If This Isn't Racism......What The Heck Is???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. We've all seen the absurd and unsupported posts from both our board racists, and the government school grads who never question the Left's propaganda.
Using their information dominance, they ignore the actual meaning of the term 'race,' so they can ignore things like the incessant assaults on Asian, and this assault:

"University Of Maryland Creates New Racial Category: ‘Students Of Color Minus Asian’

...a chart comparing freshman admissions rates at the University of Maryland between two categories, “White or Asian students” and “Students of Color minus Asian.”

The photo has the University of Maryland’s logo attached at the bottom. The chart compared admissions and enrollment rates among freshmen in the fall of 2017 to admissions rates in the fall of 2021. The data showed that general admissions have gone up as have average weighted GPAs, according to the chart posted by journalist Christopher Rufo.

The chart classifies students by race, though the university opted to create a new racial category called “Students of Color minus Asian.” Asian students aged 18-24 have the highest nationwide college enrollment rates, averaging approximately 60 percent, according to a 2020 study by the National Center for Education Statistics.

The university’s Diversity and Inclusion Dashboard similarly creates a separate category for Asian students. The university boasts of its “underrepresented minority” category, which includes students who are “African-American/Black, Hispanic, American Indian, and Native Hawaiian.”

University Of Maryland Creates New Racial Category: ‘Students Of Color Minus Asian’

A photo emerged of a chart comparing freshman admissions rates between two categories, “White or Asian students” and “Students of Color minus Asian.”

2. In NYC, Democrats have declared war on the five tested schools for high achievers.....you know who that mean.

"Asian-American parents of gifted students have not traditionally been an activist constituency. But Mayor Bill de Blasio’s attempts to remove merit from the equation for New York City’s specialized high schools and gifted programs brought a forceful response from those whose children would be affected.

But if resistance to these plans largely succeeded in making the mayor back down, progressives haven’t given up the fight to make the specialized schools more “equitable”—or, rather, to equalize outcomes. The fight, in which I have been deeply involved, continues."

3. “… freedom of speech, the scientific method, intellectual diversity, and a meritocratic ethos rooted in individual dignity rather than adherence to the ideology of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) are nonnegotiable elements of a truly enlightened society.”
Professor Gad Saad


Well, you see, they need to prop up the notion that poor performance at school by minorities is a result of "systematic racism" in our society. Since Asians outperform everybody, I'm sorry, but they just had to go.

Idiocracy came to America sooner than I could have ever expected.
If you didn't limit the number of Asians, there wouldn't be room for anyone else, whites included.

I'm not joking. They literally limit the number of Asians.
Seems discriminatory to me, and I would think the courts would not allow it under the 14th Amendment. Is there a lawsuit yet over this? I don't have any data to back this up, but it feels like the Left is deliberately pushing the envelope of constitutionality as far as they can to see what they can get away with, and IMHO sometimes implementing programs that they already know is unlawful but doing it anyway. All in the name of equity and diversity.

One might think that such institutions that resort to this kind of discrimination are hurting their brand in the long run, because their grads are more likely to be of less merit. Is it not logical that if you admit less qualified students that you get less qualified grads?
Well, you see, they need to prop up the notion that poor performance at school by minorities is a result of "systematic racism" in our society. Since Asians outperform everybody, I'm sorry, but they just had to go.

Idiocracy came to America sooner than I could have ever expected.

I'm packin' as we speak!
If you didn't limit the number of Asians, there wouldn't be room for anyone else, whites included.

I'm not joking. They literally limit the number of Asians.

Biden endorses bias against Asians.

Did you vote for this???

Biden administration drops Trump-era discrimination lawsuit ...​

https://www.theguardian.com › us-news › feb › yale-dis...

Federal prosecutors under Donald Trump had argued the university violates civil rights laws when it “discriminates based on race and national ...

Justice Department drops suit accusing Yale of discriminating ...​

https://www.cnbc.com › 2021/02/03 › doj-drops-suit-ac...

Biden's Department of Justice dropped a suit alleging that Yale was discriminating against White and Asian applicants, a reversal from the ...
Then I guess everyone else should work harder.

4. "So what accounts for the poverty-defying trajectory of the Fujianese kids?
The answer is fourfold.

First is a cultural trait that has become a cliché in the model-minority discussion: a zealous focus on education. .... education for the next generation is close to a religion..... One recent college graduate, now a public school math teacher, told me that his mother would wake him at 5 AM to go over math problems—when he was in the first and second grade. ..
.... one kindergartner’s mother said, in faltering English: “My son must go Harvard.”

a. No matter how poor they are, parents find a way to get their fourth- or fifth-graders into test-prep classes. WNYC found one Sunset Park family who put aside $5,000 for classes for their three sons out of a yearly household income of just $26,000.
Brooklyn's Chinese Pioneers by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Spring 2014

b. ....Chinese kids had the longest commutes to high school. Most parents would be uneasy about an hour-and-a-half trip every day from the middle of Brooklyn, say, to Bronx Science. Kasinitz found that Latino parents, in particular, like to keep their high schoolers close to home.
Chinese parents weren’t deterred by distance—or by much else.

