If you oppose the Confederate flag you oppose the American flag too

Lincoln started the war, moron, and it wasn't to free the slaves.
lincoln didn't start a war. secession started the war.

Nope. Lincoln started it. No one forced Lincoln to invade Virginia, moron.
virginia forced it by seceding.

Wrong. Nothing in the Constitution says the president has to wage war on a state that secedes. In fact, it says precisely the opposite. Waging war on the states was an act of treason.
so the president was supposed to allow the theft of lands and resources from america?

The Confederate states offered to purchase all Federal properties within their borders.

Next stupid argument!
Does not matter. The liberal left have sunk their teeth into this because they believe it can be exploited for political gain and nothing is going to stop them from using it to their advantage. Candycorn is already posting threads about how Nikki Haley's career is over... she has "slit her own throat" by coming out AGAINST the flag! See how that works? If you stand up for the flag, you're a racist... if you don't, you're a political coward who is doomed. You cannot win with a liberal on this issue.
You can't win because you guys are "all or nothing" on almost every topic.

They can only view the Confederate flag as a symbol of racist hate.
Because it is.

The biggest problem I have with the "take it down" movement is... where does this all end? Are we supposed to expunge history of all things offensive now? Seems to me that is recipe for devout ignorance. We can shove our history in the closet and pretend it doesn't exist but what purpose does this ultimately serve? How do we learn anything from that? Why not, instead of becoming "offended" at the sight of the flag, take that opportunity to explain why we should be tolerant of it and respect it for what it stood for at the time? (which wasn't racism.)

Nobody is doing that. Ending State sponsorship of symbols of hate? Sure.

You can't win because you're just plain wrong.
And Lincoln invaded the south because he didn't think free men had a right to govern themselves, kind of unamerican wouldn't you say?

Lincoln had a constitutional mandate to do so.

Feel free to point where in the Constitution where succession is prohibited.
article 1, section 9, clause 8


Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8


No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.

Article 1 Section 9 Clause 8
right. you asked about succession.

Oh right, typos are a bitch, secession, care to try again?
Does not matter. The liberal left have sunk their teeth into this because they believe it can be exploited for political gain and nothing is going to stop them from using it to their advantage. Candycorn is already posting threads about how Nikki Haley's career is over... she has "slit her own throat" by coming out AGAINST the flag! See how that works? If you stand up for the flag, you're a racist... if you don't, you're a political coward who is doomed. You cannot win with a liberal on this issue.
You can't win because you guys are "all or nothing" on almost every topic.

They can only view the Confederate flag as a symbol of racist hate.
Because it is.

The biggest problem I have with the "take it down" movement is... where does this all end? Are we supposed to expunge history of all things offensive now? Seems to me that is recipe for devout ignorance. We can shove our history in the closet and pretend it doesn't exist but what purpose does this ultimately serve? How do we learn anything from that? Why not, instead of becoming "offended" at the sight of the flag, take that opportunity to explain why we should be tolerant of it and respect it for what it stood for at the time? (which wasn't racism.)

Nobody is doing that. Ending State sponsorship of symbols of hate? Sure.

The Confederate battle flag was not a symbol of hate until the KKK and racist hate groups adopted it as such. The CSA wasn't who advocated the institution of slavery for 85 years before the Civil War, nor were CSA courts responsible for upholding it and ruling slaves were property. The CSA wasn't responsible for Jim Crow or 100 years of segregation following the war they lost. The CSA didn't stand in the schoolhouse door... that was a life-long Democrat.

YOU.... Express nothing BUT hatred and vitriol toward the right... constantly, every day! Maybe YOU should be banned and shoved in the closet for your offensiveness and hate?

Gee, if I were a democrat, I may be offended...or remotely interested in your whining.
Does not matter. The liberal left have sunk their teeth into this because they believe it can be exploited for political gain and nothing is going to stop them from using it to their advantage. Candycorn is already posting threads about how Nikki Haley's career is over... she has "slit her own throat" by coming out AGAINST the flag! See how that works? If you stand up for the flag, you're a racist... if you don't, you're a political coward who is doomed. You cannot win with a liberal on this issue.
You can't win because you guys are "all or nothing" on almost every topic.

