If your life is bad, who is most at fault: YOU, a corporation, the government?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I'm in the "99%" I suppose. Earn about 60K a year. Very modest. Own a home and a car. Have no debt except 30K more on my home. I graduated high school and college. Avoided having kids out of wedlock. Never committed any felonies. Worked a lot of crappy, low pay jobs after college and kept working and applying, and eventually got better jobs. I workout and stay fit. I'm not in the richest 1%. Yet....I'm happy. I'm fed. I'm healthy. I have no gripes. No ill will towards any rich person or corporation.

So I must ask....if you are in the 99% AND you are pissed about it, who is more at fault for your circumstance?

- Yourself?
- A corporation?
- The government?
- A rich guy?

I think some of you folks need to join "Occupy Myself" and realize your unhappiness is almost 99% your own fault. Stop blaming others. Work low level stuff until you earn your way up like the rest of us did.

Because I bet if you graduate, don't make kids out of wedlock, stay out of debt and out of jail, stay employed no matter how much you think you are "too good" for a job, and keep yourself fit........I bet if you do all that you'll be happily among the 99%. Like me.
I'm in the "99%" I suppose. Earn about 60K a year. Very modest. Own a home and a car. Have no debt except 30K more on my home. I graduated high school and college. Avoided having kids out of wedlock. Never committed any felonies. Worked a lot of crappy, low pay jobs after college and kept working and applying, and eventually got better jobs. I workout and stay fit. I'm not in the richest 1%. Yet....I'm happy. I'm fed. I'm healthy. I have no gripes. No ill will towards any rich person or corporation.

So I must ask....if you are in the 99% AND you are pissed about it, who is more at fault for your circumstance?

- Yourself?
- A corporation?
- The government?
- A rich guy?

I think some of you folks need to join "Occupy Myself" and realize your unhappiness is almost 99% your own fault. Stop blaming others. Work low level stuff until you earn your way up like the rest of us did.

Because I bet if you graduate, don't make kids out of wedlock, stay out of debt and out of jail, stay employed no matter how much you think you are "too good" for a job, and keep yourself fit........I bet if you do all that you'll be happily among the 99%. Like me.

You have exactly as much as the owners of this country want you to have. They let you have just enough to keep you content and sedentary, to where it's still cheaper than hiring the guns to control you.
I'm in the "99%" I suppose. Earn about 60K a year. Very modest. Own a home and a car. Have no debt except 30K more on my home. I graduated high school and college. Avoided having kids out of wedlock. Never committed any felonies. Worked a lot of crappy, low pay jobs after college and kept working and applying, and eventually got better jobs. I workout and stay fit. I'm not in the richest 1%. Yet....I'm happy. I'm fed. I'm healthy. I have no gripes. No ill will towards any rich person or corporation.

So I must ask....if you are in the 99% AND you are pissed about it, who is more at fault for your circumstance?

- Yourself?
- A corporation?
- The government?
- A rich guy?

I think some of you folks need to join "Occupy Myself" and realize your unhappiness is almost 99% your own fault. Stop blaming others. Work low level stuff until you earn your way up like the rest of us did.

Because I bet if you graduate, don't make kids out of wedlock, stay out of debt and out of jail, stay employed no matter how much you think you are "too good" for a job, and keep yourself fit........I bet if you do all that you'll be happily among the 99%. Like me.

Excellent! It appears that you are doing OK. Maybe voting for the status quo would be the smart thing for you to do. If it ain't broke, don't fix it....right?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAOrT0OcHh0]Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Three and a Half Days - YouTube[/ame]
I'm in the "99%" I suppose. Earn about 60K a year. Very modest. Own a home and a car. Have no debt except 30K more on my home. I graduated high school and college. Avoided having kids out of wedlock. Never committed any felonies. Worked a lot of crappy, low pay jobs after college and kept working and applying, and eventually got better jobs. I workout and stay fit. I'm not in the richest 1%. Yet....I'm happy. I'm fed. I'm healthy. I have no gripes. No ill will towards any rich person or corporation.