Seems discriminatory to me, and I would think the courts would not allow it under the 14th Amendment. Is there a lawsuit yet over this? I don't have any data to back this up, but it feels like the Left is deliberately pushing the envelope of constitutionality as far as they can to see what they can get away with, and IMHO sometimes implementing programs that they already know is unlawful but doing it anyway. All in the name of equity and diversity.

One might think that such institutions that resort to this kind of discrimination are hurting their brand in the long run, because their grads are more likely to be of less merit. Is it not logical that if you admit less qualified students that you get less qualified grads?

Trump sued Yale......the Democrats quashed the suit.

They like racism.....

"These disparities, DOJ argues, are driven by Yale's use of race at every step of the admissions process. According to the complaint, application readers are encouraged to use race as an explicit factor in grading the quality of an applicant; Yale also regularly "bops" white and Asian applicants, replacing them with black or Hispanic applicants to maintain the class's racial composition.
...this case could go all the way to the Supreme Court, giving a more sympathetic body the chance to revisit affirmative action rulings and the first opportunity to consider how the Civil Rights Act governs affirmative action at private institutions. "

Data Reveal How Yale Discriminates Based on Race

Black applicants to Yale University are up to eight times more likely to be admitted than Asian applicants with the same level of academic skill, a disparity that the Department of Justice says violates federal law.


Now.....if race is a requirement for admission.......isn't the policy racist.......by definition?

The suit follows DOJ's official request that Yale cease its use of race as an admissions factor, itself the result of a multi-year investigation into Yale's admissions practices. Although the two institutions negotiated extensively since that request was made in August, a DOJ official told the Washington Free Beacon, Yale has refused to alter its admissions process, necessitating legal action."

"For too long, agencies of the federal government have turned a blind eye to the blatant discrimination directed against Asian Americans and whites in college admissions policies. It is our hope that this lawsuit eventually will contribute to the end of racial classifications and preferences at all U.S. colleges and universities."

One thing, however, could stand between DOJ and successful litigation against Yale: the November election. Democrats have been broadly critical of President Donald Trump's prosecutorial focus on higher education, dismissing it as a partisan attack. The Biden campaign did not respond to a request for comment as to whether or not Biden would continue the lawsuit against Yale if elected."
One thing, however, could stand between DOJ and successful litigation against Yale: the November election. Democrats have been broadly critical of President Donald Trump's prosecutorial focus on higher education, dismissing it as a partisan attack. The Biden campaign did not respond to a request for comment as to whether or not Biden would continue the lawsuit against Yale if elected."

Feb 3, 2021

The Biden Justice Department on Wednesday dropped a lawsuit the Trump administration had filed against Yale University accusing the school of discriminating against Asian Americans and white applicants in another of the new president's reversal of his predecessor's policy.

The lawsuit, filed in October, accuses the university of rejecting "scores of Asian American and white applicants each year based on their race."


ARLINGTON, Va., Nov. 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) filed a petition for a writ of certiorari at the U.S. Supreme Court in Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina.

Students for Fair Admissions Petitions US Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to the Univ. of North Carolina Admissions Case
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The UNC case is a companion to Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard University, No. 20-1199. Both cases were filed on the same day in 2014.

The Harvard case challenges racial preferences at the nation's oldest private college, and this case challenges racial preferences at the nation's oldest public college. The Harvard case asks this Court to overrule Grutter v. Bollinger and hold that Title VI forbids federal funding recipients from using race in admissions.

This case asks the Court to recognize that, for public schools, the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of racial neutrality compels the same conclusion. Certiorari before judgment is appropriate here for the same reasons it was in Gratz v. Bollinger, the companion case to Grutter that was argued and decided on the same day.

Like Harvard, UNC is devoted to using race indefinitely and at every stage of its admissions process. The district court—after seven years of litigation and an eight-day trial—upheld UNC's system under a version of strict scrutiny that was anything but.

Edward Blum, president of SFFA, said, "It is our hope that the U.S. Supreme Court will grant both the Harvard and the University of North Carolina admissions cases for argument."
Blum added, "Every year, thousands of college applicants have been subjected to unfair and unconstitutional racial classifications and penalties by our nation's most competitive institutions. These polarizing practices—which a significant majority of all Americans oppose— must end as soon as possible."

Blum noted, "If the Supreme Court decides, as it should, to reconsider racial preferences in college admissions, it should consider that question in the context of both a private school and a public school. And it should resolve that question under both Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the U.S. Constitution."

Blum concluded, "The cornerstone of our nation's civil rights laws is the principle that an individual's race should not be used to help or harm them in their life's endeavors. We hope the Supreme Court will use the Harvard and UNC cases to begin the restoration of the colorblind legal covenant that holds together Americans of all races and ethnicities."

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I challenge any Democrat to provide any other statute, law, regulation or policy that negatively effects an entire race.

And don't be funny....and say 'any laws against looting.'
It means that any stats that do not support his position (democrats) are therefore racist.

I've gotten bored with 'racist'.....I'm waitin' for the 2022 invectives.

Seems "white nationalist' didn't have legs....

This is the result of government schooling......no more creativity.
..a chart comparing freshman admissions rates at the University of Maryland between two categories, “White or Asian students” and “Students of Color minus Asian.”
If you are citing Edward Blum you can't be taken seriously.
I challenge any Democrat to provide any other statute, law, regulation or policy that negatively effects an entire race.

And don't be funny....and say 'any laws against looting.'
Shelby CO. v. Holder for starters.

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