If the Alt Right doesn't care about Trump's Neo Nazi's, they don't care about his mob ties.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Remember when Trump said he could kill someone out in public and his base wouldn't care? Not only do I think they would care, they would applaud him for it.

This is a guy who was denied a permit to build a casino in Australia because of mob ties.

What does every staff member, past and present, of the Trump administration have in common? Russian ties.

This is a guy who said there were good people on both sides. With both sides being "Americans and Neo Nazi's"

This is a guy who stole from children with cancer and stiffed his workers.

He had to pay out millions after his Trump U scam.

His charity is still under criminal investigation.

He has isolated us in the world and made us a laughing stock.

And still, his base says "give him a chance". To do what? Take away healthcare for millions of Americans? Destroy the economy? Bring back jobs that have been automated? Destroy our clean air and clean water?

What? Tell us what it is you still expect from Trump.
I expect you to buy Vaseline by the case to help with the butt-hurt that you sustained back on Election night....and which will apparently continue for at least the next 4 years,maybe 8.
Notice the^^^ RWNJ kowards are too kowardly to admit the exact things they've been bragging about?

Tank brags about being a koward and a traitor but suddenly he got all shy. Just like Christopher Cantwell. LOLOLOLOLOL MACAULAY Too chicken to own his own beliefs. An more kowards will be along to add to it.

Anyway, this runs in the cheeto's family. Just as gramps and daddy taught Duh Donuld, so has he taught his lying, traitorous spawn.

Trump's grandfather was a pimp and tax evader; his father a member of the KKK - American Herald Tribune

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Our beloved Pres. Trump is an awesome ruler.

America is truly blessed to have him as president. ..... :thup:
Do you salute him?

What? Every morning after you get up and every night before bed?

Because everybody who has evidence against the Clintons commits suicide by shooting themselves twice in the back of the head.
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Our beloved Pres. Trump is an awesome ruler.

America is truly blessed to have him as president. ..... :thup:
I'm curious. What is it you like best?

His mob ties?

Stealing from children with cancer?

Stiffing his workers?

His scams?

His Russian connections?

What? Tell us what most impresses you about him.
Our beloved Pres. Trump is an awesome ruler.

America is truly blessed to have him as president. ..... :thup:
I'm curious. What is it you like best?

His mob ties?

Stealing from children with cancer?

Stiffing his workers?

His scams?

His Russian connections?

What? Tell us what most impresses you about him.

They get dumber every day. They completely lack the ability to think for themselves.

Either that, or they want the country on its knees to Russia, or they just worship fascism, or want their families hungry.

Mostly though, they just need to feel like they belong.

I'll bet that not one of them has read the actual bills trump has signed. Bet on it.
Our beloved Pres. Trump is an awesome ruler.

America is truly blessed to have him as president. ..... :thup:
Do you salute him?

What? Every morning after you get up and every night before bed?


How can Trump be Hitler when George W. Bush was Hitler to those like You?

Comparing Trump voters to Nazi supporters shows how unhinged those like you are...
'Trump's Neo-Nazis'?

I'm sorry, Trump did NOT:

- Finance Neo-Nazis the way Obama did Al Qaeda and ISIS

- Supply Neo-Nazis the way Obama did Al Qaeda and ISIS

- Arm Neo-Nazis the way Obama did Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Mexican Drug Cartels

- Protect Neo-Nazis the way Obama did Al Qaeda and ISIS

- Demend Neo-Nazis the way Obama did Al Qaeda and ISIS

- Take the nation Un-Constitutionally to war twice to help Neo-Nazis take over their own countries as Obama did to help Al Qaeda and ISIS

- Send out his US AG to threaten Americans with judicial punishment if they exercised their Freedom of Speech to condemn the racists as Obama did to defend Islamic Extremist terrorists

- Eroneously speak without knowing all the facts and falsely accuse policemen of being racists as Obama did

Instead of protect criminals Trump declared, "Racism is evil...and those who engage in it are criminals and thugs, to include the KKK, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups"...and added their actions are not who we are.

Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended Islamic Terrorists.

Trump did not declare the vehicle attack in Charlottesville was a 'case of workplace violence' or 'a protest over a video' as Obama declared about the Fort Hood terrorist attack and the Benghazi terrorist attack.

Conservatives - not even the white supremacists - rioted, looted, committed arson, blew up a GOP HQ, called for military coups, called for assassinations, and attempted to carry out those assassinations.
- That was the violent, Constitution-violating, law-breaking, pee-throwing antifa Leftist enemies of our democracy.
Our beloved Pres. Trump is an awesome ruler.

America is truly blessed to have him as president. ..... :thup:
Do you salute him?

What? Every morning after you get up and every night before bed?


How can Trump be Hitler when George W. Bush was Hitler to those like You?

Comparing Trump voters to Nazi supporters shows how unhinged those like you are...
Anyone who disagrees with them are 'razists' and 'Hitler / Nazis'.

It's called 'projection'...

They know about the min ties, Hillary will use this for sure.

Dies Trump even have a path to the White House
So Trump is in the mob now. Is there any group he isn't part of? At this point he's pretty much a nazi helping the Jews rule the world right?
'Trump's Neo-Nazis'?

I'm sorry, Trump did NOT:

- Finance Neo-Nazis the way Obama did Al Qaeda and ISIS

- Supply Neo-Nazis the way Obama did Al Qaeda and ISIS

- Arm Neo-Nazis the way Obama did Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Mexican Drug Cartels

- Protect Neo-Nazis the way Obama did Al Qaeda and ISIS

- Demend Neo-Nazis the way Obama did Al Qaeda and ISIS

- Take the nation Un-Constitutionally to war twice to help Neo-Nazis take over their own countries as Obama did to help Al Qaeda and ISIS

- Send out his US AG to threaten Americans with judicial punishment if they exercised their Freedom of Speech to condemn the racists as Obama did to defend Islamic Extremist terrorists

- Eroneously speak without knowing all the facts and falsely accuse policemen of being racists as Obama did

Instead of protect criminals Trump declared, "Racism is evil...and those who engage in it are criminals and thugs, to include the KKK, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups"...and added their actions are not who we are.

Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended Islamic Terrorists.

Trump did not declare the vehicle attack in Charlottesville was a 'case of workplace violence' or 'a protest over a video' as Obama declared about the Fort Hood terrorist attack and the Benghazi terrorist attack.

Conservatives - not even the white supremacists - rioted, looted, committed arson, blew up a GOP HQ, called for military coups, called for assassinations, and attempted to carry out those assassinations.
- That was the violent, Constitution-violating, law-breaking, pee-throwing antifa Leftist enemies of our democracy.
Obama defended al Qaeda? Your racism and hate have left you brain damaged.

It was Republicans who let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him.

It was Republicans who disbanded the CIA unit charged with finding Bin Laden.

It was Republican Bush who said he is not concerned with Bin Laden.

It was Republican John McCain who said Obama wanting to take down Bin Laden only shows Obama's inexperience.

It was Republicans disbanding the Iraqi military that led to the creation and rise of Isis.

It was Obama who took down Bin Laden.

It was Republicans who tried to take credit for what Obama did after they mocked him when he said he was going to do it.

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