if the dems loose again in 08


Left Coast Isolationist
Oct 28, 2004
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what will the rehtoric be ........well .....that will be one angry group
manu1959 said:
what will the rehtoric be well .....that will be one angry group

More of the same. Conspiracy theories, voter fraud accusations, bitching about what the Republicans did rather than trying to fix what they did wrong... Pretty much par for the course.
The rumblings I am hearing about the campaign is already focusing on the negative and how the Repubs did this or that wrong...not one thing about what the Dems are going to do. I know I sure would be willing to listen to and seriously consider a "plan" but they never offer one.
Hell, they can`t put the 2000 elections in Florida behind them. One can only wonder what they`ll do after getting hammered in `08.
My bet for 08 is a moderate republican president and a split congress.
deaddude said:
My bet for 08 is a moderate republican president and a split congress.

Nope. Overwhelming republican victory. No dem has publicly made sense in six years.
CSM said:
The rumblings I am hearing about the campaign is already focusing on the negative and how the Repubs did this or that wrong...not one thing about what the Dems are going to do. I know I sure would be willing to listen to and seriously consider a "plan" but they never offer one.

Even if the did offer a palatable plan, I'm not sure I'd trust them to follow through on any but the most liberal aspects of it.
So far the Dems only campaign plan and slogan is to run on "We're not Bush!" They figure everybody is so angry at Bush that they'll be distracted enough not to realize that they copied the GOP plan, made it more expensive, and plan to hike taxes even further after the current ones expire...

I am sure they'll run on reintroducing that horrible healthcare program that had 13 different ways to go to prison for seeing a doctor.
All the people who said they would move out of the country in 04 will say it again for 08.

Then won't.
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GotZoom said:
All the people who said they would move out of the country in 04 will say it again for 08.

Then won't.

Bastards! Shouldn't make promises like that, I feel so deflated when they don't uphold their end of the bargain.

I always consider it an endorsement of the Republican Candidate because I believe that more people want to see those idiots move then care about the democratic candidate.
I think the more relevant question is: If the Democrats continue to lose through 2008 when are they going to start rebelling. Many of the nut cases on the extreme left are already getting violent. I have no doubt there will be more BS about how we stole the election again and once the extreme left gets it in their head that Democracy has failed they will start rebelling violently. You will see this so called "Anti war" movement disappear overnight and be replaced with a succession and pro civil war movement.
Avatar4321 said:
I think the more relevant question is: If the Democrats continue to lose through 2008 when are they going to start rebelling. Many of the nut cases on the extreme left are already getting violent. I have no doubt there will be more BS about how we stole the election again and once the extreme left gets it in their head that Democracy has failed they will start rebelling violently. You will see this so called "Anti war" movement disappear overnight and be replaced with a succession and pro civil war movement.

Honestly, I don't see any kind of "civil war" happening.

There aren't enough people in the United States who care that deeply and strongly about politics.
rtwngAvngr said:
Nope. Overwhelming republican victory. No dem has publicly made sense in six years.
I would have a little caution in predicting an "overwhelming" victory.
All a Dem has to do is "make sense" for a short period of time and the last few years will be forgotten by the average voter. The american electorate's memory tends to be very short.
BATMAN said:
I would have a little caution in predicting an "overwhelming" victory.
All a Dem has to do is "make sense" for a short period of time and the last few years will be forgotten by the average voter. The american electorate's memory tends to be very short.

why does everyone think the american pubilc are idiots?
BATMAN said:
I would have a little caution in predicting an "overwhelming" victory.
All a Dem has to do is "make sense" for a short period of time and the last few years will be forgotten by the average voter. The american electorate's memory tends to be very short.

Not long ago, I would have agreed with that. Now, I'm not so sure. I think there are more and more people who are paying attention to more than the headlines and poll results. There are still plenty whoa re easily swayed by bs that even they don't believe, but I don't think there are enough anymore.
manu1959 said:
why does everyone think the american pubilc are idiots?
It's not that I think the american public is as a whole, it's just in a close election, you only have to convince 2-3% of those that don't know better.
Jimmyeatworld said:
Not long ago, I would have agreed with that. Now, I'm not so sure. I think there are more and more people who are paying attention to more than the headlines and poll results. There are still plenty whoa re easily swayed by bs that even they don't believe, but I don't think there are enough anymore.
Hopefully that's the case.
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