I'm curious. Do republicans in general believe democrats/liberals want to end capitalism?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I really am just asking. Some cons on here seem to believe that. To what degree are we talking about? Like they think liberals want the government to take over the economy and create some sort of dystopian socialist craphole? Where do you people draw the line on this? Speak broadly.

I mean sure, some socialists (not liberals by definition) in this country would prefer to see the end of capitalism, but I dont think repubs realize just how small of a minority they are. .I personally am not part of that minority. I think major reforms need to be made, but I sure as hell dont want to change the basic fundamentals of the free market system. I fully support private enterprise, I just think it needs rules and regulations that serve the greater good. The leftwing is on a spectrum. Repubs seem to forget that. Their black and white thinking causes a great deal of confusion I think.

Just because I oppose libertarianism, it does not mean I want to change the major fundamentals of the economy and the constitution. .
Of course not. They just want to get back to the days of 90 percent taxation.
90% certainly isn't healthy but a high percentage still is. Take the 50's. That was a time of huge economic growth and the tax percentage on the wealthy was 70%.
Yes, capitalism and free market economy are contrary to the Keynesian economic model of total government manipulation and control of economic productivity. Under such capitalism ceases to exist as do fundamental freedoms.
As for Billy000's understanding of the US and world economies between 1948-1976, well lets just say we have a different understanding to the economy and taxation. Simply put he fails to understand the macro underlying factors that contributed to this unprecedented expansion of manufacturing in the US.
Of course not. They just want to get back to the days of 90 percent taxation.
90% certainly isn't healthy but a high percentage still is. Take the 50's. That was a time of huge economic growth and the tax percentage on the wealthy was 70%.

With enough tax breaks that no one ever paid that amount. Look at France where Hollande raised the tax rates to 75%. How is that working out for him?
Of course not. They just want to get back to the days of 90 percent taxation.
90% certainly isn't healthy but a high percentage still is. Take the 50's. That was a time of huge economic growth and the tax percentage on the wealthy was 70%.

You guys always forget the biggest part of the 70% tax rate.....the industrial capacity of the rest of the modern world had been destroyed by World War 2........now....if we could do the same thing today....and keep our own industrial capacity...then we could survive a 70% tax rate...........
Oh by the way Billy000, the top tax rate in 1960 was 91% federal, states ranged from 0-6% capital gains was 25%. Sales tax was from 0-5%.
Maybe Bill can enlighten us as to the underlying reasons (factors) leading to the exodus of manufacturing out of the US?
Were does this total misconception and lack of truth come from? The top Federal tax rate during the 50's was 84%, capital gains 25%, corporate about 40+%. The average, you do understand what average is, know how to compute average? was 67%. excluding property,sales, and state income taxes.
Look at that electronic device in front of your noses comrades! Free market competition? Private capitalization? Bahhh. It didn't take millions of people and hundreds of billions of private investment dollars to produce that marvel in front of you, did it? No, the Central Committee and the genius of Great Leader bestowed such gifts. Hail Great Leader!
Of course not. They just want to get back to the days of 90 percent taxation.
90% certainly isn't healthy but a high percentage still is. Take the 50's. That was a time of huge economic growth and the tax percentage on the wealthy was 70%.

With enough tax breaks that no one ever paid that amount. Look at France where Hollande raised the tax rates to 75%. How is that working out for him?
Ok so when did these said tax breaks end?
I'm curious. Do republicans in general believe democrats/liberals want to end capitalism?
. .



Capitalism ENDED in these US , circa, 1913.

Since then FASCISM has prevailed.

I will not be surprised if the the government supremacists use Orwellian Doubletalk to argue that fascism is Capitalism.

Hmm so what exactly started this fascism? Don't you dare say income tax.
Of course not. They just want to get back to the days of 90 percent taxation.
90% certainly isn't healthy but a high percentage still is. Take the 50's. That was a time of huge economic growth and the tax percentage on the wealthy was 70%.

With enough tax breaks that no one ever paid that amount. Look at France where Hollande raised the tax rates to 75%. How is that working out for him?
Ok so when did these said tax breaks end?

When the tax rates got lowered to the point of civility.
Of course not. They just want to get back to the days of 90 percent taxation.
90% certainly isn't healthy but a high percentage still is. Take the 50's. That was a time of huge economic growth and the tax percentage on the wealthy was 70%.

With enough tax breaks that no one ever paid that amount. Look at France where Hollande raised the tax rates to 75%. How is that working out for him?
Ok so when did these said tax breaks end?

When the tax rates got lowered to the point of civility.
Who ended them? The official tax rate aside, who ended these tax breaks?
I really am just asking. Some cons on here seem to believe that. To what degree are we talking about? Like they think liberals want the government to take over the economy and create some sort of dystopian socialist craphole? Where do you people draw the line on this? Speak broadly.

I mean sure, some socialists (not liberals by definition) in this country would prefer to see the end of capitalism, but I dont think repubs realize just how small of a minority they are. .I personally am not part of that minority. I think major reforms need to be made, but I sure as hell dont want to change the basic fundamentals of the free market system. I fully support private enterprise, I just think it needs rules and regulations that serve the greater good. The leftwing is on a spectrum. Repubs seem to forget that. Their black and white thinking causes a great deal of confusion I think.

Just because I oppose libertarianism, it does not mean I want to change the major fundamentals of the economy and the constitution. .
Your asshole candidate said as much back in 2008.
Of course not. They just want to get back to the days of 90 percent taxation.
90% certainly isn't healthy but a high percentage still is. Take the 50's. That was a time of huge economic growth and the tax percentage on the wealthy was 70%.

With enough tax breaks that no one ever paid that amount. Look at France where Hollande raised the tax rates to 75%. How is that working out for him?
Ok so when did these said tax breaks end?

When the tax rates got lowered to the point of civility.
Who ended them? The official tax rate aside, who ended these tax breaks?

I believe Kennedy started it. IIRC.
I really am just asking. Some cons on here seem to believe that. To what degree are we talking about? Like they think liberals want the government to take over the economy and create some sort of dystopian socialist craphole? Where do you people draw the line on this? Speak broadly.

I mean sure, some socialists (not liberals by definition) in this country would prefer to see the end of capitalism, but I dont think repubs realize just how small of a minority they are. .I personally am not part of that minority. I think major reforms need to be made, but I sure as hell dont want to change the basic fundamentals of the free market system. I fully support private enterprise, I just think it needs rules and regulations that serve the greater good. The leftwing is on a spectrum. Repubs seem to forget that. Their black and white thinking causes a great deal of confusion I think.

Just because I oppose libertarianism, it does not mean I want to change the major fundamentals of the economy and the constitution. .
Billy,,look at how you wrote the OP ,.what you wrote is a ruse ...
Do you love your country or not?
You say you do but you want to transform it to a place it will never be, we have way to many cons here that will fight you tooth and nail, so you will never get your way.

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