If you were Ferguson Police Chief...how would you stop the riots, looting?

If I was the Police Chief ... I wouldn't do a lot.
Put a mobile command trailer and a few firetrucks in strategic locations ... Then sit back and watch the fools go nuts.
Probably videotape everything in case I feel like passing anything on to the DA for prosecution.

That worked during a riot where I grew up ... The idiots looted then burned some of thier community.
Nobody who didn't live or work there was hurt.

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Ok, so lets put aside the shooting that started this; The Feds will get to the bottom of that.

People started to riot, and loot, and throw rocks and Maltov Cocktails, and even shooting guns, 1 idiot even rushing a cop with a pistol pointed at him. Scary situation.

How would YOU have stopped this? Not the protests. That's legal. But protesters don't throw burning bottles of gas, or rocks, or pull guns, or burn down gas stations, or smash windows to steal car rims from stores.

How do YOU order it to be stopped? Just ask "pretty please" and hope that works? Do you resort to the billy clubs and beat 'em down? Go in 300 style with shields? Just go in balled fists and throw down UFC style?

Seriously. How do you propose the riot/looting be stopped? Or just say fuck it and let it go down however the crowd wants it to?

Let them protest peacefully, however the minute it gets out of hand with looting and stuff, issue a warning to the crowd that they need to disperse. If they don't, then have the riot squad kettle the protestors. Round em' all up, haul them all off to jail, and issue each one a hefty fine.
Ok, so lets put aside the shooting that started this; The Feds will get to the bottom of that.

People started to riot, and loot, and throw rocks and Maltov Cocktails, and even shooting guns, 1 idiot even rushing a cop with a pistol pointed at him. Scary situation.

How would YOU have stopped this? Not the protests. That's legal. But protesters don't throw burning bottles of gas, or rocks, or pull guns, or burn down gas stations, or smash windows to steal car rims from stores.

How do YOU order it to be stopped? Just ask "pretty please" and hope that works? Do you resort to the billy clubs and beat 'em down? Go in 300 style with shields? Just go in balled fists and throw down UFC style?

Seriously. How do you propose the riot/looting be stopped? Or just say fuck it and let it go down however the crowd wants it to?

Look fellow, the Ferguson police were not only pointing guns at people that were rioting, but at anybody they thought was 'dissing' them. That is why the Governor removed them and put the State Police in their place. Time to acknowledge there is a cancer in that police department.
From where I stand, I see cops allowing businesses to be destroyed and staying away the first night, but then after the fact, they were painting laser sights on peoples heads for jaywalking on a closed street! Seriously? Granted, I know they were taken off guard by this event and didn't respond well, but that's no excuse.
Ok, so lets put aside the shooting that started this; The Feds will get to the bottom of that.

People started to riot, and loot, and throw rocks and Maltov Cocktails, and even shooting guns, 1 idiot even rushing a cop with a pistol pointed at him. Scary situation.

How would YOU have stopped this? Not the protests. That's legal. But protesters don't throw burning bottles of gas, or rocks, or pull guns, or burn down gas stations, or smash windows to steal car rims from stores.

How do YOU order it to be stopped? Just ask "pretty please" and hope that works? Do you resort to the billy clubs and beat 'em down? Go in 300 style with shields? Just go in balled fists and throw down UFC style?

Seriously. How do you propose the riot/looting be stopped? Or just say fuck it and let it go down however the crowd wants it to?

Look fellow, the Ferguson police were not only pointing guns at people that were rioting, but at anybody they thought was 'dissing' them. That is why the Governor removed them and put the State Police in their place. Time to acknowledge there is a cancer in that police department.

There is a cancer alright, and the cancer is looting and burning businesses.
Two words. Ma Deuce.

Roll Crimson Turd! Because you know, spraying a crowd with .50 cal is great way to police!

What the hell is wrong with you people?

If it were a teaper rally to support a racist tax evader...they would be up in arms. Welcome to USMB!

