If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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/——/ “I think the average American had about a hundred dollars in savings.”
I get a kick out of people on both sides who make wild guesses when the facts are so easily verified. The average household's savings account balance is $16,420.
That doesn’t include bank CDs or retirement accounts. Here's How Much the Average American Household Has in a Savings Account | The Motley Fool

Seek better sources rather than peddling investor reflections of economic distortion. Really.
/——/ “I think the average American had about a hundred dollars in savings.”
I get a kick out of people on both sides who make wild guesses when the facts are so easily verified. The average household's savings account balance is $16,420.
That doesn’t include bank CDs or retirement accounts. Here's How Much the Average American Household Has in a Savings Account | The Motley Fool

Seek better sources rather than peddling investor reflections of economic distortion. Really.
/—-/ I provided a link - something you can’t or won’t do.
/——/ “I think the average American had about a hundred dollars in savings.”
I get a kick out of people on both sides who make wild guesses when the facts are so easily verified. The average household's savings account balance is $16,420.
That doesn’t include bank CDs or retirement accounts. Here's How Much the Average American Household Has in a Savings Account | The Motley Fool

Seek better sources rather than peddling investor reflections of economic distortion. Really.
/—-/ I provided a link - something you can’t or won’t do.

I don't need a link to debate the issue. And even if I wanted to recite some other asshole's dialogue via links I'd use a recent link from an honest source. Most of which would certianly confirm what I said by real people rather than investment professionals echoing economic distortion like the one you provided.
Last edited:
/——/ “I think the average American had about a hundred dollars in savings.”
I get a kick out of people on both sides who make wild guesses when the facts are so easily verified. The average household's savings account balance is $16,420.
That doesn’t include bank CDs or retirement accounts. Here's How Much the Average American Household Has in a Savings Account | The Motley Fool

Seek better sources rather than peddling investor reflections of economic distortion. Really.

/——/ “I think the average American had about a hundred dollars in savings.”
I get a kick out of people on both sides who make wild guesses when the facts are so easily verified. The average household's savings account balance is $16,420.
That doesn’t include bank CDs or retirement accounts. Here's How Much the Average American Household Has in a Savings Account | The Motley Fool

Seek better sources rather than peddling investor reflections of economic distortion. Really.


So, you're going to give us a link from the very entity that's distorting the economy and debasing our dollar? That's golden Toddster. You muppets crack me up.

The Fed needs ended. Not referenced. It, like you, doesn't even know what real money is.

Am I gonna have to post a "Here's how it works'' paper again?
/——/ “I think the average American had about a hundred dollars in savings.”
I get a kick out of people on both sides who make wild guesses when the facts are so easily verified. The average household's savings account balance is $16,420.
That doesn’t include bank CDs or retirement accounts. Here's How Much the Average American Household Has in a Savings Account | The Motley Fool

Seek better sources rather than peddling investor reflections of economic distortion. Really.


So, you're going to give us a link from the very entity that's distorting the economy and debasing our dollar? That's golden Toddster. You muppets crack me up.

The Fed needs ended. Not referenced. It, like you, doesn't even know what real money is.

Am I gonna have to post a "Here's how it works'' paper again?

So, you're going to give us a link from the very entity that's distorting the economy and debasing our dollar?

I knew it'd get your panties in a twist. Too many facts don't help you either.

Well, you could post a spittle-flecked article from Ron Paul...….

Am I gonna have to post a "Here's how it works'' paper again?

I always enjoy a good laugh.
/——/ “I think the average American had about a hundred dollars in savings.”
I get a kick out of people on both sides who make wild guesses when the facts are so easily verified. The average household's savings account balance is $16,420.
That doesn’t include bank CDs or retirement accounts. Here's How Much the Average American Household Has in a Savings Account | The Motley Fool

Seek better sources rather than peddling investor reflections of economic distortion. Really.
/—-/ I provided a link - something you can’t or won’t do.

