If you voted for biden and democrats, you voted for this: New York Police to citizens...on your own in subways......

Democrat cities become war zones.

Carnage and death worse than Vietnam.

Are we "happy" yet ?

Right wing propaganda, there has been more civil unrest in this country under Trump since back in the 60s.

Dumb ass....the civil unrest is joe biden voters burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans.........the same democrat party fascists that were doing the civil unrest in the 1960s, and the same democrat party that started the Civil War to keep black humans as slaves....

Notice anything about the group engaging in the Civil unrest?

Dumbass your beloved Trump is President and is the root cause of this civil unrest. The democrats of the 60s are Republicans of 2020, you both have the same racist mindset.

Trump is not responsible for your sides violent reaction to him. Blaming others for your actions, is the thinking of a child.

A child with serious emotional issues.

Now with that stupid shit being said, back to reality. Trump is definitely responsible for the civil unrest in this country because Trump feeds into the racism, division and hatred in this country.
Bullshit. Obumbo did. First he jumps on the cops when his Professor buddy gets arrested, then blows it up in the media with his "Beer Summit". Then he blows up a couple more incidents when a few black gangsta jigaboos get killed for doing stupid shit. Obumbo is the typical big city Black race hustling jackal from the same school as Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

You Trump Humper sound all alike, does Trump send you fools a memo every morning on what stupid shit to say today.
Truth sounds like truth. Your entire life is a lie. That's why you're so angry and hateful.

Truth does sound like truth, we are waiting for you to tell some Trump Humper. BS is the perfect name for you. I am happy Trump is on his way out the door, you are the one whining about the loss.
I'll be fine regardless who is President. You're still who you are, pitiful.

It isn't going to be to bad BS.

When Harris runs, you guys going to put violent mobs in the street right off the bat, or wait till the polls look bad and you need to scare people back into line?
Funny thing. Every time there is a mass shooting, we find a whole digital trail of how crazy that person was.

So that's why I say, let's hold the gun sellers responsible for gun violence. Betcha they'll check out the digital postings of their customers after that.

That's what Biden wants to do. He also wants to ban internet sales for guns, gun parts, and ammo. In essence he wants to allow manufacturers and sellers to be sued out of business. That's the commie way to get around the Constitution. This is why we should never have Nazis in charge of our country. Ultimately law abiding citizens won't be armed but the criminals will be. Brilliant.
That is because you ask the question then stick your fingers in your ears and starting screaming like little children, because you don't want to hear the answer.

Well give me one. And don't give me this crap that Trump said white supremacists are good people. That's what CNN showed you. I'll post the entire clip of what he said.
That is because you ask the question then stick your fingers in your ears and starting screaming like little children, because you don't want to hear the answer.

Well give me one. And don't give me this crap that Trump said white supremacists are good people. That's what CNN showed you. I'll post the entire clip of what he said.

It is so telling, that the most cited "evidence" to back up their shit, is a complete and easily debunked lie.
It is so telling, that the most cited "evidence" to back up their shit, is a complete and easily debunked lie.

That's why Democrats use brainwashing. It works for them. They just tell them Trump (and every other Republican) are racist, and they don't even bother to look into the claim. They just repeat what they're told.
It is so telling, that the most cited "evidence" to back up their shit, is a complete and easily debunked lie.

That's why Democrats use brainwashing. It works for them. They just tell them Trump (and every other Republican) are racist, and they don't even bother to look into the claim. They just repeat what they're told.

And that will be the basis of national policy moving forward.

And when Harris runs, and we point out that shit got WORSE, during BIden's administration,

they will just call us wacist and sic the mob on us.
Funny thing. Every time there is a mass shooting, we find a whole digital trail of how crazy that person was.

So that's why I say, let's hold the gun sellers responsible for gun violence. Betcha they'll check out the digital postings of their customers after that.

That's what Biden wants to do. He also wants to ban internet sales for guns, gun parts, and ammo. In essence he wants to allow manufacturers and sellers to be sued out of business. That's the commie way to get around the Constitution. This is why we should never have Nazis in charge of our country. Ultimately law abiding citizens won't be armed but the criminals will be. Brilliant.
You were for Nazis before you were against them. I can`t believe you`re cutting these fine people loose.
Tiki Torches Charlottesville VA - Bing
Now with that stupid shit being said, back to reality. Trump is definitely responsible for the civil unrest in this country because Trump feeds into the racism, division and hatred in this country.

Yet you (and your ilk) keep repeating that. When we ask one racist thing Trump said or did, crickets.

