If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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I already pointed out how McDonald's will make up the difference, and that is a "slight' price increase on each of the thousands of items they sell a day. Bob can't do that.

Pricewise, Bob is already at a disadvantage with places like Home Depot, Lowes, and the internet. About 15 years ago one of our local hardware stores announced they were closing down. I spoke with the owner who placed the cause on a new Home Depot that opened up about ten miles away from his store. Lost for the future, he was questioning me about a career in trucking.

It was a wonderful store. Family owned and operated. They were even open all day Sunday.

At the time, I was making a delivery to a local company where I knew some of the workers from the area. One of them approached me about the closing of the hardware store, and how terrible it was. With that comment, I asked him "out of the last five times you purchased hardware, where did you go, to our local hardware store or Home Depot?" He bowed his head and said "Home Depot." I responded by saying "That's why he's closing up!"

So now Bob not only has to be competitive with super stores and the internet, he now has to deal with a huge minimum wage increase on top of that. How can he raise his prices anymore than he already has without putting himself out of business?

Thanks To The Fight For $15 Minimum Wage, Small Businesses Close And Employees Are Laid Off

Sorry to hear about Bob.

Home Depot, Costco, Walmart killed lots and lots of small businesses LOOOOOONG before MW increases even in the 80s.
So there’s no way you can blame MW Increases.

That’s the same happening overseas.

Walmart has helped more businesses than it ever hurt. Walmart is what's called an anchor store. Anchor stores draw people to a complex, and other vendors benefit by the amount of people the anchor store is attracting.

Even the contracts for those smaller stores are written around the anchor store. If the anchor store leaves, it allows the other stores to break their leases, because those smaller businesses know they can't be profitable on their own without the anchor.
When WalMart leaves an area, which they often have, they leave behind a Ghost Town.

So let me get this straight: you on the left have been pouncing and degrading Walmart for at least the last decade. Now when they don't make enough money at particular outlets and close, you blame them?????

Online sales have been soaring the last several years. Even our K-Mart which has been in this area the last five decades closed down; not a Walmart in site.

I only read the one article. But what it stated is that the towns population that Walmart deserted was 900 people. Is it any wonder why nobody else took their place? It seems to me no business can really survive in a town like that in our tech era these days.
Just because you work for them doesn't make it right. Subsidies then screw them.

What makes you think I work for Walmart? And what subsidies are you talking about???
Sorry to hear about Bob.

Home Depot, Costco, Walmart killed lots and lots of small businesses LOOOOOONG before MW increases even in the 80s.
So there’s no way you can blame MW Increases.

That’s the same happening overseas.

Walmart has helped more businesses than it ever hurt. Walmart is what's called an anchor store. Anchor stores draw people to a complex, and other vendors benefit by the amount of people the anchor store is attracting.

Even the contracts for those smaller stores are written around the anchor store. If the anchor store leaves, it allows the other stores to break their leases, because those smaller businesses know they can't be profitable on their own without the anchor.
When WalMart leaves an area, which they often have, they leave behind a Ghost Town.

So let me get this straight: you on the left have been pouncing and degrading Walmart for at least the last decade. Now when they don't make enough money at particular outlets and close, you blame them?????

Online sales have been soaring the last several years. Even our K-Mart which has been in this area the last five decades closed down; not a Walmart in site.

I only read the one article. But what it stated is that the towns population that Walmart deserted was 900 people. Is it any wonder why nobody else took their place? It seems to me no business can really survive in a town like that in our tech era these days.
Just because you work for them doesn't make it right. Subsidies then screw them.

What makes you think I work for Walmart? And what subsidies are you talking about???
Probably because you Cheer lead for them. My question, to you, is why do you have a picture that points a gun at everyone?
/—-/ It’s called free trade. Once Walmart leaves the Mom & Pos can reopen and I’ve seen it happen. BTW RHMacy’s put small stores out of business, so did Sears and Woolworths. Now Amazon wiped them out. It’s a cycle where the consumer usually wins.
"It’s called free trade"

More like unethical.
Exactly, Mom & Pop stores pay taxes, Walmart does not! There hasn't been a free market in 40 years as the wealthy connected have destroyed this country.
/——/. No corporation pays taxes, their customers do- you big dope.
Walmart has helped more businesses than it ever hurt. Walmart is what's called an anchor store. Anchor stores draw people to a complex, and other vendors benefit by the amount of people the anchor store is attracting.

