If You Don't Vote For Me Then You Ain't Black

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Poll numbers drop for Biden among blacks due to vaccine mandates. Guess they've turned white. Those damned Trump supporters who won't get vaccinated!

Ain't it great, Lakhota gets slapped in the face by an article from his own MSM and he disagrees with it. Facts is Facts, eh, Lakhota?
Poll numbers drop for Biden among blacks due to vaccine mandates. Guess they've turned white. Those damned Trump supporters who won't get vaccinated!

I can't say I'm surprised Joe Biden is making it a priority to create more white people. It seems like something he would do.
Blacks have a history of suffering a crisis in confidence from time to time.
But, they always return to the Dimm plantation!
Even if they have to jostle for elbow room with Joe's Nigerians and Africans!
Stupid shits deserve who they vote for!!

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