They can only view the Confederate flag as a symbol of racist hate.
Because it is.

The biggest problem I have with the "take it down" movement is... where does this all end? Are we supposed to expunge history of all things offensive now? Seems to me that is recipe for devout ignorance. We can shove our history in the closet and pretend it doesn't exist but what purpose does this ultimately serve? How do we learn anything from that? Why not, instead of becoming "offended" at the sight of the flag, take that opportunity to explain why we should be tolerant of it and respect it for what it stood for at the time? (which wasn't racism.)

Nobody is doing that. Ending State sponsorship of symbols of hate? Sure.

You can't win because you're just plain wrong.

yep. they were worried about their rights to have slaves.

That's not correct. The overwhelming majority of those who fought for the Confederacy didn't own slaves. There were a few who were concerned with the Federal government taking what the Federal government had already said was their legally-owned property. You (and others) like to pretend the US government had somehow condemned slavery and the South defiantly refused to let go of it. There was NEVER any such condemnation by Congress or the Courts. They REPEATEDLY upheld the institution of slavery and defined slaves as personal property owned by their masters. In THAT context, they were absolutely wrong in wanting to take the legitimate property of individuals. That's a direct violation of the 4th Amendment until your Court determines slaves are human beings with human rights... which they never did. That is NOT the fault of the CSA.
You mean all those people who equate Southern Democrats of the 1950's with Democrats today?

Yeah we all know Republicans were really Democrats from the 1950s. All of them. Even the ones in their 40s.
Yes,you are, dum-dum.

Then you explain to us all for our entertainment why the Council of Conservative Citizens is almost all Republicans today.[/QUOTE
slavery and its protection were central to south carolina's declaration of secession, and secession started the war, since there would have been no shots fired without it and the subsequent theft of fort sumpter. it absolutely was not a 'side issue' and anyone claiming it was is trying to rewrite history.

What did you not get that slavery was LEGAL.
so? south carolina seceded to protect slavery. what's hard about that concept?

And Lincoln invaded the south because he didn't think free men had a right to govern themselves, kind of unamerican wouldn't you say?

So, you're arguing that those who wanted nothing to do with America were the ones acting like Americans....

Put down the crack pipe.

More so than Lincoln. Have you ever read the declaration of independence?

Preserving America was un-American....got it.
yep. they were worried about their rights to have slaves.

That's not correct. The overwhelming majority of those who fought for the Confederacy didn't own slaves. There were a few who were concerned with the Federal government taking what the Federal government had already said was their legally-owned property. You (and others) like to pretend the US government had somehow condemned slavery and the South defiantly refused to let go of it. There was NEVER any such condemnation by Congress or the Courts. They REPEATEDLY upheld the institution of slavery and defined slaves as personal property owned by their masters. In THAT context, they were absolutely wrong in wanting to take the legitimate property of individuals. That's a direct violation of the 4th Amendment until your Court determines slaves are human beings with human rights... which they never did. That is NOT the fault of the CSA.
yeah... slavery was central to the declarations of secession. the states seceded to protect slavery.
Why is everyone playing the lefts game of mass distraction. Let's stop replying to these dumb ass flag threads and force them back on their fucked up candidates and policies. Post threads on those topics and push their distraction threads off the first page.

View attachment 43022

Here's a guy who realizes that republicans on the wrong side of this topic.

Really, how many threads have been created on this topic? Why do you fucking commies feel it necessary to spam the hell out of the politics board to discuss one topic that regards a state you don't even live in and has nothing to do with you.


Liberals are the ones who like forcing people to do things.

And you thinking you can judge people that lived in a different time by todays standards is equally sickening.

You mean all those people who equate Southern Democrats of the 1950's with Democrats today?

Yeah we all know Republicans were really Democrats from the 1950s. All of them. Even the ones in their 40s.
Yes,you are, dum-dum.