Even the contracts for those smaller stores are written around the anchor store. If the anchor store leaves, it allows the other stores to break their leases, because those smaller businesses know they can't be profitable on their own without the anchor.
When WalMart leaves an area, which they often have, they leave behind a Ghost Town.

So let me get this straight: you on the left have been pouncing and degrading Walmart for at least the last decade. Now when they don't make enough money at particular outlets and close, you blame them?????

Online sales have been soaring the last several years. Even our K-Mart which has been in this area the last five decades closed down; not a Walmart in site.

I only read the one article. But what it stated is that the towns population that Walmart deserted was 900 people. Is it any wonder why nobody else took their place? It seems to me no business can really survive in a town like that in our tech era these days.
Just because you work for them doesn't make it right. Subsidies then screw them.

What makes you think I work for Walmart? And what subsidies are you talking about???
Probably because you Cheer lead for them. My question, to you, is why do you have a picture that points a gun at everyone?

Because I cheer them on? You do realize that Walmart is the leader in stores, right? That means a lot of Americans cheer them on.

My avatar expresses my deepest support for not only the 2nd Amendment, but the right of every Americans to defend themselves using deadly force. But the best part about my avatar is it really pisses off liberals. Only a liberal can be so offended by a picture of a guy with a gun.
When WalMart leaves an area, which they often have, they leave behind a Ghost Town.

So let me get this straight: you on the left have been pouncing and degrading Walmart for at least the last decade. Now when they don't make enough money at particular outlets and close, you blame them?????

Online sales have been soaring the last several years. Even our K-Mart which has been in this area the last five decades closed down; not a Walmart in site.

I only read the one article. But what it stated is that the towns population that Walmart deserted was 900 people. Is it any wonder why nobody else took their place? It seems to me no business can really survive in a town like that in our tech era these days.
Just because you work for them doesn't make it right. Subsidies then screw them.

What makes you think I work for Walmart? And what subsidies are you talking about???
Probably because you Cheer lead for them. My question, to you, is why do you have a picture that points a gun at everyone?

Because I cheer them on? You do realize that Walmart is the leader in stores, right? That means a lot of Americans cheer them on.

My avatar expresses my deepest support for not only the 2nd Amendment, but the right of every Americans to defend themselves using deadly force. But the best part about my avatar is it really pisses off liberals. Only a liberal can be so offended by a picture of a guy with a gun.
Who says I'm a Liberal and why skate the question?
So let me get this straight: you on the left have been pouncing and degrading Walmart for at least the last decade. Now when they don't make enough money at particular outlets and close, you blame them?????

Online sales have been soaring the last several years. Even our K-Mart which has been in this area the last five decades closed down; not a Walmart in site.

I only read the one article. But what it stated is that the towns population that Walmart deserted was 900 people. Is it any wonder why nobody else took their place? It seems to me no business can really survive in a town like that in our tech era these days.
Just because you work for them doesn't make it right. Subsidies then screw them.

What makes you think I work for Walmart? And what subsidies are you talking about???
Probably because you Cheer lead for them. My question, to you, is why do you have a picture that points a gun at everyone?

Because I cheer them on? You do realize that Walmart is the leader in stores, right? That means a lot of Americans cheer them on.

My avatar expresses my deepest support for not only the 2nd Amendment, but the right of every Americans to defend themselves using deadly force. But the best part about my avatar is it really pisses off liberals. Only a liberal can be so offended by a picture of a guy with a gun.
Who says I'm a Liberal and why skate the question?

When it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's likely a duck.

What question of yours didn't I answer?
/—-/ It’s called free trade. Once Walmart leaves the Mom & Pos can reopen and I’ve seen it happen. BTW RHMacy’s put small stores out of business, so did Sears and Woolworths. Now Amazon wiped them out. It’s a cycle where the consumer usually wins.
"It’s called free trade"

More like unethical.
Exactly, Mom & Pop stores pay taxes, Walmart does not! There hasn't been a free market in 40 years as the wealthy connected have destroyed this country.

Exactly, Mom & Pop stores pay taxes, Walmart does not!

How does WalMart avoid paying taxes?

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Really? Because I make just over $25,000 a year..... and I have thousands saved in retirement funds, and I have paid for car, and paid for house, and I have several thousands in liquid cash in my bank account.

I must be the top 10%! Right stupid? Only the top 10% can miss a paycheck... right idiot?

You want to know how to be able to walk off the job, and not have any problems?

Spend less than you make.
Save money in the bank.
Don't borrow money.
Pay off all your debts.
Learn to live a life style that fits within your budget... or get a job that pays more.

I've done both. You know how much my phone bill was last month?

