If you live in America, you are the wealthy

Most of my traveling has been to the developed world or has been in the company of wealthier folks than you are referring to. Cars and TVs aren't that rare in the middle class, and it's difficult to agree on the size of their homes as a rule. In Brazil, Mexico and the Caribbean, where I have hung out the most with developing world middle class in their homes, I saw that their land was larger than most Americans making similar money. They owned all the equity in their home. They had more service in their home, and didn't watch much TV.

There were things which did not seem like American 'wealth', but not the stuff you call out. Try air conditioning, ice and paved driveways, fencing and underground utilities. Gas was in tanks, rather than piped in, etc. They clearly lacked a humane society to clean up the dogs and cats or an HOA telling them not to paint their house pink...

Here are your poor and I can guarantee you they have more than the middle class you are referring to.

Strange Facts about America

"The average poor American has more living space than the average non-poor individual living in Sweden, France, Germany or the United Kingdom."

Now you're comparing house sizes between the US and Europe? I have been in lots of American's homes. You'd probably call these people poor. Nobody wants all that stuff they have. They don't own boats or their houses or get to travel or retain earnings like some of the foreigners I'm acquainted with.

Nobody's refuting our prosperity here, but I think you're mistaking lifestyle differences with wealth. I've visited the humble home of a chic I went to university with. They were foreign (Philipino) middle class and had a decent house... nothing that would awe an American like me. I'd even say I had my 3rd world goggles on. They paid for private university cash every year - some $30k.

I know but we are hearing that we are not doing enough for the poor. We need to do more and more and more when honestly we are doing too much for the poor because we are making so they don’t have to do anything at all to survive. It is one thing for the poor to have a way out and resources to help them eat. It is another to provide for their life as if they are children that are incapable of taking care of themselves.
I really love this RW meme of "our poor aren't poor enough". "You can't be poor, you have a microwave". Seriously, ya'll can't possibly be that clueless...


Our poor are not really poor compared to the rest of the world. There are some that are homeless and need food. Some of them are there because they actually want to be there. But we have enough to where no one has to be homeless or hungry. But because we provide so much to other people we determine to be poor we don’t have enough for the truly poor. If they are poor, they can still fight for their own survival. Sure we should help as a country with food and shelter. That does not mean we need to provide them with a house of their own, with electricity, cable tv, internet, cell phones, and feed them better than most people feed themselves.
Great republican campaign slogan - "You poor people have it too good, our country is in trouble, so we're going to make you poorer to make things better for everyone else"
I really love this RW meme of "our poor aren't poor enough". "You can't be poor, you have a microwave". Seriously, ya'll can't possibly be that clueless...


You do realize a lot of that has to do with the size of those countries right? Second, there will never be complete equality. It is impossible to attain and no matter what measures are taken equality will never be realized.
Great republican campaign slogan - "You poor people have it too good, our country is in trouble, so we're going to make you poorer to make things better for everyone else"

Your right it is not good for an election to talk that way. But is it good for those that are poor and it is good for the country as a whole. If you have a child living in your house that has completed school is it better to kick him out and force him to start making it on his own, or better to just provide him free room and board and just hope one day he decides to get out on his own?
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anti-American underhanded socialists like Obama blame America....so when he speaks of "taxing the rich" he means pretty much ALL Americans...including what we consider the "middle class".....
I really love this RW meme of "our poor aren't poor enough". "You can't be poor, you have a microwave". Seriously, ya'll can't possibly be that clueless...


You do realize a lot of that has to do with the size of those countries right? Second, there will never be complete equality. It is impossible to attain and no matter what measures are taken equality will never be realized.

You do realize that inequality in this country is greater than it has been in scores of years.

Keep going with "our poor aren't poor enough" though. That's got to be a wining strategy.
If you are an American, you are the wealth of the world. Our poor have more than the upper middle class of most countries. The average family in China makes $9,000 a year. The middle class in china would be considered poverty in America. We give more in welfare than most people in the world make in income. Where Obama spent his early life the average income is currently $2,271 a year. The middle class in Indonesia would be considered below poverty in America. In most countries 75% of income goes toward food. In America we spend an average of 9.4% towards food of which 3.9% is actually eating out.

