Illuminati Cosmology: Based on THEIR religion's KEYWORD, the opposite of LIGHT


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Illuminati Cosmology: Names use THEIR KEYWORD, the opposite of LIGHT
Nov 2016 - UNPRECEDENTED Kaikoura earthquake added to original article from 2010.

Illuminati: X NOT LIGHT is THEIR religion's KEYWORD
After reading this you'll finally know your Ages, which "coincidentally" share the X word:
- Historiographically, the REAL name of your Age
- Cosmologically, the official name of your Age, which incredibly you most certainly are not aware of.

Introductory note
About three words in the text below:
- X: is a four characters word. The riddle is explicitly solved in article "END TIMES C_L_U_E_S: Unbelievable first Google page: TRUTH about the _AST and BEYOND".
- THEIR: when referring to the illuminati it means what THEY serve to the human cattle. Not to be confused with the meaning when referring to THEIR religion.
- zillions: anything beyond the trillions scale, which is the maximum used in THEIR Historiography.
Note: the trillions scale only appeared in YOUR Age, more precisely linked to "US Debt", one of the elements in the coreography of the BIG BANG, an act that is unfolding to terminate this Age.

Etimology of the illuminati word: LIGHT: what BLACK is WHITE is all about
THEIR religion's keyword stands for the opposite of LIGHT.
To get it you can read one of these two articles by Last Prophet, exposing how the illuminati:
- reacted to the unprecedented Kaikoura earthquake, Nov 14, 2016, which includes the X word in its title.
- used X in their Historiography (for the same general purpose as the reaction to Kaikoura) and in their Cosmology (celebrating how successfully they used X to complete THEIR matrix).

The illuminati named X both an Age in their Historiography and in their Cosmology.
In both cases the illuminati used the word Age in the plural form.
In Historiography the X Ages are the longest in the period after Christ and one of several periods named to include the word Age.

Illuminati Cosmology: The X Ages
1. the ONLY period that includes the word Age
2. by far NOT the longest period, althouth they are "about 150,000 times" longer than the X Ages in Historiography.
Note: the X Ages in Cosmology, the 8th Age, are nevertheless:
- zillions of times longer than the sum of the first six Ages (all named Epochs)
- "about 400 times" longer than the 7th Age (named Epoch).

Illuminati Cosmology: the current Age
The illuminati grouped their cosmological Ages into four Eras.
X is "coincidentally" the first word in the name of the current Era, which is also and by far the longest: 90 billion years.
Yet we are only 3.8 billion years into it, what makes the Era that the X Ages are part of the longest so far.

Illuminati Cosmology: what is by far the largest entity
It constitutes 84.5% of the total mass of the universe.
X is the first word of its name. As for the second word, it starts with MATT and to complete it simply add the two characters missing in this riddle, which is one of the implications of THEIR religion:
Nothing MATT_ _S more than to keep the human cattle in the X.

Kaikoura earthquake, the day of the supermoon: UNPRECEDENTED observation: coast rises 6 meters within seconds.
Exact Data on how Human cattle was kept on the X side of the moon
Moon signs: Kaikoura Earthquake cattle kept on dark side of the moon

END TIMES C_L_U_E_S: Unbelievable first Google page: TRUTH about the _AST and BEYOND
End of Age: Age Before Renaissance: End Times Clues by google: TRUTH about the _AST and BEYOND

All in Blog
Illuminati Religion: Illuminati Cosmology: Names use THEIR KEYWORD, the opposite of LIGHT
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Don't ever let anyone tell you fairy tales aren't real. Every morning I make a potion from magic beans that brings me back to life.........

Don't ever let anyone tell you fairy tales aren't real. Every morning I make a potion from magic beans that brings me back to life.........

View attachment 102501
Well, I see you slipped the surly bonds of your straight jacket. :thup:

The term is "straitjacket"....ya stupid fuck.....

Seriously, I get tired of educating you.......

Learn! Grow!!! Evolve!!! I can only do so have to put in some effort yourself.
Don't ever let anyone tell you fairy tales aren't real. Every morning I make a potion from magic beans that brings me back to life.........

View attachment 102501
Well, I see you slipped the surly bonds of your straight jacket. :thup:

The term is "straitjacket"....ya stupid fuck.....

Seriously, I get tired of educating you.......

Learn! Grow!!! Evolve!!! I can only do so have to put in some effort yourself.
If learn grow and evolve means being like you then no thanks, I prefer not being completely loony........
Oh and straight jacket is also one accepted spelling....... Really with all that research you claimed to have done one would think you would have figured that out by now......... :thup:
Don't ever let anyone tell you fairy tales aren't real. Every morning I make a potion from magic beans that brings me back to life.........

View attachment 102501
Green Is the Color of Their Daddies' Money

That explains the Eco-Eunuchs and job-killing Warmalarmies. Conservation and other shutoffs of our resources are a pseudo-idealistic scheme to hoard potential wealth and create artificial scarcities, which lead to obscene profit margins.
Don't ever let anyone tell you fairy tales aren't real. Every morning I make a potion from magic beans that brings me back to life.........

View attachment 102501
Well, I see you slipped the surly bonds of your straight jacket. :thup:

The term is "straitjacket"....ya stupid fuck.....

Seriously, I get tired of educating you.......