I don't need a link to debate the issue. And even if I wanted to recite some other asshole's dialogue via links I'd use a recent link from an honest source. Most of which would certianly confirm what I said by real people rather than investment professionals echoing economic distortion like the one you provided.
/—-/ Your “guess” that most have only $100 in savings with no hard data, renders your point moot. BTW, I agree people don’t save enough and I’m no fan of the Fed.
Walmart has helped more businesses than it ever hurt. Walmart is what's called an anchor store. Anchor stores draw people to a complex, and other vendors benefit by the amount of people the anchor store is attracting.

Even the contracts for those smaller stores are written around the anchor store. If the anchor store leaves, it allows the other stores to break their leases, because those smaller businesses know they can't be profitable on their own without the anchor.
When WalMart leaves an area, they leave behind a Ghost Town.

For WalMart to leave, you'd have to be a ghost town.
Her you go big mouth:
What happened when Walmart left

Small towns devastated after Wal-Mart Stores Inc decimates mom-and-pop shops, then packs up and leaves: ‘They ruined our lives’

The New Way That Walmart Is Ruining America's Small Towns
/—-/ It’s called free trade. Once Walmart leaves the Mom & Pos can reopen and I’ve seen it happen. BTW RHMacy’s put small stores out of business, so did Sears and Woolworths. Now Amazon wiped them out. It’s a cycle where the consumer usually wins.
"It’s called free trade"

More like unethical.

Just FYI, "unethical" does NOT mean "things that I don't like because they don't support my utopia complex".

Businesses - like WalMart - exist to make a profit. They make decisions with an eye toward making profits. There's nothing "unethical" about that just because you want to pretend that your own broke loserhood is a virtue that others should emulate.
Walmart has helped more businesses than it ever hurt. Walmart is what's called an anchor store. Anchor stores draw people to a complex, and other vendors benefit by the amount of people the anchor store is attracting.

Even the contracts for those smaller stores are written around the anchor store. If the anchor store leaves, it allows the other stores to break their leases, because those smaller businesses know they can't be profitable on their own without the anchor.
When WalMart leaves an area, which they often have, they leave behind a Ghost Town.

So let me get this straight: you on the left have been pouncing and degrading Walmart for at least the last decade. Now when they don't make enough money at particular outlets and close, you blame them?????

Online sales have been soaring the last several years. Even our K-Mart which has been in this area the last five decades closed down; not a Walmart in site.

I only read the one article. But what it stated is that the towns population that Walmart deserted was 900 people. Is it any wonder why nobody else took their place? It seems to me no business can really survive in a town like that in our tech era these days.
Just because you work for them doesn't make it right. Subsidies then screw them.

What makes you think I work for Walmart? And what subsidies are you talking about???
Probably because you Cheer lead for them. My question, to you, is why do you have a picture that points a gun at everyone?

My question to you: why is your avatar the symbol for "male"? Is it because otherwise, people don't notice?
When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Not only does it come full circle...
making more but with higher prices, no different than before

But, when you make more, you get back less in taxes
and many will lose or have government benefits reduced...
which is fine with me anyway

There needs to be a increase in tax revenue
to compensate for the flood of immigrants into the country
How the hell anyone is ok with, paying more, getting less
so others could have more is fucking beyond me

Whats going to happen when the next recession hits....
Because it will

Banks, credit cards, car loans are operating on
disposable income from immigrants
who rely on government assistance

When that segment of the population starts defaulting
it’s going to turn into a bigger financial mess than the last

There should be a head tax on all Hispanic and the like
Whether it be Mexican, Honduran, Guatemalan
There should be a central fund created to offset the costs
of schooling, feeding, housing and providing healthcare
for the flood of Central and Latin America immigrants
paid for and funded by them exclusively

I do not understand how people are that fucking dense
when it comes to simple, basic math
When you are doling out funds for 500 people
that only 100 people have contributed to
and none of which are of the 500....WTF

Well like I’ve asked the same question over and over.

Name me any establishment or any business categories that went out of business because of MW increase.

All I heard over and over are mostly an opinion from anti MW increase.

And people are not fucking dense. I’m talking about facts and reality.

