IG Discovers That Team Mueller Scrubbed Strzok and Page Text Messages


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Inspector general discovers that Team Mueller scrubbed Strzok and Page text messages during critical post-election period

Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office (SCO) destroyed a potential treasure trove of evidence about the “insurance policy” Trump-haters Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were implementing against the Trump administration as it prepared to take office and establish itself in its first few months. Whatever the purported lovebirds texted each other and others during the tumultuous period, the SCO thought was not worth scrutiny by outsiders not on the team.... Given the scandalous earlier texts between the two released by the OIG, this claim is so arrogant that it would be laughable, but for the profound implications of a rogue law enforcement operation covering its tracks, secure in its belief that it will never be prosecuted thanks to Deep State operatives throughout the FBI and DoJ…. We learn of this destruction of evidence only now thanks to the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General, headed by Michael Horowitz, who issued a report on its investigation of the “gap” in the text messages of the two from 12/15/16 to 5/17/17.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated this investigation upon being notified of a gap in text message data collection during the period December 15, 2016, through May 17, 2017, from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) mobile devices assigned to FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page relevant to a matter being investigated by the OIG's Oversight and Review Division. Specifically, the OIG's Cyber Investigations Office (CYB ER) was asked to attempt recovery of these missing text messages for the referenced period from FBI issued mobile devices issued to Strzok and Page.​

Hmm...., destroying Evidence, framing the innocent, letting terrorists free until they murder scores and if not thousands, moving Uranium to Iran/Russia to murder Americans? It's what Progressives Marxist Socialist traitors do.
Mueller is corrupt to the bone and so are the traitors Democrats operatives he chose to frame anyone to implicate Trump. As Rush has said over and over each day on his radio show, getting rid of POTUS is all that matters to Mueller and his team.
Call it the "Deep State", "Evil Empire", or simply the Rabid Radical Revolution but it runs on the rails provided by the DNC.
The "Changes" we have seen under Pres. Trump are nothing compared to the changes we could see if the insane Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists/DSA and their "Cult of Corruption" succeeds in gaining control of the demonizing democrat party that cares little for Christianity and its moral values or traditions.
The PMSL/DSA Leftist no longer masks their intentions to "Fundamentally Transform America" rewrite the Constitution, limit free speech, confiscate our guns enthroning their so called benevolent Socialist Marxist Communism on "we the people" for the sake of social justice toward their current base and all the thousands of immigrants they hope to welcome to the growing number of sanctuary cities and states coming onboard in democratic strongholds.

Inspector general discovers that Team Mueller scrubbed Strzok and Page text messages during critical post-election period

Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office (SCO) destroyed a potential treasure trove of evidence about the “insurance policy” Trump-haters Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were implementing against the Trump administration as it prepared to take office and establish itself in its first few months. Whatever the purported lovebirds texted each other and others during the tumultuous period, the SCO thought was not worth scrutiny by outsiders not on the team.... Given the scandalous earlier texts between the two released by the OIG, this claim is so arrogant that it would be laughable, but for the profound implications of a rogue law enforcement operation covering its tracks, secure in its belief that it will never be prosecuted thanks to Deep State operatives throughout the FBI and DoJ…. We learn of this destruction of evidence only now thanks to the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General, headed by Michael Horowitz, who issued a report on its investigation of the “gap” in the text messages of the two from 12/15/16 to 5/17/17.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated this investigation upon being notified of a gap in text message data collection during the period December 15, 2016, through May 17, 2017, from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) mobile devices assigned to FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page relevant to a matter being investigated by the OIG's Oversight and Review Division. Specifically, the OIG's Cyber Investigations Office (CYB ER) was asked to attempt recovery of these missing text messages for the referenced period from FBI issued mobile devices issued to Strzok and Page.​

