If we ever divide into the Republic of America (RoA) and the United Socialist States (USS), what traits would characterize them?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
The RoA:

1) Jobs and college spots would be given to those who best earned them, via a show of ability, intelligence, motivation, and discipline

2) Successful, law-abiding people would be admired, and emulated

3) Criminals would be jailed and bail would be set high for violent offenses

4) The border would be shut, and admissions granted via normal legal processes and for true asylum instances (while waiting in Mexico pending their hearings)

5) Under no circumstances would welfare programs total the amount - or worse, exceed - an unskilled worker could earn on a 9 - 5 job.

The USS:

1) Jobs and college spots would be largely determined, or influenced by, the color of the applicant’s skin

2) People on the government dole would be defended as living a life equally as deserving of praise as those who support themselves and their families

3) Bail would be minimal, or non-existent, including for violent offenders

4) There would be effectively no border, and air-conditioned buses would be waiting to escort “new undocumented residents” to the airport and a flight of their choice, along with spending money, while all current “undocumented residents“ would be given blanket amnesty and voting rights

5) There would be an abundance of support programs - an air-conditioned apartment, a generous food allowance, fully provided health care, basic utilities, and a monthly stipend of cash - all paid for by the “rich” (who will be fleeing to the RoA) - so they can choose to either goof off all day or actually work a job.
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In our republic no one should graduate High School without having passed a firearms safety class that teaches students how to unload and make safe a variety of weapons and understand the concepts of magazines/sources of ammo, the techniques of disconnection, and muzzle discipline.

Advanced course should be encouraged that teach conflict resolution, de-escalation of hostility and situational awareness.

Two years of public service should be required for any education loans subsidized by government and constitutional law as well as civics should be mastered, not merely checked as a "go" in order to advance.

Liberalism would be wiped out in 20 years if these policies were enforced, and prosperity would be so incredible the entire world would copy the COTUS as the law of their lands.

Why do the Prog whites leave changing neighborhoods than? Why do they? Then many move to the burbs and pontificate how nice they are for humanity and all races and even get mad at others for not agreeing with them. Build low-income housing in the areas Progs moved to too start. See what they do then. Remember, the white population is expanding in poverty. Especially white males because they are last in line for benefits from the government.
Just the opposite. Especially the middle cartoon, with the people just waiting for food to drop from trees. That would be the Dems, waiting for the government to provide.

(And I also notice you couldn’t help but go straight to the Big Lie of white suoremacists.)
White supremacists are a Trump voting block.

As for the hate that would permeate Conservistan....there is zero doubt that the first thing you guys would do is expel all non-whites.
Why do "people" this stupid continue to steal oxygen from the rest of us? It's because of excessive "safety" standards. Jabbering imbeciles like candyass here, would have died a long time ago in the cabinet below a kitchen sink if the Drano bottle didn't have a difficult lid on it.

Just sayin' is all...

There are lots of souls that made it to heaven in the 1960's because school buses didn't have red lights on them, that might not have made it there if they ended up in a US university.
Why do the Prog whites leave changing neighborhoods than? Why do they? Then many move to the burbs and pontificate how nice they are for humanity and all races and even get mad at others for not agreeing with them. Build low-income housing in the areas Progs moved to too start. See what they do then. Remember, the white population is expanding in poverty. Especially white males because they are last in line for benefits from the government.
When you see homeless people, what demographic dominates that population?
In our republic no one should graduate High School without having passed a firearms safety class that teaches students how to unload and make safe a variety of weapons and understand the concepts of magazines/sources of ammo, the techniques of disconnection, and muzzle discipline.

Advanced course should be encouraged that teach conflict resolution, de-escalation of hostility and situational awareness.

Two years of public service should be required for any education loans subsidized by government and constitutional law as well as civics should be mastered, not merely checked as a "go" in order to advance.

Liberalism would be wiped out in 20 years if these policies were enforced, and prosperity would be so incredible the entire world would copy the COTUS as the law of their lands.

Liberalism is a philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law. The true liberals do not identify as Dems anymore.
It's the Dems that have purged liberalism from their own party, despite their lies to the ignorant sheeple that still believe them. The only way they can claim to be liberals is by changing the definition.

Progressivism is what we need to get rid of. It encompasses all the left wing anti-freedom systems- socialism/communism/marxism, fascism, feudalism & totalitarianism
The RoA would be the nation that people from the USS escape to.
Yup. ESPECIALLY the successful people, who earn their own way, once the USS rulers confiscate 90% of their money to give it to the leeches. What will happen is that the USS will be left with bottom feeders, feeling entitled to their next handout, and with the USS rulers having nobody to get the money from.
Liberalism is a philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law. The true liberals do not identify as Dems anymore.
It's the Dems that have purged liberalism from their own party, despite their lies to the ignorant sheeple that still believe them. The only way they can claim to be liberals is by changing the definition.