So I must ask....if you are in the 99% AND you are pissed about it, who is more at fault for your circumstance?

- Yourself?
- A corporation?
- The government?
- A rich guy?

I think some of you folks need to join "Occupy Myself" and realize your unhappiness is almost 99% your own fault. Stop blaming others. Work low level stuff until you earn your way up like the rest of us did.

Because I bet if you graduate, don't make kids out of wedlock, stay out of debt and out of jail, stay employed no matter how much you think you are "too good" for a job, and keep yourself fit........I bet if you do all that you'll be happily among the 99%. Like me.

You have exactly as much as the owners of this country want you to have. They let you have just enough to keep you content and sedentary, to where it's still cheaper than hiring the guns to control you.


I turned down a job with my fathers business 10 years ago where I would've made better money, but would have a horrible work schedule/travel/etc. I chose to make 60K or less.

And I chose to go to college and stay out of trouble and out of debt.

I have as much as I've earned. As much as I've been able to set myself up to have. There is NOTHING in this society that prevented me from being a billionaire except MYSELF. I didn't pursue that. Would I have made it? Probably not. But I chose not to try that. No one stopped me from opening a business, or inventing something. I could've been a millionaire athlete or singer, but I didn't have talent.

No one is stopping any of us except ourselves. That goes for ALL of the 99%. You are where you are 99% because of your own doing, not the gov'ts, not a corporation, and sure as hell not some random rich dude.
I'm in the "99%" I suppose. Earn about 60K a year. Very modest. Own a home and a car. Have no debt except 30K more on my home. I graduated high school and college. Avoided having kids out of wedlock. Never committed any felonies. Worked a lot of crappy, low pay jobs after college and kept working and applying, and eventually got better jobs. I workout and stay fit. I'm not in the richest 1%. Yet....I'm happy. I'm fed. I'm healthy. I have no gripes. No ill will towards any rich person or corporation.

So I must ask....if you are in the 99% AND you are pissed about it, who is more at fault for your circumstance?

- Yourself?
- A corporation?
- The government?
- A rich guy?

I think some of you folks need to join "Occupy Myself" and realize your unhappiness is almost 99% your own fault. Stop blaming others. Work low level stuff until you earn your way up like the rest of us did.

Because I bet if you graduate, don't make kids out of wedlock, stay out of debt and out of jail, stay employed no matter how much you think you are "too good" for a job, and keep yourself fit........I bet if you do all that you'll be happily among the 99%. Like me.

Excellent! It appears that you are doing OK. Maybe voting for the status quo would be the smart thing for you to do. If it ain't broke, don't fix it....right?

The status quo didn't get me where I am. I did.

And the status quo didn't hold down anyone from doing more. They themselves did.
I'm in the "99%" I suppose. Earn about 60K a year. Very modest. Own a home and a car. Have no debt except 30K more on my home. I graduated high school and college. Avoided having kids out of wedlock. Never committed any felonies. Worked a lot of crappy, low pay jobs after college and kept working and applying, and eventually got better jobs. I workout and stay fit. I'm not in the richest 1%. Yet....I'm happy. I'm fed. I'm healthy. I have no gripes. No ill will towards any rich person or corporation.

So I must ask....if you are in the 99% AND you are pissed about it, who is more at fault for your circumstance?

- Yourself?
- A corporation?
- The government?
- A rich guy?

I think some of you folks need to join "Occupy Myself" and realize your unhappiness is almost 99% your own fault. Stop blaming others. Work low level stuff until you earn your way up like the rest of us did.

Because I bet if you graduate, don't make kids out of wedlock, stay out of debt and out of jail, stay employed no matter how much you think you are "too good" for a job, and keep yourself fit........I bet if you do all that you'll be happily among the 99%. Like me.