Hmm...., destroying Evidence, framing the innocent, letting terrorists free until they murder scores and if not thousands, moving Uranium to Iran/Russia to murder Americans? It's what Progressives Marxist Socialist traitors do.
Mueller is corrupt to the bone and so are the traitors Democrats operatives he chose to frame anyone to implicate Trump. As Rush has said over and over each day on his radio show, getting rid of POTUS is all that matters to Mueller and his team.
Call it the "Deep State", "Evil Empire", or simply the Rabid Radical Revolution but it runs on the rails provided by the DNC.
The "Changes" we have seen under Pres. Trump are nothing compared to the changes we could see if the insane Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists/DSA and their "Cult of Corruption" succeeds in gaining control of the demonizing democrat party that cares little for Christianity and its moral values or traditions.
The PMSL/DSA Leftist no longer masks their intentions to "Fundamentally Transform America" rewrite the Constitution, limit free speech, confiscate our guns enthroning their so called benevolent Socialist Marxist Communism on "we the people" for the sake of social justice toward their current base and all the thousands of immigrants they hope to welcome to the growing number of sanctuary cities and states coming onboard in democratic strongholds.

True and well stated, to add there is not a section of our life that the Liberals have not targeted to change or to remove. The Rights We Have are under attack. How can you stop it? Stand your ground and vote and when that right is gone well if you still have them, defend your Country with any means.
Inspector general discovers that Team Mueller scrubbed Strzok and Page text messages during critical post-election period

Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office (SCO) destroyed a potential treasure trove of evidence about the “insurance policy” Trump-haters Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were implementing against the Trump administration as it prepared to take office and establish itself in its first few months. Whatever the purported lovebirds texted each other and others during the tumultuous period, the SCO thought was not worth scrutiny by outsiders not on the team.... Given the scandalous earlier texts between the two released by the OIG, this claim is so arrogant that it would be laughable, but for the profound implications of a rogue law enforcement operation covering its tracks, secure in its belief that it will never be prosecuted thanks to Deep State operatives throughout the FBI and DoJ…. We learn of this destruction of evidence only now thanks to the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General, headed by Michael Horowitz, who issued a report on its investigation of the “gap” in the text messages of the two from 12/15/16 to 5/17/17.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated this investigation upon being notified of a gap in text message data collection during the period December 15, 2016, through May 17, 2017, from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) mobile devices assigned to FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page relevant to a matter being investigated by the OIG's Oversight and Review Division. Specifically, the OIG's Cyber Investigations Office (CYB ER) was asked to attempt recovery of these missing text messages for the referenced period from FBI issued mobile devices issued to Strzok and Page.​

Hmm...., destroying Evidence, framing the innocent, letting terrorists free until they murder scores and if not thousands, moving Uranium to Iran/Russia to murder Americans? It's what Progressives Marxist Socialist traitors do.
Mueller is corrupt to the bone and so are the traitors Democrats operatives he chose to frame anyone to implicate Trump. As Rush has said over and over each day on his radio show, getting rid of POTUS is all that matters to Mueller and his team.
Call it the "Deep State", "Evil Empire", or simply the Rabid Radical Revolution but it runs on the rails provided by the DNC.
The "Changes" we have seen under Pres. Trump are nothing compared to the changes we could see if the insane Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists/DSA and their "Cult of Corruption" succeeds in gaining control of the demonizing democrat party that cares little for Christianity and its moral values or traditions.
The PMSL/DSA Leftist no longer masks their intentions to "Fundamentally Transform America" rewrite the Constitution, limit free speech, confiscate our guns enthroning their so called benevolent Socialist Marxist Communism on "we the people" for the sake of social justice toward their current base and all the thousands of immigrants they hope to welcome to the growing number of sanctuary cities and states coming onboard in democratic strongholds.

Rose Mary Woods lives!

Inspector general discovers that Team Mueller scrubbed Strzok and Page text messages during critical post-election period

Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office (SCO) destroyed a potential treasure trove of evidence about the “insurance policy” Trump-haters Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were implementing against the Trump administration as it prepared to take office and establish itself in its first few months. Whatever the purported lovebirds texted each other and others during the tumultuous period, the SCO thought was not worth scrutiny by outsiders not on the team.... Given the scandalous earlier texts between the two released by the OIG, this claim is so arrogant that it would be laughable, but for the profound implications of a rogue law enforcement operation covering its tracks, secure in its belief that it will never be prosecuted thanks to Deep State operatives throughout the FBI and DoJ…. We learn of this destruction of evidence only now thanks to the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General, headed by Michael Horowitz, who issued a report on its investigation of the “gap” in the text messages of the two from 12/15/16 to 5/17/17.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated this investigation upon being notified of a gap in text message data collection during the period December 15, 2016, through May 17, 2017, from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) mobile devices assigned to FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page relevant to a matter being investigated by the OIG's Oversight and Review Division. Specifically, the OIG's Cyber Investigations Office (CYB ER) was asked to attempt recovery of these missing text messages for the referenced period from FBI issued mobile devices issued to Strzok and Page.​