I was 1 of 3 ASM for Dollar Tree
When the MW increase went into effect
they transferred 1 of the ASM to another store
slashed the hours for cashiers and stockers
and myself, the other ASM and the store manager
had to fill in those missing spots because we were full time

They cut about 40 hrs a week off the schedule
I didn’t lose any hours but I had twice as much work
Go to a Dollar Tree here in Chicago now...
They look like fucking shit

Are you telling me they are already loosing money before MW increases?

This is Chicago MW:
July 2015 MW was $10.
July 2016 $10.50
July 2017 $11.00
July 2018 $12.00
July 2019 $13.00

1. I will make 10 employees for you. That is $0.50 per employees = $5/hour = $40/day.
Are you telling me Dollar Tree will go all of that for just $40?
Are you telling me a business like that cannot make the difference? For a lousy $40?

2. Are you telling me all those employees are making MW at the same time? All started at the same year?
3. Nobody starts with experience?
4. The increase is incremental. It’s not from $10 to $13 over night.
5. Are you telling me dollar tree never raise prices before?

So no your example is bogus to me.

I’ve been to Chicago many times over the years. Some look very nice and impressive but some look like shit.

So if I used your example. The whole Chicago looks like shit and all shut down because of your MW analogy.
When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Not only does it come full circle...
making more but with higher prices, no different than before

But, when you make more, you get back less in taxes
and many will lose or have government benefits reduced...
which is fine with me anyway

There needs to be a increase in tax revenue
to compensate for the flood of immigrants into the country
How the hell anyone is ok with, paying more, getting less
so others could have more is fucking beyond me

Whats going to happen when the next recession hits....
Because it will

Banks, credit cards, car loans are operating on
disposable income from immigrants
who rely on government assistance

When that segment of the population starts defaulting
it’s going to turn into a bigger financial mess than the last

There should be a head tax on all Hispanic and the like
Whether it be Mexican, Honduran, Guatemalan
There should be a central fund created to offset the costs
of schooling, feeding, housing and providing healthcare
for the flood of Central and Latin America immigrants
paid for and funded by them exclusively

I do not understand how people are that fucking dense
when it comes to simple, basic math
When you are doling out funds for 500 people
that only 100 people have contributed to
and none of which are of the 500....WTF

Well like I’ve asked the same question over and over.

Name me any establishment or any business categories that went out of business because of MW increase.

All I heard over and over are mostly an opinion from anti MW increase.

And people are not fucking dense. I’m talking about facts and reality.
/——-/ Prove no business went under because of MW hikes. Prove no one lost their job because the employer couldn’t afford to keep everyone on the books. Prove McDonald’s isn’t reacting to the $15 MW by adding kiosks to take orders. We don’t want your opinion just the facts and reality.
If your business can only survive by paying workers starvation wages, your business doesnt deserve to exist.

So no business deserves to exist then because all of the business' revenue is taken up by high taxes and regulations from Democrats?

Post in reality not philosophical.

He/she meant to say. If a business is paying their employees $13/hour. They can not afford $0.50 increases?
When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Not only does it come full circle...
making more but with higher prices, no different than before

But, when you make more, you get back less in taxes
and many will lose or have government benefits reduced...
which is fine with me anyway

There needs to be a increase in tax revenue
to compensate for the flood of immigrants into the country
How the hell anyone is ok with, paying more, getting less
so others could have more is fucking beyond me

Whats going to happen when the next recession hits....
Because it will

Banks, credit cards, car loans are operating on
disposable income from immigrants
who rely on government assistance

When that segment of the population starts defaulting
it’s going to turn into a bigger financial mess than the last

There should be a head tax on all Hispanic and the like
Whether it be Mexican, Honduran, Guatemalan
There should be a central fund created to offset the costs
of schooling, feeding, housing and providing healthcare
for the flood of Central and Latin America immigrants
paid for and funded by them exclusively

I do not understand how people are that fucking dense
when it comes to simple, basic math
When you are doling out funds for 500 people
that only 100 people have contributed to
and none of which are of the 500....WTF

Well like I’ve asked the same question over and over.

