If You Missed The 20th Century, Or Never Read A Book...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. .....then you may not be aware of the lessons in genocide, slaughter and oppression that the Left/Progressives/Bolsheviks/Nazis/Maoists taught the world about the methods of the Left.
But we have a remedial for you.

2. In America today we have Left/Progressives/Bolsheviks/Nazis/Maoists/Democrats recreating a tiny bit less violent recreation of the works of their forebears.....kinda like an Oberammergau Passion Play version of the slaughter: the year long riots leading up to the stolen election.

3. And, speaking of remedial lessons......check out a shining example of what is in store for you under their governance.....even if they don't kill you:

"Progressives ruined San Francisco....

...watch your step as you hopscotch around the excrement. And some of the thousands who sleep on San Francisco’s streets, the nation’s filthiest, are off their meds or on meth, or both, and are not always gentle. Also, Michael Shellenberger reports that between 2015 and 2018 the city replaced more than 300 lampposts “corroded by urine after one had collapsed and crushed a car.”

4. In 2018, there were 20,933 calls to San Francisco’s government complaining about human feces. In 2019, the city spent $100 million cleaning streets (four times more than Chicago, which has 3.5 times more people and is 4.5 times larger) because the city has more than 5,000 unsheltered homeless — a 95 percent increase in 15 years. In those years, in clement Miami, the unsheltered population declined 50 percent.

5. Last year in San Francisco, there were 6,275 registered complaints about used hypodermic needles in public places. In 2001, the city gave between $320 and $395 cash per month to the homeless while Oakland, across the Bay, gave $24. Guess which city had more homeless addicts."

But don't think that Progressives/Democrats don't learn from their mistakes........

.....oh...wait............they don't.
Let's see how much you really like Progressive Democrat governance:

6. "San Francisco has been a magnet for those who like its combination of abundant (hence cheap) drugs and lax law enforcement. In 2014, progressive California voters redefined as a misdemeanor shoplifting of items valued at less than $950. Guess what happened.

“Advocates” for the homeless have opposed laws protecting public order — e.g., laws against aggressive panhandling near ATMs or inside buses — and have compared bans on lying on sidewalks to Jim Crow laws, of course. But “Housing First” advocates oppose providing shelters, which they think divert resources from what should be an entitlement to housing. In 1983, “activists” mobilized hundreds of the homeless to march on City Hall chanting “Don’t be a louse! Give me a house!” The rule since 2009 is that when public housing is an entitlement, it is not conditional on mentally ill or addicted tenants accepting treatment."
1. .....then you may not be aware of the lessons in genocide, slaughter and oppression that the Left/Progressives/Bolsheviks/Nazis/Maoists taught the world about the methods of the Left.
But we have a remedial for you.

2. In America today we have Left/Progressives/Bolsheviks/Nazis/Maoists/Democrats recreating a tiny bit less violent recreation of the works of their forebears.....kinda like an Oberammergau Passion Play version of the slaughter: the year long riots leading up to the stolen election.

3. And, speaking of remedial lessons......check out a shining example of what is in store for you under their governance.....even if they don't kill you:

"Progressives ruined San Francisco....

...watch your step as you hopscotch around the excrement. And some of the thousands who sleep on San Francisco’s streets, the nation’s filthiest, are off their meds or on meth, or both, and are not always gentle. Also, Michael Shellenberger reports that between 2015 and 2018 the city replaced more than 300 lampposts “corroded by urine after one had collapsed and crushed a car.”

4. In 2018, there were 20,933 calls to San Francisco’s government complaining about human feces. In 2019, the city spent $100 million cleaning streets (four times more than Chicago, which has 3.5 times more people and is 4.5 times larger) because the city has more than 5,000 unsheltered homeless — a 95 percent increase in 15 years. In those years, in clement Miami, the unsheltered population declined 50 percent.

5. Last year in San Francisco, there were 6,275 registered complaints about used hypodermic needles in public places. In 2001, the city gave between $320 and $395 cash per month to the homeless while Oakland, across the Bay, gave $24. Guess which city had more homeless addicts."

But don't think that Progressives/Democrats don't learn from their mistakes........

.....oh...wait............they don't.
The numbskulls who have been in charge of SF made this happen. The city heads intentionally lowered the bar for indiscriminate behavior to legally occur openly in the streets. Used needles? No big deal for the mayor and his police force apparently. OD's are commonplace out in the sidewalks, just another day.

So, why aren't SF voters voting in a new strategy? No decent candidates? Since progs hold the voting majority in CA, do SF voters just ignore the conditions in the city because it's not on their block or neighborhood? That's my only rational guess. I've read that many families moved from the downtown area due to their concerns about stepping on broken glass and needles in front of their properties. It would certainly bother most people if their state had drug users shooting up out in the open legally.

I don't assume most drug addicts living on the streets vote, or do they? Uh oh, during election time homeless people are hit up for their votes and paid to vote. That was also the failed tactic used (detailed by the OP) for paying homeless monthly, resulting in consistent and enhanced drug addiction. Lower the bar and pay them to remain there, I'm so surprised it didn't work!

The SF scenario, comparing how the city used to be and how it is today, ties with the daily lunacy of Biden's blubbering idiots to guilt-trip people to accept a worthless, fake vaccine. Idiots in charge should not stay in charge. So what's happening in SF? Only liberal candidates who can't see through the clouds are running and being elected?

Paying people to do nothing is the dumbest idea made to date. Any person who runs for office anywhere with this type of mindset should be a laughing stock. But...what do we have instead? These characters are voted in by left-leaning districts and they reduce their cities to dirty pigsty- conditions and then wonder what happened. Middle school kids know that if you want to improve something it doesn't involve doing less and being paid for doing less.
1. .....then you may not be aware of the lessons in genocide, slaughter and oppression that the Left/Progressives/Bolsheviks/Nazis/Maoists taught the world about the methods of the Left.
But we have a remedial for you.