Hmm...., destroying Evidence, framing the innocent, letting terrorists free until they murder scores and if not thousands, moving Uranium to Iran/Russia to murder Americans? It's what Progressives Marxist Socialist traitors do.
Mueller is corrupt to the bone and so are the traitors Democrats operatives he chose to frame anyone to implicate Trump. As Rush has said over and over each day on his radio show, getting rid of POTUS is all that matters to Mueller and his team.
Call it the "Deep State", "Evil Empire", or simply the Rabid Radical Revolution but it runs on the rails provided by the DNC.
The "Changes" we have seen under Pres. Trump are nothing compared to the changes we could see if the insane Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists/DSA and their "Cult of Corruption" succeeds in gaining control of the demonizing democrat party that cares little for Christianity and its moral values or traditions.
The PMSL/DSA Leftist no longer masks their intentions to "Fundamentally Transform America" rewrite the Constitution, limit free speech, confiscate our guns enthroning their so called benevolent Socialist Marxist Communism on "we the people" for the sake of social justice toward their current base and all the thousands of immigrants they hope to welcome to the growing number of sanctuary cities and states coming onboard in democratic strongholds.


Destruction of public property is a crime, correct?
Inspector general discovers that Team Mueller scrubbed Strzok and Page text messages during critical post-election period

Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office (SCO) destroyed a potential treasure trove of evidence about the “insurance policy” Trump-haters Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were implementing against the Trump administration as it prepared to take office and establish itself in its first few months. Whatever the purported lovebirds texted each other and others during the tumultuous period, the SCO thought was not worth scrutiny by outsiders not on the team.... Given the scandalous earlier texts between the two released by the OIG, this claim is so arrogant that it would be laughable, but for the profound implications of a rogue law enforcement operation covering its tracks, secure in its belief that it will never be prosecuted thanks to Deep State operatives throughout the FBI and DoJ…. We learn of this destruction of evidence only now thanks to the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General, headed by Michael Horowitz, who issued a report on its investigation of the “gap” in the text messages of the two from 12/15/16 to 5/17/17.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated this investigation upon being notified of a gap in text message data collection during the period December 15, 2016, through May 17, 2017, from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) mobile devices assigned to FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page relevant to a matter being investigated by the OIG's Oversight and Review Division. Specifically, the OIG's Cyber Investigations Office (CYB ER) was asked to attempt recovery of these missing text messages for the referenced period from FBI issued mobile devices issued to Strzok and Page.​

Hmm...., destroying Evidence, framing the innocent, letting terrorists free until they murder scores and if not thousands, moving Uranium to Iran/Russia to murder Americans? It's what Progressives Marxist Socialist traitors do.
Mueller is corrupt to the bone and so are the traitors Democrats operatives he chose to frame anyone to implicate Trump. As Rush has said over and over each day on his radio show, getting rid of POTUS is all that matters to Mueller and his team.
Call it the "Deep State", "Evil Empire", or simply the Rabid Radical Revolution but it runs on the rails provided by the DNC.
The "Changes" we have seen under Pres. Trump are nothing compared to the changes we could see if the insane Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists/DSA and their "Cult of Corruption" succeeds in gaining control of the demonizing democrat party that cares little for Christianity and its moral values or traditions.
The PMSL/DSA Leftist no longer masks their intentions to "Fundamentally Transform America" rewrite the Constitution, limit free speech, confiscate our guns enthroning their so called benevolent Socialist Marxist Communism on "we the people" for the sake of social justice toward their current base and all the thousands of immigrants they hope to welcome to the growing number of sanctuary cities and states coming onboard in democratic strongholds.

