IG Report Proves Adam Schiff Has Been Lying About Spygate Since The Beginning


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
IG Report Proves Adam Schiff Has Been Lying About Spygate Since The Beginning
Following the inspector general’s FISA report that proved nearly every sentence wrong in Rep. Adam Schiff’s last high-profile report, Schiff’s work should be deemed worthless.​

IG Report Proves Schiff Has Been Lying About Spygate Since Beginning
12/16/19 ~~ On Friday, Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee approved two articles of impeachment against President Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The committee vote sends the question to the full House, with a vote expected later this week. That fast timeline won’t allow for much consideration of the question, however, forcing folks to rely on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s 300-page report detailing his committee’s “impeachment inquiry.” But following last week’ release of the inspector general’s report on FISA abuse that proved nearly every sentence wrong in Schiff’s last high-profile report (his self-titled “Correcting the Record—The Russia Investigation”), Schiff’s work product should be deemed worthless.
But one would also think that since nothing came of the two-plus year Russia collusion investigation, even with the appointment of a well-funded special counsel, Democrats would give up on their attempts to undo the 2016 election. The impending impeachment vote proves otherwise.

Just think, had President Trump not been elected, we would never have known just how evil and corrupt the Democrats in Congress really are. This forces the MSM to be confronted with a glance of reality.
Schitf chose to lie rather than perform his oversight duties. He had the exact same information as Nunes, who was proven correct. He needs to be removed for that reason alone. Schiff knew and was well aware that the dossier was fake and that it led to Fake FISA, that led to Mueller investigation, to the whistleblower, to impeachment. Ultimately it has led to Schiff's Star Chamber Kangaroo Court charade did real damage to our country.
He must resign.
I wonder what all the fact checkers in the MSM are going to say (revise what they said) about Trump campaign being spied upon or Media bias over illegal FISA court warrants?
While there's been an all out criminal assault on the presidency and especially Trump by the PMS/DSA Commie Left aka "The Democratic Party" since November 9, 2016. President Trump has accomplished more in three years than Obama did in eight. the polls have not significantly changed.
Just like the plethora of lies about Trump and Russia.

Now most polls show Americans opposed to the impeachment clown show.

Schiff has personally got Trump re-elected.

IG Report Proves Adam Schiff Has Been Lying About Spygate Since The Beginning.

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