If the Presidential outcome was fraudulent, then so were all the rest.

What bet? Find my statement so we may bet. Little coward. I asked you a question. You made the statement and now won’t stand by it. Dumbass leftist.
Poor retard. Threw down a challenge and when I challenged him back, tries to back down!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Keep trying, retard. Give me a lot of pleasure to keep hammering you down!!!
And a hearty Seig Heil to you too.

Uber Alles Democrat indeed.
You've got nothing but hate. Only ignorant gate filled republicans believe it was stolen because you were beaten democratically. You scream about it was stolen but failed to recognised you supported the capitol riots to destroy democracy as if it was your birth right to
rule over everyone else. You arrogant pricks.
More farts from the retard. LOL

Keep trying to evade the issue, retard. Sorry, but till you accept the challenge you will be branded as a cowardly retard. But you know that, don't you? :itsok:
You are sorry. I asked a question. You made a definitive statement and would not stand by your statement. Why? You’re a typical leftist coward.
Poor retard. Threw down a challenge and when I challenged him back, tries to back down!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Keep trying, retard. Give me a lot of pleasure to keep hammering you down!!!
What challenge? Find the post with the challenge? I only Asked you to stand by your statement. As far as pleasure, coward, keep that weirdness to yourself.
How do you prove you are warranted from arrest in another state. Perhaps a data base........but that is even dangerous as it can be hacked also

Riddle me this. 364000 change of addresses in Georgia to OTHER STATES..........and still kept on the rolls.............hmmm

Why and why did Stacey Abrams sister throw that challenge out by Truth the VOTE. BIAS. That case is a walking BILLBOARD FOR IT.
Georgia has a history of purging such people, many who hadn't moved. Probably why they didn't just purge them in 2020. You can only get caught so many times with your hand in the cookie jar.

You are sorry. I asked a question. You made a definitive statement and would not stand by your statement. Why? You’re a typical leftist coward.
Awww... still sobbing, are we? Poor retard. Next time you would know better than to tangle with me... or not, you are after all a retard! :auiqs.jpg:
What challenge? Find the post with the challenge? I only Asked you to stand by your statement. As far as pleasure, coward, keep that weirdness to yourself.
Poor retard doesn't even remember his own challenge. Oh well, now you know why you are called a retard :itsok:
And that number is nine (9) states that do that. And they do that in accordance with their long standing (far before the 2020 election) election laws.
And only one was a battle state ground Trump contested and all voted the same way as they had in 2016.
Unlikely by why impossible? Please explain.
Poor, ShortBus. Turns out he's a Birther too. :lmao:

This is why it's impossible....


Dayum, are you ever fucked in the head. :cuckoo:
Awww... still sobbing, are we? Poor retard. Next time you would know better than to tangle with me... or not, you are after all a retard! :auiqs.jpg:
OK Coward. Don't make definitive statements if you won't stand behind them. Typical leftist zombie.
Poor, ShortBus. Turns out he's a Birther too. :lmao:

This is why it's impossible....


Dayum, are you ever fucked in the head. :cuckoo:
I find very few things impossible. I am not a birther. If I had to bet my life I would say he was born in America. Would you?
I find very few things impossible. I am not a birther. If I had to bet my life I would say he was born in America. Would you?
Of course I would. But then I'm not a Birther like you. And yes, I get you don't think of yourself as a Birther, but yet, here you are spouting Birther nonsense; and hedging on it in a failed attempt at being known as a Birther. Whereas I knew from the moment I saw his birth record AND it was notorized by Hawaii's State Registrar AND authenticated by Hawaii's Director of Health AND it was corroborated by the Nordyke twins' Birth certificates AND there was no other real birth record anywhere else, there was no doubt Obama was born in Hawaii.
So she's not Christian now despite having a Christian sounding name. Kinda like Obama, right? He's not Muslim despite having a Muslim sounding name.

Savvy, ShortBus?
I never said he was Muslim? Did he convert? I do not understand the conflation? Are you just trolling again?
Of course I would. But then I'm not a Birther like you. And yes, I get you don't think of yourself as a Birther, but yet, here you are spouting Birther nonsense; and hedging on it in a failed attempt at being known as a Birther. Whereas I knew from the moment I saw his birth record AND it was notorized by Hawaii's State Registrar AND authenticated by Hawaii's Director of Health AND it was corroborated by the Nordyke twins' Birth certificates AND there was no other real birth record anywhere else, there was no doubt Obama was born in Hawaii.
I did not see any records. To me if you run for president there are sufficient background checks. I trust the system. To me few things are impossible as I am a Patriots fan. Why are you so triggered? Are you bored and want to call me shortbus a few more times? Go right ahead. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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