You have exactly as much as the owners of this country want you to have. They let you have just enough to keep you content and sedentary, to where it's still cheaper than hiring the guns to control you.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Protesting in order to change policy in order to improve your own life is a horribly inefficient way to improve one's life. But protesters aren't trying to change things just for themselves, they're trying to change things for everyone (though I'm not exactly sure what change they're trying to make).

Protesters could do more to help themselves if they worked for minimum wage instead of protesting. But they could do the same working for minimum wage instead of standing in line at a voting booth. They aren't protesting to line their own pockets, they're trying to change society.
I'm in the "99%" I suppose. Earn about 60K a year. Very modest. Own a home and a car. Have no debt except 30K more on my home. I graduated high school and college. Avoided having kids out of wedlock. Never committed any felonies. Worked a lot of crappy, low pay jobs after college and kept working and applying, and eventually got better jobs. I workout and stay fit. I'm not in the richest 1%. Yet....I'm happy. I'm fed. I'm healthy. I have no gripes. No ill will towards any rich person or corporation.

So I must ask....if you are in the 99% AND you are pissed about it, who is more at fault for your circumstance?

- Yourself?
- A corporation?
- The government?
- A rich guy?

I think some of you folks need to join "Occupy Myself" and realize your unhappiness is almost 99% your own fault. Stop blaming others. Work low level stuff until you earn your way up like the rest of us did.

Because I bet if you graduate, don't make kids out of wedlock, stay out of debt and out of jail, stay employed no matter how much you think you are "too good" for a job, and keep yourself fit........I bet if you do all that you'll be happily among the 99%. Like me.

Excellent! It appears that you are doing OK. Maybe voting for the status quo would be the smart thing for you to do. If it ain't broke, don't fix it....right?

The status quo didn't get me where I am. I did.

And the status quo didn't hold down anyone from doing more. They themselves did.

Um......you failed to undesratnd what I meant. I was suggesting that, if you are doing well in this economy and have no issues with the way things are, then you ought to vote for Obama to be re-elected.

BTW...I have and make quite a bit more money than you do....but I am not just thinking about myself. That is where we begin to take different path.
Protesting in order to change policy in order to improve your own life is a horribly inefficient way to improve one's life. But protesters aren't trying to change things just for themselves, they're trying to change things for everyone (though I'm not exactly sure what change they're trying to make).

Protesters could do more to help themselves if they worked for minimum wage instead of protesting. But they could do the same working for minimum wage instead of standing in line at a voting booth. They aren't protesting to line their own pockets, they're trying to change society.

Wow. I strongly disagree. They are demanding ridiculous things.

The society they live in allows them to become billionaires if they should take that path and succeed. It also allows them to live happy, middle class lives.

However, it requires responsible choices, like school, not committing crime, sexual responsibility, debt control, and the humble willingness to work low level jobs and work one's way up.

They seem unwilling to do one or more of the above.
I'm in the "99%" I suppose. Earn about 60K a year. Very modest. Own a home and a car. Have no debt except 30K more on my home. I graduated high school and college. Avoided having kids out of wedlock. Never committed any felonies. Worked a lot of crappy, low pay jobs after college and kept working and applying, and eventually got better jobs. I workout and stay fit. I'm not in the richest 1%. Yet....I'm happy. I'm fed. I'm healthy. I have no gripes. No ill will towards any rich person or corporation.

So I must ask....if you are in the 99% AND you are pissed about it, who is more at fault for your circumstance?

- Yourself?
- A corporation?
- The government?
- A rich guy?

I think you are asking the question the wrong way.

I look at myself. I've done everything right. I served my country in the military, I used that to pay for college. I worked very hard in a number of jobs, a few of which went south because managers made idiotic decisions, not because I personally did anything wrong.

Yet I'm here, making only 80% of what I was making five years ago. I should be angry, and I am angry.

But I'm as angry at the Democrats as Republicans, because I think both parties have sold out to the people on Wall Street who created this mess.

In 2007, I could have written your opening paragraph. Everything seemed on top of the world then. Then I had medical bills. And oddly enough, I worked for a company that tends to fire people if they run up medical bills.