Screen Shot 2019-08-22 at 12.13.29 AM.png

$19.81. Not even twenty dollars.
You don't NEED a full service plan with unlimited data, and unlimited coast to coast calling.
You don't NEED full cable TV with all the paid channels.
You don't NEED a bran new car, with a $500 car payment.

You choose all that, and then you choose to live paycheck to paycheck, and then cry like a spoiled brat, because you have a job you don't like, but can't quit.

Years ago, after I was debt free like I am today, my boss acted like a total jerk to me. I simply walked off the job. You can do that when you live smart, instead of a slave to the banks. I simply did not show up for work the next day. No one came for my car, because I didn't owe anything on my car. No one cut off my phone, because I could easily afford $20 a month, for months on end, when I had thousands of dollars in the bank.

My point is.........

If you live stupid..... it does not matter if the economy is super good, or terrible. If you live stupid, you are going to live pay check to pay check, slaving away to the debt collectors at the mega banks, and that is a *YOU* problem, not a government problem.

It does not matter who you elect into government, if you live stupid. It's up to you to live smart. Not government. Government can't force you to stop being a moron with your money.

And by the way, get a better job if you need to. And yes, you can get a better job. I have. I have no degree. No certification. No training. No skillz. But what I can do, is anything I'm told, and I can come into work... not just on time, but early... and I can work consistently, and I can get the job done.

I have had jobs that paid nothing.... and I quit those jobs... and now I get paid more. If a dumb butt like me can do that, what does that make everyone else? You are telling me that I can double my wages, with absolutely no skillz education or certs, but you can't?

I failed out of college, but I can get a better job, have thousands in the bank, and have a IRA with tens of thousands of dollars in it.... and no debt.... but you can't?

Whose fault is that? Trumps? Really? Then how did I do it?

No.... if you have a problem, the problem is in your mirror, and the solution to your problem is also in your mirror.
/—-/ It’s called free trade. Once Walmart leaves the Mom & Pos can reopen and I’ve seen it happen. BTW RHMacy’s put small stores out of business, so did Sears and Woolworths. Now Amazon wiped them out. It’s a cycle where the consumer usually wins.
"It’s called free trade"

More like unethical.
Exactly, Mom & Pop stores pay taxes, Walmart does not! There hasn't been a free market in 40 years as the wealthy connected have destroyed this country.

The last time you said this lie, I pulled up the SEC shareholder reports that are publicly available, where they report paying a billion dollars in taxes, and posted it to the thread.

Do you want me to do this again? I'm a Walmart stock holder. Do you really want me to post the proof debunking that lie again? I will if you seriously intend to push this not only wrong, but blatantly stupid lie.

By the way, working at a mom&pop shop, sucks. I've done it. No benefits, because mom&pop shops can't afford benefits. And they pay less. Walmart here in Columbus Ohio, pays $11/hour cashier to start. You want to know how much a cashier at the local mom&pop diner makes? Minimum wage. $8.25 an hour. I've worked that job. Twice in fact.

And there is no tuition reimbursement from a mom&pop shop. I know a lady that got her degree through Walmarts tuition reimbursement plan. And she sold her $10,000 in Walmart stock she got through the employment stock purchase program, and bought a used car with it. There is no stock purchase program at a mom&pop shop.

Walmart Live Better U - $1 a Day | Guild Education | Guild Education

You don't have programs like that, at Tim's Bakery, or Louis Grill, or Todd's Barber shop.

On top of that, you don't have the hundreds of good paying jobs, from those mom&pop shops either. Managers, Order Fillers, Pharmacists, and on, all make darn good money, and that doesn't include support jobs like truck drivers for Walmart, or in the distribution centers.

And you can move up to those positions. The CEO of Walmart right now, started off as an hourly worker as a teenager. If he was working at a mom&pop shop, he's still be a hourly cashier or something. What is he going to do, to move up in a mom&pop shop? Hope they have a daughter and marry into the family?

(I'm not making that up by the way. I was directly told my only chance of moving up at a particular job, was to marry the CEO's daughter, because they only promoted family. And literally they pointed to the only single daughter they had. I can't make this stuff up.)

That's what you prefer over Walmart? Then you are an idiot.
It's doing great.

Some people spend well beyond their means, and save nothing. They are unprepared for emergencies.
Doing great for some but for way too many ,,NOT,,,,,,, Trump is making millions Emolument clause means nothing to him or republicans

That's because he's not violating it.
You have to be kidding ? Makes deals with countries and all of a sudden like magic his hotels are filled with people from that country?


