Ilhan Omar Claims To Be "As American as everyone else is" Is She ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
When interviewed on the Steve Colbert Show, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar said these words >> "When you have people on Fox News that question whether I am actually American, or I put America first, I expect my colleagues to also say that's not OK."

She went on to say >> "Or when people call me a terrorist, or when people say, you that um, because I'm, a Muslim, I'm an immigrant, I'm a refugee, that I can't have any loyalty to our country. I took an oath, I took an oath to uphold the Constitution. I am as American as everyone else is."

Audience cheers and claps.

Omar then went on to play the victim card to the hilt, grumbling about mistreatment of minorities, >> "while the people on Fox & Friends actually said those words. That I may not be an American. My loyalties may not be to this country."

The audience was clearly behind her 100%, but how many people in that audience realize that Omar's oath was sworn in on a Koran ?..the foundation book of Islam. And how many of them know that unlike the Jewish and Christian bibles which forbid lying, according to that Koran, lying (taqiyya) is permissable ?... as long as it somehow furthers the cause of Islam. And that this thereby defeats the whole idea of swearing in, and being consistent with truth.

Then let's take a look at Omar's words above. She said that people on Fox News questioned whether she's actually American, or put America first. She said that's not OK. Is that correct ? Or would questioning her nationality and loyalty be correct ?

According to Brigitte Gabriel, an Arabic-speaking Arab Christian woman, originally from Lebanon, who probably knows as much as much about Muslims and Islam as anyone alive, the wearing of the hijab (which Omar wears) means that the woman wearing it, is a devout Muslim. Devout to the words of the Koran.

And how many people in that Colbert Show audience know what those words in the Koran are ?

How many of them know what the word Uhmma means ? It means the worldwide community of Muslims. It also means the worldwide community of Muslims that receives first loyalty, above all else, including nations, and their Constitutions.

As such, for example, a Muslim in the USA, would have more loyalty, kinship, allegiance to another Muslim in France, Russia, Somalia, Pakistan, or Australia (or anywhere) than to a fellow American, living here in the USA. Or a Muslim in Poland would have more allegiance to a fellow Muslim in Brazil, than any fellow Pole. A Muslim in Denmark would have more allegiance to a fellow Muslim in China, than a fellow Dane, living right next door.

So wearing a hijab, and swearing in on a Koran, is it a legitimate question to question Omar's loyalty to America, and the US Constitution ? Or one might ask how could it not be a legitimate question ? Or might ask, as a devout Muslim, how could Omar EVER be expected to uphold the Constitution ? (which the Muslim Brotherhood vows to destroy). Or put America first (over the Uhmma) ? Or be "as American as everyone else is."

Look at who gives this woman a platform to spew her "I'm such a good American" b.s.
Stephen "Putin's Dick Holster" Colbert. One detestable ass does a favor for another.
She has every right in this country to be a bigot and an American. She’s just as American as your typical KKK grand wizard.
When she sympathizes with enemies who call for the destruction of America, she crosses a line.
When interviewed on the Steve Colbert Show, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar said these words >> "When you have people on Fox News that question whether I am actually American, or I put America first, I expect my colleagues to also say that's not OK."

She went on to say >> "Or when people call me a terrorist, or when people say, you that um, because I'm, a Muslim, I'm an immigrant, I'm a refugee, that I can't have any loyalty to our country. I took an oath, I took an oath to uphold the Constitution. I am as American as everyone else is."

Audience cheers and claps.

Omar then went on to play the victim card to the hilt, grumbling about mistreatment of minorities, >> "while the people on Fox & Friends actually said those words. That I may not be an American. My loyalties may not be to this country."

The audience was clearly behind her 100%, but how many people in that audience realize that Omar's oath was sworn in on a Koran ?..the foundation book of Islam. And how many of them know that unlike the Jewish and Christian bibles which forbid lying, according to that Koran, lying (taqiyya) is permissable ?... as long as it somehow furthers the cause of Islam. And that this thereby defeats the whole idea of swearing in, and being consistent with truth.

Then let's take a look at Omar's words above. She said that people on Fox News questioned whether she's actually American, or put America first. She said that's not OK. Is that correct ? Or would questioning her nationality and loyalty be correct ?

