Illegal started the fires in Sonoma


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
I wonder what Jerry Brown thinks of that? Probably nothing.

Illegal Alien Arrested In California For Starting Sonoma County Fires #MediaInfidels #news

ICE has issued a detainer for Jesus Fabian Gonzalez who was arrested on suspicion of arson for Wine Country fires that have killed at least 40 residents.

Gonzalez was seen around 3:00 p.m. wearing a jacket and walking “out of the creek area and a plume of smoke behind him,” according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.

The homeless Gonzalez, is known by local law enforcement to have been living under a nearby bridge, claims he was cold and lit the fire to stay warm. His story is doubted, given that the temperature at the time was a warm 78 degrees.

The suspected arsonist was arrested and booked into the Sonoma County Jail for suspicion of felony arson. His bail was set at a $110,000.

Local police said that Gonzalez is on an ICE detainer request, even though Sonoma County declared itself as a “sanctuary county” in May 2014.

The fires in Sonoma County have killed dozens, with 172 missing and 102,000 homeless after the fires swept through the area.
The US needs to crack down on "illegal immigrants" and start treating them as unlawful enemy combatants who do not recognize our peace treaty with Mexico. They should be shot on sight.
I read somewhere that an American shot and killed more than 50 people in Las Vegas.
so we can't have any other threads.....

The US needs to crack down on "illegal immigrants" and start treating them as unlawful enemy combatants who do not recognize our peace treaty with Mexico. They should be shot on sight.

We also need to crack down on corrupt public servants who commit malfeasance and treason, by using the powers of their positions to give aid and comfort to these invading foreign criminals.
Fake News

Why do Conservatives make these things up?
Trying to build hate
I wonder what Jerry Brown thinks of that? Probably nothing.

Illegal Alien Arrested In California For Starting Sonoma County Fires #MediaInfidels #news

ICE has issued a detainer for Jesus Fabian Gonzalez who was arrested on suspicion of arson for Wine Country fires that have killed at least 40 residents.

Gonzalez was seen around 3:00 p.m. wearing a jacket and walking “out of the creek area and a plume of smoke behind him,” according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.

s story is doubted, given that the temperature at the time was a warm 78 degrees.

The suspected arsonist was arrested and booked into the Sonoma County Jail for suspicion of felony arson. His bail was set at a $110,000.

Local police said that Gonzalez is on an ICE detainer request, even though Sonoma County declared itself as a “sanctuary county” in May 2014.

The fires in Sonoma County have killed dozens, with 172 missing and 102,000 homeless after the fires swept through the area.
You know...I watched the network news last night and not a peep about this. Must be untrue....:confused::confused::confused::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhh::uhh::uhh:
I wonder what Jerry Brown thinks of that? Probably nothing.

Illegal Alien Arrested In California For Starting Sonoma County Fires #MediaInfidels #news

ICE has issued a detainer for Jesus Fabian Gonzalez who was arrested on suspicion of arson for Wine Country fires that have killed at least 40 residents.

Gonzalez was seen around 3:00 p.m. wearing a jacket and walking “out of the creek area and a plume of smoke behind him,” according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.

The homeless Gonzalez, is known by local law enforcement to have been living under a nearby bridge, claims he was cold and lit the fire to stay warm. His story is doubted, given that the temperature at the time was a warm 78 degrees.

The suspected arsonist was arrested and booked into the Sonoma County Jail for suspicion of felony arson. His bail was set at a $110,000.

Local police said that Gonzalez is on an ICE detainer request, even though Sonoma County declared itself as a “sanctuary county” in May 2014.

The fires in Sonoma County have killed dozens, with 172 missing and 102,000 homeless after the fires swept through the area.
Well Jerry Moonbeam would be pissed if it was found out that a Trump supporter would of caused those fires, but since Californication is a "Sanctuary State", there is nothing the moonbeam can do about it. Maybe the relatives of those who perished in the fires should sue the fuck out of Obama, Brown and the DNC for aiding and abetting an arsonist....
well if this is true, and he's found guilty, the death penalty is the only form of justice for such an inhuman monster.

Really? I don't know. I'm as pro death penalty as it comes, but I'm not so sure about this one.
I doubt all the facts are in, but from what little we know it seems the fire spreading was accidental. If he didn't mean for it to happen the it did, it would be hard for me to consider him an inhuman monster that needs to die.
However, I DO believe Hellbeast Clinton is an inhuman monster that needs to die
The rightwing media has an agenda to spread hatred against minorities at every opportunity

That is why they make up these hate pieces
well if this is true, and he's found guilty, the death penalty is the only form of justice for such an inhuman monster.

Really? I don't know. I'm as pro death penalty as it comes, but I'm not so sure about this one.
I doubt all the facts are in, but from what little we know it seems the fire spreading was accidental. If he didn't mean for it to happen the it did, it would be hard for me to consider him an inhuman monster that needs to die.
However, I DO believe Hellbeast Clinton is an inhuman monster that needs to die
If we started to execute those who are invading our country and leave the bodies just south of the border, do you think those crossing over into the US would get a message?

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