and says with this ID, they CAN NOT VOTE and other federal rules apply too. Drivers licence bureaus do not automatically register those getting a drivers licence, a CITIZEN drivers licence is auto registered not a non citizen, if you say yes....

There wasn't a single word in that video that was the TRUTH.
The real rosie is on sitcom reruns.
Note the democrat Party response: it’s fake news, but we will not allow secure elections.

I started the OP “If it’s true…”

The current Administration allowed in tens of millions of Illegals, mostly to make up for the US citizens who find their leadership toxic
The invasion of my states Canadian border has increased 10 fold, there is no 'boarder guards', no paperwork , nothing at all to make any manner of 'declaration'

We are being invaded, because the Dems want us to be invaded, and the first word of English these short brown folks have learned is JOE BIDEN

Ask me how many folks care, and you;ll not like my answer

Note the democrat Party response: it’s fake news, but we will not allow secure elections.

I started the OP “If it’s true…”

The current Administration allowed in tens of millions of Illegals, mostly to make up for the US citizens who find their leadership toxic
Five point one million to be exact.
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