Then you explain to us all for our entertainment why the Council of Conservative Citizens is almost all Republicans today.[/QUOTE
Hey dumb ass, slavery was legal when the war started and there were no official moves to outlaw it at the time. In fact Lincoln said he was willing to continue to allow it if the south rejoined the union. Economics and an overbearing federal government started the war, slavery was a side issue at the time. Maybe you should learn real history instead of the leftist revisionist bullshit you seem to be buying into.
slavery and its protection were central to south carolina's declaration of secession, and secession started the war, since there would have been no shots fired without it and the subsequent theft of fort sumpter. it absolutely was not a 'side issue' and anyone claiming it was is trying to rewrite history.

What did you not get that slavery was LEGAL.
so? south carolina seceded to protect slavery. what's hard about that concept?

And Lincoln invaded the south because he didn't think free men had a right to govern themselves, kind of unamerican wouldn't you say?
on the contrary. adherence to the constitution is american. making sure the seceding states adhered to the government they agreed upon is also american.

Wrong, that's fascism. The states didn't agree to remain in the union no matter what. Read the Constitution. You might learn something.

And you thinking you can judge people that lived in a different time by todays standards is equally sickening.

You mean all those people who equate Southern Democrats of the 1950's with Democrats today?

Yeah we all know Republicans were really Democrats from the 1950s. All of them. Even the ones in their 40s.
Yes,you are, dum-dum.

Then you explain to us all for our entertainment why the Council of Conservative Citizens is almost all Republicans today.[/QUOTE
Hey dumb ass, slavery was legal when the war started and there were no official moves to outlaw it at the time. In fact Lincoln said he was willing to continue to allow it if the south rejoined the union. Economics and an overbearing federal government started the war, slavery was a side issue at the time. Maybe you should learn real history instead of the leftist revisionist bullshit you seem to be buying into.
slavery and its protection were central to south carolina's declaration of secession, and secession started the war, since there would have been no shots fired without it and the subsequent theft of fort sumpter. it absolutely was not a 'side issue' and anyone claiming it was is trying to rewrite history.

What did you not get that slavery was LEGAL.
so? south carolina seceded to protect slavery. what's hard about that concept?

And Lincoln invaded the south because he didn't think free men had a right to govern themselves, kind of unamerican wouldn't you say?

Lincoln had a constitutional mandate to do so.

Really? Please quote it.
Lincoln started the war, moron, and it wasn't to free the slaves.
lincoln didn't start a war. secession started the war.

Nope. Lincoln started it. No one forced Lincoln to invade Virginia, moron.
virginia forced it by seceding.

Wrong. Nothing in the Constitution says the president has to wage war on a state that secedes. In fact, it says precisely the opposite. Waging war on the states was an act of treason.

The president is obligated to defend the country against all enemies foreign and domestic.

The Confederate states were not enemies until Lincoln invaded them.
President Lincoln was too kind to the south he should have let General Sherman continue even after the south was whipped and utterly defeated

"I would make this war as severe as possible, and show no symptoms of tiring till the South begs for mercy."

"My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom."

William Tecumseh Sherman
yep. They should count their lucky stars that President Lincoln allowed the Union to take their boot off of the rebels necks much less let them keep that pissant flag.
Yeah we all know Republicans were really Democrats from the 1950s. All of them. Even the ones in their 40s.
Yes,you are, dum-dum.

Then you explain to us all for our entertainment why the Council of Conservative Citizens is almost all Republicans today.[/QUOTE
What did you not get that slavery was LEGAL.
so? south carolina seceded to protect slavery. what's hard about that concept?

And Lincoln invaded the south because he didn't think free men had a right to govern themselves, kind of unamerican wouldn't you say?

So, you're arguing that those who wanted nothing to do with America were the ones acting like Americans....

Put down the crack pipe.

More so than Lincoln. Have you ever read the declaration of independence?

Preserving America was un-American....got it.

No. Turning a voluntary union of sovereign states into an empire of subjects was unamerican. That's what the tyrant Lincoln did.

You and your ilk are so proud to be the property of the government that it's positively sickening.
yep. they were worried about their rights to have slaves.

