If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's free


Active Member
May 30, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009

'If You Think Health Care is Expensive Now — Just Wait Until it’s Free.' [Veronique de Rugy]

Cato Institute's Chris Edwards has a new Tax and Budget Bulletin about how to pay for President Obama's $1.5 trillion health-care plan. As it turns out, in spite of many promises not to increase taxes on the lower and middle classes, the administration won't have a choice. However, there are many ways to skin a cat, as Edwards demonstrates. The president could tax employer-provided health insurance, eliminating HSAs and FSAs, limit the deductibility of medical expenses, increase taxes on alcohol and beverages, or hike the already too high corporate taxes. Either way, the cat won't like it.

He adds:

Adding up the possible increases listed above to income taxes, payroll taxes, excise taxes, and corporate taxes would raise about $700 billion over the next decade. But that large tax increase would be less than half of the $1.5 trillion needed to fund the new health care spending being considered by the Democrats.

A further concern is that initial cost estimates of federal health programs are usually very optimistic.

And Edwards concludes:

In sum, expanding government health care will likely involve huge tax increases on the middle class. Aside from the tax options discussed above, there has also been talk of using revenues from a cap-and-trade global warming plan to fund health care. Obama’s budget included an $80 billion per year revenue increase for cap-and-trade, and economists calculate that the relative burden of such a plan would be far greater on lower-income than higher-income families. Thus, as Americans consider the current health care debate in Congress, they should remember the words of humorist P.J. O’Rourke: “If you think health care is expensive now—just wait until it’s free.”

Read the whole thing here.

06/11 06:04 PMShare
Yep, those French with their free health care and 5-weeks of paid vacation are miserable.

Yep, that's why we're overwhelmed with French illegal aliens desperate to get into our nation.

And the Canadians. Why is it that only game show hosts and wannbe celebrities (Michael J. Fox) are wanting to come here from Canada?
Yep, those French with their free health care and 5-weeks of paid vacation are miserable.

Yep, that's why we're overwhelmed with French illegal aliens desperate to get into our nation.

And the Canadians. Why is it that only game show hosts and wannbe celebrities (Michael J. Fox) are wanting to come here from Canada?
I lived in Germany for about 9 years, and became good friends with many German nationals. They pay approximately 50% of their income toward taxes. With that, they get basically free medical care, but have to wait months to have a simple procedure done. If the procedure is an emergency situation, they can go to the emergency room, but have to wait many hours in order to see a doctor who may or may not be qualified to treat their symptom. Trust me....you do not want a government run healthcare system.
Yep, those French with their free health care and 5-weeks of paid vacation are miserable.

Yep, that's why we're overwhelmed with French illegal aliens desperate to get into our nation.

And the Canadians. Why is it that only game show hosts and wannbe celebrities (Michael J. Fox) are wanting to come here from Canada?

The answer is ... this ain't France or Canada, we've got a much larger and more diverse population, a staggering amount of public debt and a completely different approach to economic liberty. If you prefer the French system, move to France, if you prefer the Canadian system, move to Canada.

I happen to be an American and I happen to like our Constitution primarily because it's not based on the same authoritarian socialist nonsense that the French seem to prefer these days, I don't know what happened to the French in the 20th century I guess all the ass kickings they got from the Germans knocked the common sense out of 'em.
One for all, and all for one!


Or you could just say "Do unto others as others would do unto you!
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Google: Health care in France.
They are rated #1 in the world by the WHO, and they spend about half per capita of what we do. Any one can go to any doctor they choose, including specialists.
The US is #37.
I'm not allowed to post HTML for some reason.
France has and started out with socialized heath care. Their HC providers are employes of that system. Hence their HC providers are not making fortunes compared to the average Frenchman.

That is the primary reason that their HC system doesn't cost as much and provides the same (or better) quality of care for their people compared to ours.

Their HC establishment doesn't suck the life (cash) out of the people, like our does.

Whatever the market will bear, remember? That's the system we have.

If you believe in the laws of supply and demand, then you've got to believe that a socialist payment system (like single payer universal HC) feeding into a capitalist business system will quickly go broke.
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