Name me any establishment or any business categories that went out of business because of MW increase.

All I heard over and over are mostly an opinion from anti MW increase.

And people are not fucking dense. I’m talking about facts and reality.
/——-/ Prove no business went under because of MW hikes. Prove no one lost their job because the employer couldn’t afford to keep everyone on the books. Prove McDonald’s isn’t reacting to the $15 MW by adding kiosks to take orders. We don’t want your opinion just the facts and reality.
If your business can only survive by paying workers starvation wages, your business doesnt deserve to exist.
Median rent in San Francisco
for a one-bedroom apartment is around $3,700 a month

How much should McDonalds be paying their employees?

McDonald’s has reacted and implemented new MW in SF.

OMG OMG OMG they closed ALL McDonald’s in SF.
When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Not only does it come full circle...
making more but with higher prices, no different than before

But, when you make more, you get back less in taxes
and many will lose or have government benefits reduced...
which is fine with me anyway

There needs to be a increase in tax revenue
to compensate for the flood of immigrants into the country
How the hell anyone is ok with, paying more, getting less
so others could have more is fucking beyond me

Whats going to happen when the next recession hits....
Because it will

Banks, credit cards, car loans are operating on
disposable income from immigrants
who rely on government assistance

When that segment of the population starts defaulting
it’s going to turn into a bigger financial mess than the last

There should be a head tax on all Hispanic and the like
Whether it be Mexican, Honduran, Guatemalan
There should be a central fund created to offset the costs
of schooling, feeding, housing and providing healthcare
for the flood of Central and Latin America immigrants
paid for and funded by them exclusively

I do not understand how people are that fucking dense
when it comes to simple, basic math
When you are doling out funds for 500 people
that only 100 people have contributed to
and none of which are of the 500....WTF

Well like I’ve asked the same question over and over.

Name me any establishment or any business categories that went out of business because of MW increase.

All I heard over and over are mostly an opinion from anti MW increase.

And people are not fucking dense. I’m talking about facts and reality.

Name me any establishment or any business categories that went out of business because of MW increase.

No company ever goes under when expenses increase. Wow! Cool story bro.

It’s not a story. I’m asking facts. I’ve been in this industry very very long. And I know lots of lots of businesses from different categories.

So ALL these opinions, philosophical bulshit about MW....... I have not seen a single one.
The same cow dung when Seattle started the MW increases.
If prices don't increase because of wage increases, then who pays the money for those wage increases?
/----/ The business owner simply harvests ripe $20 bills from his money tree.
Duhhh, do we Libs have to spell everything out for you Republicans?
View attachment 274695

Most or ALL businesses increased prices every year. The same with McDonald’s.
You are arguing based from your own experience with no experience in ownership so I don’t expect you to understand business practices.

You just simply against MW.

You just simply against MW.

I'm against it because it's bad economics.

Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?

Straw man. When you have to narrow your parameters that specifically - "business category" - in order to try to falsely generate the answer you want to get, it's an indication that your reasoning is shit, and you know it and don't care.

Is your position REALLY that minimum-wage laws can't be considered detrimental unless entire industries shut down? As long as it's just individual businesses across the spectrum, fuck it, everything's great? My family-owned book store went under and we went bankrupt, but Amazon is still selling books, so all is well?

I’ll try to be nice and professional not to lower self to your low life pig style especially your friend Ray likes it.

All I’m asking is very simple. Name me one. If you cannot then get the fuck out.