That's not correct. The overwhelming majority of those who fought for the Confederacy didn't own slaves. There were a few who were concerned with the Federal government taking what the Federal government had already said was their legally-owned property. You (and others) like to pretend the US government had somehow condemned slavery and the South defiantly refused to let go of it. There was NEVER any such condemnation by Congress or the Courts. They REPEATEDLY upheld the institution of slavery and defined slaves as personal property owned by their masters. In THAT context, they were absolutely wrong in wanting to take the legitimate property of individuals. That's a direct violation of the 4th Amendment until your Court determines slaves are human beings with human rights... which they never did. That is NOT the fault of the CSA.
yeah... slavery was central to the declarations of secession. the states seceded to protect slavery.

Well of course it was, slavery was very much an issue. I haven't denied that. Still, it wasn't because the CSA made it an issue. You want to pretend the Union had abolished slavery and made it unconstitutional and the South defiantly rejected that and started a war to keep it and that's your belief... it is not history. The truth is, this nation condoned slavery from the start, upheld the practice for 85 years, had the courts repeatedly ruling that slaves were property, NEVER passed any kind of anti-slavery legislation. The South had built it's entire economy on these policies which the US upheld for 85 years. They had invested over a billion dollars in slave labor precisely because the US government and courts said they could and it was perfectly legal to do so.

You somehow think they were supposed to just walk away from a billion dollars worth of property and say... oh well, them's the breaks! Doesn't really matter that it violates the hell out of the 4th Amendment because a bunch of northerners think it's wrong, even though their government keeps upholding it.
President Lincoln was too kind to the south he should have let General Sherman continue even after the south was whipped and utterly defeated

"I would make this war as severe as possible, and show no symptoms of tiring till the South begs for mercy."

"My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom."

William Tecumseh Sherman
yep. They should count their lucky stars that President Lincoln allowed the Union to take their boot off of the rebels necks much less let them keep that pissant flag.

He didn't allow either, dumbass.
Let's face it. Southerners fought against Northern aggression and for their freedom. They were patriotic Americans sick of seeing their country going the wrong way. That's why people typically fly the Stars and Bars.
But we got over that and healed and the descendents of those Confederates went on to serve the American army and win our wars.
But those who want to censor, who want to denigrate the struggle of our Southern ancestors, who want to demonize others for holding opinions contrary to theirs are no better than jihhadis and communists, who want to ban anything contrary to their religion. They are the hater dupes of the public world.

The people taking down the flags are the decedents of those Confederates.

NIcky Haley is a descendent of Confederates?

Most of the people who want to take the flags down are Yankee carpet baggers.
Bummer to be such a hick, eh?
yep. they were worried about their rights to have slaves.

That's not correct. The overwhelming majority of those who fought for the Confederacy didn't own slaves. There were a few who were concerned with the Federal government taking what the Federal government had already said was their legally-owned property. You (and others) like to pretend the US government had somehow condemned slavery and the South defiantly refused to let go of it. There was NEVER any such condemnation by Congress or the Courts. They REPEATEDLY upheld the institution of slavery and defined slaves as personal property owned by their masters. In THAT context, they were absolutely wrong in wanting to take the legitimate property of individuals. That's a direct violation of the 4th Amendment until your Court determines slaves are human beings with human rights... which they never did. That is NOT the fault of the CSA.
yeah... slavery was central to the declarations of secession. the states seceded to protect slavery.

Well of course it was, slavery was very much an issue. I haven't denied that. Still, it wasn't because the CSA made it an issue. You want to pretend the Union had abolished slavery and made it unconstitutional and the South defiantly rejected that and started a war to keep it and that's your belief... it is not history. The truth is, this nation condoned slavery from the start, upheld the practice for 85 years, had the courts repeatedly ruling that slaves were property, NEVER passed any kind of anti-slavery legislation. The South had built it's entire economy on these policies which the US upheld for 85 years. They had invested over a billion dollars in slave labor precisely because the US government and courts said they could and it was perfectly legal to do so.

You somehow think they were supposed to just walk away from a billion dollars worth of property and say... oh well, them's the breaks! Doesn't really matter that it violates the hell out of the 4th Amendment because a bunch of northerners think it's wrong, even though their government keeps upholding it.
It was wrong, and in light of that, who gives a flying fuck about their economic emotions over it. Fuck them.

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