I never give up, and I never surrender, but I think I'm struggling a lot harder, and the people who caused this mess aren't.

The OWS has a point. the wealth has shifted, and nothing good has come of it. The rich buy politicians, who are oblivious to the problems of the people who elected them. Given how much money that both Obama and Romney are raising, I doubt that's going to change this election, they've both been bought.
I thought Government was killing jobs and making people unemployed? Now you guys are changing your tune? What happened?
Protesting in order to change policy in order to improve your own life is a horribly inefficient way to improve one's life. But protesters aren't trying to change things just for themselves, they're trying to change things for everyone (though I'm not exactly sure what change they're trying to make).

Protesters could do more to help themselves if they worked for minimum wage instead of protesting. But they could do the same working for minimum wage instead of standing in line at a voting booth. They aren't protesting to line their own pockets, they're trying to change society.

Wow. I strongly disagree. They are demanding ridiculous things.

The society they live in allows them to become billionaires if they should take that path and succeed. It also allows them to live happy, middle class lives.

However, it requires responsible choices, like school, not committing crime, sexual responsibility, debt control, and the humble willingness to work low level jobs and work one's way up.

They seem unwilling to do one or more of the above.

You are wrong. Have you ever thought of that? That you could be wrong about what it is that prevents many from reaching middle class bliss?
Excellent! It appears that you are doing OK. Maybe voting for the status quo would be the smart thing for you to do. If it ain't broke, don't fix it....right?

The status quo didn't get me where I am. I did.

And the status quo didn't hold down anyone from doing more. They themselves did.

Um......you failed to undesratnd what I meant. I was suggesting that, if you are doing well in this economy and have no issues with the way things are, then you ought to vote for Obama to be re-elected.

BTW...I have and make quite a bit more money than you do....but I am not just thinking about myself. That is where we begin to take different path.

How do you know you are thinking more about others than I am? You don't know my charitable actions, only my political leanings.

But, you're saying I should vote Obama to keep things the way they are? So you're saying this economy rests on Obama's shoulders now?

See, I don't think my status, or ability to keep it, lays in the fate of who is in a big house in Washington DC. I should be fine either way, but it'll be because of myself or plain old dumb luck, not because of Obama or Cain or Romney.

I vote politically based on respect for our military and a candidates attitude towards cops and firemen. Obama, imo, falls short in the latter.
I don't know what my percent is. I had a little business, made a comfortable living. Hired a couple of employees. Life was pretty good. I could make plans for the future. Maybe expand a little in two years or so.

Then came obama.

After obama told me how rich I was, he raised my taxes, regulated, fe'ed and permitted me to the point where I had to let the employees go.

Then my accountant had a serious talk with me. I was just marginal enough to have the government put me under completely. I would not survive the financial requirements in the health care bill ALONE! I was advised to sell the business take my retirement and go someplace cheap to wait out his administration then start when this regime was over.

Because of the financial instability caused by obama's policies, a buyer was impossible. Everyone wanted to buy, but after this administration was over and they had a better idea of what the nation's financial picture was going to be like.

I closed the business, sold off the assets and am now waiting it out in the desert. My hope is that obama is gone at the next election and takes all his criminal friends with him.
I'm in the "99%" I suppose. Earn about 60K a year. Very modest. Own a home and a car. Have no debt except 30K more on my home. I graduated high school and college. Avoided having kids out of wedlock. Never committed any felonies. Worked a lot of crappy, low pay jobs after college and kept working and applying, and eventually got better jobs. I workout and stay fit. I'm not in the richest 1%. Yet....I'm happy. I'm fed. I'm healthy. I have no gripes. No ill will towards any rich person or corporation.

So I must ask....if you are in the 99% AND you are pissed about it, who is more at fault for your circumstance?

- Yourself?
- A corporation?
- The government?
- A rich guy?

I think you are asking the question the wrong way.

