Ignore The Scandals, Resist The Coup


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I know some dumbocrats that are jumping out of the party because it's not what they signed up for. Wow 2018/20 might be another landslide...

The Ford’s Theater Election.
May 25, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The only one real Trump scandal is the refusal of the left to recognize his victory.

It is okay to be bitter, angry and frustrated about losing an election. It’s not illegal to begin planning how to win the next election. But it is illegal for public officials to refuse to accept the results of that election.

It’s illegal for them to take part in a conspiracy to reverse the election by forcing the President of the United States to leave office. That’s not opposition. It’s not protest. It’s a coup.

The Democrats have lost the White House and Congress. They’ve lost statewide offices across the country. Democracy has rejected the Democrats and they in turn have rejected democracy.


Assassinating democracy doesn’t just mean bringing down one president. It is an attack on your right to vote. The coup is a plot to take away your only real defense against the power of government.

Their target is America. Ignore their scandals and lies. Resist the leftist assassins of democracy.

Ignore the Scandals, Resist the Coup
ummmm, a little late for that bullshit. Progressives have nothing to do with the way Shitforhair conducts himself OR the situations both he, and his lying ass administration put themselves in.

Trump drones can pretend nothing matters but guess what.

The shit is in the fan, and the fan is speeding up.

Fuck Trump.
ummmm, a little late for that bullshit. Progressives have nothing to do with the way Shitforhair conducts himself OR the situations both he, and his lying ass administration put themselves in.

Trump drones can pretend nothing matters but guess what.

The shit is in the fan, and the fan is speeding up.

Fuck Trump.


Coming from the party of the Occupy America and destroy businesses while we're at it, BLM cop killers, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the Iraq War is over, well maybe the Iraq war isn't quite over yet let's go back in, Libya isn't a war it's only a military action that slaughtered over 25,000 in six months, you keep you health care if you want too, we need to sign the bill so we can find out what's in it, you're racist if you don't support illegal immigration because what you think about legal immigration doesn't matter, etc, etc, etc,... progressives don't have much of a leg to stand on criticizing and calling others names when those others choose to look for alternatives to the progressive agenda.


ummmm, a little late for that bullshit. Progressives have nothing to do with the way Shitforhair conducts himself OR the situations both he, and his lying ass administration put themselves in.

Trump drones can pretend nothing matters but guess what.

The shit is in the fan, and the fan is speeding up.

Fuck Trump.


Coming from the party of the Occupy America and destroy businesses while we're at it, BLM cop killers, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the Iraq War is over, well maybe the Iraq war isn't quite over yet let's go back in, Libya isn't a war it's only a military action that slaughtered over 25,000 in six months, you keep you health care if you want too, we need to sign the bill so we can find out what's in it, you're racist if you don't support illegal immigration because what you think about legal immigration doesn't matter, etc, etc, etc,... progressives don't have much of a leg to stand on criticizing and calling others names when those others choose to look for alternatives to the progressive agenda.



I didnt vote for Clinton.


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