If This Muslim Shooter Does Not Represent All Muslims, Why Does His Gun Represent All Gun Owners?


Because guns are the common denominator in all these mass shootings , religion is not.
Generalizations only apply to the groups not voting for the democrat regressive party. For others, a single instance is good enough to be generalized.

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Oh, c'mon now. It's because...well, because...ah um...it's very simple, has to do with the...ah, seems anyway to, by comparison at least to perhaps there's, well... the difference being one's um...if you look at it logically that is it's easy to ah...ah...at least broadly to some extent as far as a relationship or at least as a sort of transferred relation on some level between the two it's...ah, well, it's...oh, damn! There's my phone, gotta go...
It's a good question to be made.

So you're admitting your condemnation of innocent Muslims is wrong.
No! I'm just exploiting the false narrative the media and you type people are pushing.

So you're pissed that some people would like to close the loopholes in the background check laws?


I hope you are talking about the background checks for Syrians entering the country. Or the background checks for the muslim (possibly ISIS) members who Obama is selling an outlandish arsenal to.
It's a good question to be made.

I think the question you should be asking yourself is:

"How did a guy on the terrorist watch list, who was questioned twice by the FBI in connection with terrorist activities, legally acquire the weapons to carry out this massacre?".

That's the better question.
It's a good question to be made.

So you're admitting your condemnation of innocent Muslims is wrong.
No! I'm just exploiting the false narrative the media and you type people are pushing.

So you're pissed that some people would like to close the loopholes in the background check laws?


I hope you are talking about the background checks for Syrians entering the country. Or the background checks for the muslim (possibly ISIS) members who Obama is selling an outlandish arsenal to.
"Or the background checks for the muslim (possibly ISIS) members who Obama is selling an outlandish arsenal to."

It's a good question to be made.

So you're admitting your condemnation of innocent Muslims is wrong.
No! I'm just exploiting the false narrative the media and you type people are pushing.

So you're pissed that some people would like to close the loopholes in the background check laws?

Let's forget it and issue guns to everyone.

You're already doing that. It doesn't seem to be working.
Because guns are the common denominator in all these mass shootings , religion is not.

And knives are the common thread in all "stabbings". Cars are the common theme in all drunk driving deaths.


Unlike knives n cars , an AR is designed to kill lots of people very quickly .
To any reasonable person he doesn't represent all Muslims and his gun doesn't represent all gun owners. Watching the anti-Muslims loons and the anti-gun twats attempt to break apart the Constitution like a wishbone is unsurprising.
Because guns are the common denominator in all these mass shootings , religion is not.

And knives are the common thread in all "stabbings". Cars are the common theme in all drunk driving deaths.


Unlike knives n cars , an AR is designed to kill lots of people very quickly .
Cars can be used to kill lots of people very qiuickly. They're designed that way.
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