That is because you ask the question then stick your fingers in your ears and starting screaming like little children, because you don't want to hear the answer.
Black unemployment had never been lower, then covid hit. Gee, that's really racist.

That wasn't because of your saviour and it was still twice the rate of white unemployment.
It's better than Obama did. If there were more opportunities for basketball players and rappers, the Black community would have full employment, but hey, you can only do so much for them.
That's what Biden wants to do. He also wants to ban internet sales for guns, gun parts, and ammo. In essence he wants to allow manufacturers and sellers to be sued out of business.

That's a good thing.

Here's the problem with the status quo. Right now, the gun industry has realized that mentally unstable people like Nancy Lanza or the Michigan Watchmen are their best customers, because they are going to buy more guns and ammo than they need or will ever use. The problem is, if you keep marketing to the mentally unstable, you are going to get tragedies.

So hold the gun makers to the standard every other industry is held to. For instance, when teh makers of allergy pills found out that Walter White was using their pills to make Crystal Meth, they made it a lot harder to get. When kids were impaling themselves on lawn darts, lawn darts with metal tips got taken off the market.

That's a good thing.

Here's the problem with the status quo. Right now, the gun industry has realized that mentally unstable people like Nancy Lanza or the Michigan Watchmen are their best customers, because they are going to buy more guns and ammo than they need or will ever use. The problem is, if you keep marketing to the mentally unstable, you are going to get tragedies.

So hold the gun makers to the standard every other industry is held to. For instance, when teh makers of allergy pills found out that Walter White was using their pills to make Crystal Meth, they made it a lot harder to get. When kids were impaling themselves on lawn darts, lawn darts with metal tips got taken off the market.

Good comparison, because with or without it, the bad guys still make and get meth. What you on the left want is a disarmed society so your people (criminals) have an upper hand over us. We both know they're never going to give up their guns and never stop finding ways to get them. All it would do is stop good people from getting them.
Good comparison, because with or without it, the bad guys still make and get meth. What you on the left want is a disarmed society so your people (criminals) have an upper hand over us. We both know they're never going to give up their guns and never stop finding ways to get them. All it would do is stop good people from getting them.

Naw, what we stop is the amatuers from getting them...

You are right, the guy with the meth lab in the desert, he isn't going to be stopped, but the kid who might try to make meth at home would be.

Same deal here. The gangster isn't going to be stopped by a gun ban, but the kid who might try to knock over the liquor store would be.
Naw, what we stop is the amatuers from getting them...

You are right, the guy with the meth lab in the desert, he isn't going to be stopped, but the kid who might try to make meth at home would be.

Same deal here. The gangster isn't going to be stopped by a gun ban, but the kid who might try to knock over the liquor store would be.

No, because the kid robbing the liquor store is one of the bad guys I'm talking about. The liquor store clerk or owner won't be able to defend himself.

There is only one real way to get rid of guns in this country, and that is get rid of Democrats first. The reason we need our guns is because of the left. Without Democrats, there would be no need for us to be armed. Now if you can find a way to do that, I'll be glad to help in any way I can.
Insist your State legislators do their job if there are too many security problems.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
No, because the kid robbing the liquor store is one of the bad guys I'm talking about. The liquor store clerk or owner won't be able to defend himself.

Except he wouldn't be able to get a gun, either, if they weren't generally available.

One more time- THE REST OF THE WORLD HAS FIGURED THIS OUT. No guns, less crime.

There is only one real way to get rid of guns in this country, and that is get rid of Democrats first. The reason we need our guns is because of the left. Without Democrats, there would be no need for us to be armed. Now if you can find a way to do that, I'll be glad to help in any way I can.

Actually, what we need to get rid of is nuts with guns.... the best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.
Except he wouldn't be able to get a gun, either, if they weren't generally available.

One more time- THE REST OF THE WORLD HAS FIGURED THIS OUT. No guns, less crime.

Gee, get rid of guns and the bad guys won't be able to get them. Hmmmm. You know.....perhaps we should do that with recreational narcotics.

Actually, what we need to get rid of is nuts with guns.... the best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

Gun nuts as you call them are generally the most law abiding citizens our country has. They collect guns, buy and sell them, most have a CCW I'm sure. Your holiday weekend had 24 shootings resulting in 7 deaths. Do you think those were gun nuts that did the shootings? But you didn't think much about that, did you? After all, this is very common in Chicago. You are callous to it by now. But if one person killed 7 people and injured 14 others, you'd be screaming how the problem is the guy was a gun nut.

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