Learn! Grow!!! Evolve!!! I can only do so have to put in some effort yourself.
Oh and straight jacket is also one accepted spelling....... Really with all that research you claimed to have done one would think you would have figured that out by now......... :thup:
Careless Language Leads to Careless Thought

A permissive dictionary is a contradiction in terms. Those who sell them make most of their money off Diploma Dumbos and don't want to embarrass them by proving that they had no more right to be in college than they had to be on the college football team, which is based on talent.
Don't ever let anyone tell you fairy tales aren't real. Every morning I make a potion from magic beans that brings me back to life.........

View attachment 102501
Well, I see you slipped the surly bonds of your straight jacket. :thup:

The term is "straitjacket"....ya stupid fuck.....

Seriously, I get tired of educating you.......

Learn! Grow!!! Evolve!!! I can only do so have to put in some effort yourself.
If learn grow and evolve means being like you then no thanks, I prefer not being completely loony........
Oh and straight jacket is also one accepted spelling....... Really with all that research you claimed to have done one would think you would have figured that out by now......... :thup:

It is accepted because so many idiots that don't know the origins of the invention of the "straitjacket" amde it's way into "Google Search".........there is nothing "straight" about it, ya dumb fuck.
Don't ever let anyone tell you fairy tales aren't real. Every morning I make a potion from magic beans that brings me back to life.........

View attachment 102501
Well, I see you slipped the surly bonds of your straight jacket. :thup:

The term is "straitjacket"....ya stupid fuck.....

Seriously, I get tired of educating you.......

Learn! Grow!!! Evolve!!! I can only do so have to put in some effort yourself.
Oh and straight jacket is also one accepted spelling....... Really with all that research you claimed to have done one would think you would have figured that out by now......... :thup:
Careless Language Leads to Careless Thought

A permissive dictionary is a contradiction in terms. Those who sell them make most of their money off Diploma Dumbos and don't want to embarrass them by proving that they had no more right to be in college than they had to be on the college football team, which is based on talent.
Basically your a serial pedant. Got it. :thup:
Don't ever let anyone tell you fairy tales aren't real. Every morning I make a potion from magic beans that brings me back to life.........

View attachment 102501
Well, I see you slipped the surly bonds of your straight jacket. :thup:

The term is "straitjacket"....ya stupid fuck.....

Seriously, I get tired of educating you.......

Learn! Grow!!! Evolve!!! I can only do so have to put in some effort yourself.
If learn grow and evolve means being like you then no thanks, I prefer not being completely loony........
Oh and straight jacket is also one accepted spelling....... Really with all that research you claimed to have done one would think you would have figured that out by now......... :thup:

It is accepted because so many idiots that don't know the origins of the invention of the "straitjacket" amde it's way into "Google Search".........there is nothing "straight" about it, ya dumb fuck.
Watching you squirm you way out of this is funny. :thup:
Well, I see you slipped the surly bonds of your straight jacket. :thup:

The term is "straitjacket"....ya stupid fuck.....

Seriously, I get tired of educating you.......

Learn! Grow!!! Evolve!!! I can only do so have to put in some effort yourself.
If learn grow and evolve means being like you then no thanks, I prefer not being completely loony........
Oh and straight jacket is also one accepted spelling....... Really with all that research you claimed to have done one would think you would have figured that out by now......... :thup:

It is accepted because so many idiots that don't know the origins of the invention of the "straitjacket" amde it's way into "Google Search".........there is nothing "straight" about it, ya dumb fuck.
Watching you squirm you way out of this is funny. :thup: with that as you listen to "George Straight"...."strait ahead and damn the torpedoes"........ (face palm)
Well, I see you slipped the surly bonds of your straight jacket. :thup:

The term is "straitjacket"....ya stupid fuck.....

Seriously, I get tired of educating you.......

Learn! Grow!!! Evolve!!! I can only do so have to put in some effort yourself.
If learn grow and evolve means being like you then no thanks, I prefer not being completely loony........
Oh and straight jacket is also one accepted spelling....... Really with all that research you claimed to have done one would think you would have figured that out by now......... :thup:

It is accepted because so many idiots that don't know the origins of the invention of the "straitjacket" amde it's way into "Google Search".........there is nothing "straight" about it, ya dumb fuck.
Watching you squirm you way out of this is funny. :thup: with that as you listen to "George Straight"...."strait ahead and damn the torpedoes"........ (face palm)
Obviously my opinion means the world to you....... Come on, why else would you feel compelled to respond......... :eusa_whistle:
Don't ever let anyone tell you fairy tales aren't real. Every morning I make a potion from magic beans that brings me back to life.........

View attachment 102501
Well, I see you slipped the surly bonds of your straight jacket. :thup:

The term is "straitjacket"....ya stupid fuck.....

Seriously, I get tired of educating you.......

Learn! Grow!!! Evolve!!! I can only do so have to put in some effort yourself.
If learn grow and evolve means being like you then no thanks, I prefer not being completely loony........
Oh and straight jacket is also one accepted spelling....... Really with all that research you claimed to have done one would think you would have figured that out by now......... :thup:

It is accepted because so many idiots that don't know the origins of the invention of the "straitjacket" amde it's way into "Google Search".........there is nothing "straight" about it, ya dumb fuck.
Equity Is Iniquity

Just like a straitjacket has nothing to do with being straight, equity has nothing to do with equality. So, in opposition to the academic hirelings, I believe it comes from the Latin equites "knights," who were the capitalists of their time, when they weren't riding their usually ceremonial cavalry horses.
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