It's a nice hotel. They should stay at Motel 6 maybe?
In a suit wherein the District of Columbia and the State of Maryland was recently determined to have standing to sue United States President Donald J. Trump, President Trump’s motion to dismiss the action was denied.

The suit alleges that President Trump’s ownership of both the Trump Organization LLC and The Trump Organization, Inc. violate both the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses of the United States Constitution. The Foreign Emoluments Clause is set forth in U.S. Const. art. I, § 9, cl. 8 and the Domestic Emoluments Clause is set forth in U.S. Const. art. II, § 1, cl. 7.

Specifically, the suit has been narrowed down to allegations involving the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. (the Hotel), a five-star, luxury hotel located near the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue. The United States District Court for the District of Maryland noted that while both the original and Amended Complaint alleged violations going well beyond those involving the Hotel in the District of Columbia, the court, in its separate opinion regarding standing, found that Plaintiffs had demonstrated the requisite injury-in-fact for standing purposes only with respect to the Hotel and to the activities of the Trump Organization relating to it. Those allegations assert that while President Trump does not actively manage the Hotel, through the Trump Organization, he continues to own and purportedly controls the Hotel as well as the bar and restaurant and the event spaces located within the establishment. Plaintiffs contend that directly or indirectly, President Trump actually or potentially shares in the revenues that the Hotel and its appurtenant restaurant, bar, and event spaces generate in violation of the Emoluments Clauses.

You're fucked in the head, that was dismissed.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

/—-/ It’s called free trade. Once Walmart leaves the Mom & Pos can reopen and I’ve seen it happen. BTW RHMacy’s put small stores out of business, so did Sears and Woolworths. Now Amazon wiped them out. It’s a cycle where the consumer usually wins.
"It’s called free trade"

More like unethical.
Exactly, Mom & Pop stores pay taxes, Walmart does not! There hasn't been a free market in 40 years as the wealthy connected have destroyed this country.

The last time you said this lie, I pulled up the SEC shareholder reports that are publicly available, where they report paying a billion dollars in taxes, and posted it to the thread.

Do you want me to do this again? I'm a Walmart stock holder. Do you really want me to post the proof debunking that lie again? I will if you seriously intend to push this not only wrong, but blatantly stupid lie.

By the way, working at a mom&pop shop, sucks. I've done it. No benefits, because mom&pop shops can't afford benefits. And they pay less. Walmart here in Columbus Ohio, pays $11/hour cashier to start. You want to know how much a cashier at the local mom&pop diner makes? Minimum wage. $8.25 an hour. I've worked that job. Twice in fact.

And there is no tuition reimbursement from a mom&pop shop. I know a lady that got her degree through Walmarts tuition reimbursement plan. And she sold her $10,000 in Walmart stock she got through the employment stock purchase program, and bought a used car with it. There is no stock purchase program at a mom&pop shop.

Walmart Live Better U - $1 a Day | Guild Education | Guild Education

You don't have programs like that, at Tim's Bakery, or Louis Grill, or Todd's Barber shop.

On top of that, you don't have the hundreds of good paying jobs, from those mom&pop shops either. Managers, Order Fillers, Pharmacists, and on, all make darn good money, and that doesn't include support jobs like truck drivers for Walmart, or in the distribution centers.

And you can move up to those positions. The CEO of Walmart right now, started off as an hourly worker as a teenager. If he was working at a mom&pop shop, he's still be a hourly cashier or something. What is he going to do, to move up in a mom&pop shop? Hope they have a daughter and marry into the family?

(I'm not making that up by the way. I was directly told my only chance of moving up at a particular job, was to marry the CEO's daughter, because they only promoted family. And literally they pointed to the only single daughter they had. I can't make this stuff up.)

That's what you prefer over Walmart? Then you are an idiot.
/——/ I worked for a mom&pop shop and instead of a raise and promotion for my hard work, I was replaced by their son who graduated from a Jr College with a worthless degree and needed a job, I went to work for a different Fortune 50 company than you, and received the same benefits as you.
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/—-/ It’s called free trade. Once Walmart leaves the Mom & Pos can reopen and I’ve seen it happen. BTW RHMacy’s put small stores out of business, so did Sears and Woolworths. Now Amazon wiped them out. It’s a cycle where the consumer usually wins.
"It’s called free trade"

More like unethical.
Exactly, Mom & Pop stores pay taxes, Walmart does not! There hasn't been a free market in 40 years as the wealthy connected have destroyed this country.

Exactly, Mom & Pop stores pay taxes, Walmart does not!