So when you hear people around talking about the rich taking advantage of the poor. If you live in America, they are actually talking about you taking advantage of the poor around the world.

Ah! A hair splitter, eh?
The OP is silly.

When do facts become silly?

If you have just ten bucks you are richer then many in this world.

The OP is silly because every nation defines rich and poor differently.

Yes, 10 American dollars will buy you a hell of a lot in some countries, however who cares if you aren't IN those countries?

Yet the left takes no issue with other comparisons.

You will always hear me talk about double standards.

Here is yet another............
When do facts become silly?

If you have just ten bucks you are richer then many in this world.

The OP is silly because every nation defines rich and poor differently.

Yes, 10 American dollars will buy you a hell of a lot in some countries, however who cares if you aren't IN those countries?

Yet the left takes no issue with other comparisons.

You will always hear me talk about double standards.

Here is yet another............

I'm not sure you can compare living situations in the US with 3rd world countries.

You can compare and contrast us with other countries, but any comparison that leaves the western world would make me pause.
Ask people who have been rescued by our Military or the National Guard during national disasters and then see if the military budget doesnt "help people"

Thats not including the personal growth one can get from a military career, or the scientific advancement from military research.

And I do agree union formation and progressive politics helped shape our nation in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The problem is that those poltiics have gone from righting great injustices to a system of self perpetuation for certain polticians and creation of work rules meant to stifle innovation and lower productivity.

i don't know. why don't you try asking the people who lived through katrina. i'm thinking they didn't think brownie did such a heck of a job.

as for the rest of what you said, well... you've got the meme down.

but the reality is before social security, 50% of our elderly lived in poverty.
before wage and hour laws and laws governing worker safety went into effect, children worked in sweat shops and women got locked into factories while they worked themselves blind and crippled and burned in fires.

you should know all of the history.. not just what your politics dictate.

So really, your counter to the fact that the US military has saved the world from ruin repeatedly and freed millions of people is that Kathleen Blanco wouldn't turn authority over to the FEMA soon enough?


I swear. Sometimes I thing one must be a fucking retard to be a Liberal.

Let's not forget the Chocolate Mayor's contribution to Katrina by refusing to order evacuation of the city, a procedure clearly outlined on the city's website at the time.
anti-American underhanded socialists like Obama blame America....so when he speaks of "taxing the rich" he means pretty much ALL Americans...including what we consider the "middle class".....

Well that is rich, try living on less than 20K. Having two operations.

less than $20K......? greedy American bastard.....try less than $2k.....

you had TWO operations......? try NO operations in a 3rd world country....

(just responding like a one world socialist....:lol:)
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The OP is silly because every nation defines rich and poor differently.

Yes, 10 American dollars will buy you a hell of a lot in some countries, however who cares if you aren't IN those countries?

Yet the left takes no issue with other comparisons.

You will always hear me talk about double standards.

Here is yet another............

I'm not sure you can compare living situations in the US with 3rd world countries.

You can compare and contrast us with other countries, but any comparison that leaves the western world would make me pause.

Yet they are included in the healthcare comparisons.

It is difficult to line them up. So we just go to the very basic of human need. Food and shelter........
Yet the left takes no issue with other comparisons.

You will always hear me talk about double standards.

Here is yet another............

I'm not sure you can compare living situations in the US with 3rd world countries.

You can compare and contrast us with other countries, but any comparison that leaves the western world would make me pause.

Yet they are included in the healthcare comparisons.

It is difficult to line them up. So we just go to the very basic of human need. Food and shelter........

I've never seem them in healthcare comparisons, unless they were in a long list and I just brushed over them. *shrug* entirely possible.
I really love this RW meme of "our poor aren't poor enough". "You can't be poor, you have a microwave". Seriously, ya'll can't possibly be that clueless...


You do realize a lot of that has to do with the size of those countries right? Second, there will never be complete equality. It is impossible to attain and no matter what measures are taken equality will never be realized.

You do realize that inequality in this country is greater than it has been in scores of years.

Keep going with "our poor aren't poor enough" though. That's got to be a wining strategy.

You can thank Obama. Middle class pay dropped 4000 over the past 4 years

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