Your family business close because of amazon. That is not because MW. There are tons of reasons why people likes to buy at Amazon. Not because of MW.
When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Not only does it come full circle...
making more but with higher prices, no different than before

But, when you make more, you get back less in taxes
and many will lose or have government benefits reduced...
which is fine with me anyway

There needs to be a increase in tax revenue
to compensate for the flood of immigrants into the country
How the hell anyone is ok with, paying more, getting less
so others could have more is fucking beyond me

Whats going to happen when the next recession hits....
Because it will

Banks, credit cards, car loans are operating on
disposable income from immigrants
who rely on government assistance

When that segment of the population starts defaulting
it’s going to turn into a bigger financial mess than the last

There should be a head tax on all Hispanic and the like
Whether it be Mexican, Honduran, Guatemalan
There should be a central fund created to offset the costs
of schooling, feeding, housing and providing healthcare
for the flood of Central and Latin America immigrants
paid for and funded by them exclusively

I do not understand how people are that fucking dense
when it comes to simple, basic math
When you are doling out funds for 500 people
that only 100 people have contributed to
and none of which are of the 500....WTF

Well like I’ve asked the same question over and over.

Name me any establishment or any business categories that went out of business because of MW increase.

All I heard over and over are mostly an opinion from anti MW increase.

And people are not fucking dense. I’m talking about facts and reality.
/——-/ Prove no business went under because of MW hikes. Prove no one lost their job because the employer couldn’t afford to keep everyone on the books. Prove McDonald’s isn’t reacting to the $15 MW by adding kiosks to take orders. We don’t want your opinion just the facts and reality.
If your business can only survive by paying workers starvation wages, your business doesnt deserve to exist.

That's the Democrat way. Better to be out of business and have no job than a lower paying one.

Dis someone went out of business Ray?
Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?

Minimum wage impacts businesses differently.

McDonald's sells 1000 hamburgers a day, 1200 french fires, 1600 beverages. But Bob at Bob's hardware doesn't sell 400 boxes of nails or screws every day. So you won't see any noticeable price increases at McDonald's, but you will at Bob's.

***1. If your employer gives you a dollar an hour raise, it costs your employer more than that dollar because of associated expenses. A huge increase like nearly doubling it would drive people out of business because of that reason.

***2... The worst part is that a huge minimum wage increase causes a domino effect. If you got out of high school and got a job at a manufacturer of some sort, and started out at $9.00 an hour, eventually you will make $15.00 an hour in a couple of years. All of a sudden, you find yourself back at minimum wage because of some Democrat politicians. Are you going to continue doing your job at minimum wage? Of course not. You are going to demand to be paid at least five bucks an hour over minimum. Okay, fine. But then what about the guy at your shop who's been there much longer and is making $20.00 an hour?

When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Agree. However.

1. McDonald’s can make up the difference easily.

2. Business like Bobs hardware as your example will always raise prices. Most or all businesses raise prices every year. That’s a fact. Even restaurants.

3. Businesses give regular increases to their employees. That’s a fact.

***1.. So far I have not seen that. That is why I asked the same question over and over. Name me one establishment that went out of business because of this MW increase?

***2. That’s just an opinion from anti minimum wage. I repeat the same question.

The sad part with all these arguments is. There are tons of companies that give starting salaries over $15/ hour. Even a high school graduate.

My minimum lowest entry level is $16+ hour.

I already pointed out how McDonald's will make up the difference, and that is a "slight' price increase on each of the thousands of items they sell a day. Bob can't do that.

Pricewise, Bob is already at a disadvantage with places like Home Depot, Lowes, and the internet. About 15 years ago one of our local hardware stores announced they were closing down. I spoke with the owner who placed the cause on a new Home Depot that opened up about ten miles away from his store. Lost for the future, he was questioning me about a career in trucking.

It was a wonderful store. Family owned and operated. They were even open all day Sunday.

At the time, I was making a delivery to a local company where I knew some of the workers from the area. One of them approached me about the closing of the hardware store, and how terrible it was. With that comment, I asked him "out of the last five times you purchased hardware, where did you go, to our local hardware store or Home Depot?" He bowed his head and said "Home Depot." I responded by saying "That's why he's closing up!"

So now Bob not only has to be competitive with super stores and the internet, he now has to deal with a huge minimum wage increase on top of that. How can he raise his prices anymore than he already has without putting himself out of business?

Thanks To The Fight For $15 Minimum Wage, Small Businesses Close And Employees Are Laid Off

Sorry to hear about Bob.