I'll admit I didn't read any of your post but the quote from the IG's report, once I scanned and found "Marxist" etc.
However, I did look into it and found that the IG's report concluded that the automatic collection software was messing up, especially with text messages, and it wasn't just Strok and Page's phones or that one time period.
They were able to retrieve over 9,000 texts for Strozk and over 10,000 of Page's.
So whatever you're crabbing about, no, it doesn't look as if Mueller scrubbed anything and the FBI has been able to retrieve a lot of it. Relax.

DOJ investigation turns up thousands of missing texts from Peter Strzok and Lisa Page
Inspector general discovers that Team Mueller scrubbed Strzok and Page text messages during critical post-election period

Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office (SCO) destroyed a potential treasure trove of evidence about the “insurance policy” Trump-haters Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were implementing against the Trump administration as it prepared to take office and establish itself in its first few months. Whatever the purported lovebirds texted each other and others during the tumultuous period, the SCO thought was not worth scrutiny by outsiders not on the team.... Given the scandalous earlier texts between the two released by the OIG, this claim is so arrogant that it would be laughable, but for the profound implications of a rogue law enforcement operation covering its tracks, secure in its belief that it will never be prosecuted thanks to Deep State operatives throughout the FBI and DoJ…. We learn of this destruction of evidence only now thanks to the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General, headed by Michael Horowitz, who issued a report on its investigation of the “gap” in the text messages of the two from 12/15/16 to 5/17/17.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated this investigation upon being notified of a gap in text message data collection during the period December 15, 2016, through May 17, 2017, from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) mobile devices assigned to FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page relevant to a matter being investigated by the OIG's Oversight and Review Division. Specifically, the OIG's Cyber Investigations Office (CYB ER) was asked to attempt recovery of these missing text messages for the referenced period from FBI issued mobile devices issued to Strzok and Page.​

Hmm...., destroying Evidence, framing the innocent, letting terrorists free until they murder scores and if not thousands, moving Uranium to Iran/Russia to murder Americans? It's what Progressives Marxist Socialist traitors do.
Mueller is corrupt to the bone and so are the traitors Democrats operatives he chose to frame anyone to implicate Trump. As Rush has said over and over each day on his radio show, getting rid of POTUS is all that matters to Mueller and his team.
Call it the "Deep State", "Evil Empire", or simply the Rabid Radical Revolution but it runs on the rails provided by the DNC.
The "Changes" we have seen under Pres. Trump are nothing compared to the changes we could see if the insane Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists/DSA and their "Cult of Corruption" succeeds in gaining control of the demonizing democrat party that cares little for Christianity and its moral values or traditions.
The PMSL/DSA Leftist no longer masks their intentions to "Fundamentally Transform America" rewrite the Constitution, limit free speech, confiscate our guns enthroning their so called benevolent Socialist Marxist Communism on "we the people" for the sake of social justice toward their current base and all the thousands of immigrants they hope to welcome to the growing number of sanctuary cities and states coming onboard in democratic strongholds.

I'll admit I didn't read any of your post but the quote from the IG's report, once I scanned and found "Marxist" etc.
However, I did look into it and found that the IG's report concluded that the automatic collection software was messing up, especially with text messages, and it wasn't just Strok and Page's phones or that one time period.
They were able to retrieve over 9,000 texts for Strozk and over 10,000 of Page's.
So whatever you're crabbing about, no, it doesn't look as if Mueller scrubbed anything and the FBI has been able to retrieve a lot of it. Relax.

DOJ investigation turns up thousands of missing texts from Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

Tch, Tch,Tch…..So you don't believe that the Democratic Party has been infiltrated and corrupted. Perhaps you should read the following:

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) -
Socialists in Congress with Ties to Communist Party USA ...
The 75-member Congressional Progressive Caucus, co-chaired by Reps. Raul Grijalva and Keith Ellison, is closely allied with the Democratic Socialists of America. The Communist Party USA identifies ...
Communist Party USA
Socialism is a common-sense path to a fairer, more prosperous and more democratic USA. Socialism is also a desperate necessity as capitalism and its unrelenting drive for …

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