According to Brigitte Gabriel, an Arabic-speaking Arab Christian woman, originally from Lebanon, who probably knows as much as much about Muslims and Islam as anyone alive, the wearing of the hijab (which Omar wears) means that the woman wearing it, is a devout Muslim. Devout to the words of the Koran.

And how many people in that Colbert Show audience know what those words in the Koran are ?

How many of them know what the word Uhmma means ? It means the worldwide community of Muslims. It also means the worldwide community of Muslims that receives first loyalty, above all else, including nations, and their Constitutions.

As such, for example, a Muslim in the USA, would have more loyalty, kinship, allegiance to another Muslim in France, Russia, Somalia, Pakistan, or Australia (or anywhere) than to a fellow American, living here in the USA. Or a Muslim in Poland would have more allegiance to a fellow Muslim in Brazil, than any fellow Pole. A Muslim in Denmark would have more allegiance to a fellow Muslim in China, than a fellow Dane, living right next door.

So wearing a hijab, and swearing in on a Koran, is it a legitimate question to question Omar's loyalty to America, and the US Constitution ? Or one might ask how could it not be a legitimate question ? Or might ask, as a devout Muslim, how could Omar EVER be expected to uphold the Constitution ? (which the Muslim Brotherhood vows to destroy). Or put America first (over the Uhmma) ? Or be "as American as everyone else is."

Na. She is just another stupid wetback who is biting the hand that feeds her. Send the stupid bitch back to skinny land where trash like her belongs.
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She has every right in this country to be a bigot and an American. She’s just as American as your typical KKK grand wizard.
When she sympathizes with enemies who call for the destruction of America, she crosses a line.
What about the Koran she was sworn in on? What about the hijab ? What about the Uhmma ? What about hanging around with the Muslim Brotherhood boys at CAIR ?
Easier to just overlook all that ?
She has every right in this country to be a bigot and an American. She’s just as American as your typical KKK grand wizard.
When she sympathizes with enemies who call for the destruction of America, she crosses a line.
What about the Koran she was sworn in on? What about the hijab ? What about the Uhmma ? What about hanging around with the Muslim Brotherhood boys at CAIR ?
Easier to just overlook all that ?
She’s a klansman.
Umayyad Caliphate - Wikipedia
Abbasid Caliphate - Wikipedia
Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia
Mongol Empire - Wikipedia
Well of course the religiously Conservative are going to have huge troubles. Christ asked to be In all Nations and to be Delivered to All Nations and All Nations will be Healed by him at the end of the World. Then check out how they administer Islam. Umayyad is the literal Military Advances under Supreme General Mohammad. Everyone knows he keeps his battlescores there in the Quran. The language of Islam is Arabic, they all speak classical Arabic. They do not recognize races. They wouldn't have a race of Franks or any European country. They don't recognize validity to people of "the Book" , or the "Books" or , the Byzantine Oppressors they didn't like for a few hundred years already.
I think it would be a shame to not clearly make exceptions for American Citizenship.
Umayyad Caliphate - Wikipedia
Abbasid Caliphate - Wikipedia
Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia
Mongol Empire - Wikipedia
Well of course the religiously Conservative are going to have huge troubles. Christ asked to be In all Nations and to be Delivered to All Nations and All Nations will be Healed by him at the end of the World. Then check out how they administer Islam. Umayyad is the literal Military Advances under Supreme General Mohammad. Everyone knows he keeps his battlescores there in the Quran. The language of Islam is Arabic, they all speak classical Arabic. They do not recognize races. They wouldn't have a race of Franks or any European country. They don't recognize validity to people of "the Book" , or the "Books" or , the Byzantine Oppressors they didn't like for a few hundred years already.
I think it would be a shame to not clearly make exceptions for American Citizenship.
There are no exceptions. Islam hates everyone and everything, except Islam.
Is that Patton talking Protectionist? I find myself curious because Dwight Eisenhower's in my slave name. Wait wait. Is THAT Eisenhower?! Ohsa yessa religion's American's issa Christian sirra yessa. I never heard any of the lot of them , in their polished boots, stray very far from the imperialistic prestige of America.
All the technical Law crap about swearing in on the Bible. Ha. What's it even mean to swear in on a Koran? Whats that mean? Well, I swear No Oaths sect ,can't swear on a bible because no Swearin' oaths.
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