No, fuck that. You're talking like a douche and your breath stinks of vinegar. Politics should transcend this discussion. You've apparently missed the memo.
Roll Crimson Turd! Because you know, spraying a crowd with .50 cal is great way to police!

What the hell is wrong with you people?

If it were a teaper rally to support a racist tax evader...they would be up in arms. Welcome to USMB!

No, fuck that. You're talking like a douche and your breath stinks of vinegar. Politics should transcend this discussion. You've apparently missed the memo.

But they won't because ******* are involved. Dead black kid is good according to the esteemed members of USMB. Its just a bunch of wild *******...kill them all.

Its really funny how police militarization is an issue, only if whites are involved. If it involves *******...then the USMB faithful show their true colors. The police should kill all ******* and suck teaper cock. I guess YOU missed the memo.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ-EOg38t1o]Predator - Shooting Jungle [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
Find a spot with lots of media

go in 60's style with gas, dogs, shields clubs and fire hoses

arrest, book then release a lot of people, keep none, lose the paper work.

send one strong message, let the word get out, and hopefully you won't have to risk anyones safety again.
Ok, so lets put aside the shooting that started this; The Feds will get to the bottom of that.

People started to riot, and loot, and throw rocks and Maltov Cocktails, and even shooting guns, 1 idiot even rushing a cop with a pistol pointed at him. Scary situation.

How would YOU have stopped this? Not the protests. That's legal. But protesters don't throw burning bottles of gas, or rocks, or pull guns, or burn down gas stations, or smash windows to steal car rims from stores.

How do YOU order it to be stopped? Just ask "pretty please" and hope that works? Do you resort to the billy clubs and beat 'em down? Go in 300 style with shields? Just go in balled fists and throw down UFC style?

Seriously. How do you propose the riot/looting be stopped? Or just say fuck it and let it go down however the crowd wants it to?

be prepared to defend your own property

Only have blacks policing blacks and whites policing whites. So long as the races are mixed (integrated) one race will always dominate the other. Racism is a genetic trait inherent to all men, because any race that wasn't racist went extinct, therefore all races of men today are inherently racist.

Segregated communities, like on Long Island where I live, is the answer.

However, although my solution is easy, it's impossible to implement, since Government enforced segregation leads to more problems than it creates. The segregation needs to be done voluntarily, and this can only happen if we start teaching people about the benefits of segregreation.

It's already proven that people voluntary segregate themselves on race and culture. Go to a black wedding, most are black. Go to a white wedding, most are white. Go to an asian wedding, all are asian. Go to a BM, most are Jewish. When ethnic cleansing occurs, the UN segregates the warring communities.

The OTHER solution is to:

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Ok, so lets put aside the shooting that started this; The Feds will get to the bottom of that.

People started to riot, and loot, and throw rocks and Maltov Cocktails, and even shooting guns, 1 idiot even rushing a cop with a pistol pointed at him. Scary situation.

How would YOU have stopped this? Not the protests. That's legal. But protesters don't throw burning bottles of gas, or rocks, or pull guns, or burn down gas stations, or smash windows to steal car rims from stores.

How do YOU order it to be stopped? Just ask "pretty please" and hope that works? Do you resort to the billy clubs and beat 'em down? Go in 300 style with shields? Just go in balled fists and throw down UFC style?

Seriously. How do you propose the riot/looting be stopped? Or just say fuck it and let it go down however the crowd wants it to?

Contain and refrain. Encircle the demonstrations to limit it, but let it happen. Come down too hard and you just make it worse as people wont be able to vent. Since much of the anger is media-generated, when the media invariably moves on to other things going on int he world, the coverage fueling this will fade away along with any street manifestation of it. Contain it best you can until then. With the whole world watching, anything else will only cause additional problems and fallout.

Love the 300 idea of pushing em in to the sea, but that's not realistic. :)
Two words. Ma Deuce.

Roll Crimson Turd! Because you know, spraying a crowd with .50 cal is great way to police!

What the hell is wrong with you people?

You think a kid getting shot while trying to disarm a police officer is a good reason to burn, loot and riot?