Home Depot, Costco, Walmart killed lots and lots of small businesses LOOOOOONG before MW increases even in the 80s.
So there’s no way you can blame MW Increases.

That’s the same happening overseas.

Walmart has helped more businesses than it ever hurt. Walmart is what's called an anchor store. Anchor stores draw people to a complex, and other vendors benefit by the amount of people the anchor store is attracting.

Even the contracts for those smaller stores are written around the anchor store. If the anchor store leaves, it allows the other stores to break their leases, because those smaller businesses know they can't be profitable on their own without the anchor.

True but that’s the nature of big business. That has nothing to do with with MW.
The same when I killed my competitors.
/----/ The business owner simply harvests ripe $20 bills from his money tree.
Duhhh, do we Libs have to spell everything out for you Republicans?
View attachment 274695

Most or ALL businesses increased prices every year. The same with McDonald’s.
You are arguing based from your own experience with no experience in ownership so I don’t expect you to understand business practices.

You just simply against MW.

You just simply against MW.

I'm against it because it's bad economics.

Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?

Straw man. When you have to narrow your parameters that specifically - "business category" - in order to try to falsely generate the answer you want to get, it's an indication that your reasoning is shit, and you know it and don't care.

Is your position REALLY that minimum-wage laws can't be considered detrimental unless entire industries shut down? As long as it's just individual businesses across the spectrum, fuck it, everything's great? My family-owned book store went under and we went bankrupt, but Amazon is still selling books, so all is well?

I’ll try to be nice and professional not to lower self to your low life pig style especially your friend Ray likes it.

All I’m asking is very simple. Name me one. If you cannot then get the fuck out.

Your family business close because of amazon. That is not because MW. There are tons of reasons why people likes to buy at Amazon. Not because of MW.

OK.....you're the smartest one here. Tell us how many OTHER costs does ANY minimum wage raise cause?
Well like I’ve asked the same question over and over.

Name me any establishment or any business categories that went out of business because of MW increase.

I provided that to you in the link I posted which you obviously didn't even look at. It lists several businesses that closed up in CA because of the minimum wage increase.

I’m traveling and I might have missed it.

What post number?

Not only does it come full circle...
making more but with higher prices, no different than before

But, when you make more, you get back less in taxes
and many will lose or have government benefits reduced...
which is fine with me anyway

There needs to be a increase in tax revenue
to compensate for the flood of immigrants into the country
How the hell anyone is ok with, paying more, getting less
so others could have more is fucking beyond me

Whats going to happen when the next recession hits....
Because it will

Banks, credit cards, car loans are operating on
disposable income from immigrants
who rely on government assistance

When that segment of the population starts defaulting
it’s going to turn into a bigger financial mess than the last

There should be a head tax on all Hispanic and the like
Whether it be Mexican, Honduran, Guatemalan
There should be a central fund created to offset the costs
of schooling, feeding, housing and providing healthcare
for the flood of Central and Latin America immigrants
paid for and funded by them exclusively

I do not understand how people are that fucking dense
when it comes to simple, basic math
When you are doling out funds for 500 people
that only 100 people have contributed to
and none of which are of the 500....WTF

Well like I’ve asked the same question over and over.

Name me any establishment or any business categories that went out of business because of MW increase.

All I heard over and over are mostly an opinion from anti MW increase.

And people are not fucking dense. I’m talking about facts and reality.
/——-/ Prove no business went under because of MW hikes. Prove no one lost their job because the employer couldn’t afford to keep everyone on the books. Prove McDonald’s isn’t reacting to the $15 MW by adding kiosks to take orders. We don’t want your opinion just the facts and reality.
If your business can only survive by paying workers starvation wages, your business doesnt deserve to exist.

So no business deserves to exist then because all of the business' revenue is taken up by high taxes and regulations from Democrats?

Post in reality not philosophical.

He/she meant to say. If a business is paying their employees $13/hour. They can not afford $0.50 increases?
/——/ That 50 cent raise costs the employer at least a dollar. Employers' Responsibility for FICA Payroll Taxes
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