Progressivism is what we need to get rid of. It encompasses all the left wing anti-freedom systems- socialism/communism/marxism, fascism, feudalism & totalitarianism

It has been a gradual process, but the multiculturalist dogma that started to infiltrate the left in the seventies has morphed into the rigid caste system of identity politics.

Instead of a melting-pot society where the left follows liberal principles, we now live in a Balkanized society where the left's tribalism is the greatest threat TO liberal principles.
Just the opposite. Especially the middle cartoon, with the people just waiting for food to drop from trees. That would be the Dems, waiting for the government to provide.
Yes, and the government provide by taking half the apples from the basket of the people working to feed themselves and giving them to the people waiting to be fed (taking a large number of apples for themselves, of course).
Meh, it would be a lot easier to just cleanse the US of the dem leadership....They would have two choices....Forced exile/deportation/revocation of US citizenship or a .22 behind the ear. Make it real simple for them.

I figure once their liberal Ivy League taught masters are decimated the useful idiot dems will just fall in line with whoever is in charge as that is pretty much how they roll now.

The Ivy League itself will also have to be dealt with very harshly as they are the root cause of many of our country's ills.....I'd like to be in charge of that aspect of un-fucking the country myself. ;)
Yes, and the government provide by taking half the apples from the basket of the people working to feed themselves and giving them to the people waiting to be fed (taking a large number of apples for themselves, of course).
Yup. A more accurate cartoon would be the group of picking working together to pick the apples, and then having someone swoop in and steal them, handing them to the people sitting there with their arms extended for the freebies.
Meh, it would be a lot easier to just cleanse the US of the dem leadership....They would have two choices....Forced exile/deportation/revocation of US citizenship or a .22 behind the ear. Make it real simple for them.

We have our chance to do that in 2022, and again in 2024. Given the disaster the Dems have made of this country, it’s very likely we win in both elections.
I figure once their liberal Ivy League taught masters are decimated the useful idiot dems will just fall in line with whoever is in charge as that is pretty much how they roll now.

The Ivy League itself will also have to be dealt with very harshly as they are the root cause of many of our country's ills.....I'd like to be in charge of that aspect of un-fucking the country myself. ;)
We will make some inroads to that if, G-d willing, Harvard is handed their hat by the SCOTUS next year when it rules they can’t continue to pick and choose the students they want on the basis of race.

Admittedly, it’s only a start.
The RoA:

1) Jobs and college spots would be given to those who best earned them, via a show of ability, intelligence, motivation, and discipline

2) Successful, law-abiding people would be admired, and emulated

3) Criminals would be jailed and bail would be set high for violent offenses

4) The border would be shut, and admissions granted via normal legal processes and for true asylum instances (while waiting in Mexico pending their hearings)

5) Under no circumstances would welfare programs total the amount - or worse, exceed - an unskilled worker could earn on a 9 - 5 job.

The USS:

1) Jobs and college spots would be largely determined, or influenced by, the color of the applicant’s skin

2) People on the government dole would be defended as living a life equally as deserving of praise as those who support themselves and their families

3) Bail would be minimal, or non-existent, including for violent offenders

4) There would be effectively no border, and air-conditioned buses would be waiting to escort “new undocumented residents” to the airport and a flight of their choice, along with spending money, while all current “undocumented residents“ would be given blanket amnesty and voting rights

5) There would be an abundance of support programs - an air-conditioned apartment, a generous food allowance, fully provided health care, basic utilities, and a monthly stipend of cash - all paid for by the “rich” (who will be fleeing to the RoA) - so they can choose to either goof off all day or actually work a job.
What a braindead post.
We have our chance to do that in 2022, and again in 2024. Given the disaster the Dems have made of this country, it’s very likely we win in both elections.

We will make some inroads to that if, G-d willing, Harvard is handed their hat by the SCOTUS next year when it rules they can’t continue to pick and choose the students they want on the basis of race.

Admittedly, it’s only a start.
You are way too nice, I prefer to "live by the feud" on the dems for the damage they have done.
Meh, it would be a lot easier to just cleanse the US of the dem leadership....They would have two choices....Forced exile/deportation/revocation of US citizenship or a .22 behind the ear. Make it real simple for them.

I figure once their liberal Ivy League taught masters are decimated the useful idiot dems will just fall in line with whoever is in charge as that is pretty much how they roll now.

The Ivy League itself will also have to be dealt with very harshly as they are the root cause of many of our country's ills.....I'd like to be in charge of that aspect of un-fucking the country myself. ;)
We will save a lot on ammo in that case, none of these parasites will accept the punishments they're due if they're allowed to leave the country they hate. I will be just as happy to pay $1000 to ship a bed wetting leftist parasite to North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Laos, Rhodesia, or pretty much anywhere in the eastern hemisphere along with 50 pounds of rice, a hog, and a WASR-10 with 30 rounds in a magazine.

The negotiations have failed. There is no place left on earth for us to go that isn't infested with leftist scum, we need a homeland and the US was established for us over 200 years ago. These parasites need to be physically removed.




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