I look at myself. I've done everything right. I served my country in the military, I used that to pay for college. I worked very hard in a number of jobs, a few of which went south because managers made idiotic decisions, not because I personally did anything wrong.

Yet I'm here, making only 80% of what I was making five years ago. I should be angry, and I am angry.

But I'm as angry at the Democrats as Republicans, because I think both parties have sold out to the people on Wall Street who created this mess.

In 2007, I could have written your opening paragraph. Everything seemed on top of the world then. Then I had medical bills. And oddly enough, I worked for a company that tends to fire people if they run up medical bills.

I never give up, and I never surrender, but I think I'm struggling a lot harder, and the people who caused this mess aren't.

The OWS has a point. the wealth has shifted, and nothing good has come of it. The rich buy politicians, who are oblivious to the problems of the people who elected them. Given how much money that both Obama and Romney are raising, I doubt that's going to change this election, they've both been bought.

Yes, there are hard stories out there. I kinda went through the same deal. Got hurt bad in police work, and they "suggested" I take an early out (medical bills). It worked out and I did leave. Had to completely change careers, start over, etc. But that was my situation. Bill Clinton (prez at the time) didn't have anything to do with it.

I think life and society dictates that we be versatile and able to adapt. Maybe have to change careers. Thats the reality as our society moves from a farming, agricultural one into a modern, technology based one. I don't think rich people, governments or corporations are at fault, it's just where society is going. Versatility and adaptability are gonna be the virtues of success. So long term, steady jobs with good pay and benefits are gonna phase out, and we'll have to be smart and move into the right fields of work at the right time.
Protesting in order to change policy in order to improve your own life is a horribly inefficient way to improve one's life. But protesters aren't trying to change things just for themselves, they're trying to change things for everyone (though I'm not exactly sure what change they're trying to make).

Protesters could do more to help themselves if they worked for minimum wage instead of protesting. But they could do the same working for minimum wage instead of standing in line at a voting booth. They aren't protesting to line their own pockets, they're trying to change society.

Wow. I strongly disagree. They are demanding ridiculous things.

The society they live in allows them to become billionaires if they should take that path and succeed. It also allows them to live happy, middle class lives.

However, it requires responsible choices, like school, not committing crime, sexual responsibility, debt control, and the humble willingness to work low level jobs and work one's way up.

They seem unwilling to do one or more of the above.

You are wrong. Have you ever thought of that? That you could be wrong about what it is that prevents many from reaching middle class bliss?

Ok. Then WHAT stops someone from becoming middle class?

Other than no education, a rap sheet, lots of kids to feed, big time debt or laziness?

Other than self inflicted issues, what stops a person?
Protesting in order to change policy in order to improve your own life is a horribly inefficient way to improve one's life. But protesters aren't trying to change things just for themselves, they're trying to change things for everyone (though I'm not exactly sure what change they're trying to make).

Protesters could do more to help themselves if they worked for minimum wage instead of protesting. But they could do the same working for minimum wage instead of standing in line at a voting booth. They aren't protesting to line their own pockets, they're trying to change society.

Wow. I strongly disagree. They are demanding ridiculous things.

The society they live in allows them to become billionaires if they should take that path and succeed. It also allows them to live happy, middle class lives.

However, it requires responsible choices, like school, not committing crime, sexual responsibility, debt control, and the humble willingness to work low level jobs and work one's way up.

They seem unwilling to do one or more of the above.

With what part do you disagree? My two main points were that the protesters were largely trying to change society/public policy and that they would largely find working minimum wage jobs more personally enriching.

It's possible I don't understand the demands of OWS. Do you have a good source for them? The movement doesn't seem to have a centralized structure, so I'm not sure how to get a read on the movement as a whole. I'd also love to see some data backing up your suggestion that they are largely uneducated, criminal, sexually and fiscally irresponsible and lazy.
That there are bad lives at all, proves how flawed the system is. Blaming a single part of the system, won't solve anything. The entire system is stuffed, and that includes you, whether you are in the '1%' or the '99%'.

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