If Trump is the Nominee The Party is Finished

Look at the Trump events. Look at the primary results. Now imagine those voters not voting.
I believe if Trump becomes the nominee, either by initially winning 1237 delegates or on subsequent counts then the GOP will dissolve. Enough of us have signed the #NeverTrump pledge to walk out on the party and destroy it.
Next question: What comes after? will we build a new Consevative Party to replace it, one that will stand for actual conservative values? Or will the GOP limp along and the Libertarian Party grow exponentially?
I'm not the only one who will be leaving the party when he is the candidate. One can only hold their nose while voting so many times. The Stupid Party has been licking boots so long they created his rise.

America is done, the Great Experiment is over.
If Trump is not nominated the Republican party is destroyed. His voters will not vote for someone just because they are Republican. The RNC can arm twist delegates but they can't do that to voters.

Half his voters are democrook cross overs who will not vote for his ass in the general election.

Count on that.

Dump has not won a single state that has closed primaries. He got not one GOP delegate because no sane republicrat wants the party to be represented by a clown.


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