What is the demonstration but a show of force?
Why shouldn't a show of force be met with a larger show of force?
Ok, so lets put aside the shooting that started this; The Feds will get to the bottom of that.

People started to riot, and loot, and throw rocks and Maltov Cocktails, and even shooting guns, 1 idiot even rushing a cop with a pistol pointed at him. Scary situation.

How would YOU have stopped this? Not the protests. That's legal. But protesters don't throw burning bottles of gas, or rocks, or pull guns, or burn down gas stations, or smash windows to steal car rims from stores.

How do YOU order it to be stopped? Just ask "pretty please" and hope that works? Do you resort to the billy clubs and beat 'em down? Go in 300 style with shields? Just go in balled fists and throw down UFC style?

Seriously. How do you propose the riot/looting be stopped? Or just say fuck it and let it go down however the crowd wants it to?

Contain and refrain. Encircle the demonstrations to limit it, but let it happen. Come down too hard and you just make it worse as people wont be able to vent. Since much of the anger is media-generated, when the media invariably moves on to other things going on int he world, the coverage fueling this will fade away along with any street manifestation of it. Contain it best you can until then. With the whole world watching, anything else will only cause additional problems and fallout.

Love the 300 idea of pushing em in to the sea, but that's not realistic. :)

Sorry! Contain and refrain is just wrong. If it was only a march with people carrying signs, OK, but the police need to protect the lives and businesses of people in the area and the firefighters dealing with the Molotov cocktails.
I'm not sure there is anything anyone can do in a riot situation of this nature, everyone was reacting emotionally with a very limited amount of facts. The community decided what happened and reacted, and I do believe that the looters were not from the community - County even said that they had social media reports of them talking about doing it.

The Chief set out staging areas incase shit hit the fan, but he stayed uninvolved thinking that was the best way to not flame the flames of anger. I think he made the right call, standing back and letting the community express the anger of what they perceive(d?) as injustice and brutality - it's apparently been a long standing issue with the community and the police being too 'hostile' to them. It wasn't until the looting got really serious that the Chief did anything - somewhere out there, there is a video of the officers standing there watching as stores are looted and burnt. -- I can't imagine how hard that was for the good officers watching someone else's livelihood going up in smokes and being told to stay out of it.

Anyway, that said he was left with no choice on the matter, the looting got worse, the burnings started. I saw a report that 24 police vehicles were destroyed in the riot, some 13 businesses looted, and the fires (no idea how many.) At some point, as the Chief charged with protecting the interest of the people, there is NO choice but to move in with riot shields and 'military' force. It has to happen because the only other choice is to just let, what they probably felt were community outsiders due to social media, destroy everything. It had to be stopped and I don't know how they managed to do that using only rubber bullets and smoke bombs or w/e.

Personally, I was impressed with how the Ferguson Chief handled things. A lot of people are complaining about not giving out the name of the officer involved, not really coming forward with information on the incident, etc., but you cannot blame 'him' for that. He wasn't in charge of that stuff. The FIRST thing the chief did is ask county to come investigate the situation, because they all know there's a police/community issue, they've admitted it on camera even, and said they're trying to work at it, but they don't know what to do other than trying to pull in more 'community representative' officers to try to regain the publics trust.

I can see why they are having trouble hiring though, the community isn't exactly full of officer material. (Hear me out, before you go off calling me a racist.) There's an education problem in the community, there's crime problems, and most difficult to over come for building trust with the community is that there's already a huge distrust of police. So even those folks in the community who might have potential to become an officer, likely do not have any desire to 'turn against their community' in their eyes.

In a long term solution to repair that distrust, it would likely take a group of people from the community to go in together and become officers in order to even begin to put a dent in that 'distrust' that's built up over the years. Adding one or two here and there isn't going to do anything because the community would very likely look upon them as turncoats and consider them corrupted. The only other possible 'solution' I can come up with is probably a bit far out of the box for people to buy into: basically letting the community 'vote' on which officers are policing their district. (That wouldn't solve their distrust of the higher ups, but maybe it could start to bring back trust on the streets.)

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