If you're worried about China you should be worried about education and public health.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2020
If China takes control it won't be through military force in my opinion. It will be through economic force, and I think they'll achieve that eventually unless we start getting our priorities straight in this country. I think we do that by getting very serious about education and health. Technology is exploding. The world is changing, fast. Young people need access to good and affordable education that will prepare them for the technological future. It would also really help if they were more physically healthy.

The objective should be to educate Americans as much as possible and help them become as healthy as possible so they can be as competitive as possible in the future. Too many Americans are not realizing their potential if the goal is to not be outpaced by China. That goes for education and the mile run.

Education and healthcare are expensive. How do we pay for it? The importance of general health and education and the complication of paying for it are mainly what I want this thread to be about. How important are education and healthcare to our ability to continue leading the world in your opinion? How should we approach it and pay for it?
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If China takes control it won't be through military force in my opinion. It will be through economic force, and I think they'll achieve that eventually unless we start getting our priorities straight in this country. I think we do that by getting very serious about education and health. Technology is exploding. The world is changing, fast. Young people need access to good and affordable education that will prepare them for the technological future. It would also really help if they were more physically healthy.

The objective should be to educate Americans as much as possible and help them become as healthy as possible so they can be as competitive as possible in the future. Too many Americans are not realizing their potential if the goal is to not be outpaced by China. That goes for education and the mile run.

Education and healthcare are expensive. How do we pay for it? The importance of general health and education and the complication of paying for it are mainly what I want this thread to be about. How important are education and healthcare to our ability to continue leading the world in your opinion? How should we approach it and pay for it?
See the "build it back better" bill for education solutions and quite a bit more about healthcare.

In other words one party is trying to address these.concerns while the other one tries to stop them.
In other words one party is trying to address these.concerns while the other one tries to stop them.
They don't seem to understand well enough that a public endeavor can achieve something worthwhile for the nation.
The GOP loves them some unfunded education.
For a myriad of reasons. We have to discuss those reasons with them in a generous way if we want to make any progress through discussion.
If China takes control it won't be through military force in my opinion.
No doubt it's time for all Americans to understand that China is not a military aggressive nation.
Education and healthcare are expensive. How do we pay for it? The importance of general health and education and the complication of paying for it are mainly what I want this thread to be about. How important are education and healthcare to our ability to continue leading the world in your opinion? How should we approach it and pay for it?

Other democracies do it better and at a fraction of the cost. Paying for it wouldn't be hard if the emphasis is placed on elimination of at least some of America's huge income inequality.

Health care is a great example which can be done better for half the cost.
Except that politicians are being lobbied by big money interests that prevent the needed change.

Is there any way that the people can fight back?
See the "build it back better" bill for education solutions and quite a bit more about healthcare.

In other words one party is trying to address these.concerns while the other one tries to stop them.
It's already watered down to the point at which it's a failure and so the Dems and Biden know that it will have to be spun as a success, for the sake of party propaganda.
It's still a situation in which nothing big can be accomplished when corrupt politicians are for sale.

Americans are taught to believe that the social change that's needed is communism!
Young people need access to good and affordable education
Excellent idea, have government take over and socialize all the sky high priced colleges and universities. Cut the salaries of educators by 70%. Reduce tuition by 80%. All those huge endowments seize them! Stop Democrats from ripping off students and enslaving them to student loan debt the size of a home mortgage.
Talented people need to be paid well for important jobs. If you want good teachers and professors you need to offer a good paycheck.
WRONG! Dems say doctors and nurses salaries should be cut so lets go cut one of the Dems favorite cash cows, higher ed. Oh I kicked the left right in the groin with this one. :auiqs.jpg:
WRONG! Dems say doctors and nurses salaries should be cut so lets go cut one of the Dems favorite cash cows, higher ed. Oh I kicked the left right in the groin with this one. :auiqs.jpg:
Healthcare professionals are important too, and should be paid accordingly.
Healthcare professionals are important too, and should be paid accordingly.
And yet Dems constantly bitch about what doctors and nurses are paid and the cost of healthcare. The elephant in the room is the sky high cost of higher education. Sky high because Dems turned it into a money laundering scheme. So lets get higher ed costs under control. Cut the ridiculously high salaries and benefits of educators.
Here's an idea, lets fire all the over price higher ed people in the US. Don't worry we'll have them train their replacements in India before we fire them. Boom huge cost reduction.
How would you suggest changing that?
Have you read this?

You sound like one of the few that could understand it.
The piece offers some possible answers but I got the impression that there could be 'no' answer for America now.

It may be possible to have a serious conversation on this board but it's going to take some self-discipline from the rational ones to start ignoring what is mostly spamming. They're fearing a conversation that exposes the Trump insanity.
See the "build it back better" bill for education solutions and quite a bit more about healthcare.

In other words one party is trying to address these.concerns while the other one tries to stop them.
Democrats have no solutions to the education problem except to throw money at a failed system
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And why is that?
It's watered down because the system has no way of preventing that from happening. And so the necessary amount that it will take for America to even catch up again isn't coming. I think that Biden and the Dems had it about right with the $3.5 trillion. The end result will be far, far short of that.
Have you been convinced that the $3.5 T is too much? Or do you consider it to be what is needed?

Most of the emphasis is on selling a winning spin to the people and that makes a failure into a success. $1T might make it through?

Nearly all Americans can see that big spending is needed. That's made clear by the comments on this board. Even the political right are saying it if one reads carefully what they're saying.

There was no clearer indication of the fact than the Jan.6 demonstration against government. And now huge numbers of Americans still believe that Trump is going to deliver. He obviously can't deliver because that would necessitate the taking down of the corruption that is his meal ticket.
No doubt it's time for all Americans to understand that China is not a military aggressive nation.

Tell that to tibet, india, taiwan or nations in the south china sea where the chinese communists are menacing them with their new navy

Tell that to tibet, india, taiwan or nations in the south china sea where the chinese communists are menacing them with their new navy
Get back to us when that becomes US style aggression with bombs and slaughter of innocents.

I think there's little chance of any sort of discussion with you, but I'll give you one more chance today.

We'll be talking about Taiwan and China's relationship with that country. You'll need to demonstrate some understanding of the topic, or there won't be any discussion.

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