Im confised about our retaliation airstrike...

It’s not a tit for tat and it’s certainly not based on bean counter assessment.

Again I ask. How many dollars is an American life worth to you?
You think you have a gotcha moment here. You don’t. There’s way more situations to play out here. Hostages are possible. War is possible. Your a partisan fool that can’t see beyond today’s feelings.
..that was an very quick response......too quick to hit the right guy almost......
This target was someone they knew about months ago.
They have assets on the ground keeping tabs on them for weeks on end.
The possibility that they got the guy who set up the attack is really remote.
They simply claim they got some ISIS guy.
No proof....just a press release.
Sounds more like trying to stop the bludgeoning Biden is taking world wide. Far too quick a response to be accurate with no intelligence left in Afghanistan.
This target was someone they knew about months ago.
They have assets on the ground keeping tabs on them for weeks on end.
The possibility that they got the guy who set up the attack is really remote.
They simply claim they got some ISIS guy.
No proof....just a press release.
Regardless. They demonstrated that actions like that bombing have a cost
You think you have a gotcha moment here. You don’t. There’s way more situations to play out here. Hostages are possible. War is possible. Your a partisan fool that can’t see beyond today’s feelings.
What I see are Trumpers whining about the cost of protecting our people
Because Biden didn't surrender :asshole:
It was Surrender Monkey Tramp who threw in the towel.
Biden could change everything else Trump did.
Why not this?
I'll tell you why.....he's screwing this up on purpose so he can blame it on Trump.
It has to be the case.....or an even worse scenario......Biden is the worst POTUS in the last 100 years. He makes Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama look competent.
No, he isn't, but the fading Biden [regime] sure seems to be. They refuse to name the people they droned.
Yes he is. He just said “odds are” which was then followed by a claim that he pulled directly out of his anus

They say he's an ISISk member but then they say they have no evidence he is linked in any way to the suicide bombings but that he was planning future attacks?
And how did we drone strike him without any other casualties?

I want to say good job Biden but I am very suspicious that this person even exists.

It makes me sad to be at a point where I no longer trust my own governments word.

you don’t want to, stop lying
Im pissed that the government's payback attack only took out one terrorist or so they say.and that was with an expensive drone attack, not a big bang for the buck I was expecting more like a moab on the royal palace.

Yes it was an expensive drone attact to take out ONE terrorist but the government now claims it was two. they killed over 160 and we take out 2,,,,,, I guess you consider that a fair exchange?

What you see is what you want to see or what you’re told to see. Wake up leftist.
What I see are trumpers whining about the cost of defending our people
Washington examiner is FAKE NEWS.

I could have killed him, but I would have had to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him.
And so I didn’t do it.”
- Bill Clinton
Instead, over 3000 innocent American women, men, and children were killed.
No footage is the give away. Every drone or missile sends back footage and the pentagon can't wait to share it like a proud mother. This time NOTHING
And no names of these very important terrorists.

Weird how the Taliban hasn't said a peep about this. Probably laughing their asses off at how stupid the left in America is for buying this bullshit story.
No you don't. the al-Shifa plant was involved with processing the deadly nerve agent VX, and had ties with the Islamist al-Qaeda group of Osama bin Laden.
The key piece of physical evidence linking the Al-Shifa facility to production of chemical weapons was the discovery of EMPTA in a soil sample taken from the plant during a CIA clandestine operation. EMPTA, or O-Ethyl methylphosphonothioic acid, is a chemical weapons precursor.

It is possible that we’ll one day learn Al-Shifa was a legitimate bombing target. Most of the information about this incident is still classified. Benjamin, Simon, Clarke, and the rest of the Clinton national security team had access to a lot more intelligence than the rest of us do. But based on the evidence available now, Al-Shifa looks very much like the fiasco we thought it was then. The Sudan bombing is a blot on the Clinton presidency, and a blot it ought to remain.


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