2. In America today we have Left/Progressives/Bolsheviks/Nazis/Maoists/Democrats recreating a tiny bit less violent recreation of the works of their forebears.....kinda like an Oberammergau Passion Play version of the slaughter: the year long riots leading up to the stolen election.

3. And, speaking of remedial lessons......check out a shining example of what is in store for you under their governance.....even if they don't kill you:

"Progressives ruined San Francisco....

...watch your step as you hopscotch around the excrement. And some of the thousands who sleep on San Francisco’s streets, the nation’s filthiest, are off their meds or on meth, or both, and are not always gentle. Also, Michael Shellenberger reports that between 2015 and 2018 the city replaced more than 300 lampposts “corroded by urine after one had collapsed and crushed a car.”

4. In 2018, there were 20,933 calls to San Francisco’s government complaining about human feces. In 2019, the city spent $100 million cleaning streets (four times more than Chicago, which has 3.5 times more people and is 4.5 times larger) because the city has more than 5,000 unsheltered homeless — a 95 percent increase in 15 years. In those years, in clement Miami, the unsheltered population declined 50 percent.

5. Last year in San Francisco, there were 6,275 registered complaints about used hypodermic needles in public places. In 2001, the city gave between $320 and $395 cash per month to the homeless while Oakland, across the Bay, gave $24. Guess which city had more homeless addicts."

But don't think that Progressives/Democrats don't learn from their mistakes........

.....oh...wait............they don't.
Maybe you should recondider your advice advising people to read books. People who DO read books know that you're full of shit.

But thanks for the tip, MAGA numbskull.
7. How do Progressives respond when their policies are responsible for the death that occur?

Gotta' read this:

“...drug overdoses are the leading cause of death for non-elderly San Franciscans, accounting for 29 percent of deaths of residents under sixty-five in 2019.” Last year, about one-third as many San Franciscans died of covid-19 as died of drug overdoses.

An “advocate” says: “We can’t end overdoses until we end poverty, until we end racism.” So, in 2020, the city put up two billboards promoting the safe use of hard drugs (heroin, fentanyl): “Change it up. Injecting drugs has the highest risk of overdose, so consider snorting or smoking instead.” “Try not to use alone. Do it with friends. Use with people and take turns.” Last year, however, San Francisco did ban smoking in apartments."

Talk about the psychos running the asylum.

Clearly irrational.

As are any who vote Democrat.
Maybe you should recondider your advice advising people to read books. People who DO read books know that you're full of shit.

But thanks for the tip, MAGA numbskull.

Don't post until you've actually read a book.

Book: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
Don't post until you've actually read a book.

Book: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
It must be rough going thru life delusional. How do you manage it? Meds?
San Francisco is the richest place in the world.

Let them come here and ruin us, please.
Maybe you should recondider your advice advising people to read books. People who DO read books know that you're full of shit.

But thanks for the tip, MAGA numbskull.


She's not talking about the rainbow fairy books that you subscribe to.




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‘Tobacco production continued to grow spectacularly: American tobacco imported by England amounted to 203,000 pounds in 1624, reached over 17.5 million pounds by 1672, and 28 million pounds in 1688. As tobacco production grew, its price naturally fell: from sixpence to a penny or less a pound. As a result, the lot of small tobacco farmers became increasingly difficult, and they found it harder and harder to compete with the larger plantations, which were staffed with slave and bondservant labor. An increased use of slave labor after 1670 widened the gulf between the planters and the small farmers.

The ruling planters, naturally enough, aspired to the life of the English country nobility. As their prosperity improved, so did their culture and learning. In the colonial period there was little of that aura of “magnolia and roses,” or of the pampered idleness, often attributed to the Virginia aristocracy. As we have seen, they were often deep in trade, and the Virginia planters had none of the traditional aristocratic contempt for hard work or for trading. They were not securely wealthy enough to afford shirking the unremitting task of managing their estates.’
(Rothbard, Conceived in Liberty, p. 58)
Capitalism in the age of cynicism. Low IQs and a illusory short-sentences command of the mother-tongue is the consequence.

‘Increasingly, the planters cultivated learning: they amassed home libraries of the best knowledge of the time and they sent their sons to good schools in England.;
(Rothbard, p. 59)
You have nothing so you bring up Hunter Biden.

Thanks for playing.

Did you see this quote by Quid Pro Joe???
How is it possible NOT to bring up the low-life Hunter???

Biden even put his family honor on the line, tweeting: “I give you my word as a Biden: If you make under $400,000 a year, I’ll never raise your taxes one cent.”

"Bidens" have proven to be trash!!!

I bet you understand that better than most.
Did you see this quote by Quid Pro Joe???
How is it possible NOT to bring up the low-life Hunter???

Biden even put his family honor on the line, tweeting: “I give you my word as a Biden: If you make under $400,000 a year, I’ll never raise your taxes one cent.”

"Bidens" have proven to be trash!!!

I bet you understand that better than most.
If I'm not mistaken the tax cuts passed in 2017 were set to sunset in 2022 for middle class workers. Remember who passed the tax cut in 2017, idiot? I read your link & the author of the piece named not one tax hike proposed by Biden raising taxes on the middle class.

Thanks for giving me the oppurtunity to point to more of your bullshit.
Capitalism in the age of cynicism. Low IQs and a illusory short-sentences command of the mother-tongue is the consequence.

‘Increasingly, the planters cultivated learning: they amassed home libraries of the best knowledge of the time and they sent their sons to good schools in England.;
(Rothbard, p. 59)

Government schooling leading to the abyss.

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