How does WalMart avoid paying taxes?
1) Walmart pays taxes.
2) Corporations pass taxes on to the consumers in the form higher prices. How much more do you want to pay for stuff?
3) How many times does this have to be explained to you libtards?
Democrat Delaney: it seems that some Democrats are cheering on a recession to beat Trump. i wont do that!

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Really? Because I make just over $25,000 a year..... and I have thousands saved in retirement funds, and I have paid for car, and paid for house, and I have several thousands in liquid cash in my bank account.

I must be the top 10%! Right stupid? Only the top 10% can miss a paycheck... right idiot?

You want to know how to be able to walk off the job, and not have any problems?

Spend less than you make.
Save money in the bank.
Don't borrow money.
Pay off all your debts.
Learn to live a life style that fits within your budget... or get a job that pays more.

I've done both. You know how much my phone bill was last month?

View attachment 275479

$19.81. Not even twenty dollars.
You don't NEED a full service plan with unlimited data, and unlimited coast to coast calling.
You don't NEED full cable TV with all the paid channels.
You don't NEED a bran new car, with a $500 car payment.

You choose all that, and then you choose to live paycheck to paycheck, and then cry like a spoiled brat, because you have a job you don't like, but can't quit.

Years ago, after I was debt free like I am today, my boss acted like a total jerk to me. I simply walked off the job. You can do that when you live smart, instead of a slave to the banks. I simply did not show up for work the next day. No one came for my car, because I didn't owe anything on my car. No one cut off my phone, because I could easily afford $20 a month, for months on end, when I had thousands of dollars in the bank.

My point is.........

If you live stupid..... it does not matter if the economy is super good, or terrible. If you live stupid, you are going to live pay check to pay check, slaving away to the debt collectors at the mega banks, and that is a *YOU* problem, not a government problem.

It does not matter who you elect into government, if you live stupid. It's up to you to live smart. Not government. Government can't force you to stop being a moron with your money.

And by the way, get a better job if you need to. And yes, you can get a better job. I have. I have no degree. No certification. No training. No skillz. But what I can do, is anything I'm told, and I can come into work... not just on time, but early... and I can work consistently, and I can get the job done.

I have had jobs that paid nothing.... and I quit those jobs... and now I get paid more. If a dumb butt like me can do that, what does that make everyone else? You are telling me that I can double my wages, with absolutely no skillz education or certs, but you can't?

I failed out of college, but I can get a better job, have thousands in the bank, and have a IRA with tens of thousands of dollars in it.... and no debt.... but you can't?

Whose fault is that? Trumps? Really? Then how did I do it?

No.... if you have a problem, the problem is in your mirror, and the solution to your problem is also in your mirror.

/——/ Bravo. Good for you. Now return to college and take once course a semester in a different major perhaps and eventually you’ll have a Bachelors of Science. Doors will open when you show prospective employers you’re improving your skills.
any problems we face, we can overcome with american ambition for the american dream!


The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

I think the average American has around a hundred dollars in savings. With hardly any purchasing power with the money they do have on hand

End the Fed!

Because that's the reason it is that way.

Before 1971 the middle class was doing great and the one percent was doing lousy. Of course, after 1971 the one percent started doing great while the middle class plummeted.

There's a very simple answer for that. Any takers?
i'm not satisfied until we have more engineers than China, more scientists than russia, and more nukes than anyone.

under President Beto, the economy will go gangbusters!

if the US fails, the world fails!

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

I think the average American has around a hundred dollars in savings. With hardly any purchasing power with the money they do have on hand

End the Fed!

Because that's the reason it is that way.

Before 1971 the middle class was doing great and the one percent was doing lousy. Of course, after 1971 the one percent started doing great while the middle class plummeted.

There's a very simple answer for that. Any takers?

/——/ “I think the average American had about a hundred dollars in savings.”
I get a kick out of people on both sides who make wild guesses when the facts are so easily verified. The average household's savings account balance is $16,420.
That doesn’t include bank CDs or retirement accounts. Here's How Much the Average American Household Has in a Savings Account | The Motley Fool
i'm not satisfied until we have more engineers than China, more scientists than russia, and more nukes than anyone.

under President Beto, the economy will go gangbusters!

if the US fails, the world fails!
/——/ China has a population of 1.48 billion, we’re at 330 million. How could we ever have more engineers than them? Statically impossible. And what would Beto do to make the economy even stronger? Raise taxes? Increase regulations? Strangle the economy with the Green New Deal? Flood the country with poorly educated unskilled labor from 3rd world countries? What?
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